2004-07-24, 07:57
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Chicago
Posts: 8,705
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-07-24, 08:05
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Location: San Antonio, TX
Posts: 2,037
dying fetus - born in a casket

2004-07-24, 08:17
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Chicago
Posts: 8,705
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-07-24, 10:19
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Thessaloniki,greece
Posts: 1,175
Burnin' and a-lootin' tonight
burnin' all pollution tonight
burnin' all illusion tonight


2004-07-24, 11:00
But why is the rum gone ?
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six feet under- 4:20
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
Join The Forum CUNT

2004-07-24, 11:02
Gangster Rapper
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Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
Amon Amarth - The Last With Pagan Blood
EDIT: im going for my 200 tonight, so help me out? 
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker
Last edited by Severed_Head_Stoner : 2004-07-24 at 11:06.

2004-07-24, 11:24
But why is the rum gone ?
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testament-alone in the dark
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-24, 11:25
But why is the rum gone ?
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death-scavenger of human sorrow
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-24, 11:38
Gangster Rapper
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Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
Burzum - Inn i slottet fra droemmen
Yeh, i deleted the other thread, it was a bit stupid
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-24, 12:08
But why is the rum gone ?
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Location: Keeping the Groove going and staying out of Treble
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children of bodom-kissing the shadows
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-24, 12:13
Gangster Rapper
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-24, 12:25
But why is the rum gone ?
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Location: Keeping the Groove going and staying out of Treble
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arch enemy-savage messiah
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-24, 12:25
Gangster Rapper
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-24, 12:36
But why is the rum gone ?
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Location: Keeping the Groove going and staying out of Treble
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death-spirit crusher
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-24, 12:37
Gangster Rapper
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Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
Goddam Opeth and thier long tracks 
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-24, 12:39
Gangster Rapper
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Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
Opeth-A Fair Jugdement
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-24, 12:42
But why is the rum gone ?
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death-bite the pain
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-24, 12:46
Forum Leader
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Acoustic Mayhem - Liefdesverdriet

2004-07-24, 12:49
Gangster Rapper
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Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
Opeth-For Absent Friends
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-24, 12:52
Gangster Rapper
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Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
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Opeth-Master's Apprentices
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-24, 13:01
But why is the rum gone ?
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death-story to tell
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-24, 13:01
But why is the rum gone ?
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death - flesh and the power it holds
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-24, 13:02
Gangster Rapper
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Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
Opeth-By The Pain I See In Others
(Last song on Deliv.)
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-24, 13:05
But why is the rum gone ?
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death- to forgive is to suffer
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-24, 13:06
But why is the rum gone ?
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death-voice of the soul
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-24, 13:07
Gangster Rapper
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Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
Immortal-One By One
Fucken mad song... Headbangin
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-24, 13:13
Gangster Rapper
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Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
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Immortal-Sons Of Northern Darkness
I love Immortal, pity i can't have it too loud, its 11:13 and my sister is alseep, my parents will skitz it at me 
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-24, 13:17
Gangster Rapper
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Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-24, 13:36
Gangster Rapper
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Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
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Immortal-Within The Dark Mind
Immortal-In My Kingdom Cold
sorry, i missed the first two while looking at a long thread
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-24, 13:43
Gangster Rapper
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Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-24, 13:50
Gangster Rapper
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Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
Immortal-Beyond The North Waves
And thats the last song from Immortal...
I think i'll go and get....
Darkthrone, Transylvanian Hunger
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-24, 13:58
Gangster Rapper
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Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
Darkthrone-Transylvanian Hunger
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-24, 14:06
Gangster Rapper
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Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
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Darkthrone-Over Fjell Og Gjennom Torner
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-24, 14:07
Gangster Rapper
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Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
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Darkthrone-Slakd Au Satans Sol
I really like this one
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-24, 14:11
Gangster Rapper
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Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
Darkthrone-Slottet I Det Fjerne
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-24, 14:24
Gangster Rapper
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Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
K, im up too....
Darkthrone-I En Hall Medd Flesk Og Spys
I missed a few tracks cos ive been non-stop posting... almost there!
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-24, 14:40
Gangster Rapper
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Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
Opeth-The Leper Affinity
I want something more calming after all that balck metal
Geez, can someone else post sumthing here? im looking like a right cunt 
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-24, 14:44
Dog farts
Alumni Staff
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 5,008
Sorry to piss on your parade here, but you're going to have to stop posting so much. The (main) purpose of this thread is for recommendations, finding out new bands, etc. Not for getting up your post count. And for the record:
Saprogenic - Foaming Rectal Seepage

2004-07-24, 14:54
Gangster Rapper
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Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
Awwww  well, ive got my 100 in one day, so im happy
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-24, 15:45
But why is the rum gone ?
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obituary-chopped in half
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-24, 15:46
But why is the rum gone ?
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dying fetus-destroy the opposition
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-24, 16:02
But why is the rum gone ?
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cryptopsy-pathological frolic
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-24, 16:26
But why is the rum gone ?
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Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-24, 16:29
But why is the rum gone ?
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morbid angel-ceasars palace
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-24, 16:38
But why is the rum gone ?
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Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-24, 16:40
But why is the rum gone ?
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wwwoooooooohhhhoooo 300 posts
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-24, 16:49
But why is the rum gone ?
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deicide-serpents of the light
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-24, 16:50
But why is the rum gone ?
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deicide - serpents of the light
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-24, 17:06
But why is the rum gone ?
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krisiun-soul devourer
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-24, 17:06
But why is the rum gone ?
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krisiun - march of the black hordes
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-24, 17:07
But why is the rum gone ?
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krisiun-ageless venomous
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-24, 17:24
But why is the rum gone ?
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Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-24, 17:25
But why is the rum gone ?
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testament-return to serenity
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-24, 17:51
But why is the rum gone ?
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arch enemy-immortal
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-24, 17:51
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Thessaloniki,greece
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Dying Fetus - ...And The Weak Shall Be Crushed
I'm listening to all of
Infatuation With Malevolence
but I don't have to write all
the songs as others do!
Haista Vittu!!!!
Burnin' and a-lootin' tonight
burnin' all pollution tonight
burnin' all illusion tonight


2004-07-24, 17:51
But why is the rum gone ?
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Keeping the Groove going and staying out of Treble
Posts: 1,778
damn this page is full of my posts.....guess im gonna stop now
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
Join The Forum CUNT

2004-07-24, 19:24
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Posts: 3,648
Ohbitchyouhairy - End Complete

2004-07-24, 21:30
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Chicago
Posts: 8,705
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-07-24, 21:47
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Location: San Antonio, TX
Posts: 2,037

2004-07-24, 21:51
Wasted Custom User title
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Location: Minneapolis.
Posts: 5,002
HAhaha Ryan Parry- the world is terribly infested \m/
And disincarnate, you are a fucking post whore. stop that shit.
This is my signature.

2004-07-24, 21:53
bugfucker strikes back.
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: 19713, Delaware
Posts: 5,739
Death - The Philosopher
This has got to be one of my favorites.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-07-24, 23:06
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: pretty damn close to Cephalic Carnage.
Posts: 3,648
Mine would have to be Flesh and the Power it Holds or Bite the Pain. Or Crystal Mountain
Aborted - Eructations Of Carnal Artistry

2004-07-25, 01:41
Gangster Rapper
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
I just listened to the whole of Opeth-BwP now im gonna chuck on some.... ummmm... Amon Amarth i thinks
so Amon Amarth-The Avenger
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-25, 01:47
Wasted Custom User title
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Location: Minneapolis.
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Nile- Unas Slayer of the Gods
This is my signature.

2004-07-25, 03:03
bugfucker strikes back.
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: 19713, Delaware
Posts: 5,739
Agalloch - This Old Cabin
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-07-25, 04:13
Death to all but metal!
Forum Leader
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Location: Highway to the Danger Zone
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Sodom- Marooned Live
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-07-25, 04:15
Gangster Rapper
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
I'm out atm, but if i was listening to music, it would definently be Spice Girls... I mean Burzum
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-25, 04:25
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 1,487
Megadeth- Dread and the fugitive mind
I just picked up the Capitol punishment today
I also picked up As the Palaces Burn by lamb Of God
And Tribute to Rhandy Rhoades and Ozzy Osbourne

2004-07-25, 04:55
Dog farts
Alumni Staff
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 5,008
Originally Posted by Disincarnate
damn this page is full of my posts.....guess im gonna stop now
Wise idea..

2004-07-25, 05:02
Gangster Rapper
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
I'm Still out, but just so u know, im buying a Nile album on the way home, what do u recomend?
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-25, 05:13
Dog farts
Alumni Staff
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Posts: 5,008
In Their Darkened Shrines.

2004-07-25, 05:14
Gangster Rapper
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-25, 05:16
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 1,487
Megadeth- In My Darkest Hour

2004-07-25, 05:39
But why is the rum gone ?
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Keeping the Groove going and staying out of Treble
Posts: 1,778
i agree with Nihilist buy in thier darkness shrines or Amongst The Catacombs Of Nephren-Ka
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-25, 05:41
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 1,487
Cephalic Carnage- Lucid Interval

2004-07-25, 05:56
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Location: San Antonio, TX
Posts: 2,037
cannibal corpse - zero the hero

2004-07-25, 05:57
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Cradle Of Filth- Saffron's Curse
I'm starting to love this band

2004-07-25, 06:37
But why is the rum gone ?
Join Date: Jun 2004
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morbid angel-welcome to hell
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-25, 06:45
But why is the rum gone ?
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Keeping the Groove going and staying out of Treble
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nile-black seeds of vengance
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
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2004-07-25, 06:49
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: pretty damn close to Cephalic Carnage.
Posts: 3,648
How can you go from Cephalic to Flith
Cryptopsy - that one song

2004-07-25, 06:58
Wasted Custom User title
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Location: Minneapolis.
Posts: 5,002
Nile- Serpent Headed Mask
This is my signature.

2004-07-25, 07:05
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: pretty damn close to Cephalic Carnage.
Posts: 3,648
dat iz a kewl song.
but not as kewl as...........
Exhumed - NECROMANIAC!!!!!

2004-07-25, 07:45
Wasted Custom User title
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Minneapolis.
Posts: 5,002
Ryan Parry- I feel the Pain
Definatly my favorite song by him so far. I love the solo!
This is my signature.

2004-07-25, 07:50
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Chicago
Posts: 8,705
yeh thatsa good one!
Ryan Parry - Fire
"Were doing everything we can, but their isent much more we can do, we just gotta hope that out prayers will follow threw"
it brings a tera to my eyes 
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-07-25, 07:53
Wasted Custom User title
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Minneapolis.
Posts: 5,002
Ryan Parry- The World Is Terribly Infested
my 2nd favorite
This is my signature.

2004-07-25, 07:55
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: pretty damn close to Cephalic Carnage.
Posts: 3,648
Originally Posted by BLS
it brings a tera to my eyes 
I once hooked up with a girl named Tera.
Despised Icon - Warm Blooded
almost got it tabbed out

2004-07-25, 07:57
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Chicago
Posts: 8,705
Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
Ryan Parry- The World Is Terribly Infested
my 2nd favorite
Arch Enemy - Ravenous
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-07-25, 08:15
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: pretty damn close to Cephalic Carnage.
Posts: 3,648
Juvenille - Back dat Azz Up

2004-07-25, 08:21
But why is the rum gone ?
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Keeping the Groove going and staying out of Treble
Posts: 1,778
amon amarth-death in fire
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
Join The Forum CUNT

2004-07-25, 08:30
Dog farts
Alumni Staff
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Posts: 5,008
Retch - Crimson Vaginal Flatulence

2004-07-25, 08:30
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: San Antonio, TX
Posts: 2,037
Damn Disincarnate is going to start post whoring.
Cannibal corpse - pounded into dust

2004-07-25, 08:31
But why is the rum gone ?
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Keeping the Groove going and staying out of Treble
Posts: 1,778
bolt thrower-sixth chapter
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
Join The Forum CUNT

2004-07-25, 08:37
Gangster Rapper
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
Darkthrone-Transylvanian Hunger
Damn, i just got a new IE thing, called Firefox, and its pretty fast, but evry time i go to a new page, it askes me if im SURE i would like to go to this page. Then it tells me that it may not be safe, and that a third party may steal my information, i click ignore, and it goes: are you SURE you would like to ignore this?
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-25, 11:35
But why is the rum gone ?
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Keeping the Groove going and staying out of Treble
Posts: 1,778
amon amarth-bleed for ancient gods
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
Join The Forum CUNT

2004-07-25, 11:37
Gangster Rapper
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
Mad song that is
Opeth-Dirge For November
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-25, 12:20
But why is the rum gone ?
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Keeping the Groove going and staying out of Treble
Posts: 1,778
death-zombie ritual
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
Join The Forum CUNT

2004-07-25, 12:23
But why is the rum gone ?
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Keeping the Groove going and staying out of Treble
Posts: 1,778
bolt thrower-behind enemy lines
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
Join The Forum CUNT

2004-07-25, 14:46
Gangster Rapper
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: The Jason Becker Monastery
Posts: 961
Darkthrone- An early Death metal song, its good!
We live thinking we will never die.
We die thinking we had never lived.
Cut it out.
- Jason Becker

2004-07-25, 17:15
But why is the rum gone ?
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Keeping the Groove going and staying out of Treble
Posts: 1,778
wats the name of the song
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
Join The Forum CUNT

2004-07-25, 17:16
But why is the rum gone ?
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Keeping the Groove going and staying out of Treble
Posts: 1,778
cryptopsy-serial messiah
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
Join The Forum CUNT
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