2005-01-01, 18:17
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by Cloaca
Either you didn't read PST's and Chris' posts or you're simply the latest dumb fuck to wander through these parts. I think it's the latter. Now fuck off back to Kalgoorlie. 
what he said^^^, lesserman.
hah, some of the better riffs. oh, i must have forgot about those 2. as for the rest of your comments, they surely arnt directed towards me, because they have nothing to do with anything i said. and if you call that a rant, youre in for a surprise.
and by the way, thanks, actually i do consider myself a pretty good guitar player, cunt.
along with cloaca, i bid you FUCK OFF.

2005-01-01, 22:37
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Originally Posted by LesserMan
...Next, not everyone likes there music so why such a rant ? seriously dont like dont need to tell everyone.. get a life...
...hmm... who would have thought a thread asking people why they don't like Slipknot would have posts in it by people explaining why they don't like Slipknot?! I'll be damned! So, let's get this straight- he comes up with a couple of reasons for why he doesn't like Slipknot. It was, in my opinion, a little lame, perhaps poorly worded, but definitely not an offensive or annoying post in any way. Then you, in all your infinite wisdom, come around just to chastise him for explaining why he doesn't like Slipknot in a post asking people why they don't like Slipknot. I'm guessing if one of you doesn't have a social life, it's you, dipshit.
Originally Posted by PST 88
That is a lot of mistakes. If you keep this up, you'll make most of these kids look like geniuses.
Am I the only one seriously disturbed by that?
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2005-01-02, 05:13
Senior Metalhead
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this thread can be closed. i dont care anymore. too much slipknot for my mind. i shouldnt have made this thread. Sorry, to all the smart metalheads

2005-01-02, 05:14
Senior Metalhead
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Actually I think the question should be, "Why does everyone like Slipknot?"

2005-01-02, 05:27
Forum Daemon
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Because it speaks to them on an emotional level and seems to be an alternative to the soft worldview typically put forth by pop music. I can't think of something more simple to explain than why music such as Slipknot would appeal to angsty teenagers. Or, in general, to anyone who values anger in music, though I figure it appeals to fewer of those.
Thanks for your permission, warlock freak. I'm sure a mod will soon be by to serve your needs.
And no Chris, you aren't.

2005-01-02, 14:40
Senior Metalhead
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I dont like them because people who think Slipknot are brutal metal annoy me more than any other fans of gay bands.

2005-01-02, 16:51
New Blood
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Originally Posted by warlock_freak
Why does everyone hate slipknot? im not a huge fan, but i can play 2 of their songs and enjoy it, so why cant others?
i understand they have a DJ in their band which is pretty gay, but he doesnt do much. And ok, the new slipknot album is shit. a few good songs, but not enough to make it a good album. and the guitarist is pretty basic, but its still heavy shit and i think theyre alright
P.S. i listen to black/death but some of that easier stuff is ok..
Go On...Flame me..
No flames here, just an honest opinion. Two reasons:
1)I just don't like the sound of detuned guitars. Call me overly traditional or whatever, but I just can't stand it.
2)I would rather have bamboo spikes hammered under my fingernails than listen to those "cookie monster" vocals.
Of course those things apply to plenty of bands besides Slipknot.
On the other hand, I respect the fact that you gotta listen to what appeals to YOUR ear. In fact, THAT is the most important thing. Enjoy what you like and fuck all else. If someone else doesn't like it, that's their deal and it's no sweat off your nuts. I know this will make me a total pariah on this board, but I like The Darkness a lot. Their music appeals to the only two beings whose opinions I care about- my left ear and my right ear.
ANYWAY- Go enjoy Slipknot if that's who you like, and remember that no one else's opinion matters. ENJOY! 

2005-01-02, 16:55
Forum Daemon
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Cookie Monster vocals? That's an epithet usually reserved for death metal vocals. I've heard Slipknot do one of those hardcore scream dealies, but not death metal vocals, and I think I've heard pretty much every Slipknot song. But maybe not.
Aside from that, cool. I don't think you should get shit for liking the Darkness.

2005-01-02, 17:58
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I really like the darkness...
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2005-01-03, 05:36
New Blood
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Eh, Slipknot IMO isn't horrible, but way overrated. And they seem capable of so much mroe, but just haven't gotten there yet. Vol. 3 showed that they can do more and was a big step up from Iowa, but it isn't too great compared to what's already out there.

2005-01-03, 05:39
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COOKIE MONSTER VOCALS!!! AHAHahahahaha Slipknot with cookie monster vocals might even gain my appreciation!

2005-01-03, 16:03
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Originally Posted by LesserMan
As for th remarks of joey being a shit drummer i simply laugh.. 
Yeah me too.  He makes shit drumming look good. Damn those people calling him a shit drummer. He is ultra-shit at LEAST.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-01-05, 20:43
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The problem with kids these days is that they turn on their television sets for musical needs. Slipknot is no exception to the sugar coated bands some watch, but I don't have any conflicting issues with the people who listen to them. If someone were to approach me in ways that many nu - metal newbies do, an apathic chuckle is all that comes from me.
Between those bands and their fans, I'd say the fans are the ones who show the most emotion and interest musically.
Last edited by Seasons in the Abyss : 2005-01-05 at 20:49.

2005-01-05, 20:45
Master Killer
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let me bring you guys back to basics:
Slipknot Sucks.


2005-01-05, 21:04
The Stings of Conscience
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i'd like to go back to what PST was saying, just to reitterate: Slipknot disappoints me, because they seem so good at times. i hear double bass, i hear decent riffs at times, and Corey's primal scream works at times. then, they shit all over every small ounce of goodness they once had.

2005-01-06, 10:05
Master Killer
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I don't care for them, I even saw them live for two songs and ran away to get beer and stay with 'beer'.
seriously, I can't stand their music and their horrible lyrics. sure they might be talented but their whole act just ruins it first, they could do a lot better. most of their fans seem retarded too, not all, but like 90% in general, which are 14 year old kids wearing slipknot sweaters and chains. one thing that is good about slipknot is that it's a step up for some kids to listen to real metal.

2005-01-06, 18:51
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Not necessarily referring to you here, Def, but it makes me laugh when kids crack on Slipknot's lyrics. These same kids who listen to some of the absolute worst lyrics on the planet that are in 99% of extreme metal bands.
As for your crack on Slipknot fans appearance...again, same can be said about the other crowd. A Slipknot fan wearing a band shirt and chains is any different than a Mayhem fan walking around with corpsepaint and spike leather gauntlets? Nigga please.
We covered this already, if you don't dig the music then that's your call. Don't bag on the ridiculousness of their fans when the fans of everything else are just as horrible and stupid.
Metal fans in general are fucking morons.

2005-01-06, 18:55
The Mountie From Hell
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Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2005-01-06, 19:01
Master Killer
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ofcourse they are but then again, I hardly listen to metal alone. Actually, I think 20% of my cd collection is metal, the rest is just anything else, ranging from classic rock to blues and all the way to drum'n'bass, haha.
slipknot's fans apperance must be worse over here then anywhere. luckily enough we do not have a lot of 'big alternative bands' on tv. the only beeing Slipknot over here just tends to attract big masses of kids that love to dress up with bright yellow and bright blue spikes and chains that are bigger then their arms.
It's not like you see a Mayhem fan here on a daily basis, but you do see around 20 slipknot kiddies over here every day, which just gets annoying. especially when you hear them talk about cutting goats and shit, how lame is that? Ofcourse, mayhem fans with corpsepaint and spike leather gauntlests are rediculous too. just like fat goth chicks, just to bring something up
Metal bands in general do have horrible lyrics, I agree with that. I can't really appreciate metal lyrics in most cases but then again, there are some exceptions (indeed, not beeing the extreme metal you're talking about) But have you read Slipknot's lyrics? come on, they just make me want to throw up, millions of cliché's and so called bad-ass-ness. It's like it has to be like their apperance. the whole masks thing pisses me off, not only for Slipknot, look at the Berzeker, Mushroomhead, etc. It's an act, metal shouldn't be a fucking fashion show...

2005-01-06, 19:10
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You missed my point somewhat. I wasn't singling you out, just borrowing some of your points and expanding on them. I know you're not one of the dolts that's confined to all extreme metal or all this or all that, I know that. I'm the same way as well, but alot of the kids on this board are not and that's who I was directing it at.
I have read Slipknot's lyrics, and while they can definitely be considered juvenile in some respects, I don't really think they're bad to the point that I'd throw up. That's beside the point though, forget that.
All I'm hoping to accomplish by even posting anything at all in this thread is maybe, just maybe some metal dork here will pull their head out of the ground and look around at the world around him/her. There's alot more in the music world than this shit. There's alot more to do in music than just bitch about someone elses taste.

2005-01-06, 19:36
Master Killer
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I know, just wanted to clear myself up.
slipknot is not the only shitty (imo) so-called metal band out there, actually, there must be some that are way worse. they only catch a lot of flak because they're in the media and a have a lot of fans.
Anyways, it's kind of a retarded thread, just look at my first reply, I tried to pull something out of anyone here and nobody had a decent reply, untill now. so actually, your reply was more then I expected. The kid's just asking for reasons why slipknot is so hated. everybody is entitled to their own opinion, as in music, as in dressing up, though the risk is you'll get critiqued or slagged off. that's someone else's opinion. Most mentioned here is all stuff you can expect in a slipknot thread, but if you start a let say, Deftones thread, the replies may be less agressive because they're less reasons to hate them.
I think most metalheads just have a problem with slipknot kids running around screaming 'tr00 metal brwaaagh!' and shit like that. I couldn't care less, I like watching people making fools out of themselves (be it slipknot fans, gothics, etc. it's all fun)
I don't have a problem with slipknot, yet, I don't like them and most of their fans can annoy the shit out of me, I can't say their not talented musicians, though I don't like their music. Saying slipknot sucks because their guitarist can't play for shit is an example of something that just doens't fly. their last album has pretty good guitar work even, not that I'm into it, but at least I gave it a listen.

2005-01-06, 19:49
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/end of thread

2005-01-06, 19:59
New Blood
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what i think

2005-01-06, 20:39
Schrodinger's Cat
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I couldn't understand a word of that mess you call a sentence.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2005-01-07, 02:41
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Originally Posted by slayme_returns
Metal fans in general are fucking morons.
People in general are fucking morons, metal fans or not. It doesn't stop the idiocy from being damned annoying, but it's easier to keep things in perspective when you accept or acknowledge this fact.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-01-07, 02:44
The Stings of Conscience
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Originally Posted by johnmansley
I couldn't understand a word of that mess you call a sentence.
but he used a lot of smilies, so it doesnt matter. hes right

2005-01-07, 07:51
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I don't think the backlash against Slipknot is necessarily Slipknot's fault. They have been overexposed and turned into a modern cliche. When contrasted against the currently popular "metal" acts of today ( Godsmack, Korn, etc. ), one can easily see the vast marketing potential, and one can also easily see why your average 14 year old would view this as "extreme brutal metal", or whatever. They strike me as striving so hard to fit a certain image, priding themselves on novelty, that it turns into contrivance and a derivation of themselves. Now as to wether or not the band members themselves are attempting to cater to the "teenybopper" demographic, so to say, I find it difficult to believe that a band throwing around human feces on stage/lighting each other on fire is out to win friends among the general populace.
But still, as a whole I believe the Slipknot catalogue has a lackluster glow compared to what we might call "real" metal.

2005-01-12, 01:48
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Originally Posted by Infinity
No skill. Not heavy. It's rap for fucks sake. The singer actually raps all the lyrics. Dumb band.
this is true mostly for their first album, their second album is a more basic metal sound (eg less rap) and the new album, goddamn, is a halirious attempt to acheive a truer sound

2005-01-12, 01:50
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one more thing about nu-metal in general, at least modern "popmetal" is better than that of the 80's

2005-01-12, 03:45
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No it ain't.

2005-01-12, 16:45
New Blood
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People hate Slipknot because their first album sucks. I first heard "Iowa", and I really liked it, its much heavier and better than their first album. When I heard their fist album i didn't like it that much. The new album is brilliant because they have almost no DJ shit, and they have solos.

2005-01-12, 22:42
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Originally Posted by metal!!(!!)
People hate Slipknot because their first album sucks. I first heard "Iowa", and I really liked it, its much heavier and better than their first album. When I heard their fist album i didn't like it that much. The new album is brilliant because they have almost no DJ shit, and they have solos.
nobody cares, i dont hate the band, i hate their music, BUT, as it has been stated many times before by various people in this thread, i dont mind them because they are a stepping stone into metal, a gateway drug, if you will, they were prolly the first heavy band i got into, hell i think i still have the burned copy of iowa that i played nonstop for like 2 weeks.
Too grim to function

2005-01-12, 22:54
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Originally Posted by Zombie Clown
one more thing about nu-metal in general, at least modern "popmetal" is better than that of the 80's
motley crue, poison, bon jovi, guns'n'roses: possibly.
slayer, metallica, megadeth, testament: fuck off.

2005-01-12, 22:59
Lo, they do call to me...
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Originally Posted by andrewc
motley crue, poison, bon jovi, guns'n'roses: possibly.
slayer, metallica, megadeth, testament: fuck off.
he was talking about the "popmetal" of the 80's, like Poison, Wasp, and shit like that.
he wasnt talking about slayer
Too grim to function
Last edited by MoonRaven : 2005-01-12 at 23:01.

2005-01-14, 02:00
Join Date: Sep 2004
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godamn, anyone who associates slayer with the term "popmetal" should die
and yes, i meant the "hair metal" genre like bon jovi and ratt, compared to, oh, say kittie and rob zombie
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