View Poll Results: What kind?
Death Metal
Aggravation, BeastOfCarrion, BEHEMOTH, blizzard_beast, BrokenCrimson, CannibalXampire, Chris Rezendes, Cloaca, damonta, DeathCS, Def, Disincarnate, DRI, guitar_demon, h4x5k8, HELLBLASTER-666, Infinity, johnmansley, josh_smith09, lamb_of_god, ManOwaR, metalpro, MetalThrashingMad, MoonRaven, MyOwnSavior, Paddy, philkilla, Rapture, Six_Feet_Under_420, SlayedJesus, SmotPoker, Sodomaniac, sqol, SuNioj0369, Tattered, The Execrator, TheDreadfulHoroscope, Transient, TruthDevoid, VizThisAl, younguitarist
41 |
33.61% |
Black Metal
andrewc, BEHEMOTH, blizzard_beast, BrokenCrimson, Brutally_Hacked, h4x5k8, Kalmahswamp, LordofStorms, MoonRaven, Paddy, skuspar, SlayedJesus
12 |
9.84% |
Thras Metal
Agent-Orange, Anubis, BeastOfCarrion, blizzard_beast, brainsforbreakfast, briyo2289, Chris Rezendes, Def, Disincarnate, DRI, estringrev, guitar_demon, h4x5k8, i_hate_nu_metal, josh_smith09, kin, lamb_of_god, Loker69, ManOwaR, MetalThrashingMad, MoonRaven, Paddy, philkilla, powersofterror, SixfeetUnder420, Six_Feet_Under_420, Sodomaniac, The Execrator, TheWarWithin300, TruthDevoid, Tulvox, VizThisAl, younguitarist
33 |
27.05% |
Power Metal
9 |
7.38% |
3 |
2.46% |
Viking Metal
8 |
6.56% |
Something Other
BeastOfCarrion, blizzard_beast, BLS, brainsforbreakfast, BrokenCrimson, Disincarnate, h4x5k8, josh_smith09, Kalmahswamp, lamb_of_god, MoonRaven, nomad, Paddy, Pandemonium, sqol, TheDreadfulHoroscope
16 |
13.11% |