2005-03-02, 03:53
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Originally Posted by blizzard_beast
Yeah, and some people never buy CD's at all, they just wait for their friends to buy them and always make copies.
Nothing wrong with that, as long as you have/buy albums that your friends can copy off you.
I mean there's a warm fuzzy feeling I get by buying CD, kinda like the same feeling you get when you open a parcel or open a present at Christmas.
Haha I have another friend that's EXACTLY like that. I mean, it's not like he's poor or anything, he just bought like a $1400 amp and a $600 cab and he's too lazy to buy a $14 CD.

2005-03-02, 07:22
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
I'll check them out by downloading some songs. Like 5-6 songs. If I like them, then I'll try to buy one of their CDs given I have money.
Exactly. But sometimes, the CD might be hard to get so I'll have to download the album. I'd much rather buy the actual CD to support the band and have all the cool artwork, album covers, and what have you...but what can you do...

2005-03-02, 07:24
Join Date: Dec 2004
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The thing with getting into new bands is that when you dl songs from them for the first time, you have to kinda get lucky to pick their best songs. They might be a really good band, but then you might dl 3 songs, and they might be the 3 worst songs that the band has ever written. Then you might decide that the band sucks and then you miss out on some good shit.

2005-03-02, 21:52
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Originally Posted by I Play Drums
Exactly. But sometimes, the CD might be hard to get so I'll have to download the album. I'd much rather buy the actual CD to support the band and have all the cool artwork, album covers, and what have you...but what can you do...
You can also buy cd's on the internet... 
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-03-02, 23:27
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Originally Posted by BLS
You can also buy cd's on the internet... 
A lot of sites ask for credit cards, especialy when their from the US
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-03-03, 00:36
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I have downloaded alot of full albums over the last 6 months (over 100), I cant afford to buy CDs in large quantities at the moment, but I do plan to buy the better ones eventally. I bought whisper supremacy the other day. Burning Mp3s is nothing like the real thing - no blips, consistant volume etc.

2005-03-03, 01:49
Noob lud
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Ive never downloaded an entire album in my life. Like almost everyone else said, i download a song or two and see if i like it then i buy it. I usually dl them from the bands label website.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2005-03-03, 09:55
Master Killer
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I don't feel bad about downloading songs. I've got about 4-500 cds here and I allways support the bands I really like, means I buy their cds.
sometimes I check out a couple of songs before I buy cds and sometimes I download songs of a band I only like a couple of songs off (or if I don't think their cds are worth buying or hardly available)

2005-03-03, 10:07
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by low-tech
the copying aspect never hurt tape sales, that was a big thing 25-30 years ago,all this hype about bootlegging, never became anything substantial...
No it didn't hurt tape sales, the reason being the level of coverage afforded to a tape trader was vastly smaller than to that of somebody who uploads an album to the internet. A tape trader would make copies for friends and maybe a friend of a friend: a limited level of coverage. On the internet thousands of people could have the album within an hour.
Back in the 80s, if your mate had a tape that you liked, he'd tape it for you and if none of your mates had the tape you were looking for you went out and bought it yourself. Nowadays it's more a case of asking around your mates and then downloading it for free anyway if they don't have it.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2005-03-03, 10:08
Pokémon Master
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Can we download all your songs def?
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
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(x.x) (> <)
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2005-03-03, 14:29
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john, i agree, your point is also compounded by the fact of the ipod, before people will have mp3s then rip them to a cdr, so they can have a discman or listen to the stuff in thier car, but as we all know the cdr is shit quality and has a limited life span and many people would desire the album due to skipping cdrs and the rather short amount of playability time before major malfunctions set in.
i sorta have a solution to the downloading problem, many bands do this anyway but check this out, release vinyl only, no cd or tape, since i have a ripped cdr of some of my vinyl i can tell you vinyl is least likely to be copied to cd then to a computer,unless someone can copy a vinyl straight to computer it passes thru a cdr medium that ruins the quality to some degree, not alot but its noticable, alot of bands do this coz they are fanatics of vinyl not so much as antifilesharing reasons, and i noticed those albums are very hard to find on the web, unless your in a band that intends to sell 25,-50,000 copies upon release vinyl is an excellent medium for upcomming or underground bands.
as i stated before, the petroleum mix used for making vinyl is no longer gonna be made after 2009, someone is bound to make a substitute,and most likely it'll be much cheaper than that petroleum mix. many pressing plants are gonna sell off thier vinyl making machines,lathes and automatic presses, this obsolete technology is gonna be dirt cheap, labels and artists are gonna buy these things and maintain vinyl as a novelty medium to collecter music fanatics. it is my firm belief that this will become a little oasis that'll be distanced from filesharing and the internet, i believe this will empower more bands and labels to release albums and depend on themselves more and become vastly independent from the industry as it stands,it'll be alot cheaper to run a small pressing outfit<this is only speculation>. record stores that are left around in like 10 years will sell this vinyl and a marginal market will grow, i think it may be properous, never to rival cds and dvd but it will survive the fallout thats gonna happen soon to the industry. especially with hip-hop and techno since djing will always involve vinyl, its obviously not filesharing proof but it'll be viewed as a collecters medium in which filesharing will be the antithesis of its point
Last edited by low-tech : 2005-03-03 at 14:35.

2005-03-03, 14:33
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by BeastOfCarrion
Can we download all your songs def?
nope. we had all our demo's songs up before but the label took em down.. copyrights and shit

2005-03-03, 15:11
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Originally Posted by Def
nope. we had all our demo's songs up before but the label took em down.. copyrights and shit
damn.. how does that feel actualy? That your songs aren't owned by yourself annymore?
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-03-03, 15:38
Master Killer
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doesn't matter to me. they're copyrighted by the label but they're our property, if we leave the label its going to be harder for them to sell our 500 cds if we're not going to take any to our shows and shit.

2005-03-03, 16:51
Join Date: Aug 2004
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Originally Posted by fatdanny
I have downloaded alot of full albums over the last 6 months (over 100), I cant afford to buy CDs in large quantities at the moment, but I do plan to buy the better ones eventally. I bought whisper supremacy the other day. Burning Mp3s is nothing like the real thing - no blips, consistant volume etc.
FatDanny, where did you download them from, and what program did you use, if any?

2005-03-03, 17:29
New Blood
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I dl music.. mostly to be able to hear the music and see if I like it before actually purchasing it. I deffinately prefer real cds to burned no question, theres nothing like ripping off the plastic on a brand new cd and inhailing that new cd smell... buying cds is not always the absolute best way to support a band though, they profit just as much if not more from ticket sales and all the merch bought at their shows. But I deffinately try and spend what I can to support my favorite bands.
On a side note.. does anyone know where I can find a copy of Immolation's out of print Dawn Of Possession? The best I can come up with is about $50 for a used copy on amazon..
Last edited by sinderella : 2005-03-03 at 18:09.

2005-03-03, 20:57
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Originally Posted by blizzard_beast
FatDanny, where did you download them from, and what program did you use, if any?
Soulseek, the only way to download music.
Last edited by fatdanny : 2005-03-03 at 21:02.

2005-03-03, 22:01
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If you're going to download songs, even whole albums, that's cool, AS LONG AS YOU BUY THE ALBUM AFTERWARDS. This is often what I do.
Goratory has sold only about 30 copies of their album 'Rice on Suede' in the US, and a lot of that has to do with some fucking Europeans leaking the whole album on the net before it came out. 30 copies, that is just wrong for such an awesome album.

2005-03-03, 22:03
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Originally Posted by Cloaca
If you're going to download songs, even whole albums, that's cool, AS LONG AS YOU BUY THE ALBUM AFTERWARDS. This is often what I do.
Im not paying money for a shitty album...
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-03-03, 22:15
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true true, if i like the album then ill usually buy it
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2005-03-04, 00:53
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Originally Posted by BLS
Im not paying money for a shitty album...
allright, allright, that's what I meant. Jeez I thought you would have figured.....

2005-03-04, 01:07
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You think to much.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-03-25, 23:09
Senior Metalhead
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I'd buy all albums from the bands that are favourites... but here, it's quite some trouble for you cant afford to spend 15% of the family's entire income on an original CD... for us to get real... if only I lived in a country with more decent salaries, I would have bought them... but as long as a CD is 20 $ and the family income rests at 300, i`m sorry but that's impossible...
You are now reading my signature. Exciting, isn't it?

2005-03-25, 23:12
Muffin Ass
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In the past week I have downloaded 6 tunes however purchased 1 CD so I'm feeling cool about it all.

2005-03-25, 23:42
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If I were put in the situation of being in a band that had its songs floating around on the internet, I'd be okay with it as long as it worked more as advertisement than them just getting all the songs on the net and not buying the CDs. DLing songs is great because we get to see what we're buying before we buy it. But ripping the bands off of their money and not even supporting them, that's pretty much wrong (unless it's a sucky pop band or something that you just want to do some weird editing with for your own comical pleasure). If you like the band, you better buy their shit. No money, no business. No business, no more music.

2005-03-26, 00:13
New Blood
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I only download to see if I like it before I buy it. I've had too many CD-disappointments, so I'm ok with this.

2005-03-28, 10:39
Join Date: Jan 2004
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Originally Posted by Cloaca
If you're going to download songs, even whole albums, that's cool, AS LONG AS YOU BUY THE ALBUM AFTERWARDS. This is often what I do.
Goratory has sold only about 30 copies of their album 'Rice on Suede' in the US, and a lot of that has to do with some fucking Europeans leaking the whole album on the net before it came out. 30 copies, that is just wrong for such an awesome album.
30 copies...what an abomination.
but that's exactly what i do. had a friend send me "smashing the antiu." was my first taste of nile. a week later (ie today), i purchased a copy of "amongst the catacombs of nephren-ka."
the only burnt albums i have is anal cunt's "top 40 hits" and intense hammer rage's "avagoyamugs", the very reason they're out of print. or so i thought until i stumbled upon sweet, dear, darling relapse.

2005-03-28, 11:20
Life is pain.
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Top 40 hits outta print my arse. Nice excuse but It's in print man...

2005-03-28, 11:45
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you told me all AxCx albums were out of print mofo 

2005-03-28, 11:48
Life is pain.
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Fuck off I did! No way would I say that. Maybe you misinterpereted something I said, but man no way, they are all in print. Except the really rare ones. Everything from Earache is still in print.

2005-03-28, 12:13
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by Infinity
Fuck off I did! No way would I say that. Maybe you misinterpereted something I said, but man no way, they are all in print. Except the really rare ones. Everything from Earache is still in print.
maybe i did misinterpret....but, thats what i recall you saying. anyways i'm hitting the hay. night all.

2005-03-28, 12:23
Life is pain.
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Yeah man, nighty 

2005-03-28, 14:04
Supreme Metalhead
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I was under the impression that people had stop dl song since they can sue your pants off. I dl like maybe two albums evey few months but I cant afford buying albums let alone getting sued so I really steer clear of p2p.

2005-03-28, 19:34
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Most bands win more money from concerts than from CDs. Now that piratery is everywhere...
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2005-03-28, 19:47
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dl is okee, they charge way to much for those fucking cds
most i dl i have on cd though  atleast 75 %
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-03-28, 19:50
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I download if I can't find something. Or if I don't know anyone in the band. I think that it's fine if you've made an effort to find it and if you do find it you would still buy the CD.

2005-03-29, 02:01
Join Date: Nov 2003
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I download alot, but im slowly buying all the albums i downloaded. Its a money issue. I eventually will own all of the albums ive downloaded (except for the rare ones)
And I also download demos of bands that I havent heard of that are just coming out. I figure its a good way to get their musci out so they post it on the internet.
If im not back in 15 minutes...
Wait longer

2005-03-29, 12:06
Supreme Metalhead
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I was actually buying more CD's when Napster was originally up and running because I could thoroughly check out new bands before making the monetary commitment. That is how I discovered Opeth and several other of my new favorite bands. I think the music industry is retarded for fighting it instead of working with it. If people have free access to hear everything, then maybe the talented bands will finally be the most successful bands for a change. It's no coincidence that the bands who are the most vocally against downloading are the same bands who dominate the market through promotion deals and exclusivity contracts. If I downloaded some new Metallica just to see if they finally stopped sucking, I wouldn't feel like I owed them any money for listening to it once and deciding that they still suck.

2005-04-02, 02:26
Join Date: Aug 2004
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Recently downloaded:
BLS - Hangover Music Vol. VI
BLS - Sonic Brew
BLS - The Blessed Hellride
BLS - Mafia
Zakk Wylde - Book of Shadows
Jason Becker - Perpetual Burn
All via bit-torrent. Damn I feel dirty. But I don't have any money, so I'll probably buy all those albums once I do.

2005-04-02, 03:36
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You better buy that Becker cd, his only way of making money is by his record sales.. and he needs the money more than anyone.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-04-12, 18:29
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I've stopped downloading because my program stopped working....
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