2007-01-01, 20:34
Slayer of dumb cunts
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Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, va
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Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...

2007-01-01, 21:39
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Originally Posted by Dahmers Fridge
Ahh you miss quote me, these people did NOT initially have mental health problems (or history of) but were predisposed in some way and smoking gear exasperated this, hence they became ill (if they hadn't done pot they may never have become ill?). My point being that no one knows if they will ever develop a mental illness or if they are genuinely at risk (1 in 3 people have a mental illness, how many people use this forum?) all that is known is that anybody can become ill in such a way at any time. And we are not just talking about 'social anxiety' it's called 'organic PSYCHOSIS' for a reason, we are talking severe depression, delusions, paranoia, bio-polar and schizophrenia to the point that these individuals have harmed themselves or others.
These are not mere anecdotal these are people I treat everyday!
Yes other drugs are far worse and can lead to the same illnesses, after all LSD was developed for the treatment of schizophrenia.
Congratulations on being able to consume all the narcotics this planet has to offer, I'm guessing that your lack of illness is due to you not being a retard? 
i never admitted to being human, thats all i have to say of the matter.
we are still talking about about people with predispositions to mental illness, a group i never advocated the use of weed in a recreational way for.
many forms of mental illness is latent.......has more to do with the illness than the weed.
so this is me saying i disagree, NOT an accusation that you dont know what you are talking about.
You bring up an all too familiar point that happens in not only this but other things. This sort of like mixing up the real issue with other things. I personally think that pro-abortionists do this when relating to women. Every woman gives the same freaking arguement for abortion and its sickinening (to me) because they just don't even know what the issue really is about. (and pro-abortionists really ride on it)
Basically by that i mean they talk about the "no legislator should tell me what i'm doing to my body" kind of thing. Which literally has nothing to do with what the problem is technically. Its really just about whether or not you should be allowed to "kill" a "being" so really this argument about you being able to do whatever you want with your body is just pure bull.
I'm not going to further indulge in that arguement because this isn't about abortion haha. (BTW i am PRO abortion.. i repeat PRO)
I just enjoy progressing my knowledge about subjects through exactly whats going on here. Debates and solid arguments, vice hardlining it like alot of people often do.
But anyways i can definately see how thats similar to this marjuana issue. Now that its "taboo" often times the battle for marajuana or even the thought of hte uses of it is held in a limbo type status
the main argument ive seen used for a pro-choice stance is not "i am the boss of me, you cant tell me what to do" but "abortion is a a fact of life" meaning that regardless of the moralizing of the pro-life movement,many women will seek abortions no matter what, because they already have for decades at thier peril. the difference between legalized abortion and illegalization is that the government provides a safe,clean enviroment where one can be reliable done........the other option is women dealing with whomever will provide that service in private.......which can be life threatening and the standard of the performance of individuals doing these operations is not really known.
its that simple.
as far as regulating human behaviour vs personal choice, the FDA already approves far worst......aspirin is far worst for your body,painkillers can kill you,caffiene is addicting and has side effects.
the government should only intervine when its practical to do so, the sale of cocaine should be illegal, the sale of products that contain hazzardous substances like mercury or a food coloring that can cause fatal allergic reactions should be banned by the FDA, i have no problem with this. THC isnt nearly as dangerous as its made out to be.
I fought for world titles in boxing, karate, I fought bar wars, street corners, most everything living and half the stuff dead,ain’t nobody bad, I know, I looked.......

2007-01-01, 21:47
Slayer of dumb cunts
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Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, va
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Originally Posted by low-tech
the main argument ive seen used for a pro-choice stance is not "i am the boss of me, you cant tell me what to do" but "abortion is a a fact of life" meaning that regardless of the moralizing of the pro-life movement,many women will seek abortions no matter what, because they already have for decades at thier peril. the difference between legalized abortion and illegalization is that the government provides a safe,clean enviroment where one can be reliable done........the other option is women dealing with whomever will provide that service in private.......which can be life threatening and the standard of the performance of individuals doing these operations is not really known.
That wasn't my point. My point was that those (women) who know nothing at all about the argument or any of the points are generally swayed towards pro-abortion BECAUSE they think and are TOLD to believe that the arguement is about use of their body. Kind of what i said before about sensationalism and overblowing and twisting facts to get others to believe as they do. Its one of those gut and intuition appeals to women. Its obvious to think that if you tell a woman whos pregnant, worried, and thinking about abortion that she isn't allowed to do what she wishes with her body because some "male" (i've heard this again and again) legislator says they can't they won't approve. Hell they dont' even have to be pregnant.
I'm saying this isn't even the argument and this is what i would imagine your typical girl (who's pro abortion) will give as a reason for their decision. I've heard this so many times it makes me sick. My sister says it all the time and i want to slap her because its just stupid.
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...
Last edited by tmfreak : 2007-01-01 at 21:51.

2007-01-01, 22:14
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by low-tech
i never admitted to being human, thats all i have to say of the matter.
we are still talking about about people with predispositions to mental illness, a group i never advocated the use of weed in a recreational way for.
many forms of mental illness is latent.......has more to do with the illness than the weed.
so this is me saying i disagree, NOT an accusation that you dont know what you are talking about.
It has everything to do with weed, if the weed generates a trigger for this illness that perhaps otherwise would not have surfaced.
The thing is any one of us has the potential to become ill in such a way (it's not just a select few), a knock on the head, stress at work, a traumatic experience, substance misuse etc None of us know for sure if we are predisposed and we can never gauge the outcome of our actions because none of us have crystal balls.
Anyhow, my initial post was to point out to pr0az that smoking pot isn't as harmless as he erroneously believed.
Damn you stoners are making me wanna smoke some gear 

2007-01-01, 23:15
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: providence
Posts: 1,863
Originally Posted by Dahmers Fridge
It has everything to do with weed, if the weed generates a trigger for this illness that perhaps otherwise would not have surfaced.
The thing is any one of us has the potential to become ill in such a way (it's not just a select few), a knock on the head, stress at work, a traumatic experience, substance misuse etc None of us know for sure if we are predisposed and we can never gauge the outcome of our actions because none of us have crystal balls.
Anyhow, my initial post was to point out to pr0az that smoking pot isn't as harmless as he erroneously believed.
Damn you stoners are making me wanna smoke some gear 
i dont agree.
and ill be a minority in disagreement with general psychology and drug treatment facilities, granted that what you say is accurate to what those institutions believe, if thats the case.
i will say that people who have mental illness are only gonna make themselves worse with smoking weed. i do not believe THC is strong enough a drug to trigger severe mental illness, under any circumstances.
unless they lowered the bar so far down that anyone can be diagnosed with anything at the slightest sign, which conveniently suits the pharmacutical companies profits.
i cant help but think of those drug commercials on tv.
I fought for world titles in boxing, karate, I fought bar wars, street corners, most everything living and half the stuff dead,ain’t nobody bad, I know, I looked.......

2007-01-01, 23:16
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,924
I still say its harmless. I've smoked and well I havent developed a psychological problem. I've seen lots of people who smoke and they havent developed a psychological problem.. I mean as i said earlier scientist can't make up their mind on shit. Just like the egg debate. So if i smoke again and i become crazy or develop cancer from it i'll be sure to post about it. But i doubt that will happen because i retired from smoking many years ago  .
“Remember to live, eat, sleep and breathe music for the mind, play from your heart and never be swayed by the current trends.” ~Rusty Cooley
Last edited by Pr0az : 2007-01-01 at 23:19.

2007-01-02, 00:47
Slayer of dumb cunts
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, va
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Originally Posted by Pr0az
I still say its harmless. I've smoked and well I havent developed a psychological problem. I've seen lots of people who smoke and they havent developed a psychological problem.. I mean as i said earlier scientist can't make up their mind on shit. Just like the egg debate. So if i smoke again and i become crazy or develop cancer from it i'll be sure to post about it. But i doubt that will happen because i retired from smoking many years ago  .
Smoking cigarettes aren't harmful either right?
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...

2007-01-02, 01:00
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,924
Originally Posted by tmfreak
Smoking cigarettes aren't harmful either right?
No man cigs kill. I smoke cigs but i've decided to try to quit this year. I havent smoked a cig all day. In between the tar and other chemicals in cigarettes man, you can feel the effects of it within a year of two of smoking. Coughing up brown stuff, blood, and other nasty stuff. Ive actually just decided to stop and so far so good, just had to get an ass of candy to help me through this time of tribulation. I've been kind of high stung today too. Like the slightest words can piss me off.
If i can only survive the next 72 hours all the nicotine will be out my body.
“Remember to live, eat, sleep and breathe music for the mind, play from your heart and never be swayed by the current trends.” ~Rusty Cooley
Last edited by Pr0az : 2007-01-02 at 01:07.

2007-01-02, 01:03
Slayer of dumb cunts
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, va
Posts: 3,622
Originally Posted by Pr0az
No man cigs kill. I smoke cigs but i've decided to try to quit this year. I havent smoked a cig all day. In between the tar and other chemicals in cigarettes man, you can feel the effects of it within a year of two of smoking. Coughing up brown stuff, blood, and other nasty stuff. Ive actually just decided to stop and so far so good, just had to get an ass of candy to help me through this time of tribulation. I've been kind of high stung today too. Like the slightest words can piss me off.
My entire point of asking that was to basically make you think of the longevity that it takes for cigarettes to do NOTICEABLE harm. In other words it takes a long ass time. So you're trying to say that smoking marijuana over a long period of time yields NO effects on your body? Thinking in inhaling anything other than oxygen and other atmospheric gases into your lungs would SEEM unhealthy. Period. Especially burning paper and fumes.
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...

2007-01-02, 01:19
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Sydney, Aus
Posts: 2,037
Originally Posted by tmfreak
So you're trying to say that smoking marijuana over a long period of time yields NO effects on your body? Thinking in inhaling anything other than oxygen and other atmospheric gases into your lungs would SEEM unhealthy. Period. Especially burning paper and fumes.
Done. I've seen a smoker's lung disected. The top parts of both lungs were black as fuck. He smoked pretty much his whole life.

2007-01-02, 01:28
Slayer of dumb cunts
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, va
Posts: 3,622
Originally Posted by problematic
Done. I've seen a smoker's lung disected. The top parts of both lungs were black as fuck. He smoked pretty much his whole life.
Cigarettes or weed?
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...

2007-01-02, 02:01
Noob lud
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I don't smoke pot and I honestly don't give a shit if someone else smokes pot. I'm living my life not theirs.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2007-01-02, 03:25
Forum Daemon
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Damn. I didn't even bother reading this shit (and I usually read everything in this forum). I took away your pot smoking thread and so we get this here, eh?
As has been mentioned, pot is one of the many, many, many, many, many things in this world that are neither wholly positive nor negative. It does have harmful side effects, though fortunately most are short-term, and it does tend to make the people using it lazy, single-minded and uninteresting. As has been mentioned, just because it isn't the only thing about which that could be said doesn't make it good. It won't damage your brain like alcohol and won't make you as much of a monomaniac as cocaine; doesn't mean it makes the sun shine out of your asshole. This isn't an either/or world we live in, and the fact that most potheads like to pretend that it is does demonstrate a certain amount of denial and irresponsibility. This mentality is obviously at least partially a reaction to the world that insists that pot is dangerous on a level it rarely if ever reaches, and I expect it will change somewhat as the anti-pot propaganda has shifted from claiming that smoking pot is funding terrorism and makes you shoot your friend in the face to claiming that it will make you become a shiftless, boring person who lives and unsatisfying life and hides that fact from himself with the very substance that has made him so hollow, but it's still a problem. And since I do know people who get violent and, much more commonly, stupidly reckless on pot, and whose health was seriously threatened by a pot smoking habit (and yes, I am serious), the self-enforced naivete that comes with the culture can be, even if only in rare circumstances, very damaging.
All that said, were pot to be legalized and discussed in an open way a lot of these problems would disappear. It should at the very least be decriminalized and probably should be legalized. But that doesn't excuse anybody from choosing to choke on propaganda. It also doesn't excuse anybody from having talked for so long about this.
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