2004-09-06, 04:46
New Blood
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Who here likes this band? They are my favorite! Why do you like them? Which songs? Album? Member?
"Excellent" - Waynes World


2004-09-06, 04:49
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Who the hell dosent listen to Pantera??
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-09-06, 04:53
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2004-09-06, 05:01
New Blood
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Thats pretty cool guys, I am a current MX member.......no one usually likes Pantera
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2004-09-06, 05:13
Wasted Custom User title
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what bls said.
whats mx?
This is my signature.

2004-09-06, 05:15
New Blood
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MX=Musicianforums.com...........they have like 77,000+ members........most of them are gay
"Excellent" - Waynes World


2004-09-06, 05:40
Wasted Custom User title
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most not into metal or what?
This is my signature.

2004-09-06, 05:48
New Blood
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Yeah, or they just dont like good metal, they like slipknot and gay shit
"Excellent" - Waynes World


2004-09-06, 05:52
Wasted Custom User title
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Well.. Welcome to Metaltabs! Where Slipknot fans are flamed.
This is my signature.

2004-09-06, 05:53
New Blood
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Finally some justice for Slipknot haters, You guys rule 
"Excellent" - Waynes World


2004-09-06, 06:55
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Welcome to the forums!
( ( ) )

2004-09-06, 09:49
Attorney at Bird Law
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Pantera are one of the most overrated metal bands ever. I like them though. Cowboys from Hell is okay, Vulgar Display of Power is much better. Power Metal is their best. Great Southern Trendkill has some good tracks.

2004-09-06, 10:09
Master Killer
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2004-09-06, 10:20
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Originally Posted by Def


2004-09-06, 10:59
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Pantera's the best band in the fucking world. All the albums als killer (the old one's too), but i especially like CFH.
Cemetery Gates will be played at my funeral 

2004-09-06, 11:55
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Originally Posted by Exploding Lobster
Finally some justice for Slipknot haters, You guys rule 
No, just I rule. The rest here are just stupid cunts who are jealous of my greatness.

2004-09-06, 14:43
The Mountie From Hell
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beware of Darko he does not like Pantera  but hes cool.
I myself, am a HUGE pantera fan.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-09-06, 14:50
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by ChrisRezendes
that wasn't meant for you.
I just felt like saying cunt.
Pantera rocks, that goes without saying.

2004-09-06, 15:09
Death to all but metal!
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Ha, I got thrown off by this guy's avatar, but he seems alright.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-09-06, 15:10
Schrodinger's Cat
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Who are Pantera?
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-09-06, 15:13
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after some thinking i found out i like The Great Southern Trendkill best. fucking masterpiece

2004-09-06, 15:15
Schrodinger's Cat
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I like that album best, too. You can't go wrong with songs like The Great Southern Trendkill and Floods.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-09-06, 15:16
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Anal Cunt covered TGSTK, they did a great job haha.

2004-09-06, 15:20
Schrodinger's Cat
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Not heard it but I'm presuming it would be 'interesting' at the very least.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-09-06, 15:26
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Originally Posted by Exploding Lobster
MX=Musicianforums.com...........they have like 77,000+ members........most of them are gay
mxtabs.net blows chunks.Bunch of fags that come here and copy our tabs and put them on there website.Some fag did that to me and I contacted the owner to remove it but that piece of shit did nothing.

2004-09-06, 16:33
New Blood
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Location: Baltimore, Maryland
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Thats very true......I hate there tabs, they are a bunch of idiots who cant even get Blink 182 tabs right.....I am just a member of the forums.....I use powertab for most of my tabs, but I have gotten some very good Pantera here!
"Excellent" - Waynes World


2004-09-06, 16:53
Dog farts
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Originally Posted by BLS
Who the hell dosent listen to Pantera??
Originally Posted by ChrisRezendes
Pantera are one of the most overrated metal bands ever
I love you.

2004-09-06, 16:56
New Blood
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Location: Baltimore, Maryland
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Overrated? no I go to a school were alot of kids like Metal, most of them have never heard of Pantera.......but thats your opinion
"Excellent" - Waynes World


2004-09-06, 16:58
Dog farts
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Right. Sure it is. We're not talking about school here. DO NOT FUCK WITH ME, SIR.

2004-09-06, 17:04
New Blood
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True, well still I dont think Pantera are overrated, they spent all those years as glam metal, and when they finally hit big with talented, fast, well educated music, people want to flame them and say they are overrated and are posers.
"Excellent" - Waynes World


2004-09-06, 17:14
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hahaha... Hic-a-doo La, I am a Family Guy fan too. "What is Hic-a-doo La?"
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
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2004-09-06, 17:19
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"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
“I'm as firm as red clay and as constant as... drinkin'. I'm constantly drinkin'.” - Early Cuyler

2004-09-06, 18:03
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Phishhead, Nihilist, and Darko are the only retards here who dont like pantera...
Phishhead things varg is god... so dont expect much from him
Darko also doestn like slayer, he told me something along the line of "The first metal band i heard was decapitated so i kinda skipped that whole preparing stage"
And Nihilly is tazmanian...
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-09-06, 18:11
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 281
Originally Posted by johnmansley
Who are Pantera?
Some mediocre, overrated band with a few good songs and a lot of bad ones.

2004-09-06, 18:18
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at least they dont have to dress up like a clown

2004-09-06, 19:13
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"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-09-06, 19:29
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2004-09-06, 19:35
Death to all but metal!
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Originally Posted by BLS
Phishhead things varg is god... so dont expect much from him
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-09-06, 20:12
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pantera rock!!! far beyond driven is by far their best album, its so fucking good
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2004-09-07, 01:49
Pokémon Master
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pantera are sellouts, no better than metallica, thats why they stoped playing glam
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-09-07, 01:52
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"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-09-07, 01:54
Senior Metalhead
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your right thier just as bad a metallica, a very very good band, no matter if they play crapy music now, st. anger isnt track 5 on master of puppets.
i think by sell outs he means they sell albums... yeah all good bands do.
.../.............................._ _..\

2004-09-07, 01:55
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 131
i havent listened to Pantera in ages, i saw a whole lot of those pics in there glam days, now everytime i put on one of there albums i get the image of Dimebag in leopard skin 

2004-09-07, 02:15
Forum Reverend
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i pretty much only listen to Pantera while driving...Pantera, Lamb of God and In Flames are possily the heaviest rotated in my car cause they don't need that much attention...bands like Immolation, Aborted, Cryptopsy etc demand respect and must get more attention.
the patterns are everywhere...

2004-09-07, 02:23
New Blood
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Pantera? Sell outs? I dont understand, Pantera kicked some major ass until that asshole phil decided to say shit, look at kirk hammett he can't even play his own solos anymore......Every fucking member is talented, far more than any one person in metallica, or half the fucking new metal bands today
"Excellent" - Waynes World


2004-09-07, 02:57
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Originally Posted by BLS
Your username indicates bad taste in music.

2004-09-07, 04:54
Dog farts
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I adore it when people get so frustrated over someone else's opinion.

2004-09-07, 04:57
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Originally Posted by Nihilist
I adore it when people get so frustrated over someone else's opinion.
what do you think i was trying to do 
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-09-07, 05:00
New Blood
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If you mean me, I am not getting frustrated, just tired of people thinking things they dont know for sure about certain things.......
"Excellent" - Waynes World


2004-09-07, 05:07
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Originally Posted by Exploding Lobster
If you mean me, I am not getting frustrated, just tired of people thinking things they dont know for sure about certain things.......
why, people can form ignorant opinions all they want, its their choice, you just have to live with it, safe in the knowledge that you know you are right, and they are wrong. My statements are made about them being sellouts because they changed their style away from glam, and the became a lot more popular, yet maintained their origional name. Thats my opinion, and there is NOTHING you can say that will change it.
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-09-07, 15:12
Attorney at Bird Law
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Originally Posted by Def
that wasn't meant for you.
I just felt like saying cunt.
Pantera rocks, that goes without saying.
That's too bad. I was rather amused when I first saw it and I chuckled until the dumbfounding confusion set in. Come to think of it, a lot of things end that way for me.

2004-09-07, 15:27
Join Date: May 2004
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Originally Posted by Exploding Lobster
Pantera? Sell outs? I dont understand, Pantera kicked some major ass until that asshole phil decided to say shit, look at kirk hammett he can't even play his own solos anymore......Every fucking member is talented, far more than any one person in metallica, or half the fucking new metal bands today
I dunno if this is one of the reasons why but their singer (or old singer) said Pantera was dead when he was in his new band. Now THAT is sell out, it doesn't matter if you're in Pantera or not.
PS) Someone gave reasons why Metallica were sellouts (good ones), anyone know anything like that about Pantera.
( ( ) )

2004-09-07, 15:38
Attorney at Bird Law
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Originally Posted by Exploding Lobster
True, well still I dont think Pantera are overrated, they spent all those years as glam metal, and when they finally hit big with talented, fast, well educated music, people want to flame them and say they are overrated and are posers.
I would like to point out that I like Pantera, I just feel the need to point that out before I explain why they are very, very overrated.
1. They are, in my opinion, a good band, but almost everybody knows who they are (like Metallica), and they are commonly considered as the best (or one of the best) metal bands ever.
2. Their sound never was and still isn't original, and as long as Pantera have existed they have borrowed heavily and liberally from their influences (Watchtower, Exhorder).
3. Dimebag Darrell, who is a good guitarist, is commonly referred to as THE best (or one of the best) guitarists in all of metal.
I'm not sure why you say few people in your high school have heard of Pantera, maybe you are being honest, but in my high school (around 1998-2000) there were lots of Pantera fans (shirts and patches on backpacks everywhere), and that says nothing of the people who knew who they were but didn't like them.
I'd also like to explain to you why they are/were considered posers-
1. They played derivative, unoriginal butt rock for years (three albums).
2. Phil joined the band and they suddenly drastically changed sounds, sounding VERY much like several bands that Phil was a big fan of (Exhorder, Watchtower, a couple others)
3. They LIED about their glam past, saying that it was a different band or that it never happened at all. They lied about going under cheesy names like "Diamond Darrell" and "Rexx Rokker". They lied about the bitch makeup. They did everything in their power to cover up their cheesy past instead of admitting it and moving on like men with balls would do.
When a band changes sound/image to what's popular and then lies about their previous sound, it's very easy to see why people think they are or were posers.
I am not a Pantera hater, but they have been a very dubious band with little credibility and it's very easy for me to see why so many people hate them.
For more information-
As an aside, I think Darrell Abbott's new nickname is even worse than the first. Look at all the shit you can do to it-
Slimebag Darrell
Dimefag Darrell
Douchebag Darrell
You could verbally ruin his shit in about 2 seconds flat, and you don't even have to have an imagination to do it.
Last edited by ChrisRezendes : 2004-09-07 at 15:41.

2004-09-07, 17:39
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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i dont like Pantera, in fact, i think they suck. Im just fucking bored when i hear them. NOTHING stands out on one song than another. And after reading what ChrisRezendes has to say about them, they SUCK oh soo much more! 

2004-09-07, 18:53
New Blood
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No in my high school everyone like EMO and Slipknot and stuff  I am one of the only people who listen to Pantera, anyway They may have lied, but I dont care about that stuff, I like the music and thats it
"Excellent" - Waynes World


2004-09-07, 20:18
Master Killer
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emo and slipknot stuff eh, how old are you, 12?
man, I was happy to get outta highschool and into uni before we got any of that trendy shit.

2004-09-07, 22:31
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Originally Posted by AbbathGS
Your username indicates bad taste in music.
OMG 666 NECRO!111
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-09-08, 00:33
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pantera fucking suck!
and to debate with you chris.
1. They are, in my opinion, a good band, but almost everybody knows who they are (like Metallica), and they are commonly considered as the best (or one of the best) metal bands ever.
What's your point? If people consider them one of the best than, they are by that example. You are judged by opinions. If there are more opinions that argue that they are a great band, then the general metal masses find them to be one of the best. Hence they are. Your opinion just differs with the masses.
2. Their sound never was and still isn't original, and as long as Pantera have existed they have borrowed heavily and liberally from their influences (Watchtower, Exhorder).
What band is original? You name one and there's someone who's done it before. Bands just take music that has been done before and personalize it. And the arguement that they borrowed from other influences is not an arguement at all. Slayer borrowed from their influences, morbid angel borrowed from theirs, clapton borrowed from his.
3. Dimebag Darrell, who is a good guitarist, is commonly referred to as THE best (or one of the best) guitarists in all of metal.
Back to my arguement about the opinion of the masses.
Technically, Darrell Abott is a very talented guitar player.
I'd also like to explain to you why they are/were considered posers-
1. They played derivative, unoriginal butt rock for years (three albums).
derivative is unorginal. You stated the exact same thing twice. You may find the idea of the music derivative due to it being made in an era of "butt rock". But that doesnt' make the actual music unoriginal. If you want to delve into that arguement, than I can state that 80% of "rock, etc." music written after
"Me and The Devil Blues"- Robert Johnston 1936, is unoriginal, and just "borrows" from this music.
2. Phil joined the band and they suddenly drastically changed sounds, sounding VERY much like several bands that Phil was a big fan of (Exhorder, Watchtower, a couple others)
We'll never know the actual reason for the change (other than the idea of influence -thank god for that), but we can all come up with conspiracies. Money, fame. Maybe they just decided they like that type of music, and they'd like to play that type of music. Can't blame 'em for that can we. When you play with your band, do you have an idea of what you'd like your sound to be. You want heavy, or you want light, or you want blues, etc. Get the point?
3. They LIED about their glam past, saying that it was a different band or that it never happened at all. They lied about going under cheesy names like "Diamond Darrell" and "Rexx Rokker". They lied about the bitch makeup. They did everything in their power to cover up their cheesy past instead of admitting it and moving on like men with balls would do.
I could see how anyone would deny that embarrassing stage, but seeing as all your "sources" don't back up any of their info with qoutes or sources of there own. Than it not an arguement, It could or could have been said. Number one rule, don't believe anything you read on the net without a stated source. Hell man, jesus himself told me he used to hang out with jim morrison at the whiskey a go go. See what i'm saying?
So Now we have a mature debate. Notice the lack of namecalling and the infamous "you are gay (because our opinions differ".

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2004-09-08, 00:56
Attorney at Bird Law
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As far as there not being sources to Pantera lying about their image, this was mostly done in magazines in the early 90's, and I have seen one example, which was in a magazine that I do not have. I did not follow this information simply because it was online- I was finding this out on my own and looked online for more information to corroborate what I had been thinking.
As far as everybody else borrowing from influences, there is huge difference between that and what I am describing. Cannibal Corpse were influenced by Possessed early on, but it is something that is pretty subtle. Pantera's influence is in your face and you can't escape it. I happen to be an Exhorder fan so I like Pantera. The band as a whole borrowed from Exhorder, Watchtower, and several other Texan thrash/power bands. Phil personally ripped off Kyle's vocal style to an extreme degree. Normally that's not such a big deal, but there are two things where Phil's example stands out-
1. Kyle's vocal style was very original at the time, which would have been from 1986 forward. Nobody was doing that.
2. Phil didn't sound like someone who was influenced by Kyle- he sounded like he wanted to be Kyle, and they sounded almost identical around the early 90's (Phil sounds different in his other bands nowadays).
It is also very important to notice the EXTREME degree to which their music was change when Phil joined in. It is no coincidence that as soon as Phil (who ripped off the vocal style of Exhorder's vocalist) joined Pantera, Pantera started sounding more and more like Exhorder. The only thing saving them from being a complete ripoff was influence of other bands on Dime's playing, as well as smidgens of his own originality. This shows that they were wishy-washy, trying to ride current trends to popularity.
And no, there is no excuse for having no balls and not admitting to something you used to be. I used to listen to the Steve Miller Band, and while I'm not proud of it, I'm not going to lie about it like a cowardly bitch.
But like I said, I like Pantera, they are just highly overrated (I already stated my points on that). My large post to which you replied was only an explanation to somebody who was confused as to why many consider Pantera to be sell outs or trendy. For the record, I don't think they are sellouts at all, and I know that they are trendy.
What's your point? If people consider them one of the best than, they are by that example. You are judged by opinions. If there are more opinions that argue that they are a great band, then the general metal masses find them to be one of the best. Hence they are. Your opinion just differs with the masses.
If people consider them the best or one of the best when in reality they are only above average (which in my opinion they are), then that makes them overrated. The fact that the masses think that does not make them the best all of a sudden. If that were the case, the word "overrated" would not exist, and we'd all be mindless, trend-following drones. Devo were once considered one of the greatest music bands of all time. Warrant and Poison, TO THIS DAY, are still often cited as some of the best metal bands of all time. So because that is popular opinion, does that make it true? Or would you agree with me that they are heavily overrated?

2004-09-08, 01:13
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no I don't see those bands as overated, because if a band is still being mentioned now. Than they have stayed the test of time. I may not like them, but it's obvious other people do.
If you look into it, I can almost guarantee that "kyles" vocales were far from original. Come on man, growling, original? blues.
Well If phil sounded like he wanted to be kyle than I suppose you'd see him as phil's idol. Who hasent had an idol at some point in life?
and to argue your "extreme change" theory. Did you not read what I said about influencing the your band? Differnet personalities, different ideas. Phil probably introduced pantera to exhorder, and they said "shit man, that sounds cool. I wanna make music like that "
What's wrong with the steve miller band? lol. Aside from that, we've all done things we we're not proud of. Fact is, we don't go out of our way to bring it up. They may or may not have denied it. Maybe they made a mistake. People fuck up, Just because they're in a band doesn't mean we have to put them under a microscope and critisize every mistake they make. People fuck up.
If people consider them the best or one of the best when in reality they are only above average (which in my opinion they are), then that makes them overrated
Notice the "in my opinion". In your opinion, they are only above average, in your opinion, they are overated. So logic wise, I feel you are incorrect. But opinion wise, i guess you're right
The fact that the masses think that does not make them the best all of a sudden.
Actually, technically it would. Seeing as "best", is better than all others. And you have to base this finding on something. Which would be opinion of better than all others.
The best golfer is judged because people view him as the best. The same theory goes for music.
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
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Last edited by Trendkill_420 : 2004-09-08 at 01:17.

2004-09-08, 01:28
New Blood
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I am 14 actually
"Excellent" - Waynes World


2004-09-08, 01:31
Join Date: Aug 2001
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and i like sheep. What's your point?
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

2004-09-08, 04:02
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Posts: 4,499
Originally Posted by Def
man, I was happy to get outta highschool and into uni before we got any of that trendy shit.
i was happy to get out for the same reason, unfortunately i cant say it was before the trendy shit 

2004-09-08, 05:01
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Originally Posted by Trendkill_420
and i like sheep. What's your point?
I think he was talking to someone who asked if he was 12.
( ( ) )

2004-09-08, 16:55
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Originally Posted by Def
emo and slipknot stuff eh, how old are you, 12?
man, I was happy to get outta highschool and into uni before we got any of that trendy shit.
Pay attention dumbass!!!
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-09-08, 20:28
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Pantera fucking rule. Fuck everyone that doesnt like them.
Hell Awaits

2004-09-08, 23:12
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Originally Posted by SixfeetUnder420
Pantera fucking rule. Fuck everyone that doesnt like them.
You like Six Feet Under.
( ( ) )

2004-09-08, 23:28
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
Pay attention dumbass!!!
eat me.
I still like sheep.
(that's what qoutes are for, to help lazy pricks like me)
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2004-09-09, 00:49
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Big Phil and Dime fan...
We'll Grind That Axe For A Long Time

2004-09-09, 00:57
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lol, just in different bands.
and to chris
yesterday don't mean shit.
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2004-09-09, 01:04
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Originally Posted by Trendkill_420
no I don't see those bands as overated, because if a band is still being mentioned now. Than they have stayed the test of time. I may not like them, but it's obvious other people do.
If you look into it, I can almost guarantee that "kyles" vocales were far from original. Come on man, growling, original? blues.
Well If phil sounded like he wanted to be kyle than I suppose you'd see him as phil's idol. Who hasent had an idol at some point in life?
and to argue your "extreme change" theory. Did you not read what I said about influencing the your band? Differnet personalities, different ideas. Phil probably introduced pantera to exhorder, and they said "shit man, that sounds cool. I wanna make music like that "
What's wrong with the steve miller band? lol. Aside from that, we've all done things we we're not proud of. Fact is, we don't go out of our way to bring it up. They may or may not have denied it. Maybe they made a mistake. People fuck up, Just because they're in a band doesn't mean we have to put them under a microscope and critisize every mistake they make. People fuck up.
If people consider them the best or one of the best when in reality they are only above average (which in my opinion they are), then that makes them overrated
Notice the "in my opinion". In your opinion, they are only above average, in your opinion, they are overated. So logic wise, I feel you are incorrect. But opinion wise, i guess you're right
The fact that the masses think that does not make them the best all of a sudden.
Actually, technically it would. Seeing as "best", is better than all others. And you have to base this finding on something. Which would be opinion of better than all others.
The best golfer is judged because people view him as the best. The same theory goes for music.
I don't really have anything left to debate, as I've already planted my points, but there is one thing I would certainly contest, and that's the originality of Kyle's vocals. If you had heard him, you'd have heard somebody truly unique. Nobody sounded like that. Nobody. Listen to the bands of that era- they mostly sounded like Steve Souza, Chuck Billy, Tom Araya, Russ Anderson- you hear those people, some of them are very good, but they are largely similar. When you listen to Kyle, there is only one person who sounded like him- Phil. There's no coincidence there. Pantera didn't suck, but Phil does. He's the least original artist I've ever heard. Like I said before, there's a difference between being influenced by somebody else and completely mimicking their style.

2004-09-09, 01:20
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I can see where you are coming from.
I've never heard kyle's singing. But if I take what you're saying, Phil sounds like him. So it's not original. Growling comes from the blues man, 1930-40.
Look at pantera's newer album progression though. Vulgar was a massive change from cfh. So in your opinion were they still "ripping" off exhorder. Every album they had sounds different than the preceding album. So To somewhat justify your arguement, Cowboys from hell the album, is (may be) a ripoff of exhorder, then their music changed. (compare phil's vocals album to album..Lower and lower.)
and to call phil unorginal and "he sucks" is just a sensless attack on the guy. Listen to his singing in down, or songs like "hollow" "This love", etc. That's actual singing. Something MANY heavy metal bands lack.
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2004-09-09, 01:34
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Phil has more than one voice...
and i find it rediculous that you say he stole someones voice..
a voice is unique to yourself.. you cant copy it.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-09-09, 01:58
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Originally Posted by Trendkill_420
I can see where you are coming from.
I've never heard kyle's singing. But if I take what you're saying, Phil sounds like him. So it's not original. Growling comes from the blues man, 1930-40.
Look at pantera's newer album progression though. Vulgar was a massive change from cfh. So in your opinion were they still "ripping" off exhorder. Every album they had sounds different than the preceding album. So To somewhat justify your arguement, Cowboys from hell the album, is (may be) a ripoff of exhorder, then their music changed. (compare phil's vocals album to album..Lower and lower.)
and to call phil unorginal and "he sucks" is just a sensless attack on the guy. Listen to his singing in down, or songs like "hollow" "This love", etc. That's actual singing. Something MANY heavy metal bands lack.
I never said Pantera ripped of Exhorder. I said the borrowed heavily from several highly popular bands in the area, the only two that I listen to (and therefore remember) are Exhorder and Watchtower. Phil, however, completely ripped off Kyle's vocal style. I've heard Phil in other bands, and while he sounds different, he still never sounds original to me no matter how many times I hear him. I've heard his "singing" in some of his Pantera songs, I'm not sure why you would cite "This Love", because his singing is barely singing, and he soon delves into his screams. His singing is weak and always have been (which is why he relied on somebody else's vocal style for so many years), his bad as a guitarist too. Listen to the new Necrophagia, you'll see what I mean.
The blues reference is laughable. I've heard plenty of blues, I've heard the low, rumbling vocals, it is far from comparable to either Kyle or Phil.

2004-09-09, 02:09
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Originally Posted by mtv_is_gay
You like Six Feet Under.
WTF does that mean?
Hell Awaits

2004-09-09, 02:09
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for someone as "well read" as you (as you so stated)
you are definately hard to get through to.
I was stating that kyles and phils singing was not orignal due to the fact that it originated from other styles. As much as you think this kyle guys singing is so original, i can guarantee you, you are far from correct. My reference was a vague one, mostly relating the singing style how the throaty growls and southern accent of phil (and kyle..i guess) have similarities to early blues.
The only thing laughable is your arguement. It seems from your blatant attacks on phil that you harbor a dislike for the guy, (for your own odd reasons, seeing as you have never met the man).
Facts are. He can sing. He can hold specific keys for periods of time. Which is definately singing. Aside from my point, he can also scream.
I'll agree his guitar ability is questionable. What does that have to do with what we are discussing? Nothing. He has never played guitar in pantera.
And if you are only saying that pantera borrowed heavily from other bands, than you are saying pantera is a band like any other.
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2004-09-09, 04:15
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Originally Posted by SixfeetUnder420
WTF does that mean?
it means six feet under sucks ass therefor you, and your opinioin does as well.
the patterns are everywhere...

2004-09-09, 04:16
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Originally Posted by SixfeetUnder420
WTF does that mean?
i think six feet under is a crapy show my parents like to watch...
ChrisRezendes: yelling/screaming has been around since the first cave man sat his ass on a cactus needle, you cant steal it, because its not a style of singing, its somthing you do when you get scared at night and run to your mommy (im sure your very familiar with that)
btw: i dont mean to insult screaming as vocals for metal music, it happens to fit with it quite nicely.
.../.............................._ _..\

2004-09-09, 04:36
Join Date: May 2004
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Originally Posted by Angel-Of-Death
i think six feet under is a crapy show my parents like to watch...
ChrisRezendes: yelling/screaming has been around since the first cave man sat his ass on a cactus needle, you cant steal it, because its not a style of singing, its somthing you do when you get scared at night and run to your mommy (im sure your very familiar with that)
btw: i dont mean to insult screaming as vocals for metal music, it happens to fit with it quite nicely.
Yes but screaming for a style of music, rather than in fear or pain, has actually not been around that long (I think). Whetev I'm not in this argument.
( ( ) )

2004-09-10, 06:01
Forum Daemon
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Just for starters: you all know this all started as a Pantera fan site ages ago, right? I'm not the only one who thinks this is funny, right? Right?
Phil definitely used to sound a lot like Kyle, and I'm sure most of it was deliberate, but not all of it. There are elements of it in his speaking voice, and have been for as early as I can hear, and every other incarnation of his singing voice has retained some of it. Now, true, that could all be one huge elaborate scam, but I don't get it. Keep in mind most of the thrash singers you cite are from the Bay Area, not New Orleans. But the strength of the influence is undeniable. I refuse to agree with the people who say they're just pale Exhorder imitators - I have obth of Exhorders albums and they don't do much for me - but I definitely see their point.
Anyway, my problem with Pantera is this: the more I think about it, the more it seems like it was just Phil. I mean, look at it: they had three crap records, then Phil joins on and they come out with Power Metal, which is a very good record straddling their two real phases. Then there's Cowboys From Hell, which is still straddling but pushing forward to where Vulgar Display of Power's not really a surprise. They've made the remarkable change from glam to hard-hitting motherfuckers; the first few songs off Vulgar Display and Far Beyond Driven make your jaw jutt out like Mussolini. Phil gets meaner and they get uglier, in the cool, musical way, with FBD and The Great Southern Trendkill. Then they take the big break and we get Reinventing the Steel, which is still pretty good but doesn't really do anything, they're not connecting. Why? Phil's feet are getting itchy. He leaves. Down produces a hell of a sophomore album, and Superjoint Ritual makes the album that goes the logical step beyond Trendkill. Dime and Vinnie do nothing for a while, then run down Phil's other projects, then get back together and make DAMAGEPLAN, which sounds like people doing a bad job of being Pantera. Dime doesn't sound like himself, he sounds like somebody playing Dime-style riffs but without the spark. Vinnie's doing Lars Ulrich level stuff. And they get a vocalist who sounds like he's doing a Phil impression - which is funny, if you think about it being a second-hand Kyle impression - but not making it. There's nothing there to the whole thing. When Phil's gone, the soul drops out. And it breaks your heart, because Dime and Vinnie should be doing better.
Anyway, all that doesn't really affect my enjoyment of the music itself, which I enjoy greatly, if not as much as I once did. Damn good band. Glad I had the chance to see 'em live. Their CDs still make my rotation, which is hard, because there are many, many CDs fighting for space, and a lot of the time I'm not in a metal mood at all.

2004-09-10, 13:53
Forum Reverend
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Originally Posted by PST 88
When Phil's gone, the soul drops out. And it breaks your heart, because Dime and Vinnie should be doing better.
that sums it up pretty good...its too bad because i always thoguht Phil was trying too hard to stand out but it seems he actually was the band...fucking shame Damageplan is garbage. the only Pantera side projects i'll listen to is Down for the CROWBAR influence involved.
the patterns are everywhere...

2004-09-10, 21:32
Symbiotic In Theory
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Pantera are fucking hostile! they kickass, very chunky riffs they have, fav album? id have to say Great Southern Trendkill, cos 13 Steps To Nowhere and Floods rule.
'' I'll Smother You With A Fucking Pillow!! ''
Originally Posted by metal=life
Hey don't talk back buddy. Give your dick size or don't post.

2004-09-10, 23:44
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there are only 2 bands that i like the singer more then the guitar player, pantera and blacksabbath. phil is fucking awsome. nothing against dimebag, but phil was pantera, just like ozzy was black sabbath.
.../.............................._ _..\

2004-09-11, 00:07
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Phil wasnt Pantera dimebag and vinnie were. They could have any singer and it would still be Pantera. Phil is just a dumbass who has made some very bad career mistakes.
Hell Awaits

2004-09-11, 00:28
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Originally Posted by SixfeetUnder420
Phil wasnt Pantera dimebag and vinnie were. They could have any singer and it would still be Pantera. Phil is just a dumbass who has made some very bad career mistakes.
also somone who seems to make every band hes in sucessful.... pantera was only good when phil was in the band. its not like dimbag did anything new by playing extremly heavey brutal music, he just took it to an extreme. phil was the soul of the band.
.../.............................._ _..\

2004-09-11, 01:19
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Phil is cool but I like Dimebag more.
This is my signature.

2004-09-11, 01:32
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Originally Posted by Angel-Of-Death
ChrisRezendes: yelling/screaming has been around since the first cave man sat his ass on a cactus needle,
Put nicely
Originally Posted by pst 88
all of it
glad your back motherfucker. That's why i joined the fucking board cuz it was a fucking pantera board. And what you say is true. Though I think phil is the essence of "PanterA". PanterA needs dime, vinnie, and rex.
Originally Posted by SixfeetUnder420
Phil wasnt Pantera dimebag and vinnie were. They could have any singer and it would still be Pantera. Phil is just a dumbass who has made some very bad career mistakes.
No. PanterA is
phil anselmo - vocals
dimebag darrell - guitar
fuckin' rex - bass
vinnie - drums
they need all of em to be pantera. Without they are damageplan, superjoint, down, necrophagia, etc.
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2004-09-11, 02:18
Forum Reverend
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Originally Posted by SixfeetUnder420
Phil wasnt Pantera dimebag and vinnie were. They could have any singer and it would still be Pantera.
well no cause DAMAGEPLAN is Pantera without Phil...and they suck ass.
the patterns are everywhere...

2004-09-11, 05:19
Wasted Custom User title
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lol, damageplan, I laugh whenever I hear that.
This is my signature.

2004-09-11, 07:57
Forum Daemon
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Pantera was a very special combination, and I don't doubt they fed off of each other. Until he left, I never would've said Phil was so much of Pantera. Even before DAMAGEPLAN let us know they sucked, I would think they'd kick ass. I mean, I'd always respected both Dime and Vinnie for what they can do, DAMAGEPLAN just disillusioned me. They might come back to full form at some point and make me look like an asshole. Until then, they seemed to become cool when Phil joined and lose that cool when Phil left, so I'd say he was pretty essential.
But, like I said, that takes nothing away from Pantera. When the four of them got together, that was hell in the best way imaginable. I mean, the way sane imagines hell when he realizes that that's where he'll end up. Me too. The hell that strangely resembles Cabo San Lucas with metal playing. Even when Phil left, whatever he had, it wasn't Pantera, y'know? It was [name of whatever band it was] and it may have been good (I personally like Dime and SJR), but it wasn't Pantera.
Incidentally, what the fuck's an e-gang?

2004-09-11, 08:40
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ignore that, some people got bored.
anyway, pst, i can remember you once left the forum for a while because you were in the studio with your band, it worked out in the end?

2004-09-11, 08:56
Dog farts
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Originally Posted by PST 88
Incidentally, what the fuck's an e-gang?
An agglomeration of retards acting together as an "internet" gang. I don't see the point. It makes for a pretty signature, perhaps?

2004-09-11, 14:35
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I've been gettin into sjr lately. Cool riffs, but the only thing lacking is lead.
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2004-09-11, 18:56
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I hate SJR.
Just sloppy guitar riffs that get extreemely repitive. And every fuckign song starts the same.
Annoying as hell, their horrible live too.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-09-11, 19:21
Forum Daemon
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I have a band? I left because I hate you.
So an e-gang's a gang on the internet? Do they shoot each other? Do they deal drugs? If they moved in next door, would my lawn die? Or would I just move to the suburbs and say 'to hell with those animals!'? Or can I have my own gang?
SJR was good for an album. I'd heard most of it, 'cause I had that demo, because I collect useless demos like that or Created to Kill (is that the name of it? You know, it's Vile but before Barnes left, so with different titles and lyrics), but I didn't mind having heard it all. The second was more of the same, but sometimes I'm in the mood for Phil's dirty laundry served up on a two-riff groove. I prefer Down, but it seems he's only doing SJR now. And Dime and Vinnie are wasting time in interviews being internecine, and wasting time in studios being DAMAGEPLAN. And that's what's become of Pantera: SJR, DAMAGEPLAN, and Dime and Vinnie bitching. Goddamn.

2004-09-11, 19:55
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Originally Posted by PST 88
I have a band? I left because I hate you.
So an e-gang's a gang on the internet? Do they shoot each other? Do they deal drugs? If they moved in next door, would my lawn die? Or would I just move to the suburbs and say 'to hell with those animals!'? Or can I have my own gang?
SJR was good for an album. I'd heard most of it, 'cause I had that demo, because I collect useless demos like that or Created to Kill (is that the name of it? You know, it's Vile but before Barnes left, so with different titles and lyrics), but I didn't mind having heard it all. The second was more of the same, but sometimes I'm in the mood for Phil's dirty laundry served up on a two-riff groove. I prefer Down, but it seems he's only doing SJR now. And Dime and Vinnie are wasting time in interviews being internecine, and wasting time in studios being DAMAGEPLAN. And that's what's become of Pantera: SJR, DAMAGEPLAN, and Dime and Vinnie bitching. Goddamn.
Created to Kill is one shitty demo. Not the sound quality, the music. Sorry to get off topic.

2004-09-11, 20:02
Forum Daemon
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I haven't listened to it for a while, so you're probably right. Isn't it just the same shit as Vile, though?
By the way, that's a lot to quote to just respond to an aside.
I'd write something to get back on topic at the end here, but I'm drawing a blank.

2004-09-11, 21:01
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how bout.
Imagine there's no countries,
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Nothing to kill or die for,
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Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

2004-09-11, 22:30
Forum Reverend
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lol...watch is go 3 is one awesome video, the ultimate useless vid to put in while a party is going on.
the patterns are everywhere...

2004-09-11, 23:31
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I used to get stoned and drunk and watch their vids over and over.
Whoa Val!
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...
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