2004-05-28, 10:26
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by prophert of ezeikel
Does any 1 out there no exactly how many bands are influenced by the dark lord? i was just wondering because i think that most of them could b just posers
What, are you fucking 9 years old? The "dark lord?"
ASSHAT. Thats all I have to say.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-05-30, 11:29
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 138
i dont mind satanist bands that are good, but i dont like it when any of them are religiously offensive..
The Black Hand of Set - Nile (summarised)
Somebody ate our dad, we will throw rocks at him from the sky, and put black ants in his air vents. You will make me so mad that I spurt out black semen into your mouth. I will use a megaphone to tell you I'm angry, then hit the air with a hammer, while standing on snakes. I call the grim reaper to cut open his head and eat his brain like in the film Hannibal, then cut his throat and stab his chest with scorpians.
Oh Kali
Oh Sekhmet
Oh Dagon.

2004-05-31, 18:28
Schrodinger's Cat
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That statement is a big juxtaposition. Christianity teaches to renounce Satan so, by implication, anything that promotes Satanic beliefs is "religiously offensive" to a Christian.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-06-03, 05:49
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When ever someone says Marilyn Manson is the most satanic band (or guy) I always think of Mayhem. Because Manson never killed anyone or comitted suicide in the name of Satan. Well anyways, I'm not satanic or religious. But I love anything that has anything to do with killing chistians, Christ, or GOD; Anything that pisses off or offend uptight christians, I find it funny. Wow...I guess I'm a asshole 
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
“I'm as firm as red clay and as constant as... drinkin'. I'm constantly drinkin'.” - Early Cuyler

2004-06-03, 07:44
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Posts: 2,471
agreed!!  roast the christians!!!
i dont believe in christianity, satanism or nothing im 100% atheist.
as has been said before, i think marduks the only band i know thats legitimate satanists. oh and jon of dissection is one too but not the rest of the band (especially johan, as we all know  )
most of the norwegian black metal bands were just stereotyped to be satanists because of varg vikernes and co.'s church burnings, bringing up the simple concept of christianity vs. satanism.
however those people are actually into norse mythology rather than satanism and worship the 7th century viking gods.

2004-06-03, 07:57
Pokémon Master
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and all the little goths believe them, think its cool, and buy their cds :rollseyes:
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-06-03, 12:04
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Satanic lyrics are really good if they are done well, like in 'altar of sacrifice' by slayer. I love graphic lyrics as well, they're so funny.
I think alot of new bands tend to jump on the bandwagon of being 'fucked up', misunderstood and persecuted for 'trying to be individual' - which is simply what appeals to mini-moshers. It's just to get their pocket money. Slipknot are a prime example.

2004-06-03, 14:02
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Originally Posted by fatdanny
Satanic lyrics are really good if they are done well, like in 'altar of sacrifice' by slayer. I love graphic lyrics as well, they're so funny.
I think alot of new bands tend to jump on the bandwagon of being 'fucked up', misunderstood and persecuted for 'trying to be individual' - which is simply what appeals to mini-moshers. It's just to get their pocket money. Slipknot are a prime example.
Yeah, satanic lyrics ARE funny. I've said it once in this thread, but I'll say it again. It's supposed to be done tongue-in-cheek. It's just fucking weird if it isn't done just so.

2004-06-03, 16:56
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all of you dissapoint me...judging and insulting goths and what not...ha like you and me they are people and they dont even care your making fun of them...thats the reason they act like satanists is to get a reaction from people like you...
However, i heard that the band Venom worshiped satan, and im not so sure about Dimmu Borgir, but it's a hard concept to understand, and many of the bands we love, we are scared to say are satanist because u get responses like the one in this thread...I have been to a satanic church and so unless you have actually been in the presence of a satanic believer then don't judge like Preps do.
Cadaverous wind blowing cold as ice...
I`ll let the wind blow out the light
cuz its gets more painful Everytime I Die!!!!!!!! 

2004-06-03, 17:51
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I think Venom jokes about Satanism. I mean c'mon read the lyrics. It's ridiculous. Who takes that shit seriously?

2004-06-03, 21:14
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Yeah Cronos said they were just
joking about satanism and that they
are atheists ,not satanists.The same thing
was said by Quorthon(Bathory)
Burnin' and a-lootin' tonight
burnin' all pollution tonight
burnin' all illusion tonight


2004-06-03, 22:30
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does dimmu borgir??? because i've heard they've had some pretty obscure concerts
Cadaverous wind blowing cold as ice...
I`ll let the wind blow out the light
cuz its gets more painful Everytime I Die!!!!!!!! 

2004-06-03, 22:38
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Originally Posted by Cybris
all of you dissapoint me...judging and insulting goths and what not...ha like you and me they are people and they dont even care your making fun of them...thats the reason they act like satanists is to get a reaction from people like you...
I wasn't insulting goths, i have freinds who are goths. I was just pointing out that kids these days, especially where i'm from, are just being goths because they think it's cool because slipknot told them to be. My brother little was a goth for a couple of months...
I may have sounded like i was generalising, but i was talking about the little pseudogoths.
long live tounge in cheek satanism!

2004-06-03, 22:54
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fuck slipknot, fuck them up their stupid asses, but anyways they did create that goth poser faze in america and im standin there with my Dimmu Borgir shirt surrounded by people with slipknot shirts like they are some hardcore metalheads...bullshit
Im not claiming to be the biggest metalhead ever but i do know these people who i am talking about so dont try and tell me im a hypocrit
Cadaverous wind blowing cold as ice...
I`ll let the wind blow out the light
cuz its gets more painful Everytime I Die!!!!!!!! 

2004-06-04, 07:06
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Serious question:
Can somebody - anybody - kindly tell me how the fuck SlipKnoT influenced people to become goths of all things? For some reason Goth and SlipKnoT just doesn't equate.

2004-06-04, 07:19
Pirate Lawd
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Originally Posted by P§ÝÇHÕ
Serious question:
Can somebody - anybody - kindly tell me how the fuck SlipKnoT influenced people to become goths of all things? For some reason Goth and SlipKnoT just doesn't equate.
Not sure. Maybe there were lots of goth wannabee's that just needed a mainstream reason to believe in or stand behind, like Slipknot, to come out of the light,  hehe, without anyone thinking they were sellouts.
Well, that ended up not turning out as they planed, now did it?

2004-06-04, 22:28
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Originally Posted by Cybris
Im not claiming to be the biggest metalhead ever but i do know these people who i am talking about so dont try and tell me im a hypocrit
i wasn't...

2004-06-04, 23:41
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Wow. You guys really don't seem to like Slipknot
I dunno, Slipknot didn't tell me to be a goth and they aren't goths themselves, hell, i used to be more gothically influenced but way before Slipknot, i'm not that way inclined anymore though, i find these "goths" to be very arrogant and most a re pretenders anyway.
As for Satan.
I am a satanist, i expect most of you will be thinking "bahh he's pretending" or will want to ask "Do you sacrifice animals and murder children", the answer to both is no, i don't sacrifice things and i'm not pretending, I would suggest if you're into philosophy that you read "The Satanic Bible" by Anton LaVey, it is a most interesting read. Satan in music? Does it really matter? If the music is good then why care if it's got Satan in it or not, all that way of thinking does is to narrow people's minds, i have a friend who wont listen to any music if the band site or albums have a pentagram on them  Rather odd.
Just my half-a-page 
(Btw, i'm kinda pissed at the moment heheheh)

2004-06-05, 00:18
bugfucker strikes back.
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See, I'm an atheist. I don't care what you are, as long as you don't flaunt it around.
I was thinking of getting into Satanism (not the fag wannabe sacrifice shit). I need to find that book my LaVey. And I need to read the turner diaries.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-06-05, 01:12
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Originally Posted by Dyvim Tvar
Wow. You guys really don't seem to like Slipknot
I dunno, Slipknot didn't tell me to be a goth and they aren't goths themselves, hell, i used to be more gothically influenced but way before Slipknot, i'm not that way inclined anymore though, i find these "goths" to be very arrogant and most a re pretenders anyway.
As for Satan.
I am a satanist, i expect most of you will be thinking "bahh he's pretending" or will want to ask "Do you sacrifice animals and murder children", the answer to both is no, i don't sacrifice things and i'm not pretending, I would suggest if you're into philosophy that you read "The Satanic Bible" by Anton LaVey, it is a most interesting read. Satan in music? Does it really matter? If the music is good then why care if it's got Satan in it or not, all that way of thinking does is to narrow people's minds, i have a friend who wont listen to any music if the band site or albums have a pentagram on them  Rather odd.
Just my half-a-page 
(Btw, i'm kinda pissed at the moment heheheh)
Hmm now im not calling you a pretender but in order for you to be a clarified Satanist You have to go to a Satanic Church, which involves rituals like sacrificing animals, and talk of death and free sex starting at age 11.
The Religion does not revolve around the "Satanic Bible"
I think that your trying to make a statement you have not done enough research on
or even thought about what your lie was going to be
Cadaverous wind blowing cold as ice...
I`ll let the wind blow out the light
cuz its gets more painful Everytime I Die!!!!!!!! 

2004-06-05, 02:37
bugfucker strikes back.
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See, cybris, about not knowing what you are talking about, refer to the A Perfect Circle thread. You got your ass handed to you because you thought you knew what you were talking about.
Now, unless you know 100% about the religion, i'd shut your mouth before he pulls a maddox on you, and makes you look dumber than you already are.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-06-05, 02:50
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Originally Posted by Undying_Hatred
Havent we already had this discussion once before? Sigh..
Lets start with the Daughter/Slavery comment. This is entirely true. But, Mr.Shittles left out a significant aspect. This was taken from what was known the as Jewish Law, but in these times we refer to as the old testament. It also says stuff about your Wife being lower than a dog and you HAVE to kill your son if he disobeys you in even the most insignificant way, or else you will go to hell.
As for the brilliant obvservations by our ouw 13 year old theologian.
Lets put it this way. How would you classify a dinosaur? Humanoid, Animal, or Alien?
Your proven scientists have already shown us that the dinosaurs as a whole origionated from this planet ruling out the possibility of being an Alien life form.
And any crackwhore on 4th Ave. can tell you that dinosaurs arent humanoid, so that leaves us with animals? Ok so lets run over a list of what was created during the 6 days mentioned in the begining of the bible........As for the bible not being the sturdy foundation that most people make it out to be.....I would have to agree. Aside from the laws that I mentioned earlier all of the chapters that were selected to be in the bible were put together by the roman catholic church. In fact these "best sellers" you speak of were in fact just that. Only it was'nt the bible as a whole..it was the chapters. See, people would write these books, storys, and tales of Jesus' journeys and from those the books were desided. They know this because they have found some of the other chapters that were not selected, some of which were "disturbing" in a sence to the church itself. Things as Jesus being possesed and killing his childhood friend at the age of 13, Mary Magdaline really being one of the 12, well 13 deciples (the one that was closest to Jesus, actually) and the version of Peters book in which Jesus tells Peter secretly that hell is not eternal and that so manyt odd years after the world ends every one will get into heaven and so on and so forth. So why base a religion on something that in my eyes the roman church slapped together.
As for that I belive...I belive in my own relationship with god. I dont need a bible to follow word for word to reafirm what i belive. It is unfathomable to me as to why people are satanist. They clearly belive in both good and evil, so they would want to live in eternal hell fire? But then they could pull an Al Pacino and say "Concider the source of your book". But isnt that the ultimate deviancy? Lets get them to stray...then lets disprove it but using the logic that they wont be able to prove us wrong if they only use their proof. But to him his own.
I'm not going to delve heavely into this religious debate, because Religion and politics are the two things that strike this much anger in people. But i must state that out of all these posts, i respect this one the most. Here is an opinion that has been formed with research and knowledge. Instead of just writing off religion, he has read up on it. I personally have read only some of the bible, but i've also read anton lavey's "satanic bible". But there are so many other religions that I haven't studied up on.
There's also one thing i'd like to point out. How come most atheists target christianity foremost? It is not the largest religion in the world (muslim is). Why do athiest not attack buddists, satan "worshippers" or any other organized religion?? Just a thought to ponder.....
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

2004-06-05, 02:59
bugfucker strikes back.
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See, this is why I stay out of these conversations.
Originally Posted by trendfag_420
How come most atheists target christianity foremost? And why do I like men so much?
I do not target any religion. If anything, I bash satanists who are mainstream satanists; i.e., 'sacrificing is kvlt' fags. Don't label atheists as a bunch of people trying to keep religion out of things.
I say the pledge in its entirety. Why? Because of the principles that this country was founded on. The principles that religion teaches were used when creating laws, and setting moral standards in this country. I take offense when cunts like you label all atheists as people who want to change all of the 'god' shit. 99% don't give a shit enough to care what you believe in.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-06-05, 10:25
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by Trendkill_420
There's also one thing i'd like to point out. How come most atheists target christianity foremost? It is not the largest religion in the world (muslim is). Why do athiest not attack buddists, satan "worshippers" or any other organized religion?? Just a thought to ponder.....
Islam is not the most popular religion. You will find that the most prevailant religion is in fact Christianity.
Most atheists who were brought up in a Christian country will predominantly target (if preached to and judged by) the religion that they are familiar with, ie, Christianity. Simple. If you're an atheist in a Muslim country you'll target Islam (if you live to tell the tale that is).
I'm with Dissection on this one. I don't care what you believe as long as you don't preach and say I'm a bad person just because I don't believe in (any) God. Anyone who preaches to me deserves to get both barrels straight between the eyes.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-06-05, 12:17
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Originally Posted by johnmansley
Most atheists who were brought up in a Christian country will predominantly target (if preached to and judged by) the religion that they are familiar with,
Originally Posted by Dyvim Tvar
I would suggest if you're into philosophy that you read "The Satanic Bible" by Anton LaVey, it is a most interesting read
The philosophy of the book is very attractive, but it's nothing especially enlightening. It's just about looking out for #1 and doing things for yourself (ie. not sacrificing yourself for others = jesus) - animal instinct really, which is fair enough.
As I think someone else pointed out, it does seem like a way to lure people into it. After reading all the philosophy based stuff, I must say I was pretty tempted, but I thought all the rituals and stuff were a bit silly - thats my opinion

2004-06-05, 12:45
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Hummm, I see exactly where you're comming from about luring people in and stuff, i'm never one to follow something blindly, to do without question, that I could never do.
I find the ways of Satanism are how I have felt for a long time, they make me better as a person, give me motivation.
I also see the flaws in it, just like any other religion there are people corrupting it for their own purposes, take the "First Satanic Church" for example, now what religion screens it's applicants? Is it just me or is that amazingly elitist and arrogant?

2004-06-05, 12:57
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let us reflect on the words of immolation.
I'll be my own leader
I'll be my own saviour
I'll be the strength that carries
I'll be the light that guides me
"rival the eminent"

2004-06-05, 13:09
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Originally Posted by johnmansley
Islam is not the most popular religion. You will find that the most prevailant religion is in fact Christianity.
You're right
I had read somewhere a while ago that muslim was the most predominant religion in the world.
Most atheists who were brought up in a Christian country will predominantly target (if preached to and judged by) the religion that they are familiar with, ie, Christianity. Simple. If you're an atheist in a Muslim country you'll target Islam (if you live to tell the tale that is).
good point..
and i hope you don't find me to be preaching. I haven't really brought my beliefs into this.
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

2004-06-05, 15:27
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Originally Posted by Trendkill_420
How come most atheists target christianity foremost? It is not the largest religion in the world (muslim is). Why do athiest not attack buddists, satan "worshippers" or any other organized religion?? Just a thought to ponder.....
One reason most of them attack christians is the fact that they are usually the first ones to be saying, no this is against "gods" will, and, your gonna go to hell for that. Muslims at least lay low they dont go preaching off and off about their religions. Buddists are the most peaceful religion their is, so really they dont go making enemies with anyone. As for satanists, I am not too sure why athiests dont usually go after them. I THINK that athiests just really either dont care or dont recognize it as a real religion seeing as that it hs no order to it.
If im not back in 15 minutes...
Wait longer

2004-06-05, 18:09
bugfucker strikes back.
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Most Christians preach to others, and make others feel like 'if you don't believe in this, you are a horrible person.' This is my own experience, so to be correct, I can't really speak for anyone else. My friends feel the same way, too.
Originally Posted by corpsevomit98
One reason most of them attack christians is the fact that they are usually the first ones to be saying, no this is against "gods" will, and, your gonna go to hell for that...
I THINK that athiests just really either dont care or dont recognize it as a real religion seeing as that it has no order to it.
I reguard it as a religion, but I don't respect the people who run around with pentagrams everywhere claiming to be satanists.
I'd like to retract my previous statement. I usually bash christians before anyone else, but wannabe-satanists really piss me off.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-06-05, 18:42
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read the lyrics or listen to "no jesus, no beast" by immolation

2004-06-05, 20:38
bugfucker strikes back.
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Uh, ok?
Most, if not all Immolation lyrics are like that.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-06-05, 20:42
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almost all are anti religion, but i thought those were funny and meaningful
no christ, no cross
no wanton guilt for us to bear
no jesus, no beast!
can you hear us? death to jesus! that part is sick, the pinch harmonics make it sound so frantic

2004-06-05, 21:02
bugfucker strikes back.
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Haha. I'll have to listen to that.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-06-05, 22:23
Join Date: Nov 2003
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Thats why Immolation kicks ass.
If im not back in 15 minutes...
Wait longer

2004-06-05, 22:25
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Originally Posted by Corpsevomit98
Buddists are the most peaceful religion their is, so really they dont go making enemies with anyone.
wicca is also a very peaceful religion, wiccans dont go trying to gain followers like christians, nor do they condemn other peoples religions, thats what turned me on to wicca a few years ago.
Too grim to function

2004-06-05, 22:33
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yeah, but can they really do magic?

2004-06-06, 01:58
bugfucker strikes back.
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Location: 19713, Delaware
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Wicca has also become a mainstream fag religion. Some, like raven I assume, are actually into the religion and its beliefs. Others are just goths looking for an excuse to be cool. This is why I remain non believing.
Buddism seems like a great religion. But I need my meat, guns, booze and I need to kill stuff, so it wouldn't really work. Satanism seems interesting, and I agree with the priciples, but I don't know if i want to get into a religion, so...
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-06-06, 04:00
Pirate Lawd
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I have found many inconsistencies in every religion I have ever looked into. Some of the so claimed very ancient religions seem to follow some order with the planets. In one case the one of the ancient planets that have been symbolized for thousands of years is Pluto. Now I thought the outer planets couldn't be seen without a very powerful telescope? Pluto was only discovered in the last 100 years or less, I don't know the date, so WTF?
I strongly agree with the great Undying_Hatred about faith and yourself on this one. I only know what is in me and I don't need someone else to convence me of strict rules to believe in.

2004-06-06, 04:58
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Posts: 149
Originally Posted by Dissection
See, cybris, about not knowing what you are talking about, refer to the A Perfect Circle thread. You got your ass handed to you because you thought you knew what you were talking about.
Now, unless you know 100% about the religion, i'd shut your mouth before he pulls a maddox on you, and makes you look dumber than you already are.
shut ur fucking mouth...like you would know anything about it dumbass
Cadaverous wind blowing cold as ice...
I`ll let the wind blow out the light
cuz its gets more painful Everytime I Die!!!!!!!! 

2004-06-06, 05:58
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The idea of a God or gods (i.e. supernatural beings transcendent of the natural universe, or even supernatural things such as 'spells') has be reason with modern Philosphoical priciples as incoherent and reasonably impossible. Religions not based on a belief in a God have no standings either as they are just a set of man made morals which have no bussiness as being absolute correct as morality is an indivdual thing and outside of Religion there is no abolute right or wrong.
I didn't read the thread as I have argued various Religion teachers and priests and aswell as the common layman and I don't think this board can really offer and ground breaking statements. I could go in depth about my first paragraph but it would quite long and pointless and I don't it would be read. For thoes interested, pick up "Athiesm: The Case Against God" by George H. Smith.
No fear, nor fight
Comforting silent side
So free, through flight
Comforting silence

2004-06-06, 16:50
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by Cybris
shut ur fucking mouth...like you would know anything about it dumbass
I didn't claim to. I just said don't bash a religion you know nothing about, and don't accuse someone of being a poser.
If I know nothing about the religion, then I can't really say if its wrong or not, now can I? And I didn't. But YOU did.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-06-06, 20:08
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Jesus douchesuction! do you ever stop arguing?
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2004-06-06, 23:10
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by Trendkill_420
and i hope you don't find me to be preaching. I haven't really brought my beliefs into this.
Don't worry, you ain't preaching.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-06-06, 23:30
bugfucker strikes back.
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Originally Posted by Spikyhairz
Jesus douchesuction! do you ever stop arguing?
I wasn't arguing, he just tried to act like he was a know-it-all.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-06-07, 01:10
Join Date: Aug 2001
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Posts: 1,257
Originally Posted by Dissection
Most Christians preach to others, and make others feel like 'if you don't believe in this, you are a horrible person.' This is my own experience, so to be correct, I can't really speak for anyone else. My friends feel the same way, too.
Not to sound like an ass, but that's a fairly inaccurate generalization.
Due to some people preaching, you've formed an opinion about all christians.
I know many christians, who choose not to preach their beliefs to others. And many christian religions promote the idea "judge not, lest ye be judged". Sure you'll find your fanatics, but i don't agree with your belief that "most christians preach"
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

2004-06-07, 01:49
bugfucker strikes back.
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The baptists across the street keep leaving pamplets in our mailbox.
Lets see. Thats example 1, so:
2.) The people who go door to door
3.) the many christians who have told me that I need to be "saved."
4.) televangelists
5.) read number 2 again.
I am not saying you are wrong, and I am right, but there is some truth to both of our statements. And to be fair, i said most. Although I should have said majority, or some.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-06-07, 04:53
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Originally Posted by Trendkill_420
Not to sound like an ass, but that's a fairly inaccurate generalization.
Due to some people preaching, you've formed an opinion about all christians.
I know many christians, who choose not to preach their beliefs to others. And many christian religions promote the idea "judge not, lest ye be judged". Sure you'll find your fanatics, but i don't agree with your belief that "most christians preach"
They themselves don't judge but they are real quick to tell how how God will judge you. And people are normaly a tad more scared of a an all-powerfull being than a mere human.
No fear, nor fight
Comforting silent side
So free, through flight
Comforting silence

2004-06-07, 10:25
bugfucker strikes back.
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Location: 19713, Delaware
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Exactly. Not everyone is like that, but they'll sure as hell tell you that you are wrong.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-06-07, 12:50
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I don't think you're wrong, because I don't even know if my beliefs are right. I guess I'll find out when I die.
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

2004-06-07, 14:45
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Salt Lake City
Posts: 380
Morbid Angel fucking knows whats right Christianity is nothing but lies, just a fucking tangled web of hypocricsy. Krisiun, is fucking right about it too. Fuck Jesus look at what has happened in the name of God, all throughout history people have always killed in mass ammounts in the name of God, you rarely hear of people doing that shit in the name of Satan. It's just a way of scaring people to act a certain way. Hail Satan
I'm the Trillest HAUS from the mean streets of Sandy dog.

2004-06-07, 15:58
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Doing anything in the name of anybody that is not yourself is stupid. People should take responsibility for their own lives and actions. I hate it when people blame it on some god, or just say "it was god's wish, so be it".
Fuck -ism's and -anity's, hail self awareness! 
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2004-06-07, 17:21
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by Spikyhairz
Doing anything in the name of anybody that is not yourself is stupid. People should take responsibility for their own lives and actions. I hate it when people blame it on some god, or just say "it was god's wish, so be it".
Fuck -ism's and -anity's, hail self awareness! 
I completely agree. 
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-06-07, 19:36
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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this thread is outta control

2004-06-08, 01:24
bugfucker strikes back.
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: 19713, Delaware
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Originally Posted by BOSE
Morbid Angel fucking knows whats right Christianity is nothing but lies, just a fucking tangled web of hypocricsy. Krisiun, is fucking right about it too. Fuck Jesus look at what has happened in the name of God, all throughout history people have always killed in mass ammounts in the name of God, you rarely hear of people doing that shit in the name of Satan. It's just a way of scaring people to act a certain way. Hail Satan
That is fucking wrong, and I listen to Burzum.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-06-08, 01:25
bugfucker strikes back.
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: 19713, Delaware
Posts: 5,739
Originally Posted by Transient
this thread is outta control
You can't expect to have a thread on opinion and not expect some people to get out of control. Look at the middle east.
No but really, we need to have a more organized discussion, and close this thread, or move it to the Chit Chat board.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-06-08, 16:10
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: canada eh
Posts: 1,257
Religion and music shouldn't mix.
Slayer would be 10 times better if they'd lay off the cheesy satan gig.
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

2004-06-08, 19:09
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Philadelphia
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[falsetto] I am the Antichrist
It's what I was meant to be
Your God left me behind
And set my soul to be free [/falsetto]
No fear, nor fight
Comforting silent side
So free, through flight
Comforting silence

2004-06-08, 20:24
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
that song rules

2004-06-08, 21:34
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Originally Posted by Trendkill_420
Religion and music shouldn't mix.
Slayer would be 10 times better if they'd lay off the cheesy satan gig.
I disagree, the lyrics reflect the music - no I don't mean ridiculous, I mean Evil...
It's entertaining to listen to. What else would they sing about?

2004-06-08, 21:39
bugfucker strikes back.
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: 19713, Delaware
Posts: 5,739
Go listen to Darkthrone. Then tell me religion and music don't mix.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-06-08, 22:10
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
darkthrone is christian????

2004-06-08, 22:17
bugfucker strikes back.
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: 19713, Delaware
Posts: 5,739
No, jackass, we are talking about SATAN. 
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-06-09, 01:47
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: canada eh
Posts: 1,257
Originally Posted by fatdanny
I disagree, the lyrics reflect the music - no I don't mean ridiculous, I mean Evil...
It's entertaining to listen to. What else would they sing about?
puppies and lesbians.
but of course......
I suppose religion can "seep" into music. But when bands try to use religion as a gimmick like _______________(insert many bands here), that is just pathetic. You rag on slipknot for suits. Rag on _______________(insert various band here) for gimmick.
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

2004-06-09, 02:01
Pirate Lawd
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Hanger 18
Posts: 6,520
He has a good point here!
Edit: I still love Slayer,though! They have come a long way with the same music.
Last edited by Soulinsane : 2004-06-09 at 02:04.
Reason: addition

2004-06-09, 02:13
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: canada eh
Posts: 1,257
I suppose religion can "seep" into music. But when bands try to use religion as a gimmick like __slayer _____________(insert many bands here), that is just pathetic. You rag on slipknot for suits. Rag on _slayer ______________(insert various band here) for gimmick.
(not me)
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

2004-06-09, 02:55
Pirate Lawd
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Hanger 18
Posts: 6,520
Slayer, and many bands are inspired by satanism, but Slayer's music does compliment it's words, just as fatdaddy said.
I don't think it's pathetic.

2004-06-09, 13:50
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: canada eh
Posts: 1,257
Oh, i just assumed so because you posted and mentioned slayer just after my post.
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

2004-06-09, 16:45
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Location: Yggdrassyl
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It is quite obvious what name would fill the gap, so don't act so suprised 
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2004-06-09, 23:51
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: In the midst of the unholy
Posts: 1,293
I hope this thread gets closed soon. Just leave it at, some bands are good with the "influence of satan" and some bands would be better off not even mentioning its name.
If im not back in 15 minutes...
Wait longer

2004-06-22, 07:41
New Blood
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 7
Originally Posted by luciferlad
apparently some of the guys in Emperor are satanists, and this one guy who was his own black metal band... I dont know his name (look on swedishmetal.net if youre ambitious enough) was/is a satanist and murdered a guy or 2.
You talking about that dude... ummm varg vikernez or something? He murdered that euronymous dude.
I dont know if he was a satanist, dont really know much about him aside from the details of the murder and stuff.

2004-06-22, 09:31
Join Date: Apr 2004
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Satanism comes in two forms, where you worship SATAN! (666!!!oneoneone) in different forms of ceremony, bla bla bla you consider him your GOD (  ).
The other form is where YOU believe in individual freedom, doing what you like and excelling in forms of art or sport whatever. Its based on darwins theory "The strongest survive."
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2004-06-22, 13:00
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Originally Posted by Corpsevomit98
I hope this thread gets closed soon. Just leave it at, some bands are good with the "influence of satan" and some bands would be better off not even mentioning its name.
Yep, I heard that.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."
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