View Poll Results: Should members be granted a custom user title when they reach 2000 posts?
Yes, they deserve it.
andrewc, BLS, brainsforbreakfast, Cheese Co, Darkenelf, DeathCS, dismalrealitynone, Dissection, feetunderwarpath, Kalmahswamp, Mania, MoonRaven, MyOwnSavior, nomad, Pandemonium, philkilla, Rapture, ShredIsNotDead, SuNioj0369, The Execrator, Transient, younguitarist
22 |
62.86% |
No, fuck post-whores.
BeastOfCarrion, Chris Rezendes, Cloaca, corroded, Def, Father Death, guitar_demon, Infinity, johnmansley, MetalThrashingMad, powersofterror, Tattered, The Doctor
13 |
37.14% |