2010-06-21, 23:21
Vaginal Warts
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Originally Posted by Dyldo
hahahha this is incredible is this real?? I'm halfway through and it's blowing my mind.
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.

2010-06-21, 23:25
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It wouldn't surprise me if it was real, as the guy has some other ridiculous stories that have photographic proof, but I guess you can never know. Keep reading. Regardless, they're very entertaining.
He used to have a ton more stories up, but it looks like he took the majority of them off to, I'm guessing, help increase book sales.
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i'm so bonery

2010-06-21, 23:33
Vaginal Warts
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wow I didn't know he wrote "I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell." I thought that was just some random blog about a really fucked up guy. I finished the main story and the hate mail lol... this guy is weird, but a good story teller.
I have a very strong feeling it is true, now.
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.

2010-07-21, 10:24
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Listening to Cannibal Corpse and cutting trees with a chainsaw, now that's metal
"He preferred the hard truth over his dearest illusion. That, is the heart of science."
- Carl Sagan
"Imagination is more important than intelligence" - Einstein

2010-07-21, 18:47
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Originally Posted by Amadeus
No words. Except...
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2010-07-21, 19:32
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It`d be more hilarious if the guy tried to smuggle socks in monkeys
C'est le chant des vieux arbres entonné pour toi,
Pour ces bois obscurs maintenant endormis.
R.I.P moe

2010-07-21, 20:32
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Another thing struck me. Look at that video. Look at the monkey. Look at the socks. What kind of feet does that man have? I mean for fucks sake, put a pole in the middle of it and I'll call it a tent.
Listening to Cannibal Corpse and cutting trees with a chainsaw, now that's metal
"He preferred the hard truth over his dearest illusion. That, is the heart of science."
- Carl Sagan
"Imagination is more important than intelligence" - Einstein

2010-07-21, 22:49
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
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From what they reported on the news here some of them were dead.
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2010-07-21, 22:53
Too _____, wouldn't fuck
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yeah two of them died. Result: PETAfags and teenage girls go crazy

2010-07-22, 15:49
Forum Daemon
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Originally Posted by drawn&quartered
yeah two of them died.
Nothin' a couple of buttered baguettes and a jug of gravy 'n' onions can't fix.
Originally Posted by drawn&quartered
Result: PETAfags and teenage girls go crazy
Yeah, the PETAphiles will be doing back-flips after this shit. Good, fuck 'em.
Maybe he didn't mean to put them into the socks. Maybe he, like me, is a huge fan of monkeys in various forms of headwear and wanted to see what they'd look like in balaclavas. Seeing a troop of chimp terrorists running around with little AK47s is almost worth the mass suffocation.
I don't think the guy should be brought up on animal cruelty charges, but should instead be executed for making a mockery of Natural Selection. The man's a fucking imbecile. How his genetic lineage has survived this long is beyond me. Well, it isn't really, because I'm still here and I've filled my socks with worse things than chimps.
Watch the following space:
Last edited by Paddy : 2010-07-22 at 18:42.

2010-07-23, 20:17
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Well this surely can't be the first time a man's been caught with his monkey in a sock...................

2010-07-23, 21:26
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Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2010-08-03, 17:17
Forum Daemon
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Not only do I think the plans for a new Mosque should go ahead, but I think that every skyscraper in America should have several Mosques built into them with a really big one on the top floor. Why? Well, it'd pretty much cancel out any possibility of another bombing. A Mosque in your building offers better protection from terrorists than Homeland Security ever could.

2010-08-03, 17:55
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Originally Posted by Paddy
Not only do I think the plans for a new Mosque should go ahead, but I think that every skyscraper in America should have several Mosques built into them with a really big one on the top floor. Why? Well, it'd pretty much cancel out any possibility of another bombing. A Mosque in your building offers better protection from terrorists than Homeland Security ever could.
I heard about this awhile ago and I still can't believe they're actually going to do it. It's so painfully passive aggressive, I'm not sure what the advocates of this plan think it's going to accomplish. Peace on earth by "being the bigger person"? I'm not so sure building a mosque in a building would even keep terrorists from bombing it anyway so long as it's on American soil.
Speaking of Homeland Security whatever happened to the full body scans they were going to start using in airports? As if current security wasn't unpleasant and invasive enough.

2010-08-03, 18:14
Too _____, wouldn't fuck
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Originally Posted by Paddy
Not only do I think the plans for a new Mosque should go ahead, but I think that every skyscraper in America should have several Mosques built into them with a really big one on the top floor. Why? Well, it'd pretty much cancel out any possibility of another bombing. A Mosque in your building offers better protection from terrorists than Homeland Security ever could.
haha, good logic. I raged too hard before to even think of it that way. Not that I am religious anyways.
Originally Posted by DameFraMorkum
Speaking of Homeland Security whatever happened to the full body scans they were going to start using in airports? As if current security wasn't unpleasant and invasive enough.
I don't know why people care so much about going through security. It's sort of annoying but usually doesn't take too long in my experience.
Last edited by drawn&quartered : 2010-08-03 at 18:18.

2010-08-03, 18:53
Forum Daemon
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Originally Posted by DameFraMorkum
I heard about this awhile ago and I still can't believe they're actually going to do it. It's so painfully passive aggressive, I'm not sure what the advocates of this plan think it's going to accomplish. Peace on earth by "being the bigger person"? I'm not so sure building a mosque in a building would even keep terrorists from bombing it anyway so long as it's on American soil.
I think it's a horrid idea, but I feel somewhat guilty for thinking that. I mean, lumping in "normal" Muslims with the psychotics who carried out 9/11 isn't entirely fair so a distinction should be made, yet I still feel that putting this Mosque in that location is the most inappropriate thing you could do save for having Osama bin Laden take a shit on the site. I don't see why they can't just move the fuckin' Mosque a block or two away from GZ, though. Surely this isn't the only vacant building in the city.
Originally Posted by DameFraMorkum
Speaking of Homeland Security whatever happened to the full body scans they were going to start using in airports? As if current security wasn't unpleasant and invasive enough.
They should just invent x-ray glasses and be done with it, the snooping wankers that they are. I haven't travelled by boat since I was a kid; is the security as severe in the harbours as it is in airports? I think if I ever leave this turd nugget of an island again it'll most likely be by boat or, failing that, hot air balloon. I think casually submitting to this kind of Orwellian nonsense is the first step towards a police state. N. Ireland was effectively a police state for 30+ years (random "stop and searches", military taking on the role of police, home invasions, road blocks, you had to carry I.D. everywhere, curfews, mass internment without trial, etc.) and it's the most counter-productive direction a society can take. Terrorism here only escalated as a result of it, and it's the same old shit everywhere else.
Originally Posted by drawn&quartered
I don't know why people care so much about going through security. It's sort of annoying but usually doesn't take too long in my experience.
I went to Mexico in 2002, a few months after 9/11, and I had to go through the U.S. on my way there and back. The security was pretty intense, but I didn't feel affronted by it or anything. It was kinda annoying when they constantly asked me to remove my boots and I had to spend several minutes untying them haha, but other than that it was fine, and everyone who dealt with me was nice enough. The security has gotten more intense and more severe over the past 8 years though, and it only seems to be getting worse with no apparent limits on how far they can go with it. Full body scanning is degrading, humiliating and it criminalises everyone who is subjected to it, as do the rest of the security measures to a lesser extent. It doesn't really make a difference to terrorist threats, and trading off civil liberties for security is probably the worst course of action we can take as a society. Your own Benjamin Franklin said it best: He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither. If terrorists turn a country into a gibbering wreck of fear and paranoia they've achieved more than they could with fifty 9/11s.

2010-08-03, 19:18
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Hear hear, Paddsy. I really want to put a hammer in the face (yeeeees) of the morons planning the GZ-mosque. Anyone who knows the history of islam know it's a victory gesture. It doesn't matter what their intentions are or what democracy should be able to handle. It's bloody stupid. Unless - unless you want conflict.
And this security hard on our governments are having is getting pretty silly. Don't look now, but this post right here is being monitored. So, just excuse me for a moment...
... while I add a little to my dossier. Seriously, there's a branch of our defense busy monitoring all internet traffic going to or from servers outside the borders of Sweden.
But hey, FRA, as I like to ask you in a random post every now and then - what the fuck do ya think you're achieving? Come knock on the door if you have the guts, you idiots.
There is a small chance it'll be read, as I've included at least six marked keywords. I'll stop now. Fuck this pisses me off.
Listening to Cannibal Corpse and cutting trees with a chainsaw, now that's metal
"He preferred the hard truth over his dearest illusion. That, is the heart of science."
- Carl Sagan
"Imagination is more important than intelligence" - Einstein

2010-08-04, 11:12
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Location: Ger., North
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C'est le chant des vieux arbres entonné pour toi,
Pour ces bois obscurs maintenant endormis.
R.I.P moe

2010-08-04, 15:39
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 2,149
Because his death could have sparked a new surge in the green revolution? Because the regime is hanging in the balance above a hungry mob of angry students? Because the winds of change only need a little more encouragement? Because his burst corpse could have provided you with wanking material for at least a week?
It's an uncaring universe out there.
Listening to Cannibal Corpse and cutting trees with a chainsaw, now that's metal
"He preferred the hard truth over his dearest illusion. That, is the heart of science."
- Carl Sagan
"Imagination is more important than intelligence" - Einstein

2010-08-04, 17:58
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Originally Posted by Paddy
I think it's a horrid idea, but I feel somewhat guilty for thinking that. I mean, lumping in "normal" Muslims with the psychotics who carried out 9/11 isn't entirely fair so a distinction should be made, yet I still feel that putting this Mosque in that location is the most inappropriate thing you could do save for having Osama bin Laden take a shit on the site.
Well put, that's exactly how I feel. I'm not making the connection between the mosque that's being built on Ground Zero and the peaceful Muslims, it just seems like an homage to the violent Muslim extremists. I really don't get it. After almost 10 years of hearing jokes about how we should build a skyscraper shaped like a middle finger this is really the last thing I saw coming.
Originally Posted by Paddy
I think casually submitting to this kind of Orwellian nonsense is the first step towards a police state.
Oh absolutely and people just don't seem to care.
Originally Posted by Paddy
N. Ireland was effectively a police state for 30+ years (random "stop and searches", military taking on the role of police, home invasions, road blocks, you had to carry I.D. everywhere, curfews, mass internment without trial, etc.) and it's the most counter-productive direction a society can take. Terrorism here only escalated as a result of it, and it's the same old shit everywhere else.
Have they recovered from it? I've noticed in history that any rights taken away during war for greater security are almost NEVER restored once the war is over. It just escalates like you said, and the noose tightens until there's a revolution big enough to restructure everything.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Full body scanning is degrading, humiliating and it criminalises everyone who is subjected to it, as do the rest of the security measures to a lesser extent. It doesn't really make a difference to terrorist threats, and trading off civil liberties for security is probably the worst course of action we can take as a society. Your own Benjamin Franklin said it best: He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither. If terrorists turn a country into a gibbering wreck of fear and paranoia they've achieved more than they could with fifty 9/11s.
You're absolutely right, and it's frustrating watching this country make more and more bad decisions. But hey, that seems to be the path they've carved out and I don't see things changing course any time soon. Nothing you can do but sit back and watch the train wreck really.

2010-08-04, 19:01
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Originally Posted by Amadeus
Because his death could have sparked a new surge in the green revolution? Because the regime is hanging in the balance above a hungry mob of angry students? Because the winds of change only need a little more encouragement? Because his burst corpse could have provided you with wanking material for at least a week?
It's an uncaring universe out there.
Nah this ugly piece of buffalo diarrhea doesn`t deserve me wanking over his splattered remains
C'est le chant des vieux arbres entonné pour toi,
Pour ces bois obscurs maintenant endormis.
R.I.P moe

2010-08-18, 14:29
Forum Daemon
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Originally Posted by DameFraMorkum
Have they recovered from it? I've noticed in history that any rights taken away during war for greater security are almost NEVER restored once the war is over. It just escalates like you said, and the noose tightens until there's a revolution big enough to restructure everything.
The British military began dismantling their barracks, road blocks and watchtowers a few years back, and I think it's pretty much done with now save for a few small presences here and there, and the reforms in policing (which involved attempts to try and even out the Catholic and Protestant employee ratios) have helped. Things have indeed recovered, at least they've recovered from an economical and political perspective, but people are still just as bitter as they've always been. In terms of the "police state" shit, it's largely unheard of these days. The thing is, it took about 40 years for that to happen haha.
On a related note:
The "Real UFF" are now targeting Catholic families in my town in response to the "Real IRA" campaign of violence against the security forces:
Antrim is a small town, and I'm a little nervous to say the least haha. I live in the only estate in the entire town which is almost entirely Catholic, and it's surrounded by staunchly loyalist estates which one has to walk through in order to go anywhere. The phrase "sitting ducks" springs to mind.
Normally I don't give much of a shit about these threats, but the Real UFF have stated that "no Catholic is safe" as opposed to "no Republican is safe". So, whether you support the IRA or not you're fair game to these fellas.
The reasoning behind this is that indiscriminate killings of Catholics will put pressure on the Real IRA to stop their campaign, because the deaths will cause disillusionment and fear in Catholic communities (and thus will make people more inclined to become informants and the like). This is how they conducted their business during the "troubles", but the problem with this strategy today is that almost no one supports the Real IRA anyway.
If I die, I want Chris to have my Squier Strat 
Last edited by Paddy : 2010-08-18 at 15:19.

2010-08-18, 18:41
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Holy shit. Are you in any serious danger? I mean, I know you're not Catholic, but how can they really tell? How does that work? What's the population of your town?
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2010-08-18, 19:55
Forum Daemon
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Being born a Catholic (and being called Paddy) is enough for these guys haha. There's an old joke from around these here parts. A terrorist stops a guy on the street and asks him what religion he is. He says "I'm an atheist". The terrorist then asks "Yeah, but are you a Catholic atheist or a Protestant atheist?". Not exactly a gut-bustingly funny gag, but it tells you something about the mindset of N. Irish people when it comes to religion.
I don't know if I'm in danger, I'm more concerned about my family, most of whom actually go outside more than once a fortnight  A guy who used to go to my school was shot dead near my street in 2000, and he was just standing by the side of the road waiting to get picked up for work. These guys don't give much of a fuck about the "person" they target, just their religion.
There are about 20,000 people here, but the latest spate of attacks have all been directed at streets which are about 10 minutes from my sweet crib, on foot. It's been pipe bombs for the most part, but they're stepping up their game from here on, or so they say.
The Real IRA is a tiny group of wankers with no real support, and it's my hope that the Real UFF is the same deal. The "mainstream" terrorist groups have all laid down their arms and are involved in politics rather than murdering people, but these dissident groups are trying to get shit started up again.
Geography is your biggest enemy in this place. If you are seen walking a certain direction from a certain estate it's fairly likely that they can tell what religion or political affiliation you are. Like I said, my estate is almost entirely Catholic, so if I'm seen walking away or towards it chances are I'm a Catholic. I'm not exaggeration when I say that this is ample justification for a murder even when no other information about the victim is known. It's how the Shankill Butchers chose their victims, and it explains why there have been so many Protestants killed by mistake (and vice versa for IRA murders); this method of choosing victims is pretty retarded.

2010-08-18, 20:16
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Christ. As twisted and illogical as all of that is, its immensely fascinating. Its also shocking, because you really wouldn't think that someone like you, in this day and age, living in the UK, is pretty much growing up around the same environment that a black kid from Compton or deep in South Central L.A. is. Fuck, its probably worse with the pipe-bombs!
If you want me to be your body guard (or errand boy), just fly me out there.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2010-08-18, 20:21
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Ger., North
Posts: 2,593
Originally Posted by Paddy
Being born a Catholic (and being called Paddy) is enough for these guys haha. There's an old joke from around these here parts. A terrorist stops a guy on the street and asks him what religion he is. He says "I'm an atheist". The terrorist then asks "Yeah, but are you a Catholic atheist or a Protestant atheist?". Not exactly a gut-bustingly funny gag, but it tells you something about the mindset of N. Irish people when it comes to religion.
I don't know if I'm in danger, I'm more concerned about my family, most of whom actually go outside more than once a fortnight  A guy who used to go to my school was shot dead near my street in 2000, and he was just standing by the side of the road waiting to get picked up for work. These guys don't give much of a fuck about the "person" they target, just their religion.
Fuck that`s fucking horrible. I still haven`t figured out what makes this people go THAT nuts about another form of christi(ns)anity.
Is there no sort of a program the state makes to eliminate this sort of gang violence? I call it "gang"violence just fo the simple fact that these guys aren`t real armies for me. Anyway I just thought about that state-sentence from me and came to the conclusion that it is almost impossible to prevend the IRA and the UFF from acting in the streets.
I was so extremely wrong when I thought the shit`s now over in Ireland.
Do you think there is a specific reason why these douchebags come back now or get back from underground?
C'est le chant des vieux arbres entonné pour toi,
Pour ces bois obscurs maintenant endormis.
R.I.P moe

2010-08-18, 22:08
Forum Daemon
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Originally Posted by Dyldo
Christ. As twisted and illogical as all of that is, its immensely fascinating. Its also shocking, because you really wouldn't think that someone like you, in this day and age, living in the UK, is pretty much growing up around the same environment that a black kid from Compton or deep in South Central L.A. is. Fuck, its probably worse with the pipe-bombs!
If you want me to be your body guard (or errand boy), just fly me out there.
Haha maybe you can let me crash at your place when they come a'callin' with their axes!
Originally Posted by Gomli
Fuck that`s fucking horrible. I still haven`t figured out what makes this people go THAT nuts about another form of christi(ns)anity.
Is there no sort of a program the state makes to eliminate this sort of gang violence? I call it "gang"violence just fo the simple fact that these guys aren`t real armies for me. Anyway I just thought about that state-sentence from me and came to the conclusion that it is almost impossible to prevend the IRA and the UFF from acting in the streets.
I was so extremely wrong when I thought the shit`s now over in Ireland.
Do you think there is a specific reason why these douchebags come back now or get back from underground?
There was an agreement reached by the main factions of the war in the late 90s, called The Good Friday Agreement. It was basically a list of compromises that all involved parties made to try and bring the violence to an end. The Real IRA and Real UFF (as well as a few other splinter groups) didn't want this; they wanted to continue fighting and using physical force to remove the British from Ireland, and refused to enter into "talks" with Britain. Their attitude is "either leave Ireland or there'll be continuous war". Luckily the people who were against the Good Friday Agreement are the minority, so I doubt these groups could start anything on the same scale as before. But people will die, and they have:
That happened about 10 minutes from my house. My ex-girlfriend lives right next to it (unfortunately she wasn't harmed in the attack  ). A police officer was murdered by a sniper in bunny's town soon after this, and numerous bombs have been planted on a regular basis since then. A bomb exploded last week near a school and several kids were injured by the shrapnel. Little clusters of violence here and there over extended periods of time is all they can manage, but it's still fucking horrific, and now that the Real UFF is operating more openly things are gonna get worse before they get better.
It's funny you should mention government programs, because there were several anti-terrorism ads which ran on TV here for several years back in the late 80s. Here's one of them:
They showed these ads during the day, too. I loved violent movies when I was that age, but these ads were kinda chilling.

2010-08-19, 11:55
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 2,149
You'd really like to think that this kind of shit would be over and done with in Western Europe. But nooooooo.
One thing you said, Padds, really caught my eye. You're seriously saying that the realies think "indiscriminate killings of Catholics will put pressure on the Real IRA to stop their campaign, because the deaths will cause disillusionment and fear in Catholic communities (and thus will make people more inclined to become informants and the like)"?
How is it possible to be such a waste of blood and air, such a definite evolutionary dead end, such a complete failure at life? After all that's happened, they persist in being this wholly mind jarringly fucking stupid? Has there ever been a more effective boost to IRA recruitment than Black Friday? Jesus fucking sub-christ. If it weren't for the fact that there's a decent person or two, I'd advocate nuking the island 'till all the sand melts to glass and then chip away at the rock until it all sinks quietly beneath the waves. FUCK. Of course, in the name of logic we would then have to proceed with this across the entire planet's land surface. Fuck.
Just stay safe, man.
Listening to Cannibal Corpse and cutting trees with a chainsaw, now that's metal
"He preferred the hard truth over his dearest illusion. That, is the heart of science."
- Carl Sagan
"Imagination is more important than intelligence" - Einstein

2010-08-19, 12:27
Forum Daemon
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Haha I feel your pain, it's so fucking frustrating. Northern Irish politics are generally considered the most confusing and difficult in the world, perhaps not so much in recent years, but it's still pretty hopeless.
The loyalist strategy has always been the ruthless despatching of innocents. For many years they were simply considered to be blood-thirsty psychopaths, preying on innocent civilians out of sheer hatred for their religion. While many of these groups are indeed psychopathic death squads I think it's dangerous to ignore the underlying motivation for their existence, i.e. opposing the IRA. They have always contended that "we'll stop when the IRA stops" (which they did when the mainstream IRA disarmed) and in order to make the IRA stop they create such despair and fear in communities which support the IRA that their supporters turn on them, and begin talking to the security forces and the like. This in turn serves to cripple the IRA, because paramilitary groups can only exist and operate if their respective communities support them, otherwise they'll all be arrested or murdered within a few months. When the troubles first started loyalist mobs were burning Catholics out of their homes in Belfast, and the graffiti on the walls after this was "IRA = I Ran Away" because the IRA didn't do enough to prevent it. Community mentalities are fickle, and this is what the loyalists try to exploit through the use of indiscriminate violence.
Like you say, it's retarded. It didn't work for 40 years and I don't see why it'll work now, and I'm not sure if anything is worth the brutal death of innocents, let alone a united Ireland or indeed remaining part of the UK. The ironic thing is, if the mainstream IRA and loyalist groups were still armed and active these splinter groups would probably be dealt with by them. That is, the IRA would stamp out the Real IRA and vice versa on the loyalist side. Internal feuds were common here during the troubles, and if you look up the number of splinter groups which have operated here you'll see why. The splinter groups are massively outnumbered by the membership of the mainstream groups, they aren't as disciplined, they don't have access to the same quality/quantity of arms, they're generally unsupported in their communities and they're almost always into drugs as a means of financing their war. Drugs + secrecy = oxymoron.
The drugs issue is another thing; paramilitary groups who are enemies will do business together when drugs are being sold. They also sell drugs to their own people in their own communities. In response to this the IRA formed DAAD (Direct Action Against Drugs), which was a small "side project" which killed drug dealers. I think the loyalist side had similar projects. It's funny how easily 800-year-old hatreds can be laid to one side when a Spanish villa is on sale. I wasn't kidding before when I said that modern day paramilitaries in N. Ireland have more in common with Tony Soprano's gang than revolutionaries haha.

2010-08-19, 14:09
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 2,149
What are the chances, you think, that the police and authorities will be able to bring the boneheads to heel? Somehow that just feels a little bit better than such thing sorting themselves out because one pirate sank another pirate encroaching his 'ere hunting grounds.
Yea, it's funny how amazingly one eyed some people can be. I mean, my first, my very first, thought when reading about this is "Vengeance!" followed by such concepts as "Charge" and "Kill". It really shouldn't be that difficult to connect the dots.
Listening to Cannibal Corpse and cutting trees with a chainsaw, now that's metal
"He preferred the hard truth over his dearest illusion. That, is the heart of science."
- Carl Sagan
"Imagination is more important than intelligence" - Einstein

2010-08-19, 15:30
Forum Daemon
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Pretty much every politician here is aligned in their opposition to the Real IRA/UFF, even ex-IRA members who are now politicians, so it's going to be much easier to win hearts and minds as well as helping the cops make arrests and the like. As far as I know, one of the people involved in killing the cop in bunny's neck of the woods was charged with involvement in the crime (he was only 17, I don't know if he was the trigger man) and he was picked up just a couple of days after the attack. That kind of "efficiency" was unheard of back in the day because of the wall of silence, the mistrust Catholics had of the largely Protestant police and the fact that their political representatives would always try to justify the killings in the media in terms of "acts of war". That's no longer the case with regards to the Real IRA/UFF. The police force here has undergone massive reforms, as well as a sort of affirmative action-style programme to try and recruit more Catholics. All of this works against the handful of fucknuts trying to relive the old days.
Your use of the word "vengeance" is pretty apt. The vast majority of the deaths here were the result of "tit for tat" killings. An IRA crew kills a Protestant, the UVF or UFF or whatever would kill a Catholic in retaliation, and on it would go. It was an aimless, brutal and mindless affair. The sheer number of deaths being reported every day on the news served to desensitise the population; it hardened many of them to the point where killing someone didn't even require a second thought. That kind of mindset is difficult to resist and recover from, and it's hereditary, in the "social" sense of the word.

2010-08-19, 15:36
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Originally Posted by Amadeus
Yea, it's funny how amazingly one eyed some people can be.
It can only be considered as "funny" as long as these douchebags don`t start to act.
Personally I love these kind of human waste, just for the entertainment factor BUT only until they start to inspirate other people or force them to think the same like them. God this discussion here shows one more time that we should nuke the earth away.
C'est le chant des vieux arbres entonné pour toi,
Pour ces bois obscurs maintenant endormis.
R.I.P moe
Last edited by Gomli : 2010-08-19 at 15:40.

2010-08-19, 16:08
Forum Daemon
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Alright, I think we're all getting depressed talking about this shit, me included hahaha. Here's something which put a devious smile on my face:
The sad part about this is that the bull was restrained successfully, and was therefore no longer a threat, but the wankers shot it anyway. If anyone can tell me why they did that I'd appreciate it. Still, it gave me a stiffy seeing the fear in the faces of those idiots.

2010-08-19, 16:44
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Haha yeah I saw this yesterday in the news and my first thought was that those people were screaming for the death of the bull and a few seconds later they sat there and cried like babies. I`d also shit my pants but I don`t pay for a ticket to see how a animal is murdered.
It`s ALWAYS funny when things like that happen. I`m still searching for the picture of the impaled matador. I lost it on my computer -.-
C'est le chant des vieux arbres entonné pour toi,
Pour ces bois obscurs maintenant endormis.
R.I.P moe

2010-08-19, 17:36
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2010-08-19, 17:36
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Originally Posted by Paddy
Alright, I think we're all getting depressed talking about this shit, me included hahaha. Here's something which put a devious smile on my face:
The sad part about this is that the bull was restrained successfully, and was therefore no longer a threat, but the wankers shot it anyway. If anyone can tell me why they did that I'd appreciate it. Still, it gave me a stiffy seeing the fear in the faces of those idiots.
Not taking the sporty circumstances into account, it's basically a matter of sensible animal keeping. A bull or a - whatever you call a male pig - that becomes directly aggressive towards humans once is basically a shrapnel mine with proximity sensors; you can never count on being able to handle it again. The only sensible thing to do is to put it down.
But yea. Just another of those things you'd really wish that Western Europe had banished to the history books.
Listening to Cannibal Corpse and cutting trees with a chainsaw, now that's metal
"He preferred the hard truth over his dearest illusion. That, is the heart of science."
- Carl Sagan
"Imagination is more important than intelligence" - Einstein

2010-08-19, 17:53
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I can understand killing a family dog which eats the youngest kid or something, but it's a bull which was being attacked, and was just doing what comes naturally to it. The whole point of a bullfight is that the bull will actually put up a fight haha. I think in this case it was just some sordid, childish triumphalism. That said, bullfights generally end with a dead bull anyway, so it was fucked either way.
Parts of Spain banned bullfighting recently, and I think it's just a matter of time before it's a nationwide thing. I'm not an animal lover, at all, but I'm a hater of humans and our retarded obsession with meaningless tradition, so it all works towards the same ends!

2010-08-19, 18:41
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I was going to say what Amadeus said, but also add that the bull ends up dead anyway, so they probably figured, coupled with the aggression fact, they'll just cut the the chase and off it.
The Big Picture recently had a photo set on the whole running of the bulls and bull fighting. The bull fighting pictures are fucking brutal: http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/20...fermin_201.html
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2010-08-19, 19:01
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Originally Posted by Dyldo
Yeah these pics are truely brutal.
Pic 38 needs another caption. I didn`t know that Sarkozy is a matador
okay and Pic 39 is just 
C'est le chant des vieux arbres entonné pour toi,
Pour ces bois obscurs maintenant endormis.
R.I.P moe

2010-08-19, 19:25
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Originally Posted by Dyldo
This picture pisses me off the most:
The fucking emergency services are wasting their fucking time patching these cunts up? I wouldn't spend a single dime or assign even the most low-rent first-aider on my team to this shit. These dickheads are intentionally letting a pissed off bull chase them down the street - fuck ya, you're a dumb cunt and you're NOT GETTING STITCHES. It's the same as these twats who climb mountains or head into the Australian outback without proper equipment or training, and then expect the emergency services to spend time and money rescuing their stupid fucking cunting bastarding asses. I think Natural Selection needs to be given an opportunity to take effect.
Yeah, take that Spaniards! HOOAH!

2010-08-21, 15:07
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Hahaha this is a tricky one. He's either being discredited by the people he's embarrassed with his leaks, or he's a rapist who will try to explain it away by saying he's being set up by the same. Both seem pretty plausible, at least at this early stage. What fun!

2010-08-21, 18:19
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Originally Posted by Paddy
Hahaha this is a tricky one. He's either being discredited by the people he's embarrassed with his leaks, or he's a rapist who will try to explain it away by saying he's being set up by the same. Both seem pretty plausible, at least at this early stage. What fun!
They dropped the charges: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-11049316
I'm sure it was an attempt to discredit him or flush him out.
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2010-08-21, 18:22
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Originally Posted by Dyldo
 I think it was a funny idea though
C'est le chant des vieux arbres entonné pour toi,
Pour ces bois obscurs maintenant endormis.
R.I.P moe

2010-08-21, 18:39
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Haha fuckin' hell, how predictable is this shit? They'll probably try snapping a photograph of a tranny-hooker leaning into his car window at a traffic light or something. Or they'll do what they did to me; smear a child's DNA all over his cock and balls when they find him asleep in the bushes minding his own goddamn business.
It'd be fucking hilarious if their next leak was documentation showing that these false accusations were arranged by the state.

2010-08-22, 02:08
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What I can't help wondering is how much this is related to the election next month. Even more so - since there's a real chance we might up and defeat the lefties two times in a row (a first in the history of Sweden) I'd be quite interested to learn about the connections between that prosecutor and our Social democrats. S doesn't like at all not being in power and we've already caught them and their... affiliates... with a few dirty tricks.
See, there's a direct connection between wikileaks and a what you might call a resentment party (The Pirate party... it's a long story) here - resentment votes that I'm sure the lefties would very much want. And after all that's happened I certainly wouldn't put it beneath S to a) try and discredit PP with this accusation right at the moment when they offer cooperation with wikileaks, and b) forget that a very large portion of the people in PP used to vote for us in the Alliance. They're liberals and libertarians you mentally underdeveloped socialist twats!
Anyhow. Seeing as this is Sweden, the very thought of such a high office in the judicial system being involved in these kinds of slimy failures at life makes me sick. But after what I've seen and heard from the left lately I'll at the very least entertain the notion. If we win this election you'll have to chain me to the ground just to ensure that I don't end up in orbit.
Listening to Cannibal Corpse and cutting trees with a chainsaw, now that's metal
"He preferred the hard truth over his dearest illusion. That, is the heart of science."
- Carl Sagan
"Imagination is more important than intelligence" - Einstein

2010-08-23, 13:02
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Just watched the Manila massacre live on TV.
For those of you who don`t heard:
Manila is the capitol of the Phillipinian Islands.
There was this ex-cop who took a travelbus with about 25 people in it as a hostage. He did it because he wanted his job back (he was fired due to him dealing drugs and being a corrupt piece of toiletpaper).
So after a few minutes the philipinean police arrived and started with their work. Only problem is that those cops didn`t had any clue what to do in such a case. Some of the hostages flew out of the bus, 3 kids and 6 other people. The busdriver told the media that every single other hostage was killed by the hostage taker.
In the end the police fired teargas into the bus, the hostage taker held his head out of the maindoor to get some air and BAM! headshot. At least 3 hostages were still alive.
But seriously that was hard to watch. I can`t even speak english right now.
C'est le chant des vieux arbres entonné pour toi,
Pour ces bois obscurs maintenant endormis.
R.I.P moe

2010-08-23, 19:23
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2010-08-23, 19:37
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Originally Posted by Dyldo
Yeah read that instead of trying to understand my confuzzeled bullcrap I wrote
C'est le chant des vieux arbres entonné pour toi,
Pour ces bois obscurs maintenant endormis.
R.I.P moe

2010-08-24, 19:44
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
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The guy obviously wasn't right in the head to be a cop and think that hostages would get his job back. That's just dumb. Poor innocent people.
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2010-08-24, 19:57
Forum Daemon
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I've been trying to find the video of this shit for ages, I WANNA SEE THE JAP* DIE!
* I know he's not Japanese, but to be honest I can't tell the difference anyway. Same with blacks and women.

2010-08-24, 19:58
Forum Daemon
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Originally Posted by Paddy
* I know he's not Japanese, but to be honest I can't tell the difference anyway. Same with blacks and women.
Not to mention the Ginger Irish.

2010-08-24, 21:54
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Originally Posted by PST 88
Not to mention the Ginger Irish.
I can't believe the amount of casual racism which goes unchecked on this forum. I'm officially affronted. And by a covetous Jew, no less!

2010-08-25, 12:34
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I just can`t find a video with the scene where the ex-cop got shot. They showed it on TV so there MUST be a video of that 
C'est le chant des vieux arbres entonné pour toi,
Pour ces bois obscurs maintenant endormis.
R.I.P moe

2010-09-06, 17:47
Forum Daemon
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Still not sure who was responsible, but my nephew doesn't give a shit; he got to go home early when his school was evacuated haha. I remember the day my school burnt down and I got a week off, it was like God himself had given me a blowjob!
I'm not entirely sure what bombing children would have accomplished, but apparently there were quite a few schools all over the town which were closed down, so the cops were expecting other devices to be found. My nephew's school is predominately Catholic, and they were invited to a nearby Protestant school to be fed after they were evacuated, because it was lunch time. As cheesy as it sounds it's a nice middle finger to the bombers

2010-09-06, 20:13
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'...and spoke of the need to alert children to the dangers of picking up objects.'
I am absolutely certain that there was a better way of phrasing this.

2010-09-06, 22:37
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Was your school burnt down by accident? Loyalists? Something something?
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2010-09-07, 07:03
Forum Daemon
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'Twas burnt down by midgets, sensing the danger of a future rapist of his kind. Not to mention a ginger. Sadly, only innocents, and not the ginger midget rapist, were injured.

2010-09-07, 10:50
Forum Daemon
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Haha nah, the school was burnt down during the night by a lone arsonist who had a grudge against the teachers or something. He was a teenager, and he got 10 years in a juvenile prisony-type whatnot. Not sure if he served all of it, I'm still shocked he got that long to begin with! For the last half of my final year at the school my class, as well as a few other classes, had to go to a high school which had a large unused section my teachers were able to herd us into whilst my proper school was being fixed. It was the same high school I ended up in after I left primary school. Fuck sake. Out of the fire, into the frying pan, then into more fire and then a second frying pan.
Midgets love gingers because of the inherently magical properties of those coppery strands of wiry ball-bush. Rather than attempt to murder me they'd be more inclined to rub essential oils into my glans and sip from the pool of rust water resting in the crevice of my fat, pendulous assmeat. That is, if I were in fact ginger*.
* Not.

2010-11-22, 04:54
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Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2011-03-14, 04:50
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2011-03-14, 08:53
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
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Originally Posted by blitz906
There's a lot of Irish decendents in Kentucky. Hebillies
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2011-03-14, 11:18
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Not as many as there are in Ireland.

2011-03-14, 14:45
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Originally Posted by Paddy
Dude, holy fuck is that awful. I'd really love to see what kind of people these people are. Christ.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery
Last edited by Dyldo : 2011-03-14 at 15:32.

2011-03-15, 09:04
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2011-03-15, 09:11
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Originally Posted by Paddy
C'est le chant des vieux arbres entonné pour toi,
Pour ces bois obscurs maintenant endormis.
R.I.P moe

2011-03-15, 09:48
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Originally Posted by Paddy
Ha. Wow. No.
Listening to Cannibal Corpse and cutting trees with a chainsaw, now that's metal
"He preferred the hard truth over his dearest illusion. That, is the heart of science."
- Carl Sagan
"Imagination is more important than intelligence" - Einstein

2011-03-15, 11:01
Forum Daemon
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Originally Posted by Amadeus
Ha. Wow. No.
Your words say "no" but your erection says "oh yes please thank you very much".
The only question I really have about this incident is one of practicality. I don't find it particularly shocking that someone wanted to do it, certainly not since I started posting here, but I just can't imagine how it was physically possible. Wouldn't it be like trying to pass an adult anaconda into a mouse's eye socket?

2011-03-15, 11:12
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Erection? Pah. I'm a soft woos. I could positively feel my manhood trying to up and run away at that last sentence.
Listening to Cannibal Corpse and cutting trees with a chainsaw, now that's metal
"He preferred the hard truth over his dearest illusion. That, is the heart of science."
- Carl Sagan
"Imagination is more important than intelligence" - Einstein

2011-03-15, 11:16
Forum Daemon
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Originally Posted by Amadeus
I could positively feel my manhood trying to up and run away at that last sentence.
Yeah, run away to the magical land of baby anus!

2011-03-15, 11:23
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Posts: 2,149
Listening to Cannibal Corpse and cutting trees with a chainsaw, now that's metal
"He preferred the hard truth over his dearest illusion. That, is the heart of science."
- Carl Sagan
"Imagination is more important than intelligence" - Einstein

2011-03-16, 13:43
Forum Daemon
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'World's largest paedophile ring' uncovered
I wasn't sure if this was an article about the world's largest network of paedophiles or about one particular paedophile with a prolapsed rectum.
Last edited by Paddy : 2011-03-17 at 09:03.
Reason: Typo

2011-03-16, 13:58
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Fuck. 70.000? Really? I want to believe that this kind of brain error is truly abnormal in every sense of the word. Why do you do this to me?
Listening to Cannibal Corpse and cutting trees with a chainsaw, now that's metal
"He preferred the hard truth over his dearest illusion. That, is the heart of science."
- Carl Sagan
"Imagination is more important than intelligence" - Einstein

2011-03-16, 14:18
Forum Daemon
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Originally Posted by Amadeus
Fuck. 70.000? Really? I want to believe that this kind of brain error is truly abnormal in every sense of the word. Why do you do this to me?
Because you like it, ya dirty bitch.
70,000 is a shocking number. I wonder how "true" of a figure it is though. Are there 70,000 different members, or 70,000 website hits, or 70,000 unique IP addresses, or what? If it's actual members, fuck. If it's hits, who gives a fuck? If it's unique IPs, that doesn't account for the vast majority of people who have dynamic IP addresses (i.e. ones that change every time they logon to the web).
I'm so tempted to click on boylover.net just to see what the fuck it actually is (I doubt they've "got the goods in the front window", if ya know what I mean) but I know that I'd be running a serious risk of being arrested and sodomised by large men in prison. Hmmmmm...

2011-03-16, 15:02
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Oh just go watch American History X and have a jackoff, it'll be a lot more healthy in the long run.
Yea, in all seriousness I've taken the habit of simply not believing numbers when I've only seen them in a mainstream media article. That sure have pissed some of my political opponents off to no end, but it amuses me way too much to see them squirm to stop it. Good thing, though, because otherwise I don't think I'd been able to do much more constructive shit this evening. I mean, just the though that a single site of this kind could conceivably have thousands of members... am I the only one who sometimes do feel this kind of urge to just go to the universe at large and say "I'm sorry"?
Listening to Cannibal Corpse and cutting trees with a chainsaw, now that's metal
"He preferred the hard truth over his dearest illusion. That, is the heart of science."
- Carl Sagan
"Imagination is more important than intelligence" - Einstein

2011-03-16, 15:22
Forum Daemon
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The universe created paedos, the universe should be apologising. That fucking singularity had paedos and murderers inside it alongside calculators and PST.

2011-03-18, 00:36
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Originally Posted by Paddy
Snuff videos do indeed exist. I've seen a few on theync.com.
The most recent one I saw was filmed by two Mexican gang members who kidnapped two other guys that owed them money, hog tied them and blasted them both in the forehead with a 12 gauge shotgun. It was somewhat disturbing to watch at first, due to the fact that a few moments later you could even hear the blood spurting everywhere, and then the video played in slow motion, showing the exact moment the shots were fired. You could see their craniums blow apart like watermelons being dropped off a cliff. But then my pizza arrived, and not a single fuck was given about the video.
I recall seeing a video when I was about twelve or thirteen that scared the piss out of me at the time. It was an amateur video of two males wearing ski masks who had a girl tied up in a basement. They proceeded to rape her, then tied a noose around her neck and hung her from one of the support beams. I've always wondered if that video was fake. Common sense tells me that it probably was fake... I mean, who would film themselves committing a murder? It seems idiotic, considering that it could be evidence used against you. Maybe it wasn't fake though, because her face turned deep purple (band reference not intentional) a few minutes after they hung her. Nonetheless, I found that quite disturbing being that young. Oh, curiosity, you never cease to corrupt my mind.
How have you been, Paddy? I really should hang around here more often like I used to.
Oh, and I found something that you'll enjoy.
Go to www.imagefap.com and search the word "lolita".
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2011-03-19, 15:47
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Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2011-03-20, 08:52
Forum Daemon
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Originally Posted by blitz906
Snuff videos do indeed exist. I've seen a few on theync.com.
The most recent one I saw was filmed by two Mexican gang members who kidnapped two other guys that owed them money, hog tied them and blasted them both in the forehead with a 12 gauge shotgun. It was somewhat disturbing to watch at first, due to the fact that a few moments later you could even hear the blood spurting everywhere, and then the video played in slow motion, showing the exact moment the shots were fired. You could see their craniums blow apart like watermelons being dropped off a cliff. But then my pizza arrived, and not a single fuck was given about the video.
I recall seeing a video when I was about twelve or thirteen that scared the piss out of me at the time. It was an amateur video of two males wearing ski masks who had a girl tied up in a basement. They proceeded to rape her, then tied a noose around her neck and hung her from one of the support beams. I've always wondered if that video was fake. Common sense tells me that it probably was fake... I mean, who would film themselves committing a murder? It seems idiotic, considering that it could be evidence used against you. Maybe it wasn't fake though, because her face turned deep purple (band reference not intentional) a few minutes after they hung her. Nonetheless, I found that quite disturbing being that young. Oh, curiosity, you never cease to corrupt my mind.
The definition of "snuff movies" is the problem; they need to be filmed with the express intention of profiting from them. That is, someone has to commit a filmed murder primarily to sell copies of the film. There are plenty of examples of filmed murders, none of which has met the definition of "snuff movie". There are a few borderline cases, such as Chechen rebels filming themselves slaughtering POWs and then using the footage to reap rewards from their commanders who pay them if they can prove they've been killing Russians. In this case the term "snuff movie" doesn't really apply, because all it is is video footage of a kind of contract killer doing his thang. The news reports about that paedo are interesting because if it turns out to be accurate it'll be the first verified account of a snuff movie in the true sense.
There is major resistance to the idea of snuff movies amongst professional sceptics (like snopes.com and such) and they generally attribute the idea of this kind of industry to a dark desire amongst people to believe the worst about our species, but I think the opposite is more likely to be true, in that they have a pathological need to doubt their existence because it makes them feel better. All evidence of human nature and behaviour, historical and empirical, makes it more likely than not that snuff movies exist.
The Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs (famous for the "3 Guys 1 Hammer" video) filmed their murders, including full-frontal shots of their own faces. Dumbness combined with a desire to torture/murder trumps any highfalutin nonsense about the limits of human depravity regarding what we'll do for a buck.
Originally Posted by Dyldo
The Daily Mail is widely regarded as a racist, fascistic and inherently pro-right biased rag for reactionary cunts. This kind of story, true/exaggerated or not, is their bread 'n' butta. According to the Daily Mail, illegal immigrant Gypsy paedophile terrorists are driving down house prices, are each getting £5,000,000,000 a week on government benefits, are forcing Sharia law into primary schools and are trying to ban Christmas. Bill O'Reilly would be proud.
The Gypsies I've known were just like the rest of the people I've met over here: some cunts, some not so cunty. I've never been robbed, my dog wasn't turned into sammiches and in general they were the ones being victimised.

2011-03-20, 10:07
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
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When I worked at a hotel and it was festival time for medieval fair, we were warned about people paying cash for their rooms. We had to get a valid license number. The gypsies would steal all sorts of stuff from the rooms sometimes and if it was necessary the hotel could track them down for prosecution.
The only incident I remember where there was a major room theft involved drug dealers, not gypsies.
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2011-03-20, 14:00
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Originally Posted by Paddy
The Daily Mail is widely regarded as a racist, fascistic and inherently pro-right biased rag for reactionary cunts. This kind of story, true/exaggerated or not, is their bread 'n' butta. According to the Daily Mail, illegal immigrant Gypsy paedophile terrorists are driving down house prices, are each getting £5,000,000,000 a week on government benefits, are forcing Sharia law into primary schools and are trying to ban Christmas. Bill O'Reilly would be proud.
The Gypsies I've known were just like the rest of the people I've met over here: some cunts, some not so cunty. I've never been robbed, my dog wasn't turned into sammiches and in general they were the ones being victimised.
Ah, I had no idea about The Daily Mail as I never read it. Anyways, it wasn't the proposed idea that they gypsies were some puppy vacuum cleaner that I found funny, it was the, if real, blatantly open prejudice statement from the mayor saying they'd be doing it anyway.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2011-03-20, 16:21
Forum Daemon
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Originally Posted by L,B'XXX
The gypsies would steal all sorts of stuff from the rooms sometimes and if it was necessary the hotel could track them down for prosecution.
I'm sure all that came to an abrupt end as soon as they heard your accent.
Originally Posted by Dyldo
Ah, I had no idea about The Daily Mail as I never read it. Anyways, it wasn't the proposed idea that they gypsies were some puppy vacuum cleaner that I found funny, it was the, if real, blatantly open prejudice statement from the mayor saying they'd be doing it anyway.
True, and if the Gypsies themselves had suggested doing this without the prompting of the mayor the paper would have called for their extermination; either way all of this shit serves their white British nationalistic prejudice, and it feeds their readers' "everyone's trying to take away my race/culture/nationality" paranoia.

2011-03-23, 07:41
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
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My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2011-03-23, 07:48
Forum Daemon
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It's the $51.22 I'm concerned about. Why the 22 cents? No, seriously. The only explanation is that she mistook a roll of coins for a dildo and didn't notice that it came out 22 cents lighter than it went in.
Either that or in a drunken haze her neighbour thought she was a vending machine and fancied a burrito. With YUMMY SLIPPERY HOT SAUCE!
A pussy that can hold 54 bags of heroin isn't that impressive though, certainly not after seeing pictures of Bob.

2011-03-23, 07:54
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
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Location: Home is where the <3 is
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He'd snap you like a pretzel.
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2011-03-23, 08:00
Forum Daemon
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If I really was a pretzel he'd probably try to sexually assault me.
Ahhhh you know I don't mean it
Please don't tell Bob what I said.

2011-04-01, 02:40
Forum Daemon
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2011-04-01, 03:58
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Originally Posted by Paddy
Primarily to keep the Irish from polluting the world water supply.
But yea, I agree this is pretty serious too. Good thing the law enforcement agencies took a rational and decisive stance on the whole thing right from the get-go.
Listening to Cannibal Corpse and cutting trees with a chainsaw, now that's metal
"He preferred the hard truth over his dearest illusion. That, is the heart of science."
- Carl Sagan
"Imagination is more important than intelligence" - Einstein

2011-04-01, 07:38
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Originally Posted by Paddy
"Christopher Rezendes, a 26 year old college student and resident of Massachusetts, was discovered to have imported several deadly animals after responding to an online advert"
C'est le chant des vieux arbres entonné pour toi,
Pour ces bois obscurs maintenant endormis.
R.I.P moe

2011-04-11, 12:47
Forum Daemon
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2011-04-11, 13:29
Join Date: Sep 2005
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So, you still have the hots for her?
Somehow the idea of the church forcing Theresa away sits very well with me.
Listening to Cannibal Corpse and cutting trees with a chainsaw, now that's metal
"He preferred the hard truth over his dearest illusion. That, is the heart of science."
- Carl Sagan
"Imagination is more important than intelligence" - Einstein

2011-04-16, 22:08
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Check my band out:
i'm so bonery
Last edited by Dyldo : 2011-04-16 at 22:13.

2011-04-17, 03:27
Forum Daemon
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Aren't all women like this? AM I RIGHT FELLAS????????
Swedes in Ireland; that's the real tragedy here.

2011-04-17, 08:07
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Ger., North
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C'est le chant des vieux arbres entonné pour toi,
Pour ces bois obscurs maintenant endormis.
R.I.P moe

2011-04-17, 14:15
Too _____, wouldn't fuck
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Originally Posted by Gomli
damn what a lucky little idiot, good thing it wasn't a mountain lion or something

2011-04-19, 07:03
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
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Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2011-04-19, 07:31
Forum Daemon
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I know I'm probably hoping for too much, but what are the chances that Cage's arrest will lead to a brutal execution? That fucker needs to get got for his crimes against cinema.

2011-04-19, 09:01
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
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Originally Posted by Paddy
I know I'm probably hoping for too much, but what are the chances that Cage's arrest will lead to a brutal execution? That fucker needs to get got for his crimes against cinema.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2011-04-19, 09:09
Too _____, wouldn't fuck
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 2,542
Originally Posted by Paddy
I know I'm probably hoping for too much, but what are the chances that Cage's arrest will lead to a brutal execution? That fucker needs to get got for his crimes against cinema.
Agreed, the only film he was in that I really liked was Lord of War.

2011-05-11, 07:43
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
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Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2011-05-11, 12:38
Throbbing Member
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I remember hearing about that. Brutal.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery
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