2005-04-02, 11:36
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
How Long Have You Been Playing For...?
Sorry If Its Been Done Before
I've Been Playing For 6 Months

2005-04-02, 11:54
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Noosa Heads, Qld, Australia.
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I started playing when I was eleven, got lessons up to 15, then have just been playing on my own since, I'm turning 19 in may so almost 8 years.

2005-04-02, 12:29
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 almost 5 years 

2005-04-02, 13:18
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
o yea, i frgt to add, whats the hardest you song you can play? :P ...no bullshittying
the hardest i can play is...nothing, i cant play a full song, just riffs from songs, i can play quite a bit of alter of sacrifice and mandatory (sp?) suicide, and just sum simple slipknot stuff, you only 1 finger to play most slipknot songs 

2005-04-02, 13:23
Senior Metalhead
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im on year 20...yeah, I know, im old.
THE ABSENCE "From Your Grave" in stores world-wide!!

2005-04-02, 13:32
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paul gilbert (VIKING KONG) 

2005-04-02, 13:37
Death to all but metal!
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about 14 months, and Necrophagist - Stabwound \m/
Im doing good, wouldnt you say?
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-04-02, 16:08
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Iceland
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about 10 monthes I think and the hardest song I can play I think is Ozzy - Crazy Train or Pantera - Psycho Holiday (including solos)
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2005-04-02, 16:22
Join Date: Mar 2004
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22 months. Hardest thing which i can play is Solo from Viral Remains-Dechristanize(sweep picking). I can play it little faster.

2005-04-02, 16:41
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Originally Posted by garr1
paul gilbert (VIKING KONG) 
yay Paul Gilbert!
but ya ive been playing since i was... 12 i think and im 15 in november so... 2 and 1/2 years...
hardest thing i play.. postmortem and raining blood (Slayer) fused together like on RIB... only i play the solos like Jeff Hanneman does live... completely diferent... 
Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
im 50 percent irish and 100 percent pain. (SHAKE DOWN!!!!)
Canadian Brutal Death (So you know it's good)

2005-04-02, 16:46
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Location: San Antonio, TX
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5-6 years

2005-04-02, 16:59
New Blood
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: West Bloomfield, Michigan
Posts: 13
6 years

2005-04-02, 17:01
Death to all but metal!
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Originally Posted by Zertonshfits
hardest thing i play.. postmortem and raining blood (Slayer) fused together like on RIB... only i play the solos like Jeff Hanneman does live... completely diferent... 
There are no solos in either of those songs.
Originally Posted by younguitarist
5-6 years
I looked at that solo on Stabwound after the bass solo, can you REALLY play that?! 
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-04-02, 17:42
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by ManOwaR
about 10 monthes I think and the hardest song I can play I think is Ozzy - Crazy Train or Pantera - Psycho Holiday (including solos)
well that makes me feel like shit... 
the only solos i can play are:
Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (DONT Laugh! I only learnt if for my cousin...no bullshit)
Greenday - American Idiot (Same Reason As Above...DONT LAUGH!!!  )
Sting - Fields Of Gold (I like that song, i like listening to that shit when i need a break from metal...you all know that feeling)
thats all really, theyre not even solos, theyre...just not solos
im so shite, i just wanna get better 
i've been playing for 6 months and i cant play shit


2005-04-02, 17:46
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: vlissingen, the Netherlands
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ive been playing for bout 2,7 years
hardest i can play?? dont ask iduno, some hate eternal songs, 35% of no boundaries, some dimmu solos, some solos from my guitar teacher.. what is hard nowadays??
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-04-02, 17:50
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Iceland
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Originally Posted by User01
well that makes me feel like shit... 
the only solos i can play are:
Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (DONT Laugh! I only learnt if for my cousin...no bullshit)
Greenday - American Idiot (Same Reason As Above...DONT LAUGH!!!  )
Sting - Fields Of Gold (I like that song, i like listening to that shit when i need a break from metal...you all know that feeling)
thats all really, theyre not even solos, theyre...just not solos
im so shite, i just wanna get better 
i've been playing for 6 months and i cant play shit

hey don't worry dude, I just learned those solos, I also just learned the Cowboys From Hell solo.
I Belive in a thing called love by the darkness has a really easy solo you might want to check out. The cowboys solo ain't hard either.
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2005-04-02, 17:58
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by ManOwaR
hey don't worry dude, I just learned those solos, I also just learned the Cowboys From Hell solo.
I Belive in a thing called love by the darkness has a really easy solo you might want to check out. The cowboys solo ain't hard either.
what kind of picking do you use for the cowboys solo and the psycho solo?
how long did it take you to learn it?
man i still feel so shite 

2005-04-02, 18:37
Vaginal Warts
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a little over 3 years. I can play Eutgene's Trick Bag really slow and sloppily. I also know a little over a quarter of Paganini's 5th Caprice, which is pretty hard. The Call of Ktulu, by Metallica, is also moderately hard, and I know up to right before the solo.
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.

2005-04-02, 18:38
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 79
17 years and I still suck. 

2005-04-02, 18:42
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 1,968
A little over 4 years
Ozzy-Mr. Crowley
Megadeth-Wake Up Dead (except for the last solo)
COB-Silent Night....,Bed of Razors
Pantera-Cemetary Gates-I can do the whole song except the solo is fucking hard!!! I can do it up to the part in the solo where he starts playing it fast, after that tap he does on the bend.

2005-04-02, 18:45
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Iceland
Posts: 1,283
Originally Posted by User01
what kind of picking do you use for the cowboys solo and the psycho solo?
how long did it take you to learn it?
man i still feel so shite 
alternate and economy picking... psycho a little over a week and cowboys about three days or so I think. Not quite sure thoug.
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2005-04-02, 19:07
Join Date: May 2004
Location: uk
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i can play every solo from iron maiden from 1982-1988
adrian smiths of course.
cowboys from hell
35% of no boundries speed lives michael angelo
photograph def leppard phil collen
poison alice cooper.
rest in peace extreme nuno bettencourt. 

2005-04-02, 19:10
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 1,487
Almost 7 years.
Cacophony- Concerto
Half of Jason Becker's "Air"
I used to know Jason Becker's version of Paganini's 5th caprice

2005-04-02, 19:23
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Sweden
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I'm going to practice my ass off on summer holidays.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2005-04-02, 19:26
Supreme Metalhead
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20 years, but on and off (mostly off). Probably equivalent to 3 to 5 years of hard practice as far as technicality goes but I'm more blues oriented than "shred" when it comes to solos.
I'm guessing Megadeth's "Holy Wars...The Punishment Due" or "Set The World Afire" are the most difficult songs I know, but once you know how to play something...it's no longer difficult now is it? 

2005-04-02, 21:42
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by ManOwaR
alternate and economy picking... psycho a little over a week and cowboys about three days or so I think. Not quite sure thoug.
no trem picking?
wtf is economy picking? :S 

2005-04-02, 22:04
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: San Antonio, TX
Posts: 2,037
Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
I looked at that solo on Stabwound after the bass solo, can you REALLY play that?! 
Yes,I can but not as fast as muhhamed 

2005-04-02, 22:15
Lo, they do call to me...
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i have been playing for a little over 4 years, and i still suck, i cant play half the music i listen to, but then again i havent been playing as seriously over the past year, ive been trying to balance school, work, a relationship, AND guitar, and guitar usually comes last.
Too grim to function

2005-04-02, 22:23
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 318
Five years this summer. But most of what I've accomplished had been shown by the third year probably. I can't see myself getting any better. I'm not grand, but there's only a few things I can't do, and I'll most likely never be able to do them.

2005-04-02, 22:31
Senior Metalhead
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5 years for me. 

2005-04-02, 22:42
The Mountie From Hell
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Leads for 2, but im catching up... FAST!
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2005-04-02, 22:53
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by MoonRaven
i have been playing for a little over 4 years, and i still suck, i cant play half the music i listen to, but then again i havent been playing as seriously over the past year, ive been trying to balance school, work, a relationship, AND guitar, and guitar usually comes last.
yea, same here, my parents tell me i play guitar too much so i have to tone it down a lil and concentrate on my school more. then i work on weekends, and im too bummed out afterwards to play or do anything other than watch tv and eat.
but i do at least make sure i pick my guitar up everyday and play for a lil while, may for a bit in the morning and here and there.
btw, whats economy picking?

2005-04-02, 23:09
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Iceland
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Originally Posted by User01
no trem picking?
wtf is economy picking? :S 
well trem picking is just fast alternate picking...
economy picking is like this:
e ----------------------------------2-3-4-4-3-2
B ----------------------------1-2-3-------------3-2-1
G ---------------------2-3-4--------------------------4-3-2
D ---------------1-2-3---------------------------------------3-2-1
A --------2-3-4----------------------------------------------------4-3-2
E -1-2-3------------------------------------------------------------------3-2-1 etc.
so you start by downpicking the 1. fret of the low e string so you up pick the 2. fret and downpick the 3. fret and then downpick the 2. fret of the A string. Like kind of a two string from the 3. fret e string to 2. fret a string. I'm not so good at explaining things thoug...
There are two kinds of peoble in this world, those who like me and those who can go to hell

2005-04-02, 23:25
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by ManOwaR
well trem picking is just fast alternate picking...
economy picking is like this:
e ----------------------------------2-3-4-4-3-2
B ----------------------------1-2-3-------------3-2-1
G ---------------------2-3-4--------------------------4-3-2
D ---------------1-2-3---------------------------------------3-2-1
A --------2-3-4----------------------------------------------------4-3-2
E -1-2-3------------------------------------------------------------------3-2-1 etc.
so you start by downpicking the 1. fret of the low e string so you up pick the 2. fret and downpick the 3. fret and then downpick the 2. fret of the A string. Like kind of a two string from the 3. fret e string to 2. fret a string. I'm not so good at explaining things thoug...
that sounds just like alt picking chromatics... am i right, or am i making an ass of my self...well i am a n00b 

2005-04-02, 23:41
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your right 

2005-04-03, 10:13
El Diablo sin pantalones
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I'm not sure, I think 3,5 years or so.
I can pretty much play annything I sink my teeth in, but I find it hard to come up with my own stuff. I'm not too creative I guess.
I'm pretty decent rhytmicly, but I suck at leads.
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-04-03, 22:08
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
There are no solos in either of those songs.
 damit your right i forgot...
Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
im 50 percent irish and 100 percent pain. (SHAKE DOWN!!!!)
Canadian Brutal Death (So you know it's good)

2005-04-04, 00:28
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 454
Originally Posted by Zertonshfits
 damit your right i forgot...
Unless you wanna call that crazy tremlo masturbation thing at the end of RIB a solo 

2005-04-04, 00:48
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Originally Posted by SmotPoker
Unless you wanna call that crazy tremlo masturbation thing at the end of RIB a solo 
As far as Slayer goes, that qualifies as a solo. It's funny that the official book doesn't even transcribe it though, it just says "*w/trem. bar effects ad lib. (2 gtrs.)" 

2005-04-04, 03:00
Metal As Fuck!
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: LR AR
Posts: 2,680
Been playing 7 years strong. I can jam most Metallica, Pantera, Slayer, Bodom lines and almost all solos from metallica and slayer, and some solos from pantera and bodom
R.I.P. Dimebag
My Music
BuildTheMusic.com is your #1 FREE online guitar resource center.

2005-04-04, 03:33
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 840
I've been playing for about 7months and I've and I'm being taught classical and learning shred on my own just yesterday after I put down my classical picked up my electric found a pick. I learned pinched harmonics the ones I found were on the 1st 5th 6th and 12th fret trying to find more so if anyone has any advice please give. As far as songs go a bunch of classical stuff I don't know the name of. I really haven't had time to learn a song I spend my time building strength skill and technique to learn a decent song and can sobody give me some exercises for building up chord switching speed.

2005-04-04, 03:37
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about 2 years and 4months here...i suck balls at guitar and have absolutely no skills. Songs I've been playing currently...
Mastodon - March of the Fire Ants
At the Gates - Blinded by Fear
Old Man's Child - Black Seeds on Virgin Soil
Amon Amarth - Death in Fire
Iron Maiden - The Trooper

2005-04-04, 06:00
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Western Hemisphere
Posts: 148
Originally Posted by User01
Sorry If Its Been Done Before
I've Been Playing For 6 Months
About the same as you.
I got my Jackson half a year ago - Thats when I started to get serious about guitar.
Before that I would play on my acoustic occasionally, but never bothered to learn much.

2005-04-04, 06:32
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 381
started when I was 16, 30 now, so 14 years. And I still suck too.... Guitar playing is a never ending quest for knowledge it seems, the more you know the more questions are brought up. It never fucking ends.
As far as hardest songs, assuming you mean other peoples songs, I'd say Holy Wars is up there. But as someone else pointed out, after you know how to play it, it isn't really "hard" anymore. I have tons of my own material that I think is pretty easy, but other people have said it's "hard". Soooo, yeah.
I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous....
Liberals ate my baby. 

2005-04-04, 06:59
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 840
Originally Posted by AnubisXy
started when I was 16, 30 now, so 14 years. And I still suck too.... Guitar playing is a never ending quest for knowledge it seems, the more you know the more questions are brought up. It never fucking ends.
As far as hardest songs, assuming you mean other peoples songs, I'd say Holy Wars is up there. But as someone else pointed out, after you know how to play it, it isn't really "hard" anymore. I have tons of my own material that I think is pretty easy, but other people have said it's "hard". Soooo, yeah.
Yeah learning somthing new is hard because you've had no experience doing it but once you learn takes no effort to do anymore.

2005-04-04, 07:13
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Maastricht, Netherlands
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I've been playing for 10 years. Since I was eight. Never had lessons though...
.+-+ .....::::: Alive to Live, Not to Believe....In a God that I cannot see :::::..... +-+

2005-04-04, 07:29
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 381
Originally Posted by Six_Feet_Under_420
I've been playing for 10 years. Since I was eight. Never had lessons though...
My kid is 8, he's taking lessons and has been for the past 8 months. He's getting really good at tapping with a metronome, and palm muting powerchords with various picking patterns. If he keeps it up he'll be very good in 10 years, but unfortunately right now he thinks of it as work. Although he does have fun when he figures something out, it's cool when he plays Iron Man.
I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous....
Liberals ate my baby. 

2005-04-04, 08:29
Forum Leader
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Location: Melbourne, AUS
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If he complains about guitar practise, beat the little bugger senseless. Physical intimidation by a psychotic parent is well known to be one of the best ways to motivate a child to shred.

2005-04-04, 09:05
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 840
Originally Posted by Cloaca
If he complains about guitar practise, beat the little bugger senseless. Physical intimidation by a psychotic parent is well known to be one of the best ways to motivate a child to shred.
Agreed force your kid to play. when he's older he'll thank you for it. I'm 17 but when I was 8 up until 14 I was a dickhead way to smart for my own good. I regret when looking back that I did not listen to my parents and stick with music but it turned out for the best cause I was a little jerk if they had kept forcing me to play music I prolly would not be playing the guitar today. Anyway these are the days where you mold and form your kids don't let him stop do what you have to turn him into a good musician and when he is older if he still doesn't like it then music you know to leave him alone then.

2005-04-04, 09:06
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 381
Originally Posted by Cloaca
If he complains about guitar practise, beat the little bugger senseless. Physical intimidation by a psychotic parent is well known to be one of the best ways to motivate a child to shred.
Good plan, next time he bitches I'll get out the rubber hose.
I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous....
Liberals ate my baby. 

2005-04-04, 09:37
I am a tax on the world..
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about 10 or more years. I didn't get real good until like 1 1/2 years ago though. So that's like 8 years that don't even count.... 
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2005-04-04, 15:00
Senior Metalhead
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22 years, started on Christmas a month befor 13, now 35. It took me about 8 years befor I got good to.

2005-04-04, 15:44
Senior Metalhead
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HEy I´ve been playing guitar for around 10 years I think, but I started in "extreme" metal 2 or 3 years ago. I do the best in this 2 or 3 years.
I can play "Blind Agony: (in)culture" the solo included.
Don´t like a lot playing other peoples stuff. I prefer mine. 

2005-04-04, 22:03
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Norwalk, CA
Posts: 253
only about 3 years. like that one dude said, once you know how to play something its not very hard anymore, but i guess the coolest song i like to play is Pierced From Within by Suffocation
You know what's funnier than a pile of dead babies?.........
A live one trapped underneath.

2005-04-04, 22:11
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Hampshire , Uk
Posts: 159
Been playing for about 5 and half years. I am self taught as couldn't afford lessons. I stopped playing electric guitar halfway through and spent about a year learning classical and bass guitar. I am awful at it - i can do all the techniques to some ability apart from sweep picking which i just find mind blowing at the moment. I don't generally play full songs - just riffs i like and solo's i dig. Can play some bodom stuff, most of arch enemy, trying to learn some Belphegor which is being a real bitch.

2005-04-04, 22:13
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by AnubisXy
My kid is 8, he's taking lessons and has been for the past 8 months. He's getting really good at tapping with a metronome, and palm muting powerchords with various picking patterns. If he keeps it up he'll be very good in 10 years, but unfortunately right now he thinks of it as work. Although he does have fun when he figures something out, it's cool when he plays Iron Man.
Just don't scare him away from metal. My mom forced me to play classical piano for three years, so my rebellion was obviously self-teaching myself guitar and listening to extreme music. Now I kind of wish I could play jazz piano like Chevy Chase does as a party amusement...  Maybe I'll pick that up in ten years or so. 

2005-04-04, 23:17
Drugged Unholy
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I'm coming up on 4 years now. Dunno what i consider the hardest thing i play. I play suffocation and cryptopsy, but i don't see a lot of it as that hard. Well the solos are because that's where i need a lot of work. the hardest solo i can play is probably Testament's First Strike is Deadly, and that's not even that hard.
Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
I don't know about you, but I deadlift because I strive to be the first human tree stump pulling machine 
Originally Posted by viewer_from_nihil
the song serial cocksucker changed my life
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Are you going to snort cheap pharmaceutical drugs with your lizard as well?

2005-04-05, 03:02
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 381
Originally Posted by Kylito
Just don't scare him away from metal. My mom forced me to play classical piano for three years, so my rebellion was obviously self-teaching myself guitar and listening to extreme music. Now I kind of wish I could play jazz piano like Chevy Chase does as a party amusement...  Maybe I'll pick that up in ten years or so. 
I couldn't scare him away from metal if I tried. I've taken him to Death Metal concerts, little bugger throwing devil horns and headbanging away. He's seen Vehemence, Morbid Angel and Soulfly, and hopefully he'll be going to Ozfest this year to see Arch Enemy and others. He loves Children of Bodem, and him and his little buds are already talking about starting a band. Only problem is practicing is work, but he's getting good. He's learning how to arpeggiate chords and tapping now, so he's getting a good start.
I did start him on Classical too, to teach him to site read and just because it's a solid foundation, especially for metal.
I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous....
Liberals ate my baby. 

2005-04-05, 14:04
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Hampshire , Uk
Posts: 159
maybe you should go into teaching
looks like you got yourself a little player in the making there!

2005-04-05, 14:09
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
this is my 6th year, and the hardest i can play is "the colour of sleep" or "skin coffin" by psycroptic.

2005-04-06, 04:21
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 771
I've been playing for 2 years and 2 months now

2005-04-08, 00:41
New Blood
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Waw Giwulk, Arizona
Posts: 21
I'll been playing for three years come this christmas (since 2001). I practice about a half an hour every day and i never get any better.

2005-04-08, 08:11
New Blood
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Nederland
Posts: 5
I've been playing for almost a year now and the hardest song I can play completely is
"Ensiferum - Lai Lai Hei" and "Immortal - Tragedies blows at horizon"
Lai Lai hei's solo is hard as hell as I am still perfecting it. I'm taking lessons and practice about 2 hours per day at leased...

2005-04-08, 09:50
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Location: Salinas CA
Posts: 173

2005-04-08, 11:23
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Originally Posted by AnubisXy
I couldn't scare him away from metal if I tried. I've taken him to Death Metal concerts, little bugger throwing devil horns and headbanging away. He's seen Vehemence, Morbid Angel and Soulfly, and hopefully he'll be going to Ozfest this year to see Arch Enemy and others. He loves Children of Bodem, and him and his little buds are already talking about starting a band. Only problem is practicing is work, but he's getting good. He's learning how to arpeggiate chords and tapping now, so he's getting a good start.
I did start him on Classical too, to teach him to site read and just because it's a solid foundation, especially for metal.
Awesome. I'd give anything now that I look back to start that young. It certainly sounds like he's got the potential to become one badass little mo'fucker. Plus, you're teaching him some proper stuff, not just annyoing rock tunes like I learnt for the first 18 months or so.
Out of curiosity, can he understand drums, like how a certain beat would be played, even if he lacks the coordination to actually play it? This would certainly help him continue to appreciate death metal. If he can, you should definately introduce him to the more technical bands, like Necrophagist or Cryptopsy. He'd probably find that stuff very inspiring.

2005-04-08, 11:42
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Angelskingarden
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I'm 18, and starting.
I have a hell of a lot of catching up to do
I've managed an eight hours a day practice schedule, and that's helping me quite a bit 

2005-04-08, 14:08
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Southend, England
Posts: 84
i've been playing nearly ten years now, i'm 26
the hardest things i can play are;
Cannibal Corpse: Preverse Suffering and Pit of Zombies
I can play virtually any Slayer song(but ask me for solo's becuase i'm shit at playing other people's solos')
Death: Spirit Crusher, The Flesh and the Power it Holds
and of course any NILE song is particularly testing
I've had people telling me that some of the riffs in my songs are fucking hard so i suppose playing/writing my songs is one of the hardest things i do.
(That's not meant to be big-headed that's just what i've been told by several people after seeing us live).

2005-04-08, 14:46
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1 1/2 years
I can play the complete song Leper Affinity by Opeth with Solo...
"Without corpses
there's no War
and without War
there's no Victory
My Dear!"
- by Devil Doll (The Girl who was... Death)
"In an Insane World,
an Insane Man,
MUST appear Insane,"
- Alien 3

2005-04-08, 19:02
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by John Holland
I'm 18, and starting.
I have a hell of a lot of catching up to do
I've managed an eight hours a day practice schedule, and that's helping me quite a bit 
so whats the hardest song you can play?

2005-04-08, 19:53
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I'm playing for like 4 months and a half, and the hardest song I play is... well I do mistakes sometimes in the solo, but not always... In flames - Trigger.
If only Metallica - fade to black's ending solos were a bit easier... not necessarily easier but maybe I just dont know how they are played.
Oh and I can play Nightwish - Wish I Had An Angel 
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2005-04-09, 00:09
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Originally Posted by User01
so whats the hardest song you can play?
Paganini's 5th Caprice, at upwards of 150 bpm.

2005-04-09, 00:10
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2005-04-09, 00:24
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I've been playing for about six years now, and no way do my skills correlate with the time I've been playing  Now that I'm out of education and crap I should dedicate more time to practicing my technique and theory, considering that I've been into DM for about 18 months now and I'd love to be able to write whole songs rather than just riffs and shit
Hardest song I can play at the moment is Hate Eternal's 'Nailed To Obscurity', although I can't nail that bit in the fourth bar of each chorus... which I now realise is probably swept

2005-04-09, 00:32
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Originally Posted by garr1
Yes, I know, my phallus and meatsack are quite impressive  .
Last edited by John Holland : 2005-04-09 at 00:35.

2005-04-09, 11:07
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I've been playing for like 1 and a half year(two years in august).
But i've really learned much because i'm self-taught.

2005-04-09, 12:47
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by IRON90
But i've really learned much because i'm self-taught.
just like more people here... 

2005-04-09, 13:47
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I've been playing my ass off for 8 months now. and its finally paying off, im known as the shred head at my school. and i get props and chicks every time i play. and when u start to get chicks with ur playing thats when u know ur getting there.. but anyways i can play some yngwie, van halen, metallica, slayer, (little) becker, (working on) vinnie moore(better than becker), steve vai, and joe satriani. i play on a very shitty gibson. its like a Jr.LP. it was like $50 so i bought it anyways. this summer im gonna buy a
Ibanez GRG170DX
theres a pic just im getting it black.
cuz black is respect to nicoli paganini (the greatest musican ever) of course.

2005-04-09, 16:33
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Location: Fleet, England
Posts: 233
If you're such a good guitarist, why not get a guitar with a proper trem rather than one of those ridiculously crap bridges?
Go with something like this: http://www.musiciansfriend.com/srs7...ase_pid/519969/ Despite being almost twice as expensive as the one you're thinking of, a decent guitar will last you a lifetime, whilst a sub-standard guitar will need replacing after a year or so when the progression of your playing skills are being hindered by a poor instrument
Best to invest in something decent now rather than waste $250 on something you won't be playing 18 months down the line 
Last edited by ukfswmart : 2005-04-09 at 16:41.

2005-04-09, 16:46
Join Date: Jul 2003
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I hope your not calling the ZR Trem a proper trem...
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-04-09, 17:35
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Location: Fleet, England
Posts: 233
Ooops! At first glance it looked like a licensed Floyd
Still, a double-locking trem is better than the crap that doesn't lock at the nut

2005-04-09, 20:45
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Originally Posted by ukfswmart
If you're such a good guitarist, why not get a guitar with a proper trem rather than one of those ridiculously crap bridges?
Go with something like this: http://www.musiciansfriend.com/srs7...ase_pid/519969/ Despite being almost twice as expensive as the one you're thinking of, a decent guitar will last you a lifetime, whilst a sub-standard guitar will need replacing after a year or so when the progression of your playing skills are being hindered by a poor instrument
Best to invest in something decent now rather than waste $250 on something you won't be playing 18 months down the line 
maybe right now i just dont have the money, but if i do a school wide operation  i may be able to buy a Jem..... i wish. i just dont have the money, right now i could sell the guitar i got for like $70 max and i have $80 in my pocket, im not gonna have ass the whole summer, for $400 somthing i rather go with the bargen deal now, cuz i really need an amp. im playing out of a damn radio  its just i need some left over to buy an amp too

2005-04-09, 21:48
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 79
Originally Posted by YJM04
maybe right now i just dont have the money, but if i do a school wide operation  i may be able to buy a Jem..... i wish. i just dont have the money, right now i could sell the guitar i got for like $70 max and i have $80 in my pocket, im not gonna have ass the whole summer, for $400 somthing i rather go with the bargen deal now, cuz i really need an amp. im playing out of a damn radio  its just i need some left over to buy an amp too
Is this guy for real? lol
If you are, I hope your "school wide operation" goes horribly wrong, and then, instead of shopping for guitars online, you will be spending all day and night perfecting your "skin flute" chops behind bars.

2005-04-09, 21:50
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Fleet, England
Posts: 233
I don't understand the appeal of Jems to be perfectly honest. I went to a music academy last year to study music production and too many of the guitar students had Jems, and they didn't sound too hot imo

2005-04-09, 23:09
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5 yeers
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2005-04-09, 23:11
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2,7 years, probaly told yalbefore but im drunk and verry bored so
< no wonder hes mad!!

2005-04-09, 23:27
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Originally Posted by ukfswmart
I don't understand the appeal of Jems to be perfectly honest. I went to a music academy last year to study music production and too many of the guitar students had Jems, and they didn't sound too hot imo
the truth is the only thing the people see in jem's are the fretboard inlay.
and yes i am telling the truth well except the school operation, no one to buy, cuz im in middle school. if i become famous im gonna make my own guitar with a better inlay!!!! lol. i like saturn.lol check it out.
fuck my radio just exploded!!DAMN IT!!! well i guess im going accoustic till i get an amp

2005-04-10, 03:41
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 381
Originally Posted by Cloaca
Out of curiosity, can he understand drums, like how a certain beat would be played, even if he lacks the coordination to actually play it?
He understands time signatures and how to use them. He wanted to play drums more than guitar, but that's changing now.
I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous....
Liberals ate my baby. 

2005-04-10, 03:54
Wasted Custom User title
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Originally Posted by YJM04
the truth is the only thing the people see in jem's are the fretboard inlay.
and yes i am telling the truth well except the school operation, no one to buy, cuz im in middle school. if i become famous im gonna make my own guitar with a better inlay!!!! lol. i like saturn.lol check it out.
fuck my radio just exploded!!DAMN IT!!! well i guess im going accoustic till i get an amp
kid, you are on crack.
but those inlays are pretty impresive. I like the saturn universe one, though i wouldn't spend that much money on them..!
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2005-04-10, 04:45
Muffin Ass
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Originally Posted by YJM04
maybe right now i just dont have the money...
... i wish. i just dont have the money, right now i could sell the guitar i got for like $70 max and i have $80 in my pocket, im not gonna have ass the whole summer....
Rake leaves....cut grass....wash cars....etc etc.
You'd be amazed at how much $$$ a young fella can make if it's taken seriously and not wasted on playstation games.


2005-04-10, 05:02
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"The last Christian died on a cross."
-Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
"Faith: not wanting to know what is true."
-Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
teh myspace

2005-04-10, 05:11
Wasted Custom User title
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Originally Posted by Bia
Rake leaves....cut grass....wash cars....etc etc.
You'd be amazed at how much $$$ a young fella can make if it's taken seriously and not wasted on playstation games.

how will you get money for playstation games?
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2005-04-10, 05:23
Muffin Ass
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
how will you get money for playstation games?
Hmmm....beg, borrow, steal?

2005-04-10, 05:27
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just over a year & a half. i began by trying to discipline myself to learn chords, and after learning open chords, i decided why bother since nothing i like uses traditional chords. i've gotten a lot better in the last 8 months since i said fuck it and accepted using powerchords in order to move on to picking technique.
i've been learning riffs from songs i like, but not really sat down to learn an entire song. i look at certain riffs as exercises to teach certain techniques.. for example, in trying to master the verse part of Old Man's Child's "My Demonic Figures," i'm learning how to stretch back down the neck from my pinky (hope that makes sense).

2005-04-10, 05:33
Muffin Ass
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Originally Posted by TangledMortalCoil
.... i've gotten a lot better in the last 8 months since i said fuck it and accepted using powerchords in order to move on to picking technique.
..... i'm learning how to stretch back down the neck from my pinky (hope that makes sense).
Shit...all I do are power chords...pretty good at em too and they bring me all the joy I search for in jamming.
I STILL can barely use my little finger......too weak and hurts after three or four songs......and I have been jammin about 5 years....3 seriously.
But like I mentioned.....I am so happy when jamming.....my progress is where I want it to be.....cant wait to see how well I jam in another 5.

2005-04-10, 07:29
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Originally Posted by Bia
Shit...all I do are power chords...pretty good at em too and they bring me all the joy I search for in jamming.
that's all that matters. i look at my friend who is just learning to play and how much trouble he has with power chords, especially chaining them together within rhythm. you realize what seems so easy now was not so easy back then.
I STILL can barely use my little finger......too weak and hurts after three or four songs......and I have been jammin about 5 years....3 seriously.
well, i can use my little finger moving away from the headstock.. in other words, say i have my index finger on the first fret, i can use my little finger to reach out for the forth or fifth frets.. or even moving up and down strings. however, i find it hard to begin with my little finger on say like the 10th fret and then fret notes back toward the headstock without taking my little finger off the fret.. getting better though. i try to use reaching my fingers more than sliding when possible.
as much as i despise The Offspring, i always thought that little egyptian sounding riff in "come out and play" was kinda neat, and learning that part and playing it a million times built up strength and skill in my little finger. now i'm trying to use that Old Man's Child song to make my little finger effective in the opposite direction.
EDIT: scales help a ton, too!!
But like I mentioned.....I am so happy when jamming.....my progress is where I want it to be.....cant wait to see how well I jam in another 5.
no shit!

2005-04-10, 07:45
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Originally Posted by Infinity
Everything is funny you just gotta look at it the right way.
You know I believe in a ruling class, particuarly since I rule.
-Randal, Clerks

2005-04-11, 14:19
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 840
Originally Posted by Bia
Shit...all I do are power chords...pretty good at em too and they bring me all the joy I search for in jamming.
I STILL can barely use my little finger......too weak and hurts after three or four songs......and I have been jammin about 5 years....3 seriously.
But like I mentioned.....I am so happy when jamming.....my progress is where I want it to be.....cant wait to see how well I jam in another 5.
Well I play classical I can't afford skipping on anything I don't know much anything about powerchords. All the excercise are helping in the past three months cause my pinky is one of the fingers I use the most because I know it's weak I train the hell out of it. In the last couple days training on my classical guitar with switching chords on my electric it's a breeze. As far as my progress I'll never be satisfied i'll be happy but i will always want more.

2005-04-11, 19:56
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Originally Posted by estringrev
Well I play classical I can't afford skipping on anything I don't know much anything about powerchords. All the excercise are helping in the past three months cause my pinky is one of the fingers I use the most because I know it's weak I train the hell out of it. In the last couple days training on my classical guitar with switching chords on my electric it's a breeze. As far as my progress I'll never be satisfied i'll be happy but i will always want more.
scales will help u get ur pinky into shape or that grip thing, i forgot what its called but i got one and its alot of fun.

2005-04-11, 19:58
Join Date: Apr 2005
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Originally Posted by YJM04
scales will help u get ur pinky into shape or that grip thing, i forgot what its called but i got one and its alot of fun.
thats good that u want more. just wait till u play infront of people. they'll be very amazed.  so just practice till u bleed a bit.

2005-04-11, 20:38
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 1,524
Originally Posted by YJM04
thats good that u want more. just wait till u play infront of people. they'll be very amazed.  so just practice till u bleed a bit.
why the fuck are you quoting your self, and how long have you actually been learning guitar?
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