2005-04-07, 17:22
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who does Alex Laiho think he is.
i was on another forum and i came across this message from someone
below is the message.
I was reading the new guitar Magazine when I read Alex Laiho say that "Some guitar players play super fast, and super well, but they are still super lame, like Dream Theater." What a jerk, when I first looked at the new Guitar Mag I thought, who is that wanna be chick rocker with Vai and Wylde?
is this true that he really is an ignorant f**k
now dont get me wrong i think he is a fu***n amazing guitarist
but to say that well thats just dam right rude.
john petrucci is kick ass. 

2005-04-07, 17:32
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Originally Posted by garr1
john petrucci is kick ass. 
Petrucci has been quoted saying a lot dumber shit than that. 

2005-04-07, 17:33
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Old news dude.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure he just meant that guys like that can get boring to listen to. Sure, petrucci is an amazing guitarist, but I can only take his music in small doses.

2005-04-07, 17:38
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if i'd known it was old news i wouldnt of posted it would i. 

2005-04-07, 18:39
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i read that interveiw and it was kickass

2005-04-07, 19:24
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anyway, Laiho sucks compared to Petrucci.

2005-04-07, 20:30
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yes, its a real quote. and alexi dominates petrucci, i agree with him completely. petrucci owns me with technical skill, but is obnoxious and arrogant. par for the course with prog metal though

2005-04-07, 20:34
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Originally Posted by Transient
yes, its a real quote. and alexi dominates petrucci,
Transient right now > 
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-04-07, 20:57
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
Transient right now > 
i agree, john shits on alexi
i fail to see how hes "obnoxious and arrogant"
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
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2005-04-07, 20:59
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but like i said above i think laiho is an amazing guitarist
and i'm not denying him that.I just thought it was a bit harsh thats all. 

2005-04-07, 21:14
El Diablo sin pantalones
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We are talking Alex Laiho right?
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-04-07, 21:43
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Jphn has teh right to be an arrogant douche, unlike people like Laiho and Malmsteem. Some people are good enough that they DO have rooim to talk unlike most people. I wish jason Becker was an arrogant fuck because seriously, who was going to come and show him up?
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2005-04-07, 22:08
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Dream Theater kind of suck, but not as much as Children of Bodom. Dream Theater suck due to LaBrie, not Petrucci, whereas CoB suck due to Alexi.
John Petrucci solos > Alexi Laiho solos

2005-04-07, 23:08
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personal preference guys. im lucky i dont have to listen to your snore fest dream theater cds
and steve you dont own a single DT cd nor can you even name a song i bet.... i dont know why youre trying to stir everyone up

2005-04-08, 00:18
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I do not have a Dream Theater album, but I have heard much of it, and Petrucci is like 13 and a half times faster that Alexi. Saying he's a better guitarist that Alexi of course is opinion, but Petrucci is much more technical, thats a fact. I do like Alexi's playing more, but Petrucci is faster.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-04-08, 00:21
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
I do not have a Dream Theater album, but I have heard much of it, and Petrucci is like 13 and a half times faster that Alexi. Saying he's a better guitarist that Alexi of course is opinion, but Petrucci is much more technical, thats a fact. I do like Alexi's playing more, but Petrucci is faster.
yes thats right 

2005-04-08, 00:47
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Who cares? It's one guy's opinion.

2005-04-08, 00:51
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who were you talkin about metal thrashing mad or alexi laiho 

2005-04-08, 01:31
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
I do not have a Dream Theater album, but I have heard much of it, and Petrucci is like 13 and a half times faster that Alexi. Saying he's a better guitarist that Alexi of course is opinion, but Petrucci is much more technical, thats a fact. I do like Alexi's playing more, but Petrucci is faster.
Yes, But speed isent everything.
Petrucci is by far a more accomplished guitarist.. but Alexi's only in his mid 20's..
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2005-04-08, 01:56
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good point 

2005-04-08, 03:44
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Originally Posted by Transient
personal preference guys. im lucky i dont have to listen to your snore fest dream theater cds
tr00 tr00 !!!
I, Himself - An asshole's gotta do what an asshole's gotta do!!!

2005-04-08, 07:05
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Alexi is overrated.
He writes music that next to Petrucci's is simple since Petrucci knows a lot and at guitar skills....petrucci still owns him sick.
So yeah,alexi was messing with someone on a level too high for him
Killer,intruder,homicidal man

2005-04-08, 20:38
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Originally Posted by Sam Hudson
Alexi is overrated.So yeah,alexi was messing with someone on a level too high for him
And if he's doing that, what exactly are you doing?

2005-04-08, 20:45
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What exactly did he say that wasent true? I mean yeah he didnt puit it in a nice way but most DT fan's except for the ub3r hardcore fan's cant listen to them like they could to sinergy or bodom, for half as long as being technically great doesent make great music, sometimes you need in your face metal, DT is a "Thinking Man's" music wheres Bodom are straight up ass kicking metal.
All these peopel being so shocked at what alexi said, look who's wiht him on that interview Zakk Wylde, now there is one guy who spews a lot of stuff yet no one is attacking him.
It's liike if someone attacked Hammet for not being that great, people would be outraged and go metallica own j00 blah blah kirk wrote great solo's blah blah etc.
I think the late Robin Crosby said you can play a solo till you're blue in the face but thats never sold a Great Hit, or words to that extent.
Petrucci may own alexi in terms of skill and technical abillity but Alexi is 10 r so years younger, and isnt in the same genre.
Petrucci is being really technical for the sake of being technical.

2005-04-08, 21:10
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why what has zakk said in the past

2005-04-08, 21:18
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I think Laiho owns total face. Pertucci can do all technical shit, but technicality isnt everything. Pertucci is great, but i think when it comes to being better (better: Style, Skill, PWNAG3) Laiho wins (in my opinion ofcourse).

2005-04-08, 21:56
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Both are really great guitarists but I am not a fan of Dream Theater or a huge fan of Children Of Bodom. Petrucci is all about playing the exact notes and live he has no room for improvise or experiment. It's all "It has to be perfect." Alexi likes to have fun and improvise. If he hits a wrong note who really cares? That is what he tried to say in the interview saying that no one likes to improvise or have fun it's all it must be perfect. Like Dream Theater. I mean they are great players but there is a thing as too perfect.
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2005-04-08, 22:34
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i did not deny that petrucci was a better technical guitar player. he is. that doesnt make him better to listen to, unless youre the type that listens for musical skill instead of emotional impact. you either put on music to hear some tunes or to be impressed by technicality. thats where the difference in petrucci/laiho fans is. it doesnt really matter either way. petrucci hits all the notes live, fine. he doesnt sing, however, and doesnt have much stage prescence. laiho runs all around stage and screws up all the time. which do you prefer?

2005-04-08, 23:26
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Originally Posted by Ozzuk
Petrucci may own alexi in terms of skill and technical abillity but Alexi is 10 r so years younger, and isnt in the same genre.
Petrucci is almost twice as old as Alexi...
Plus Petrucci went to Berkley.
Originally Posted by Casketcrusher
Petrucci is all about playing the exact notes and live he has no room for improvise or experiment. It's all "It has to be perfect."
Ever hear Liquid Tension Experiment? They improvise live all the time.
Originally Posted by Transient
i did not deny that petrucci was a better technical guitar player. he is. that doesnt make him better to listen to, unless youre the type that listens for musical skill instead of emotional impact.
You must not have heard much DT, Alexi's playing is far from emotional.
Neither is better, Petrucci is far more acomplished.. and hes also twice the age of Alexi. Stupid argument.
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2005-04-08, 23:30
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simply put by BLS
Killer,intruder,homicidal man

2005-04-08, 23:35
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yes i heard liquid tension experiment play live and yes your right they improvise most of the time.i'm not too sure about alexi laiho not playing with any feeling or emotion.

2005-04-09, 00:08
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both guys suck as far as a Good solo is concerned.
But i like bothy alexi is a douche but petruccis a dumass so whatever

2005-04-09, 01:12
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Yeah they're known for their crazy ass rhythm playing, they put a lot of the Death metal guitarists to sleep for that. 

2005-04-09, 01:16
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ive heard LTE...wasnt impressed. im not just disliking it to be contradictory, either.
and some of alexi's solos are emotional. angels dont kill, chokehold, everytime i die...
btw, i didnt mean sad sounding. i meant, evoke an emotion when you hear em

2005-04-09, 01:16
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Originally Posted by JacksonMan007
both guys suck as far as a Good solo is concerned.
But i like bothy alexi is a douche but petruccis a dumass so whatever
You say alot of stupid things..
Im sorry.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-04-09, 01:21
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Originally Posted by BLS
You say alot of stupid things..
Im sorry.
dont be. I know i say stupid shit.im also usually high.

2005-04-12, 13:36
New Blood
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Well maybe my opinion doensn't count much but cause i am considering myself a
classical guitarist rather electric one (hail to opeth) and having heard anything from both(almost) these 2 guitarist IMHO i can tell petrucci is on a different level in both terms of technic and song writing.Ok i understand it a personal matter whether it is saying something to you with his playing but you cannot judge so complcated composition with a single audition of an album or something.Every time you listening to it something new is revealed this is what i admire in a guitarist and this is what it makes a great guitarist.It is like saying you heard once bach in guitar and you didn't like it.You have to look deeper in some things in order to appreciate them.Off course alexi is a good guitarist but in both skills and composition he is doing rather childish stuff (although i like children of the bodom too).

2005-04-12, 13:43
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People should go listen to Sinergy.
Like I said before people cna generlaly listen to abdns liek cob for longer than DT as it's a thinking mans music.

2005-04-13, 02:45
New Blood
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Petrucci was better than Alexi before he was Alexi's age. I don't mean technical only. No, I'm not a hardcore DT fan I happen to listen to deathmetal. I just give respect where it's due, Alexi hasn't earned any.
I've seen both live and JP owns. COB were one of the worst signed bands I've seen, talk about a snore fest. That guy needs to take some lessons.

2005-04-13, 03:57
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Originally Posted by Necrolechery
lI just give respect where it's due, Alexi hasn't earned any.
I've seen both live and JP owns. COB were one of the worst signed bands I've seen, talk about a snore fest. That guy needs to take some lessons.
I'll take flamings towards any bands, cuz everyone has their own opinions, but that was the most retarded thing I've ever heard. Not only were those all your opinions, but not one of it is true, seriously it isn't. And I'm gonna explain it just so I don't have to write another post to explain it to you. There's like a million Alexi wannabes and shit learning his songs and his licks, and you say he hasn't earned any respect. Maybe it was a snore fest to you, but with the videos I watch from them, and having actually been to one of their shows, it isn't a snore fest, the crowd always went fucking crazy. And I don't know how the hell you can say he needs lessons when he's like 25 (I know, there's more insane people, but) and he's written some of the most exciting and challenging shit. And I'm not saying any of this cuz I like COB.

2005-04-13, 04:18
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i like turtles

2005-04-13, 04:40
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I do too, but that was completely ridiculous, almost to the point where I would barge into his house while he's watching TV, slap the fuck outta him (pull off a Rick James), and then I would finish the show he was watching, for him.

2005-04-13, 12:30
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Originally Posted by Silent Night 6 6
I'll take flamings towards any bands, cuz everyone has their own opinions, but that was the most retarded thing I've ever heard. Not only were those all your opinions, but not one of it is true, seriously it isn't. And I'm gonna explain it just so I don't have to write another post to explain it to you. There's like a million Alexi wannabes and shit learning his songs and his licks, and you say he hasn't earned any respect. Maybe it was a snore fest to you, but with the videos I watch from them, and having actually been to one of their shows, it isn't a snore fest, the crowd always went fucking crazy. And I don't know how the hell you can say he needs lessons when he's like 25 (I know, there's more insane people, but) and he's written some of the most exciting and challenging shit. And I'm not saying any of this cuz I like COB.
like someone else said earlier it's just a matter of opinion.

2005-04-13, 12:49
New Blood
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i don't think that ppl don't like alexi or something just his way of thinking.His words were a bit arrogant.You cannot say or judge someone about his technics while he has earned a place in the G3 project when holies monster of guitar only participate.

2005-04-13, 13:25
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2005-04-13, 18:39
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Originally Posted by garr1
like someone else said earlier it's just a matter of opinion.
I dunno, I thought that was beyond his opinions  .

2005-04-13, 20:35
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Personally, I think Alexi is growing into an Yngwie as far as ego goes. He does think he's a badass musician, and he is, but his style is stale.
As for his image...wow. He has glam roots and it definatly shows but lately he's been trying to look like a little preteen rebel chick.

2005-04-13, 20:35
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no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
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2005-04-13, 20:58
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huggz 4 me? 

2005-04-13, 21:32
New Blood
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Originally Posted by Silent Night 6 6
I'll take flamings towards any bands, cuz everyone has their own opinions, but that was the most retarded thing I've ever heard. Not only were those all your opinions, but not one of it is true, seriously it isn't. And I'm gonna explain it just so I don't have to write another post to explain it to you. There's like a million Alexi wannabes and shit learning his songs and his licks, and you say he hasn't earned any respect. Maybe it was a snore fest to you, but with the videos I watch from them, and having actually been to one of their shows, it isn't a snore fest, the crowd always went fucking crazy. And I don't know how the hell you can say he needs lessons when he's like 25 (I know, there's more insane people, but) and he's written some of the most exciting and challenging shit. And I'm not saying any of this cuz I like COB.
Actually I HAVE seen both live, but I guess COB could seem challenging to a beginner. You are right there are a million Alexi wannabees just like there were millions of Kurt Kabang wannabes. Although the music may sound a little dated JP had more talent on DT's 1st cd and was still younger than Alexi is now. Don't get me wrong Alexi's got potential he should just watch his mouth until his playing can back it up. Like I said I'll give credit where credit is due. Millions of people go crazy for worthless bands everyday, but that doesn't mean I'm going to give any of those jokes credit. I was about 20 ft from the stage at a COB show and yes they were a snorefest and his playing was off and his vocals were weak.

2005-04-13, 21:33
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Originally Posted by metal=life
huggz 4 me? 
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-04-13, 22:55
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Originally Posted by BLS
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-04-14, 02:28
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Originally Posted by Transient
i did not deny that petrucci was a better technical guitar player. he is. that doesnt make him better to listen to, unless youre the type that listens for musical skill instead of emotional impact. you either put on music to hear some tunes or to be impressed by technicality. thats where the difference in petrucci/laiho fans is. it doesnt really matter either way. petrucci hits all the notes live, fine. he doesnt sing, however, and doesnt have much stage prescence. laiho runs all around stage and screws up all the time. which do you prefer?
Did you ever stop for a second and think that maybe something that is insanely technical can have emotional impact? Infact since being an extremely technicaly proficient player opens more doors for you to write different sounding songs. The more advance, the fewer the limitations. Listen to Jason Becker - "Air" or "Serranna" or "Concerto" by Cacophony. Just because there are arpeggios does not mean there isnt a chord progession, because after all arpeggios are just individual notes a chord.
To be honest you sound like a first time listener to death metal. "Waah waah you can't hear whats going on." You hear awhole ot of notes and your brain shuts down and refuses to hear any of the melody involved.
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2005-04-14, 05:42
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Originally Posted by metal=life
huggz 4 me? 
snap motherfucker, havnt seen you in like ages, ill stop by the VC sometime we should jam. I got my fuckin RAN a while ago, its pretty sweet. WE gotta jam fo sho  .

2005-04-15, 03:26
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Hell yes man....I have lost all my internet/phone access so its hard to talk to people/

2005-04-18, 22:49
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What Alexi meant by that is that dream theater plays fast and well, but the music itself has no soul. there is no true emotion. He said it was "Not even music, it was sports". which is completley true. The riffs are impossible to play, but they suck because there is no passion in the music. Its not always about playing fast. Sometimes you have to play from the heart, not the mind.
I hope this makes sence to everybody.

2005-04-18, 23:05
New Blood
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Posts: 23
Originally Posted by The Angry Hobbit
What Alexi meant by that is that dream theater plays fast and well, but the music itself has no soul. there is no true emotion. He said it was "Not even music, it was sports". which is completley true. The riffs are impossible to play, but they suck because there is no passion in the music. Its not always about playing fast. Sometimes you have to play from the heart, not the mind.
I hope this makes sence to everybody.
I guess their music is impossible (DT) for some people to play.

2005-04-18, 23:09
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Originally Posted by DEAD
Listen to Jason Becker - "Air" or "Serranna" or "Concerto" by Cacophony.
Originally Posted by DEAD
To be honest you sound like a first time listener to death metal. "Waah waah you can't hear whats going on." You hear awhole ot of notes and your brain shuts down and refuses to hear any of the melody involved.
Oh man Transient is going to be cyring all OVER the place when he gets back 
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-04-18, 23:19
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Originally Posted by The Angry Hobbit
What Alexi meant by that is that dream theater plays fast and well, but the music itself has no soul. there is no true emotion. He said it was "Not even music, it was sports". which is completley true. The riffs are impossible to play, but they suck because there is no passion in the music. Its not always about playing fast. Sometimes you have to play from the heart, not the mind.
I hope this makes sence to everybody.
Obviously enough people like it though. Otherwise they wouln't still be releasing albums. I have Train of Thought by Dream Theatre and I think it shits all over anything that I have heard come off a CoB album.
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2005-04-18, 23:24
New Blood
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Posts: 23
Petrucci just catches a lot of shit because he can play
and improvise without screwing up. Everyone of course is entitled to their own opinion, but the fact is Petrucci is an accomplished player who's style is very polished and Alexi is not(yet). Maybe in a few years he will be if he is lucky
and isn't forgotten about. Personally, I think his playing is stale rehashed
crap. I haven't heard a single song by COB that even remotely justifies the hype he gets  He was in one of the guitar mags recently with one of those betcha can't this licks and I swear I thought it had to be a joke. He played some tapping lick that sounded like it came out of some instructional
book on tapping( like example 1 or something ). Call me a dick I don't care that's my opinion.

2005-04-18, 23:25
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Originally Posted by Transient
petrucci hits all the notes live, fine. he doesnt sing, however, and doesnt have much stage prescence. laiho runs all around stage and screws up all the time. which do you prefer?
I dont know if anybody will stand by me with this, but when I go to a show, I don't pay to see a musician running aorund and not trying to play to the best of their ability. I like to see a musician playing as best they can. Look at Terrence Hobbs, he NEVER moves at ALL on stage, but that does not affect a show in a negative way, and he is not screwing up all the time. Am I crazy for having this mentality?
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-04-18, 23:27
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Originally Posted by BeastOfCarrion
Obviously enough people like it though. Otherwise they wouln't still be releasing albums. I have Train of Thought by Dream Theatre and I think it shits all over anything that I have heard come off a CoB album.
I guess everyone has their own opinion. it just depends on your tastes.

2005-04-18, 23:32
New Blood
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
I dont know if anybody will stand by me with this, but when I go to a show, I don't pay to see a musician running aorund and not trying to play to the best of their ability. I like to see a musician playing as best they can. Look at Terrence Hobbs, he NEVER moves at ALL on stage, but that does not affect a show in a negative way, and he is not screwing up all the time. Am I crazy for having this mentality?
Right, I don't go by a bands cd because the fuckin guitar player can do back flips while tapping. I buy cds because I like the music and the level of musicianship is a factor.

2005-04-18, 23:36
Pokémon Master
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Originally Posted by Necrolechery
the fuckin guitar player can do back flips while tapping.
I don't know, that might be pretty entertaining. But This is correct, if you want to see people running around trying their hardest to entertain the audience, go watch the clowns at the fucking circus. If your music is so boaring that you need cheap stage antics to keep the audience entertained then you fall into the same category as slipknot.
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2005-04-18, 23:37
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Originally Posted by Necrolechery
Right, I don't go by a bands cd because the fuckin guitar player can do back flips while tapping.
I'd actually like to see that...  .

2005-04-18, 23:45
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Originally Posted by Necrolechery
Petrucci just catches a lot of shit because he can play
and improvise without screwing up. Everyone of course is entitled to their own opinion, but the fact is Petrucci is an accomplished player who's style is very polished and Alexi is not(yet). Maybe in a few years he will be if he is lucky
and isn't forgotten about. Personally, I think his playing is stale rehashed
crap. I haven't heard a single song by COB that even remotely justifies the hype he gets  He was in one of the guitar mags recently with one of those betcha can't this licks and I swear I thought it had to be a joke. He played some tapping lick that sounded like it came out of some instructional
book on tapping( like example 1 or something ). Call me a dick I don't care that's my opinion.
Fuck Improv If you improv a solo, it doesnt come from the heart because your not actually composing anything. Its just random noise. Alexi Laiho actually writes his solos and memorizes them note for note. If thats not soul and effort, you need to rethink how you listen to music and play your guitar. If you think its only about playing as fast as you can all the time and look like a stiff, unstylish dork, you would be wrong my friend.

2005-04-18, 23:47
New Blood
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 23
Someone brought up the fact that JP doesn't sing, so what, he sings occasional back ups. Besides, I know tons of guitarist/vocalists that could burn Alexi on guitar, vocals, and run around the stage.

2005-04-18, 23:54
New Blood
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 23
Originally Posted by The Angry Hobbit
Fuck Improv If you improv a solo, it doesnt come from the heart because your not actually composing anything. Its just random noise. Alexi Laiho actually writes his solos and memorizes them note for note. If thats not soul and effort, you need to rethink how you listen to music and play your guitar. If you think its only about playing as fast as you can all the time and look like a stiff, unstylish dork, you would be wrong my friend.
lol that's one of the funniest things I've ever fuckin read. You've got to be
kidding me. Aren't you the one that said Alexi improvs a lot? Ya know some people actually think solo's don't come from the heart if they are composed. Not me. I happen to like a little of both. Some people suck at improv, some suck at composition , and then some just suck.

2005-04-18, 23:58
New Blood
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 23
Originally Posted by The Angry Hobbit
Fuck Improv If you improv a solo, it doesnt come from the heart because your not actually composing anything. Its just random noise. Alexi Laiho actually writes his solos and memorizes them note for note. If thats not soul and effort, you need to rethink how you listen to music and play your guitar. If you think its only about playing as fast as you can all the time and look like a stiff, unstylish dork, you would be wrong my friend.
haha I like that you said unstylish. Yeah, I like how Alexi wears makeup and paints his fingernails, what a fuckin homo

2005-04-18, 23:58
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Alexi Laiho is a punk skating douchebag. What has Alexi ever done? Be all cocky because he overcame suicide? Bullshit I say. John Petrucci is a much more accomplished guitar player. Petrucci aslo posseses composition skills. I'm sure if we were to put these two in a room Alexi would get his ass handed to him, bad. There is no emotion in Children of Bodom riffs either. It's just recycled trash. Over and over. It's like metal emo. Which is an oxymoron. Which goes to show how bad Children of Bodom really is. So what you can run around on stage and hit wrong notes? Any punk can do that. Really. Need proof? Go to your nearest Green Day concert.
Worker bees can leave,
Even drones can fly away.
The queen is their slave.

2005-04-19, 00:12
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Originally Posted by Tulvox
Be all cocky because he overcame suicide? .
Good god I HATE that. I didnt know that he did until now.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-04-19, 00:14
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Originally Posted by The Angry Hobbit
Fuck Improv If you improv a solo, it doesnt come from the heart because your not actually composing anything. Its just random noise.
That makes no sense at all. Improvising is where most great riffs, songs, and solos are born. Composing generally results in music that is gay and stale.
To answer the original question of the thread, Alex whoever the fuck he is probably thinks he is the shit. Most successful guitarists think that even if they don't come out and say it. Malmsteen says it all the time and he's right.

2005-04-19, 00:27
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Originally Posted by Transient
...unless youre the type that listens for musical skill instead of emotional impact. you either put on music to hear some tunes or to be impressed by technicality.
Ah fuck, thats what the Emo fags say!!! I always thought that technicality in metal over other musical genres is one of the things that make it so great!!! Shit this thread is getting me going     I need a beer!
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2005-04-19, 00:42
Drugged Unholy
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Originally Posted by The Angry Hobbit
Fuck Improv If you improv a solo, it doesnt come from the heart because your not actually composing anything. Its just random noise. Alexi Laiho actually writes his solos and memorizes them note for note. If thats not soul and effort, you need to rethink how you listen to music and play your guitar. If you think its only about playing as fast as you can all the time and look like a stiff, unstylish dork, you would be wrong my friend.
uhh do you even know what improv is? Maybe for you it's hitting random notes becuase you don't know what the hell you're doing.
Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
I don't know about you, but I deadlift because I strive to be the first human tree stump pulling machine 
Originally Posted by viewer_from_nihil
the song serial cocksucker changed my life
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Are you going to snort cheap pharmaceutical drugs with your lizard as well?

2005-04-19, 00:49
Join Date: May 2004
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improvising solo's are alot better than recorded one's
okay the wont be rememberd as much.
but it show's how good of a guitarist you are if you can improvise
of the top of your head in front of thousand's of people.
it show's imagination.
iron maiden's dave murray does it all the time and he's fuc**g

2005-04-19, 01:49
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All you guys are gay....

2005-04-19, 02:28
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why's that

2005-04-19, 02:29
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Originally Posted by Tulvox
Alexi Laiho is a punk skating douchebag. What has Alexi ever done? Be all cocky because he overcame suicide? Bullshit I say. John Petrucci is a much more accomplished guitar player. Petrucci aslo posseses composition skills. I'm sure if we were to put these two in a room Alexi would get his ass handed to him, bad. There is no emotion in Children of Bodom riffs either. It's just recycled trash. Over and over. It's like metal emo. Which is an oxymoron. Which goes to show how bad Children of Bodom really is. So what you can run around on stage and hit wrong notes? Any punk can do that. Really. Need proof? Go to your nearest Green Day concert.
Punk? Yeah they sound really emo, i mean so much like emo they should go on the Warp Tour! I mean hell, they arent Metal at all, Emo is what they are, i mean who does Laiho think he is thinking highly of himself? People should have no self-esteem, especially over comming trying to kill themself, he should hate himself and just end his life. I mean if you listen to lets say Downfall and Warheart its like the same song, the same riffs, same drumming, just all the same. I mean a three year-old can do what Laiho does! 

2005-04-19, 02:31
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2005-04-19, 03:37
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Improv isnt noit hitting random shit. It is taking what you know musicly and applying it ON SPOT. Hey guess what? MANY MANY MANY guitarists dontw rite out whole solos whne tehy record, they usualy come up with a begining and an ending and improv their ideas in the middle. Dimebag improved the solo Cemetary Gates one night when he came home drunk and used that first take for the album. Improv is a sign of talent.
No fear, nor fight
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Comforting silence

2005-04-19, 04:05
Drugged Unholy
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Originally Posted by DEAD
Improv isnt noit hitting random shit. It is taking what you know musicly and applying it ON SPOT... Improv is a sign of talent.
Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
I don't know about you, but I deadlift because I strive to be the first human tree stump pulling machine 
Originally Posted by viewer_from_nihil
the song serial cocksucker changed my life
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Are you going to snort cheap pharmaceutical drugs with your lizard as well?

2005-04-19, 06:11
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Longmont, CO, USA
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Originally Posted by Silent Night 6 6
All you guys are gay....
Petrucci is a good guitarists, Alexi is good, no denying, they can both kick your ass... who cares who is better. What alexi said is true, maybe he said it a little harsh but its true and most people ive talked to agree with me. Most of Dream theater's musical work isnt nearly as good as it can be. Mike portney, John Petrucci, John Myung, and Jordan Rudess (i didnt mention the singer James cause i dont care for him to much) these are some of the best musicians out there for there style and knowledge, but they dont use there ability's in dream theater as much as they could. Maybe its there choice to make that kind of music or maybe they dont feel like playing to there full ability. But I agree with alexi.
So everyone shut the fuck up.
Last edited by h4x5k8 : 2005-04-19 at 06:20.

2005-04-19, 06:13
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Longmont, CO, USA
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Originally Posted by DEAD
Improv isnt noit hitting random shit. It is taking what you know musicly and applying it ON SPOT. Hey guess what? MANY MANY MANY guitarists dontw rite out whole solos whne tehy record, they usualy come up with a begining and an ending and improv their ideas in the middle. Dimebag improved the solo Cemetary Gates one night when he came home drunk and used that first take for the album. Improv is a sign of talent.
This comes from a guy who said fucked up shit about how Dime wasnt all that great.
Last edited by h4x5k8 : 2005-04-19 at 06:20.

2005-04-19, 08:18
Pokémon Master
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"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2005-04-19, 20:54
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[QUOTE= I mean a three year-old can do what Laiho does! [/QUOTE]
Go listen to Trashed lost and strung out and shuv your shit talk up your ass because there is no way you or anyone else on this website could write something better. If you could you would probably be playing your guitar right now instead of talking shit on the computer. 

2005-04-19, 20:59
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Originally Posted by The Angry Hobbit
Originally Posted by I mean a three year-old can do what Laiho does!
Go listen to [I
Trashed lost and strung out[/I] and shuv your shit talk up your ass because there is no way you or anyone else on this website could write something better. If you could you would probably be playing your guitar right now instead of talking shit on the computer. 
Dude, i was being totally sarcastic... i was making fun of someone. Notice the '  ', I love Laiho, he owns... Jeeze, I cant even joke anymore.
Also notice the 'Children of Bodom' in my sig.

2005-04-19, 21:00
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Originally Posted by h4x5k8
Petrucci is a good guitarists, Alexi is good, no denying, they can both kick your ass... who cares who is better. What alexi said is true, maybe he said it a little harsh but its true and most people ive talked to agree with me. Most of Dream theater's musical work isnt nearly as good as it can be. Mike portney, John Petrucci, John Myung, and Jordan Rudess (i didnt mention the singer James cause i dont care for him to much) these are some of the best musicians out there for there style and knowledge, but they dont use there ability's in dream theater as much as they could. Maybe its there choice to make that kind of music or maybe they dont feel like playing to there full ability. But I agree with alexi.
So everyone shut the fuck up.
Ive been waiting for someone to say something like that. THANK YOU! 

2005-04-19, 21:03
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Longmont, CO, USA
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Originally Posted by The Angry Hobbit
Ive been waiting for someone to say something like that. THANK YOU! 


2005-04-19, 21:06
New Blood
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Posts: 23
Originally Posted by The Angry Hobbit
Originally Posted by I mean a three year-old can do what Laiho does!
Go listen to [I
Trashed lost and strung out[/I] and shuv your shit talk up your ass because there is no way you or anyone else on this website could write something better. If you could you would probably be playing your guitar right now instead of talking shit on the computer. 
whatever I bet half the people that post tabs on here could burn Alexis ass, and for your info I'm sitting here with my guitar in my lap.

2005-04-19, 21:09
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Originally Posted by Necrolechery
whatever I bet half the people that post tabs on here could burn Alexis ass, and for your info I'm sitting here with my guitar in my lap.
I honestly doubt that... maybe like... 2 people? Which is not nearly close to half.

2005-04-19, 21:12
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2005-04-19, 21:29
New Blood
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 23
oh well,I hope half of the people on here can, most of the guitarists I know personally could.

2005-04-19, 21:56
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Longmont, CO, USA
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Originally Posted by Necrolechery
oh well,I hope half of the people on here can, most of the guitarists I know personally could.
your saying most of the guitarist you know could outshred alexi? or ouwrite or just outplay him?

2005-04-19, 22:14
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Philadelphia
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Originally Posted by h4x5k8
This comes from a guy who said fucked up shit about how Dime wasnt all that great.
How stupid are you? This is a perfect example of people not reading what someone posts and just getting angry about it for no reason. I never said Dime was a bad guitar player. And I could have used MANY other examples of guitar players who improv thier solos on records, for example the guitar player from Theory in Practice. But dime is the best example because I'm almost positive everyone here has heard the solos I mentioned by him where as the guitar player from theory in Practice, who out plays and writes Dime, Laiho, and Petrucci, in my opinion of course (I got the impression I need to say this since noone understands that it should be assumed its my opinion since I'm saying it) not everyone here has heard.
If you are going to nit pick my posts and ignore the point behind them, atleast know what you are talking about.
No fear, nor fight
Comforting silent side
So free, through flight
Comforting silence

2005-04-19, 22:31
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 1,968
Originally Posted by The Angry Hobbit
Originally Posted by I mean a three year-old can do what Laiho does!
Go listen to [I
Trashed lost and strung out[/I] and shuv your shit talk up your ass because there is no way you or anyone else on this website could write something better. If you could you would probably be playing your guitar right now instead of talking shit on the computer. 
Yeah, simma down now giirll. And please, like what you want, but don't tell 'em to listen to TLS of all things.

2005-04-20, 01:01
Drugged Unholy
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Location: Philadelphia Area
Posts: 2,458
sorry for the double post, fucking computer
Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
I don't know about you, but I deadlift because I strive to be the first human tree stump pulling machine 
Originally Posted by viewer_from_nihil
the song serial cocksucker changed my life
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Are you going to snort cheap pharmaceutical drugs with your lizard as well?
Last edited by TruthDevoid : 2005-04-20 at 01:06.

2005-04-20, 01:04
Drugged Unholy
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Location: Philadelphia Area
Posts: 2,458
Originally Posted by h4x5k8
This comes from a guy who said fucked up shit about how Dime wasnt all that great.
I still don't see the big fuss about Dime. It seems to me that since he died all of a sudden everyone thinks he's the best guitarist ever. I mean no offense to those who have always been fans of him and whatever, but all these people who never gave a shit before are now saying that he's the greatest just because he died and because everyone else is saying it. I always thought dime was cool but he never really impressed me and now that he's dead, my opinions of him won't change. Yeah it sucks the guy died, especially in such a horrible way, but i know so many people that never really liked pantera that all of a sudden are these huge fans of him just because they died. i hate banwagon jumpers. Sorry for the rant, it really doesn't even fit in this thread, but fuck it.
Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
I don't know about you, but I deadlift because I strive to be the first human tree stump pulling machine 
Originally Posted by viewer_from_nihil
the song serial cocksucker changed my life
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Are you going to snort cheap pharmaceutical drugs with your lizard as well?

2005-04-20, 01:22
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Philadelphia
Posts: 1,399
Woohoo! Youre from PA and youre not stupid!
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Comforting silent side
So free, through flight
Comforting silence

2005-04-20, 01:23
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Originally Posted by TruthDevoid
I still don't see the big fuss about Dime. It seems to me that since he died all of a sudden everyone thinks he's the best guitarist ever. I mean no offense to those who have always been fans of him and whatever, but all these people who never gave a shit before are now saying that he's the greatest just because he died and because everyone else is saying it. I always thought dime was cool but he never really impressed me and now that he's dead, my opinions of him won't change. Yeah it sucks the guy died, especially in such a horrible way, but i know so many people that never really liked pantera that all of a sudden are these huge fans of him just because they died. i hate banwagon jumpers. Sorry for the rant, it really doesn't even fit in this thread, but fuck it.
Well, i get your point, but i happened to fuckin love that guy.

2005-04-20, 01:23
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Yes TruthDevoid I agree, alot. This also sees true with Chuck Schuldiner, I mean he was a very good guitarist, but if he was still alive he would not have half the popularity and praise that he has now.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,
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