2005-02-02, 16:34
Forum Daemon
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I don't know how to except any such thing. And, even if I did, I wouldn't. Nah nah nah nah nah.
SARS: you're barely coherent. Chris hasn't been criticizing a few minor spelling errors, he's been pointing out a deep-seated and seemingly fundamental inability to make a statement containing more than the slightest inkling of sense. This would naturally be forgivable if you weren't trying to run down an entire country of people with your undecipherable nonsense. An important lesson to learn is the following: if you want to look down on people, make sure you are actually above them. If not, please feel free to make an attempt to climb. Too lazy to climb, you say? You'd rather just be an incoherent cunt taking ignorant potshots at a foreign populace? Much like the people you seem to hate so much? How droll. You're doing this on purpose, aren't you? Trying to point out the annoying hypocrisy of the most recent run of rabid anti-Americanism, right? Clever, if that's the case. If not, you're living proof of the fact that, even if you're not an American, you can be a fat-headed, moralistic cunt with fewer, and smaller, brain cells than e-balls and less sense than an attractive straight man indiscriminately accepting drinks bought and prepared for him by the charming chaps of the High Balls Cocktail Lounge and Bar in Provincetown, after a long, tiring day of watching the whales from the deck of a tourist boat.
Every country has assholes, rednecks, piss poor policies, and so on. Learn to deal with it. Name me a country and I'll name you a collection of cunts, with one popular cunt enforcing the general law of cuntism throughout the land, and, naturally, allowing it to dictate foreign policy.
Last edited by PST 88 : 2005-02-02 at 16:39.

2005-02-02, 16:53
Attorney at Bird Law
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Originally Posted by TranMan
all you fags shut up and except that USA is the most powerfull country in the world, i love you G.Bush, nuke those damn arabs.
People like this should make all of society cry. Obviously somebody, somewhere has failed him, and that's neither humorous nor amusing. More likely than not, it was his mother who failed him, probably before he was even born. A couple of rocks here, a shot of D there, a bottle of Jack D before sex with strangers every night... Getting beat up by pimps and locked in a trunk, gang raped by angry johns, these are not the things that forbode well for a developing fetus.
We can all bow our heads in shame, for it is society that allows mothers to damage their unborn to the point where they are as useless and inferior as TransvestiteMan here. Can you imagine what a tortured existence he is forced to live? I'd rather not think about it. We feel for you, TrannyHooker. Now go finish what nature started and your mother was too cowardly to finish... and remember, go up the highway, not across the
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-02-02, 17:47
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Whorelando, FL
Posts: 589
Originally Posted by Chris Rezendes
Yugoslavia isn't even a real fucking country. My country could just as well take Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE, Oman, Yemen, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Syria and call it Sandy Village, but it wouldn't be a real country. Oh well, I guess the US isn't a real country either if you want to look at it that way, but at least we've been around longer. Plus, we have nukes, or, as our doting leader prefers to refer to them "nucular weapons".
well, technically, Yugoslavia isn't a real county anymore. It's now called Serbia and Montenegro, and that little deal is fixing to fall apart any day now. They were a real country when they beat the US in soccer and basketball, though. and, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to bash the good old US of A or nothing. I live in the US, so if I were to talk shit about it, it would be kinda like hypocrisy. ant that's bad. and, for the record, Yugoslavia's been around a lot longer than the US. It wasn't always called Yugoslavia, but it was always pretty much the same thing. Same territories, same language, same people. It's not like we just moved in one day and chased the natives out, we were the natives of that country.
but, hey, as long as you have a vague general idea of what Yugoslavia is and where it's located, you got my respect.

2005-02-02, 17:48
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Whorelando, FL
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Originally Posted by timedragon
ok, either im missing something, or going back to drinking vodka straight tonight is working better than ever, but doesnt your location say whorelando Fl, as in orlando florida? if so how is yuogoslavia your country.
I was born there. Grew up there, too. Been in the US for the last seven years.

2005-02-02, 17:50
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Whorelando, FL
Posts: 589
Originally Posted by Chris Rezendes
People like this should make all of society cry. Obviously somebody, somewhere has failed him, and that's neither humorous nor amusing. More likely than not, it was his mother who failed him, probably before he was even born. A couple of rocks here, a shot of D there, a bottle of Jack D before sex with strangers every night... Getting beat up by pimps and locked in a trunk, gang raped by angry johns, these are not the things that forbode well for a developing fetus.
We can all bow our heads in shame, for it is society that allows mothers to damage their unborn to the point where they are as useless and inferior as TransvestiteMan here. Can you imagine what a tortured existence he is forced to live? I'd rather not think about it. We feel for you, TrannyHooker. Now go finish what nature started and your mother was too cowardly to finish... and remember, go up the highway, not across the
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


2005-02-02, 19:58
El Diablo sin pantalones
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Yggdrassyl
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Don't take this wrong, you should use the edit button instead of making three single posts in a row.
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-02-02, 20:12
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Liverpool, England.
Posts: 1,485
Originally Posted by i_hate_nu_metal
is that really necessary?
That snatch is like a glove fit for God.

2005-02-02, 20:39
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Liverpool, England.
Posts: 1,485
Originally Posted by PST 88
SARS: you're barely coherent. Chris hasn't been criticizing a few minor spelling errors, he's been pointing out a deep-seated and seemingly fundamental inability to make a statement containing more than the slightest inkling of sense.
Aye, I myself gathered that from reading the posts.
Originally Posted by PST 88
This would naturally be forgivable if you weren't trying to run down an entire country of people with your undecipherable nonsense. An important lesson to learn is the following: if you want to look down on people, make sure you are actually above them. If not, please feel free to make an attempt to climb. Too lazy to climb, you say? You'd rather just be an incoherent cunt taking ignorant potshots at a foreign populace?
That i have done, and to be fair my only arguement against that populace is:
How on earth is that man in office again? Granted John Kerry didn't exactly seem to have a president's personality, his policies baffled me sometimes.
Originally Posted by PST 88
You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
replying to Chris' post, yes.
Originally Posted by PST 88
Trying to point out the annoying hypocrisy of the most recent run of rabid anti-Americanism, right?
Yes and no.
Originally Posted by PST 88
Trying to point out the annoying hypocrisy of the most recent run of rabid anti-Americanism, right? Clever, if that's the case. If not, you're living proof of the fact that, even if you're not an American, you can be a fat-headed, moralistic cunt with fewer, and smaller, brain cells than e-balls and less sense than an attractive straight man indiscriminately accepting drinks bought and prepared for him by the charming chaps of the High Balls Cocktail Lounge and Bar in Provincetown, after a long, tiring day of watching the whales from the deck of a tourist boat.
If that was a smaller comment, i'd put it in my sig.
All in all:-
WOW, someone actually summed recent posts in, what was supposed to be a joke, this thread to a fuckin' T.
*applauds* - NO sarcasm.
My problem with america is not as witty and intelligent as John Cleese's problems. My problem is with half of the population, when I come to think of it. The amount of CNN, Fox etc.etc. time that man has had must of swayed some people and jolted the following thoughts "No way, did our President just say that!? Dude, that's the guy we voted for". If you want me to substantiate this with a list of geniune Bush quotes, then i have absolutley no problem in doing so. Also, if one of your fellow countrymen did take up arms against your goverment, it appears to me that your goverment has the power to bend public perception's on the motivations of said attack. I just wonder, the Washington sniper for instance; has any public/live statement come from his mouth about why he went on this killing spree? Or did the media class him as "another loopy war veteran and a troubled teenager seeking attention". It is frightening to think that a nation who aided the defeat of a seemingly unstoppable army, seems to of bred the ways of reporting, in order for domestic morals to be high, into a distorted facade of govermental cause.
Originally Posted by PST 88
SARS: you're barely coherent. ...... he's been pointing out a deep-seated and seemingly fundamental inability to make a statement containing more than the slightest inkling of sense.
Most probably.
That snatch is like a glove fit for God.

2005-02-02, 21:18
Forum Daemon
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Democrats - or their self-appointed celebrity representatives - dropped the ball by coming off as whiney, condescending, and self-important - none of which factors into 'charismatic' or 'persuasive' - and by basically letting Bush's famously underhanded campaign techniques pass by unchallenged and unanswered. The Guardian's brilliant campaign to persuade voters in Ohio basically sums up every way in which the ostensible guardians of sanity blithely shot themselves in the kneecaps while believing they had their pea-shooters aimed at Bush. His opposition really couldn't have chosen a more ineffective way of going against him, fueled, no doubt, by their belief that nobody could be so stupid as to actually re-elect him, further showing an almost astounding collective solipsism. This willfull ignorance on their part is why we've got more Bush. It's easier to blame the people who voted for him, but we could all expect the xenophobic, ignorant bastards to do what they do in every country. It would take something truly revolutionary to change them; and, like so many internet denizens, grammar and articulation is apparently no more important to them than the supposedly totemic practices of pre-colonial Aboriginals is to anyone but a huge Durkheim fan. The fault lies in the people who had to prove nothing more than that Bush was stupider and more dangerous than a chimp overloaded with amphetamines and given a minigun, and could only cause our society, economy, environment, and world opinion to go down if given another four years to work with, and couldn't sell that. Hopefully they'll learn from their mistakes instead of give some Bush clone or lackey a chance to continue this interminable nose dive.
I'm really interested in this country in which an army veteran and a teenage boy firing a sniper rifle at regular citizens out the back of their white van would be portrayed as a good by the national media, whatever their motive. Even if it was played up as a protest to the current government, he'd still look nuts and even people who disagree with the current government would strive to distance themselves from him, since his protest was nothing more than shooting down people pumping gas.
And you can't say 'if Bush gets to make no sense than so do I.' Like I said, bootstrap yourself up or shut up. He says stupid things, and we all know this; so do many people here with much more impunity. I'm not defending him; he's a dangerous moron and lunatic. I'm just saying that you'd better be able to construct a sensible sentence yourself before you act as though that's a pre-requisite to eating at the grown up's table.
Now, since you conceded you only had one real problem, I'll concede something as well: many Americans are fucking fat. Many of them are in Crowbar.

2005-02-02, 21:25
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Liverpool, England.
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*sigh* I'd love to continue this, but as I read through your past two post's...i start to wonder whether most of the thoughts and ideas i have on america are a mere stem of paranoia & dillusion. I spose i haven't taken into account the social thinking on many of my views really....ah well. New character there then.
That snatch is like a glove fit for God.

2005-02-05, 03:40
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Whorelando, FL
Posts: 589
Originally Posted by brainsforbreakfast
Don't take this wrong, you should use the edit button instead of making three single posts in a row.
I don't know. I kinda like seeing my avatar pic on there three times in a row. Makes me feel special.
heheh, didin't really think about it. I'll try to do better next time. Honest.

2005-02-05, 03:42
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by SARS
is that really necessary?
I thought it really drives the point home. Don't you?

2005-02-05, 04:23
Pirate Lawd
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All I would like to say is no place in the world, where lotas of people live, is perfect. Nothing even as big as a town will be perfect 100% of the time, because people are not perfect and we love to pick at each other. It doesn't matter who is running things. Someone is going to find a reason to bitch because it's our nature to do so. The world as a whole has problems and all everyone wants to do, imo, is blame it on someone else.

2005-02-05, 12:56
Attorney at Bird Law
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Originally Posted by Soulinsane
All I would like to say is no place in the world, where lotas of people live, is perfect. Nothing even as big as a town will be perfect 100% of the time, because people are not perfect and we love to pick at each other. It doesn't matter who is running things. Someone is going to find a reason to bitch because it's our nature to do so. The world as a whole has problems and all everyone wants to do, imo, is blame it on someone else.
Bitching is one of the smallest problems of human nature. Humans are inherently evil, there really isn't any way of getting around it. It is in human nature to lie, to cheat, to kill. Here's an interesting fact (I might have mentioned this before, but none of you remember anyway)- humans are the only creatures on this planet that experience bloodlust. That speaks volumes to me. We essentially exist to destroy. If you don't believe me, look to the past, we've been destroying since our incarnation, and we still are.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-02-05, 21:51
Pirate Lawd
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Location: Hanger 18
Posts: 6,520
Originally Posted by Chris Rezendes
Bitching is one of the smallest problems of human nature. Humans are inherently evil, there really isn't any way of getting around it. It is in human nature to lie, to cheat, to kill. Here's an interesting fact (I might have mentioned this before, but none of you remember anyway)- humans are the only creatures on this planet that experience bloodlust. That speaks volumes to me. We essentially exist to destroy. If you don't believe me, look to the past, we've been destroying since our incarnation, and we still are.
That's the point I was making. Perfectly said bro, but I also feel that we are also just as good natured at moments too. Problem is that destuction is easier for us and last longer then good things we do.

2005-02-06, 06:40
Crusher of Skulls
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I can't stand how so many americans are obese.....it makes me sick. My whole year I spent in korea....do you know how many fat koreans I saw??? No more than 10!!!!! I guess we really are the fat of the land....
My Trust is in WHISKEY and WEEDand SLAYER
Long live DIMEBAG
ROGspace Cunts. Book us
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2005-02-06, 07:01
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It's simply because of the way people get food in each of ther two countries. You get so much of your food pre-packaged or artificially preserved, etc etc. I would think the Koreans' diet would generally consist of more fresh, natural ingredients. Plus, they don't have Krispy Kreme 
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