2006-04-16, 04:31
slack as fuck
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Goddamn maritimes..
Posts: 3,395
Originally Posted by timedragon
you know those "new" jamaican sounding rappers or whatever they are, yeah, i hate those a whole lot more than the regular ones. i think one is sean paul or something? i wish i could punch him in the face and say "i hate you and your voice" then spit on him.
Ah fuck I hate it...
Sean Paul just reminds me of the Jamaican equivilant to a Wigger... fag.
'Seanapaul! domo-akka-rikki-nikki-wikki...ect' and that's his songs. Oh yeah and can't forget 'Pass dat dro'
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Bottle of Vodka, $25
Fucking on the couch while posting on Metaltabs and getting caught by your mother....

2006-04-16, 04:44
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Down the street from nHoE
Posts: 1,716
Shawn-a-Paul.... Cirque De Soleil. (French circus for you non-Canadians)
Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
im 50 percent irish and 100 percent pain. (SHAKE DOWN!!!!)
Canadian Brutal Death (So you know it's good)

2006-04-16, 04:45
slack as fuck
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Goddamn maritimes..
Posts: 3,395
I think mostly everyone knows what Cirque De Soleil is
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Bottle of Vodka, $25
Fucking on the couch while posting on Metaltabs and getting caught by your mother....

2006-04-16, 05:02
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Down the street from nHoE
Posts: 1,716
The Europeans etc might not. Anyway...
Originally Posted by IlikeRiffseveryone
im 50 percent irish and 100 percent pain. (SHAKE DOWN!!!!)
Canadian Brutal Death (So you know it's good)

2006-04-16, 05:34
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: In the Uber Kvlt shithole (NZ)
Posts: 1,102
I just realised there is a problem with you 2's locations
you are both down the road from each other
technically one should be down the road, the other should be up the road.
omg t3h @x1s p3d@ls @r3 t3h b3st!!!!!!1!!11

2006-04-16, 12:13
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Naples, FL
Posts: 1,916
Originally Posted by NZ black metal drumm
I just realised there is a problem with you 2's locations
you are both down the road from each other
technically one should be down the road, the other should be up the road.
Technically not, just depends on what point of reference one takes.
EDIT: How grim 1,666 posts

2006-04-16, 14:04
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: London, UK
Posts: 1,841
Originally Posted by Zertonshfits
The Europeans etc might not. Anyway...
I've seen them twice, was an enjoyable evening both times, whats there to hate about them?
The Freedom of Chaos
The Secret of The Secret
The Truth of The Truth
Originally Posted by Undone
moonraven?....more like ass raven

2006-04-16, 15:36
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Portugal
Posts: 1,234
i want to add people that look crosseyed at me when i say i like one hit wonders from the 80's.
mainstream was awesome back then.

2006-04-16, 21:08
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Canada
Posts: 432
Originally Posted by low-tech
driving thru boston today a car was moving slow ahead of me in tight, busy traffic and i honked that shit and tailgated his ass to move the fuck forward. he was from quebec
Now thats funny as hell because quebecers are known for speeding  funny shit

2006-04-16, 21:21
slack as fuck
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Goddamn maritimes..
Posts: 3,395
Originally Posted by NZ black metal drumm
I just realised there is a problem with you 2's locations
you are both down the road from each other
technically one should be down the road, the other should be up the road.
oh.. hah, well technically, he's up from my house. he should change his.
EDIT: fuck it, I'm changing it. Zerton will get the joke.
Originally Posted by Soulinsane
Bottle of Vodka, $25
Fucking on the couch while posting on Metaltabs and getting caught by your mother....

2006-04-16, 22:01
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: providence
Posts: 1,863
Originally Posted by Black_Star
Now thats funny as hell because quebecers are known for speeding  funny shit
the dude was lost, i got that feeling they took an exit by mistake from the 93 bridge. bostons outbound expressways and double bridges look like that of neo-tokyo in Akira<animated cartoon>easy to get lost

2006-04-17, 04:31
Legio Draconorum Orkian
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: upon raging waves
Posts: 4,499
Originally Posted by newHELLonEARTH
I think mostly everyone knows what Cirque De Soleil is
i actually have no idea, sounds well, i dont know, sounds dumb, but i cant really say cause i dont even know what it is.

2006-04-17, 04:59
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Australia
Posts: 1,156
isn't it that annoying french-canadian circus that has no animals and is just plain fucking weird?
Originall Posted By problematic
Im a quadraplegic.
Youve made me cry
Originally Posted by problematic
Metal Monkey: retarded comments galore.
RIP this guy

2006-04-17, 13:59
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Location: Sydney.
Posts: 4,674
The chief executive of the advertising agency M&C Saatchi, Simon Corah, has urged Foster's Australia, brewers of Carlton Draught, to hold fast, predicting that sales would follow through as Carlton gets on to the "repertoire" of more NSW drinkers.
"The Big Ad is a parody of all those beer ads that talk about the hops and craft, but we know that at the end of the day it is just beer," he said.
"More than any other category, the advertising has to communicate an attitude of fun and entertainment and they've been very successful in doing that."
Hahahahah really? An attitude of FUN AND ENTERTAINMENT?
And it's ALL ABOUT THE BEER is it?
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2006-04-17, 15:20
Forum Leader
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Location: Melbourne, AUS
Posts: 2,637
Originally Posted by metal_monkey
annoying french-canadian circus that has no animals
Review that statement please.

2006-04-17, 19:36
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: I believe in blood and honor, blood and honor C18
Posts: 387
I dislike Zionists and anyone that believes we should give money to I$rael. The Jew's should fight their own wars, and stop getting people to feel sorry for them because the holocaust. From what I have gathered, Zionists are the most racist people on the earth. In I$rael it is forbidden for a Jew to marry a non Jew. Doesn't that seem racist? And ahem....have you ever heard the term goyim?

2006-04-17, 20:16
Forum Daemon
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Posts: 4,982
A circus doesn't have to have animals, it's just conventional that it does. A zoo is what has to have animals.
I don't know this Big Ad, but it sounds dumb. As dumb as the commercials it parodies. A beer company that genuinely cares about the beer should rely on forms of advertisement such as promotional specials to spread the beer's appeal, not commercials. A cool commercials has almost nothing to do with is product, which is more or less the point as the people who make cool commercials tend to have shitty goddamn products.
Israel was created out of British embarassment over the whole Exodus incident. It was originally supported both financially and militarily for that same reason; they couldn't, they felt, just set up this state and then leave it to fend for itself in hostile territory. Israel continues to get money because it's a bastion of pro-Americanism in a part of the world that has become anti-American (though in no small part because of our previous support for Israel). People do a lot of stupid things out of guilt, but they're much smaller than the state of Israel. When you oversimplify like you have you're in danger of doing the same thing you're ostensibly criticizing. Especially when you think words like 'goy' are incredibly offensive. And, while the marriage law there is racist, it's not forbidden for a Jew to marry a non-Jew. It's not even forbidden for a Jew to marry a Palestinian. It's racist in that this marriage will not make it possible to extend Israeli citizenship to a Palestinian. If you want to criticize other people for ignorant racism, do your goddamn homework. The Israeli state is an incredibly easy target and you still can't hit it.

2006-04-17, 20:58
Senior Metalhead
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Location: I believe in blood and honor, blood and honor C18
Posts: 387
Well said. Most of the things I know about Israel are by word of mouth, and not research. My grandmother is actually planning on visiting Israel for a second time due to her exteme Christian faith, so alot of my knowledge on the small country comes from there. I don't care enough about Israel to study it.
I really dislike overly opinionated people. Especially the pompous variety.

2006-04-17, 22:18
Legio Draconorum Orkian
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: upon raging waves
Posts: 4,499
why do people think you cant hear them sing when they are in the shower? i really dont like to picture people naked singing to teeny bopper idols.

2006-04-17, 23:05
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
any point you would have made was negated by your use of $ instead of s

2006-04-17, 23:12
Muffin Ass
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Location: Sugar Britches
Posts: 2,340
Originally Posted by low-tech
there was some distance between the person in front of me and the other person ahead of her. the reason for this is to allow others to pass the growing express line from the freezer aisle in the front of the store. the lady just occupied that space and me and the lady before me had to move again to accomadate the people passing thru. this is a common occurance with people who pretend that there isnt a line behind this space, so now you have two tail ends to one line
OK....that makes sense.
In other words you and most were being polite and allowing a throughway and some ass filled in the blank....
And it's true....some handicapped people are so bitter....they care not about breaking social rules.
Jam a stick in their chair spokes.

2006-04-17, 23:55
Senior Metalhead
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Location: I believe in blood and honor, blood and honor C18
Posts: 387
Originally Posted by Transient
any point you would have made was negated by your use of $ instead of s
And you complaining about my use of a $ sign in place of an s proves what?

2006-04-18, 00:14
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
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Location: Home is where the <3 is
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Originally Posted by timedragon
why do people think you cant hear them sing when they are in the shower? i really dont like to picture people naked singing to teeny bopper idols.
Maybe you'd prefer to hear me singing Lawrence Welk naked in the shower?
That should make you appreciate the other now!
I saw a bit of the Cirque on tv and it was wonderful. Very romantic aerial ballet.
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2006-04-18, 05:22
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: providence
Posts: 1,863

2006-04-18, 07:35
New Blood
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Australia
Posts: 9
Nathan Gale.
that fucker deserved to die
footy jocks.
12 year old fuckheads who reckon HIM and Good Charlotte are cool.
they all deserve to be decapitated 

2006-04-18, 14:53
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Beelzebub's Traveling Circus
Posts: 244
There are a lot of "emos" and "poofs" (?) out there that love that kind of music. Such a mass decapitation would take days considering they are individuals with their own lives, not all joined together in some Poser Cult beneath the darkened lairs of an Amazonian jungle. Finding them and grouping them all together -- perhaps luring them with brand new knives to slit their wrists and the advertisement of "something darker than black, ooooo" -- would be a real task, and gathering enough guillotines for such an event would be equally tiring. I suggest we take a much easier approach to the situation and focus our minds on more important things in life than bashing insecure 13 year old kids for liking things that we don't. May I suggest a hobby such as grinding your genitals against sandpaper?
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

2006-04-18, 14:58
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Location: Sydney.
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Originally Posted by buried_alive
they all deserve to be decapitated 
Oh yes. Tell me about it. Those wily fags and their fagitudinal agenda! Fagging around fagging everything up with fagulous fagitude!
Seriously though... does thinking about them make you a little... well... hot? IN THE PANTS? DOES IT MAKE YOU WANT TO EAT MY FUCK???
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2006-04-18, 15:08
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
Originally Posted by low-tech
props for knowing who this guy is.
some senator crowned that guy

2006-04-18, 18:05
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: providence
Posts: 1,863
this is the guy that runs the washington times at a severe loss for the sake of influence in dc. not to mention he funnels alot of money into both partys. which somehow works out even tho he's a self-proclaimed messiah, ex-con and the most sucessful, most obviously bogus religious scam artist in the world
hes banned from like half the world. it kinda sucks that this guy has a virtual monopoly in the fishing industry in america. both coasts and probably the gulf of mexico. every time you buy fish, he gets paid. i bought a 1$ tin of salmon yesterday, that motherfucker probably got like 50cents.

2006-04-18, 18:16
Legio Draconorum Orkian
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: upon raging waves
Posts: 4,499
Originally Posted by mortpayne
There are a lot of "emos" and "poofs" (?) out there that love that kind of music. Such a mass decapitation would take days considering they are individuals with their own lives, not all joined together in some Poser Cult beneath the darkened lairs of an Amazonian jungle. Finding them and grouping them all together -- perhaps luring them with brand new knives to slit their wrists and the advertisement of "something darker than black, ooooo" -- would be a real task, and gathering enough guillotines for such an event would be equally tiring. I suggest we take a much easier approach to the situation and focus our minds on more important things in life than bashing insecure 13 year old kids for liking things that we don't. May I suggest a hobby such as grinding your genitals against sandpaper?
he said they DESERVE to be decapitated, not lets think of ways to gather them and decapitate them. and though it would be to hard a task, if it were possible id say let the killing begin. i dont like a single one, therefore, i can easily do without.

2006-04-18, 18:36
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Beelzebub's Traveling Circus
Posts: 244
Originally Posted by timedragon
...if it were possible id say let the killing begin. i dont like a single one, therefore, i can easily do without.
I think that just about sums up my point. Joking about how we dislike certain groups of people is fine. And I know that, for the most part, you were joking just then. You wouldn't seriously slaughter every stereotypical emo/goth/whatever teen if you somehow had that power. And, to an extent, buried_alive was joking around, too. But it still represents an attitude that so many people have about groups they don't like: "Since I don't like them, there's no need for them". There are plenty of people who can't stand metal fans because they base us on incorrect stereotypes. They, too, are sometimes people who would like to see us dead just because they don't like us. If the world was run by that kind of attitude, no one would be left. We all have groups that we don't like, but it doesn't give us the right to say "This is my world, and if it isn't up to my standards then fuck 'em". Out of all the people in all of history, the present, and the future, our opinions on such subjects are completely useless and should never be taken into action. Again, it's all about joking and pissing on folks we find annoying -- which is wholesome entertainment by all counts. I was (in also a joking way) simply pointing out the stupidity of people who think like that in a more serious manner. Do I know what buried_alive litterally meant and how serious his comment was? No. And, once again, I'm sure it was just mindless ranting. But this is a thread about people we hate (or at least strongly dislike), and I felt like expressing (somewhat subliminally) how annoying it would be if these things we said were meant in a litteral way. Not many people say it like that, but there are some out there (gangs, obviously, rule with an immature sense of authority and pointless killing over people they simply dislike). That was more of my point. A diversion from what was buried_alive's comment into a broader sense of, in my mocking opinion, what consumes too many people's rage when they could be focusing it on more important things. Like Jerry Falwell.
...Goddamnit, I just rambled didn't I? Consider my balls kicked by my own leg. Flexibility rules.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

2006-04-18, 19:18
Legio Draconorum Orkian
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: upon raging waves
Posts: 4,499
i suppose you rambled, but it was completely valid. and yeah, i really wouldnt have em all killed, ...well, not the girls anyway  . id construct a "metal conversion" facility which would be 100% effective
EDIT: and not the guys that look like Bass' cause hes hawt 
damn, ive been joking about this way too much lately, hah. better save it till we reach our cave in Norway.
Last edited by timedragon : 2006-04-18 at 19:21.

2006-04-18, 20:57
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Home is where the <3 is
Posts: 8,881
Originally Posted by Transient
props for knowing who this guy is.
some senator crowned that guy
Yeah, considering he was from back in my day. Him and his dreaded "moonies."
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2006-05-16, 06:32
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
Originally Posted by timedragon
EDIT: and not the guys that look like Bass' cause hes hawt 
damn, ive been joking about this way too much lately, hah. better save it till we reach our cave in Norway.
Woah..I don't remember reading that...
Anyways, I hate people whose toilet paper dispenser in the bathroom dispenses the paper in an upward motion...I fucking hate it, and sometimes even change it.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2006-05-16, 06:57
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: In the Uber Kvlt shithole (NZ)
Posts: 1,102
people I hate:
Anyone who tries to deny the Metalness of Tight Leather Trousers
omg t3h @x1s p3d@ls @r3 t3h b3st!!!!!!1!!11

2006-05-16, 08:23
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Brisbane, Australia.
Posts: 1,023
I <3 12 year olds.

2006-05-16, 10:17
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: In the Uber Kvlt shithole (NZ)
Posts: 1,102
that is gold.....
omg t3h @x1s p3d@ls @r3 t3h b3st!!!!!!1!!11

2006-05-16, 10:31
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: vancouver
Posts: 102
people who get offended at things that arent "politically correct". i dont care i m going to laugh at anything or anyone thats funny. and people that think america is better than Canada. sorry guys  ... well thats a little harsh but seriously, stop taking the fuckin U's out of works and PROnounce them properly.
Last edited by Grimsweeper : 2006-05-16 at 11:48.

2006-05-16, 16:26
Forum Daemon
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 4,982
Americans don't really take the 'u's out of anything. At the time American English split off from British English, there was no systematic spelling. Since then, the British made a conscious effort to make their language closer to continental Romantic languages. This included certain preservations of Gallic artifacts in the spelling of words, and also certain affectations of pronunciation. Americans, for the obvious reason that they no longer had to look to England for the development of English, didn't follow these changes. Which is why certain types of present-day American English are closer to the English that was brought over to these shores than present-day British English. And also why it's silly for the British, and those who got their sense of English from them, to criticize us for not having sold out the language to take on more of a French feel.

2006-05-16, 16:29
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Wurzburg, germany
Posts: 506
my drug connections. I hate those people. really. its like I'm supposed to feign this "friend ship " with them.
I dont wanna be friends. I just wanna get fucked up.
just die and get it over with.
hi my name is whitney, but you can call me Scrumptious

2006-05-17, 05:15
Legio Draconorum Orkian
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: upon raging waves
Posts: 4,499
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Woah..I don't remember reading that...
dont tell me you forgot about the trip too
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Anyways, I hate people whose toilet paper dispenser in the bathroom dispenses the paper in an upward motion...I fucking hate it, and sometimes even change it.
hahaha  you know, even if it comes over the top, you can still pull it downward. my stepdad hates it that way too. i dont even care which way it is.

2006-05-17, 05:40
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: In the Uber Kvlt shithole (NZ)
Posts: 1,102
so long as their is paper where I need when I am taking a shit, I couldnn't care less what way it is pointing....
omg t3h @x1s p3d@ls @r3 t3h b3st!!!!!!1!!11

2006-05-17, 05:45
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
Originally Posted by timedragon
dont tell me you forgot about the trip too
hahaha  you know, even if it comes over the top, you can still pull it downward. my stepdad hates it that way too. i dont even care which way it is.
Oh I remembered the trip.........
Seriously though, that upwards toilet paper garbage drives me apeshit.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2006-05-17, 05:51
Legio Draconorum Orkian
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: upon raging waves
Posts: 4,499
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Oh I remembered the trip.........
Seriously though, that upwards toilet paper garbage drives me apeshit.
alright, in the cave ill put to where the paper turns downward 

2006-05-17, 06:29
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Where the grass is green, and the girls 69.
Posts: 1,473
Originally Posted by NZ black metal drumm
so long as their is paper where I need when I am taking a shit, I couldnn't care less what way it is pointing....
Nothing worse than realising AFTER you have taken a shit, that there is no TP
And you have to wipe your arse on an empty toilet roll
And then it doesnt flush
And then feel sorry for the bastard who next goes in...
My bands page ^
Think my attitude stinks?? You should smell my fingers.
Originally Posted by BOB_ZE_METALLEU
yeah, one night he (BassBehemoth) came with some GHB and he put it in my drink, when i woke up....i lost my hymen....terrible 

2006-05-17, 20:52
Legio Draconorum Orkian
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: upon raging waves
Posts: 4,499
i hate when people get bitchy and offensive about puting metal into sub-genres. it really isnt THAT BAD. it has helped me on hundreds of occasions in finding, and avoiding, bands. but some fuckers get all into it and go and write 3 page rants about how "its fuckin metal no matter what kind blah blah blah". yeah its all metal, and i dont like all metal  . i dont go to a restaurant and just order anything simply because its all food. i only find genres annoying when they are confusing and misleading. but if they are accurate or reasonable, i appreciate them greatly. people should spare the world their problems with sub-genres because you dont see me writing fucking essays on why i think they are useful.

2006-05-18, 02:34
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Orlando Area
Posts: 87
I hate Maynard.
Die for Honor, Die for Glory, Death in Fire.

2006-05-18, 02:42
Drugged Unholy
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Philadelphia Area
Posts: 2,458
Originally Posted by NZ black metal drumm
so long as their is paper where I need when I am taking a shit, I couldnn't care less what way it is pointing....
Haha, I hate people that buy 1-ply toilet paper. Come on people, good toilet paper isn't that expensive. it's worth the wear and tear you save on your asshole.
Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
I don't know about you, but I deadlift because I strive to be the first human tree stump pulling machine 
Originally Posted by viewer_from_nihil
the song serial cocksucker changed my life
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Are you going to snort cheap pharmaceutical drugs with your lizard as well?

2006-05-18, 04:05
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
Originally Posted by TruthDevoid
Haha, I hate people that buy 1-ply toilet paper. Come on people, good toilet paper isn't that expensive. it's worth the wear and tear you save on your asshole.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2006-05-18, 11:26
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Home is where the <3 is
Posts: 8,881
I accidently bought a whole 24 pack of 1 ply because it was at sale price. That will probably last us til the end of the year. It's not that bad though as far as softness. I was dreading the 60 grit sandpaper feeling. It's just weird getting used to using a little more.
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2006-05-18, 11:35
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Ballater, Scotland, UK.
Posts: 1,128
Originally Posted by timedragon
i hate when people get bitchy and offensive about puting metal into sub-genres. it really isnt THAT BAD. it has helped me on hundreds of occasions in finding, and avoiding, bands. but some fuckers get all into it and go and write 3 page rants about how "its fuckin metal no matter what kind blah blah blah". yeah its all metal, and i dont like all metal  . i dont go to a restaurant and just order anything simply because its all food. i only find genres annoying when they are confusing and misleading. but if they are accurate or reasonable, i appreciate them greatly. people should spare the world their problems with sub-genres because you dont see me writing fucking essays on why i think they are useful.
A very good argument and one I agree with. I'm not the biggest fan of black metal. The new Satyricon makes me laugh. Especially that one song: K.I.N.G.
I'm more leaned into death. And have leanings into specific types of death metal. I like brutal and technical, not a big fan of melodic though. Sub-genres are handy when, yes, they are accurate.
True that we don't go into restaurants ordering anything because it's all food. 

2006-05-18, 11:46
Forum Leader
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Location: Bladel, Holland
Posts: 6,806
Originally Posted by OpethFan
Nothing worse than realising AFTER you have taken a shit, that there is no TP
And you have to wipe your arse on an empty toilet roll
And then it doesnt flush
And then feel sorry for the bastard who next goes in...
ah, you're a sick man

2006-05-18, 12:23
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Home is where the <3 is
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Just DO NOT use coffee filters like wally and his brother did at their dad's old house! He said he didn't care because he was selling it anyways, but if they did that here with the septic tank instead of city sewer I'd probably still be yammering at them!
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2006-05-18, 13:50
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
Oh, I also hate when people go to parties, drink/smoke too much, and puke all over the floor or anywhere except the toilet...and then leave without cleaning it up! My buddy I guess did this at this girl's house last weekend, how moved into the place a day prior. I guess he puked after basically everyone was gone(like me) or in bed. I know the girl fairly well, and its completely embarrasing to myself(I brought him over) and his silly ass.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2006-05-18, 15:16
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: providence
Posts: 1,863
when i worked at a wendys people would commonly puke in the little trash bin instead of the toilet, i hated cleaning that shit up but i couldnt fault with someone not wanting to stick thier face in a toilet, be it a public restroom or in a private home.

2006-05-18, 16:27
El Diablo sin pantalones
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Yggdrassyl
Posts: 4,321
Originally Posted by TruthDevoid
Haha, I hate people that buy 1-ply toilet paper. Come on people, good toilet paper isn't that expensive. it's worth the wear and tear you save on your asshole.
Some people would even do with sandpaper.
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2006-05-18, 16:47
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Monterey, CA
Posts: 3,635
a couple come to my head right now...
tom cruise...what a fucking nut! go pay your science fiction novelist more money to obtain a higher level of conciousness and fuck off.
people that dont know you are supposed to let people off elevators before charging in there...this one lady in particular at my office stands there with her nose almost prying the doors open...am tempted to stand there with my fist ready so she runs right into it.

2006-05-18, 18:48
But why is the rum gone ?
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Keeping the Groove going and staying out of Treble
Posts: 1,778
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Oh, I also hate when people go to parties, drink/smoke too much, and puke all over the floor or anywhere except the toilet...and then leave without cleaning it up!
yea that happened at my friends place and she completely hates that guy now
Nothing is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely
Guitarists are just people who could Never make it as a Bassist
Join The Forum CUNT

2006-05-18, 18:49
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