2004-07-06, 20:57
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by skcoffan
korn isnt nu metal because they have been around since the eighties
No. Some members of Korn were in a band called LAPD in the early 90s - before Korn was even an inkling of a Jonathon Davis buttfuck-fuelled pipedream.
Korn's first album was pretty good from what I can remember and their second was OK, but after that they just decided to be overly influenced by the bottom-of-the-barrel-scraping genre they themselves forged.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn
Last edited by johnmansley : 2004-07-06 at 20:59.

2004-07-06, 20:59
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Slipknot - whateva metal
Linkin Park - Post Pubic Metal
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2004-07-06, 22:49
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Nu metal is just short for alternative progressive softcore pop-oriented rap-influenced metal, which basically makes it not metal at all.

2004-07-06, 22:59
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it's just all assorted music.
most of you don't like it. But that does not make it "gay", talentless, or any of the ignorant remarks that some make.
I bet if it was called nu-punk, you'd all not hate it as much. It's almost as if some take offense that it "stains the name of metal".
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2004-07-06, 23:01
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What the fuck?Rap metal is nu metal! Rapcore, nu metal, rap metal, same fucking thing. Linkin Park is more pop metal though.Musical characteristics of nu metal:
Slow,chromatic scale guitar riffs
Lack of guitar solos
Down tuned guitars
Slow drumming
Rap-like vocals
Whiny bitchy lyrics about killing yourself or your daddy touching your bumhole
If Korn isn't nu metal, then what is?
Also, I abhore Slipknot, but they're not exactly nu metal.
I <3 12 year olds.

2004-07-06, 23:18
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Yeah right Slipknot not Nu-Metal, have you heard theire new album, if thats not Nu-Metal, Limp Dick and Limping park isn´t either.
Though i like Slipknots first 2 cd´s, they where brutal, now is just as crappy as coreys Stonesour crap.
The same goes for KoRn´s 2 first.
But now they get played on MTv, and when former metal bands gets aired on Mtv, you know they have sold out and it´s time to stop listening to them, disgrace to the metal scene.
Signatures suck, noby reads the sheit anyhow

2004-07-07, 00:45
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so if a song is good, and because it's good, it becomes popular.
Because said song is popular, it is played on radio, much, mtv etc.
So the band sold out.....
quite the logic.
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2004-07-07, 00:46
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Originally Posted by BrokenCrimson
.Musical characteristics of nu metal:
Slow,chromatic scale guitar riffs
Lack of guitar solos
Down tuned guitars
Slow drumming
Rap-like vocals
Whiny bitchy lyrics about killing yourself or your daddy touching your bumhole
then alot of "nu metal" bands you label are not exactly nu-metal perhaps????
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2004-07-07, 00:47
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Originally Posted by Trendkill_420
it's just all assorted music.
most of you don't like it. But that does not make it "gay", talentless, or any of the ignorant remarks that some make.
I bet if it was called nu-punk, you'd all not hate it as much. It's almost as if some take offense that it "stains the name of metal".
That's because it does stain the name of metal. Dumb kids walk around holding their mic's all funny, and say they're metalheads. Nu metal is not metal, and it pisses me off when people say they listen to metal, but they're talking about Deftones or Korn. Call it goth rock, or rap with music, but as long as it is called metal but not having any metal characteristics (screaming, growling, double bass, decent lyrics) than it will be one of those top genres on my list that I HATE. Here is that list right now in no particular order.
Nu Metal
Poser Punk

2004-07-07, 00:58
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You're young aren't you.
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2004-07-07, 02:42
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young or not hes a tool

2004-07-07, 09:15
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if i get some emotion out of the music i listen to then its alright, be it nu-metal or stinky pop music. but by all the nu-metal band and stinky pop artists i havent got out the tinyest emotion. Like if im a bit pissed off i put on someting, Dying Fetus, Slayer, Kreator, whateva and after a while im sunshine again! If i put on fucking DJ Ötzi i might as well get angrier and thrash the stereo.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"
Last edited by Slabbefusk : 2004-07-07 at 09:27.

2004-07-07, 09:37
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Originally Posted by Trendkill_420
so if a song is good, and because it's good, it becomes popular.
Because said song is popular, it is played on radio, much, mtv etc.
So the band sold out.....
quite the logic.
No cause none of the songs getting played on Mtv these days aren´t good, and never was. Maybe theire poopular, but thats just because, theire are more people listening to pop, techno and shit like that, and those jerks listen to the Mtv metalish stuff too.
Either way this thread is fuckt, cause we can keep arguing this shit untill the end of the world.
Signatures suck, noby reads the sheit anyhow

2004-07-07, 14:04
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who cares if its on the radio or mtv
if its a good song just like it and stop worrying. selling out is changing your music and your integrity to sell more records, not making an album then having it played on mtv as a fluke

2004-07-07, 16:08
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Originally Posted by BOSE
Nu-metal that doesn't suck? Huh, that has got to be the most ruthless oxymoron ever. All nu-metal sucks donkey balls horrid rotten assholes, get rid of the shit, Yes Mudvayne has a good bassist, but it's not enough for me to really give a fuck, as for slapnut, and penishead, if it really takes that many band mates to make that shit they are truly terrible, cause there are bands with one member who makes better music. Who ever defends, these bands has apparently been sodomized repeatedly.
Congratulations. This moronic effort has earned you 'Retarded Post of The Year: 2004'. It just edged out this one, which I'm not sure is supposed to insinuate:
Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
Oh yeah, all my posts this year have been only from school.
As relates to the actual thread, it's a matter of opinion. This thread will not go anywhere for the obvious reason. Most morons here will simply include a band underneath the "nu-metal" term because they hate it as such. There isn't even a description of what "nu" metal actually is. In fact, I would love to know what differentiates "nu" metal from other types of metal out there.

2004-07-07, 16:26
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Originally Posted by P§ÝÇHÕ
In fact, I would love to know what differentiates "nu" metal from other types of metal out there.
Theres a good article on Wikipedia.org.
Also, you can find an interesting discussion here (scroll down to "Previous Editorials" and click "What is Nu-Metal?")
I ride too fast to worry about cholesterol...

2004-07-07, 18:01
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good reads nomad

2004-07-07, 21:42
Senior Metalhead
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"Good Nu-Metal" is an oxy-moron. Haw.
(But it really does suck the big one)

2004-07-07, 23:42
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Originally Posted by Kokaiinum
No cause none of the songs getting played on Mtv these days aren´t good, and never was. .
in your humble opinion.?
Thanks for that nomad.
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2004-07-08, 17:42
But why is the rum gone ?
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NuMetal that doesnt suk............... i belive theres no such thing as numetal that doesnt suk
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
Join The Forum CUNT

2004-07-08, 20:43
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hey, i wonder how many times people are going to say that?

2004-07-08, 21:15
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nu-metal that doesn't suck?
that's like saying metal that's happy.
or rap that doesn't talk about pimps and hoes.
or country that doesn't whine.

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2004-07-09, 01:30
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Originally Posted by Trendkill_420
nu-metal that doesn't suck?
that's like saying metal that's happy.
or rap that doesn't talk about pimps and hoes.
or country that doesn't whine.

Wait...I thought you were supporting nu metal in this thread? Shit, and all this time we were arguing.

2004-07-09, 03:40
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you're not serious are you..........
you are young.
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2004-07-10, 09:35
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Originally Posted by nomad
Theres a good article on Wikipedia.org.
Also, you can find an interesting discussion here (scroll down to "Previous Editorials" and click "What is Nu-Metal?")
The Wikipedia page was a very good read, but the second editorial was more an opinionated, subjective view to the matter. I do highly recommend the Wikipedia definition.

2004-07-12, 07:25
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Kokaiinum: But now they get played on MTv, and when former metal bands gets aired on Mtv, you know they have sold out and it´s time to stop listening to them, disgrace to the metal scene.
O yea, damn them...Even tho the goal of making music is for people to enjoy it. Let's all hope they burn in hell cuz they want to make money not only for themselves but for the families they have or will have...f***ing jackass.

2004-07-12, 08:33
Join Date: May 2004
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More make up than the girls at your school? You and I have not been talking about the same kind of metal.

2004-07-12, 19:16
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Nu- metal sucks

2004-07-13, 04:11
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Originally Posted by josh_smith09
Nu- metal sucks
i hear that so much, i dont listen to it either, but can you back that up at all or are you just trying to be like all those other fucks who think there hardcore and badass when they say that.

2004-07-14, 02:52
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: canada eh
Posts: 1,257
metal sucks.
you know why
cuz it's bullshit solo's .
it's anger.
it's degradation to women
it's cynical
it's depressing
it just sucks
get my point
shut the fuck up.
it's your preference or it's not.
don't dwell on it kids.
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2004-07-14, 03:12
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reasons why metal is cool;
The solos rule
Anger is better to listen to through music than acting upon it
Degradtion of women is gay but somethings they say are true
cynical rules
Depressing music sucks
reasons why nu metal isn't;
The riffs are repeatitve
the lyrics are immature
the clothes are trendy
the act is trendy
the style is trendy
they'll be different people in 20 years
because they are trendy
masks are fruity
the repeated riffs are boring anyways
they abuse the meaning of 7 strings
they do what people tell them to do
they are owned by the label
masks are fruity
every song on the album sounds the same
they bitch about being heard and dont say what they want to be heard for
more reasons why metal is cool;
the heaviness is fun
the lyrics rule
no masks
variety in riffs,licks, scales, modes, etc in one song
even more in the album
they hold their own
the record labels support them and help them pursue what they desire
they can pinch a harmonic and make it squeeeeal
the drumming is sometimes insane
the basslines are sometimes groovey as all hell
cannibal corpse rule
drink coffee

2004-07-14, 03:19
Pokémon Master
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How To Form A Nu-Metal Band In 11 Easy Steps from Metal Hammer mag:
1: Firstly, you need to be between the ages of 18 and 24, preferably breathing, and have two hands (not always necessary though).
2: Image is very, very important, so get kitted out with some baggy shorts or pants and a big wallet chain. Hair should be spiky, shaven or short -- no mullets or longhairs here!
3: A great name is pretty important, so write out a list of inanimate objects and combine any two for a band name. Where possible, no Cs or Ss -- only Ks and Zs. Here is a list and a few "examplez": Nose, chain, box, bleed, plank, boy, spider, wagon, trouzaz, shed, monkey, mutha, spanner, horse, fire, rocket, kill, kake, wallet, blast, chokolate, floppy. Now combine: Floppy Trouzaz, Wallet-Wagon, Kake-Box etc. This is good fun, so feel free to add more to the list.
4: Oh yeah, I almost forgot: Guitars are pretty important too so buy an Ibanez seven-string and downtune it until every string is as slack as a 50-year old Dutch prostitute. Then learn some easy single-note riffs and the occasional fifth-fret harmonic. Five minutes' practice should be enough before you are ready to play with the rest of the band. If you are a bass player, buy an Ibanez 5 or 6-string and do the same downtuning treatment as the guitar, but only use the top six frets. If you downtune it enough, then your bass should sound as low and farty as your granny after six helpings of cabbage, broccoli and sprouts at Christmas dinner.
5: Employ a pointless DJ and a singer who can "rap" (call him an Emcee) and claim you have always loved hip-hop as well as metal.
6: State that guitar solos are pointless, shit, self-indulging fretboard masturbation, when in fact you just can't play them and in secret you worship Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteen, Joe Satriani and Jeff Beck and the rest of the shred movement.
7: Write three-minute, commercial songs about how fucked-up your nice, steady, middle-class upbringing was, with a rap verse and a shouty chorus with loads of swearing to show how "4 REAL" you are. This is the key to success -- sell out before you even sell.
8: Claim NOT to be nu-metal and invent your own stupid-ass genre, like "Garden Core" or "Wardrobe Core" or "Nicely-Trimmed Privet Hedge-Core" and tell the press you've been in a band for ten years or so. When they question this, stating that if that is true, you must've been in a band when you were eight years old, swear loudly at them and call your agent.
9: Even if you perfect the first 8, it don't mean shit unless you move to the USA and get a cheesey gimmick. Wearing Y-fronts on your head, dressing in chef's uniforms or using poo as face paint should do the trick.
10: Number 10 is the ultimate clincher -- you MUST cover an awful 80s pop song! This will be your first single, or your second one if your first single was crap *cough, cough*Alien Ant Farm*cough, cough*. Something by MC Hammer, Spandau Ballet, Frankie Goes to Hollywood or Michael Jackson should be appropriate.
11: Congratulations! If you have done all this correctly, you should now record an album ("the heaviest fuckin' thing ever") filled with 50 guest-appearances from members of other nu-metal bands. If possible, get Ross Robinson to produce it and bribe him to say "This is the craziest, heaviest shit I've ever heard! These guys are 4 REAL!". Your album should sell 5,000,000 copies and get constant radio play before you split up because you are too rich to continue and your wallet is so heavy it hurts your "pants" (trousers) and you can't tour anymore.

2004-07-14, 14:37
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Hehehe that is funny.
I do think that the reason there is so much argument here is that people seem to have different definitions of nu-metal.
I like SOAD, much more their first album. They don't rap. Are they nu-metal?
Personally I find that it can be quite nice to listen to simple music now and again...

2004-07-14, 17:16
Pirate Lawd
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BOC, you just nailed it perfect.

2004-07-14, 17:21
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by BeastOfCarrion
How To Form A Nu-Metal Band In 11 Easy Steps from Metal Hammer mag:
4: Oh yeah, I almost forgot: Guitars are pretty important too so buy an Ibanez seven-string and downtune it until every string is as slack as a 50-year old Dutch prostitute. Then learn some easy single-note riffs and the occasional fifth-fret harmonic. Five minutes' practice should be enough before you are ready to play with the rest of the band. If you are a bass player, buy an Ibanez 5 or 6-string and do the same downtuning treatment as the guitar, but only use the top six frets. If you downtune it enough, then your bass should sound as low and farty as your granny after six helpings of cabbage, broccoli and sprouts at Christmas dinner.
leave my mum out of this YOU FUCK!!!! 

2004-07-14, 17:49
New Blood
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yeah`couldnt have said it better my self
" I've watched the opal towers burn and fall..." 

2004-07-14, 21:24
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my post about metal was sarcasm metal=life, it was to point out how useless bitching about music is.
just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it's garbage.
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2004-07-15, 03:51
Join Date: May 2004
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Sooooo, what you are saying is that we shouldn't express our opinions about other kinds of music?

2004-07-15, 04:58
Pokémon Master
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Originally Posted by Def
leave my mum out of this YOU FUCK!!!! 
it was just cut and paste
(besides, i was talking about the doctor's  )

2004-07-15, 06:27
Senior Metalhead
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Beast, that was wonderful. You've brightened up an otherwise pointless & soul-rendingly lame day.
I can't believe this thread is still alive. It's like the kid at school that everyone hates who just won't give up even though you tell him to his face that he's a cunt & he smells & no one likes him. Yeah, just like that...

2004-07-15, 17:03
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Originally Posted by BeastOfCarrion8
Claim NOT to be nu-metal and invent your own stupid-ass genre, like "Garden Core" or "Wardrobe Core" or "Nicely-Trimmed Privet Hedge-Core" and tell the press you've been in a band for ten years or so.
I think I'm crying 
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2004-07-15, 17:05
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by BeastOfCarrion
it was just cut and paste
(besides, i was talking about the doctor's  )
oh ok 

2004-07-16, 00:56
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Originally Posted by mtv_is_gay
Sooooo, what you are saying is that we shouldn't express our opinions about other kinds of music?
expressing your opinion, and senseless bitching are two different things.
"I don't like nu-metal" is different than, "nu-metal is a disgrace to metal, it's worthless, blah blah" etc.
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2004-07-16, 01:22
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Trendkill, do you respect people's opinions in that they hate nu-metal, and "find it as a disgrace to metal", or whatever else they may believe?

2004-07-16, 23:10
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okay i respect your opinion. I can't understand how some may feel this way. But opinions are like assholes eh? we're everywhere.
but i find it a waste of effort harbouring this much anger for a genre of music. Some people like this music for various reasons. Some don't. I can understand your anger at the people who want to be part of this scene and follow all the cliched bullshit, because i have the same feelings towards people who do this to metal, hip-hop, or any musical genre. It just reminds me of the cliques in high school, and i find them rather childish.
But the excessive whining about it is pointless. It's not going away. It may fade, but it'll be back. Look at disco, now techno..etc. We gotta just learn to accept it.
I've accepted country music, not my shit but it's there. And i've accepted some of the putrid screaming and carrying-on that some of you call metal  , it's there, and people will like it. Diversity is a great thing.
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2004-07-16, 23:25
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Can't we all just get along? Fo sho we cizzan.
Your avatar reminds me of MetalPodi in the military haha

2004-07-16, 23:44
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Posts: 1,068
Originally Posted by Trendkill_420
okay i respect your opinion.
Good. Now, do you respect Micheal Jackson for sleeping with little boys? Afterall, he only wants love.
I dispise a number of genres, I must admit, but the only time I hate/get pissed at people for listening to a certain kind of music is when they do to be 'cool'. I find it hard to believe that so many people listen to 50cent because they like his music. Other than that I respect other people's tastes..

2004-07-17, 01:47
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Originally Posted by mtv_is_gay
Good. Now, do you respect Micheal Jackson for sleeping with little boys? Afterall, he only wants love.
what the fuck are you talking about?
you touched as a child?
I actually like 50 cent for his music.
mu·sic [ myzik ]
1. sounds that produce effect: sounds, usually produced by instruments or voices, that are arranged or played in order to create a pleasing or stimulating effect
just cause you don't, doesn't mean it isn't music. I know the fool is saying shit that is foolish. Like 90% of other music isn't. But it comes down to basic beat. Tribal shit man.
Subtract the distortion from any black sabbath song, and it's a rap song.
so opinions are one thing, but degradation of opinions are another.
think about it.
and if you actually respect people's tastes that much, why do you have a moniker like that dude. You are insulting peoples' tastes as well as sexual preference. So you're lackin' a bit of respect there bud.
Imagine there's no countries,
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Nothing to kill or die for,
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Last edited by Trendkill_420 : 2004-07-17 at 01:53.

2004-07-17, 01:49
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Originally Posted by metal=life
Your avatar reminds me of MetalPodi in the military haha
check out "trailer park boys"
Imagine there's no countries,
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Nothing to kill or die for,
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2004-07-17, 03:05
Senior Metalhead
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Originally Posted by Trendkill_420
check out "trailer park boys"
It rules, so does Bubbles.
............,/¯../ /
.........../..../ /
('(...´...´.... ¯_/'...'/
..'\'...\.......... _.·´

2004-07-17, 03:31
Pirate Lawd
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Originally Posted by metal=life
Your avatar reminds me of MetalPodi in the military haha
Hehe, Trendkill, your avatar does look like Metalpodi.

2004-07-17, 03:37
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 1,068
My name is dissing other people's tastes and sexual preference? I'm not getting into the whole 'gay is an offensive word' argument.
I never said it wasn't music. I said I dispise when people listen to a certain kind of music to be cool. The same kind of people that spend all their money on newly produced bullshit for $20 a CD and never listen to it. I doubt so many people that listen to 50Cent like his music rather than just trying to be scene, but if you like his beats, great, I respect THAT.
The fact that my alias is "MTV is Gay" doesn't mean shit. Pretend it is "MTV is Stupid" since the word guy is just slang for me. So, would it be less offensive if I made it "MTV is Stupid, but that's just my opinion." Pretty much not. No one should have to say 'Nu-Metal is stupid' and have some offended kid come up and say 'you're an asshole and that is just you're opinion!" It's all preference, and we should have a right to express it.

2004-07-17, 10:43
Join Date: Aug 2001
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true enough.
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

2004-07-18, 03:04
Supreme Metalhead
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Good Nu-Metal
Old Korn
Drowning Pool
Originally Posted by Infinity
Everything is funny you just gotta look at it the right way.
You know I believe in a ruling class, particuarly since I rule.
-Randal, Clerks

2004-07-18, 03:10
Pirate Lawd
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Originally Posted by mtv_is_gay
I'm not getting into the whole 'gay is an offensive word' argument.
So would "FAGGOT" be a more politicaly correct term? 

2004-07-18, 04:00
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Originally Posted by lamb_of_god
Old Korn
Drowning Pool
I saw drowning pool live when i went to see damageplan (DDD) they weren't anything special, i thought there music kinda sucked but they had good energy live, the singer jumped off the stage and started singing this whole song while he was moshing and just gettin down in the crowd, it was pretty sweet cause is was just little theatre. Never really listened to much mushroomhead, and overall im not a big korn fan.

2004-07-18, 05:58
Join Date: May 2004
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Originally Posted by Soulinsane
So would "FAGGOT" be a more politicaly correct term? 
Okay here's my concept...
When you say something is cool or someone is hot, are you talking about the temperature? When you call someone or talk about pussy, are you talking about cats(or mouths)? The word gay is just slang for "I don't like," just like cool is slang for "I like." I could care less if someone was gay, but when I say something is gay I am not talking about sexual orientations. I am talking about what I think about something...and I happen to hate MTV..

2004-07-18, 06:12
Pirate Lawd
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Originally Posted by mtv_is_gay
Okay here's my concept...
When you say something is cool or someone is hot, are you talking about the temperature? When you call someone or talk about pussy, are you talking about cats(or mouths)? The word gay is just slang for "I don't like," just like cool is slang for "I like." I could care less if someone was gay, but when I say something is gay I am not talking about sexual orientations. I am talking about what I think about something...and I happen to hate MTV..
You are a smart dude... I don't know what to call you for short, but, Gay; sorry! I know just what you mean, though. I was only playing with words. Slang is so funny and most poeple take shit out of context most times. Words can mean anything besides what you believe they do in the English language.

2004-07-18, 06:34
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You queer

2004-07-18, 06:46
Pirate Lawd
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You fag

2004-07-18, 06:48
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homosexual people's

2004-07-18, 06:54
New Blood
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 You butt fucker

2004-07-18, 07:22
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Originally Posted by Soulinsane
You fag
I wuv u 

2004-07-18, 08:05
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i have head cancer

2004-07-18, 14:07
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Originally Posted by mtv_is_gay
Okay here's my concept...
When you say something is cool or someone is hot, are you talking about the temperature? When you call someone or talk about pussy, are you talking about cats(or mouths)? The word gay is just slang for "I don't like," just like cool is slang for "I like." I could care less if someone was gay, but when I say something is gay I am not talking about sexual orientations. I am talking about what I think about something...and I happen to hate MTV..
mtv is nigger
still the same concept, without offense?
I'm just stirring the shit. Nigger is a word many use in slang for people or things they don't like. but it's still offensive to many other people, and degrading.
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

2004-07-18, 15:47
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Originally Posted by haxsk8
I saw drowning pool live when i went to see damageplan (DDD) they weren't anything special, i thought there music kinda sucked but they had good energy live, the singer jumped off the stage and started singing this whole song while he was moshing and just gettin down in the crowd, it was pretty sweet cause is was just little theatre. Never really listened to much mushroomhead, and overall im not a big korn fan.
I saw Unearth, Drowning Pool, Hatebreed, and Damageplan live on the HB tour. Drowning Pool didn't really show much energy. That makes me jealous.
Originally Posted by Infinity
Everything is funny you just gotta look at it the right way.
You know I believe in a ruling class, particuarly since I rule.
-Randal, Clerks

2004-07-18, 21:39
Join Date: May 2004
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Originally Posted by Trendkill_420
mtv is nigger
still the same concept, without offense?
I'm just stirring the shit. Nigger is a word many use in slang for people or things they don't like. but it's still offensive to many other people, and degrading.
If people started using nigger that way, I'm sure it would be different. I met a gay guy once who used the words "gay" and "faggot" just like other people. I myself try not use certain words (gay, fag, nigger, ect.) around people that will be offended by it.

2004-07-19, 10:12
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Originally Posted by mtv_is_gay
If people started using nigger that way, I'm sure it would be different. I met a gay guy once who used the words "gay" and "faggot" just like other people. I myself try not use certain words (gay, fag, nigger, ect.) around people that will be offended by it.
The gay guy on Kids in the Hall (Scott Thompson), THE GREATEST SKETCH COMEDY SHOW EVER, threw those words around like shit. On the other hand I have a gay uncle who doesn't particularly care for those words, which sucks, because when he's around I have to REALLY watch my langauge. I guess it depends from person to person, just like how some black people aren't offended by the word "nigger", and some are. The word "nigger" kind of bothers me, but I don't complain about it unless somebody is directing it toward me and/or using it in a blatant negatively racial context. I live in a highly Portuguese community, there are a couple of negative racial slurs that they like to throw around, "Portagee" and "Greenhorn". The latter word just generally refers to immigrants or new people, but in Southeast Massachusetts it's become a racial slur toward the Portuguese.
Depends from person to person.

2004-07-19, 13:12
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rob halford is a fagott.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2004-07-19, 22:25
Pirate Lawd
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I don't think he cares to much though, and if he did he would just have his big gay bodygaurds deal with the dude that said it to him.
Haha, if I ever need a bodygaurd I'm going to find the biggest, mean, flaming gay bodygaurd I can hire. I just think that would be funny to see for some reason.

2004-07-20, 23:12
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All Nu-Metal sucks

2004-07-21, 01:16
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linkin park
system of a down
they have a few okay songs, but i wouldn't ever buy an album from them or see them in concert.
and my definition of nu-metal is just metal that's not technical.

2004-07-21, 01:19
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Originally Posted by Knight
All Nu-Metal sucks
So there.
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