View Poll Results: Which is your favourite game from the GTA series?
Grand Theft Auto (1997)
5 |
9.26% |
Grand Theft Auto: London 1969 (1999)
0 |
0% |
Grand Theft Auto 2 (1999)
5 |
9.26% |
Grand Theft Auto III (2001)
8 |
14.81% |
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (2002)
16 |
29.63% |
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (2004)
20 |
37.04% |

2007-07-20, 08:35
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 4,137
The first and official GTA thread
So, this is the first and official Grand Theft Auto thread. I'm a huge fan of pretty much all the games in the series. Which one is your favourite? Discuss characters, gameplay, missions, and feel free to ask for help and if you are having trouble with a certain mission or whatever.
I'm also SO fucking excited about the release of Grand Theft Auto IV! Check out the two trailers for it here looks so fucking sweet. I just hope my system can run it, I can't afford an upgrade
 Cheers to one of the best PC/Console series out there 
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one
Last edited by blitz906 : 2007-07-20 at 08:40.

2007-07-20, 08:57
Join Date: Sep 2005
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I never was a PS guy which was what GTA originally came out for. But I did play while at friend's house. GTA III was the one which I had most fun with. The new one looks pretty sick. I'll probably buy it for PC.

2007-07-20, 09:52
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
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Originally Posted by Requiem
I never was a PS guy which was what GTA originally came out for. But I did play while at friend's house. GTA III was the one which I had most fun with. The new one looks pretty sick. I'll probably buy it for PC.
Yeah I BARELY play consoles. Mainly PC games... Sometimes my gf's XBOX 360 when I'm at her place but that's it.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2007-07-20, 11:39
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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I had to say San Andreas, I haven't played a video game so much in my life. I've been playing these since day one as well...a fantastic franchise indeed.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2007-07-20, 11:57
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Vice City all the way! Best missions, best main character, best story line, plus it took place in 1986. How can you lose!?
Check out , I seriously play probably 5 hours a day on the servers for this thing 
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2007-07-20, 12:28
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Ballater, Scotland, UK.
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III and SA are my favourites. SA was huge, and there was something just good about III. I didn't enjoy Vice City too much though, too rough around the edges.
The 2D ones were also good fun in their day. Like Micro Machines, but without so much racing about.

2007-07-20, 13:56
Join Date: Aug 2004
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Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
San Andreas all the way! Best missions, best main character, best story line, plus it took place in the early 90's. How can you lose!?

2007-07-20, 16:54
Noob lud
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San Andreas was the shit
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2007-07-20, 17:07
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Vice City for sure.

2007-07-20, 18:33
Join Date: Jun 2005
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Pfft, GTA2 all the way.
R.I.P. hide 1964 - 1998  <------- PRESS HERE!

2007-07-20, 19:09
Join Date: Apr 2002
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The first one was the best,no doubt about it.It even had bikes with reverse 
Burnin' and a-lootin' tonight
burnin' all pollution tonight
burnin' all illusion tonight


2007-07-20, 19:20
Slayer of dumb cunts
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Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, va
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San Andreas because it is the truly do anything game.
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...

2007-07-20, 19:20
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Originally Posted by blizzard_beast
Haha, yeah... San Andreas Pwn3d. The gameplay, weapons, vehicles, characters and storyline were all incredible. Even though I'm finished the game I still like to play around in the city. It's just that great. I can't even imagine how much better the next one is going to be  I'm fucking stoked
Originally Posted by tmfreak
San Andreas because it is the truly do anything game.
And cheers to that too 
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2007-07-20, 19:22
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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i dont know if i should vote, because i havnt played SA.
when i was younger, i had the playstation releases. part II was definately better than I.
i think i spent more time on III, than i did on Vice city. III was awesome, for most fans of II, because it was what we already liked, but, thanks to technoloty, enhanced x10,000.
most people, probably, should prefer SA, because their goal is to improve every time. and, up to Vice city, my favorites have all come in chronological order.
Vice city is my favorite, thus far.

2007-07-20, 20:36
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VC and SA are awesome, but nothing beats the original! (and 1969)

2007-07-20, 20:54
Supreme Metalhead
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San Andreas, my god. That game is out for three years, and everyday I'm discovering new things in it.
Recently, I'm into stunting with the NRG-500, trying to grind, jump curbs, ride walls, hopping from roof to roof, etc. I watched some tutorial vids on youtube but those amazing tricks are fucking hard to do.
Oh yeah: for those of you that don't have it yet, try the RealSpeel mod. Awesome shizzle.

2007-07-20, 20:58
6 lvl 80's sucka.
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I cant believe so many people chose SA.
I chose vice city.
San andreas really didn't grab me. Sure it was huge and it's impossible to find every single detail; but the game play of VC was so much better.
Originally Posted by Paddy

2007-07-20, 21:09
Slayer of dumb cunts
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Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, va
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Originally Posted by sixsicsix
I cant believe so many people chose SA.
I chose vice city.
San andreas really didn't grab me. Sure it was huge and it's impossible to find every single detail; but the game play of VC was so much better.
You can drive boats but can't swim? No thanks.
It was good, but all the rough edges VC had SA covered hands down.
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...

2007-07-20, 22:18
Die Young.
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Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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Originally Posted by tmfreak
You can drive boats but can't swim? No thanks.
It was good, but all the rough edges VC had SA covered hands down.
Yes and definitely. The only reason I'm still alive is for GTAIV.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2007-07-20, 22:29
Senior Metalhead
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I had to go for GTAII just because its the first one I played, and besides its just fucking classic. Of the 3D-era releases, Vice City was my favorite. San Andreas was cool at first, but then it just got boring. For one thing, the map was huge, but half of it was fucking Also, the whole stats system was gay. Well, cool at first, but the novelty wore off in a hurry. It's like they were trying to make the game sort of RPG-ish, and I fucking hate RPGs. They have to be the most boring games. I especially disliked the fact that you were basically forced to go eat every so often to stay "healthy". Dude always got hungry at the worst times. So yeah, it's not the best game in the series by far, but still cool. Its the only one I own....make that owned. Some douchebag stole it out of the case a few months back. Asshole.
Like a drug it feeds the imagination of minds that go unparalyzed
Followers to the leaders of mass hypnotic corruption
That live their lives only to criticize
Where is the invisible line that we must draw to create individual thought?

2007-07-20, 23:47
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Monterey, CA
Posts: 3,635
my vote goes to gta2. it was between that and 3. i went with 2 because at school my roommates and i all had the game and would play it over the network together. if it weren't for network play, i'd have voted for 3. i haven't played the first two though.

2007-07-21, 00:51
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
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Originally Posted by tmfreak
You can drive boats but can't swim? No thanks.
Yeah, swimming is an awesome idea for GTA. I also like the fact that you can use a bicycle and pull off stunts, always fun when you get bored in between missions. Maybe the new one will have skateboards
This may sound kinda stupid but... does anyone else think it would be cool if Rockstar games produced a GTA in the future with a female character? They have all been male so far and a female would definately make things new and interesting.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2007-07-21, 01:00
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: London, UK
Posts: 1,841
The original and London 1969 were brilliant, i do hope they make an updated version of London 1969, that would be great  My vote goes to the original though.
The Freedom of Chaos
The Secret of The Secret
The Truth of The Truth
Originally Posted by Undone
moonraven?....more like ass raven

2007-07-21, 01:43
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 840
San Andreas has the best game play of all the GTAs so far, but my favorite storyline was 3, so it gets my vote.
I haven't beat any of the GTA games yet.

2007-07-21, 03:52
the siamese
Join Date: May 2005
Location: naked in a dead teenages dump
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I have to say GTA 2 because, it's the only one I use to play that long. Not because i think its the best one but, only because i didnt play that much at GTA Vice City or San Andreas...that sucks
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
I'd cum in her even if it was my own daugther.
Originally Posted by Bassbehemoth
Sick. It's an overly sugared and overly carbonated vagina drink.

2007-07-21, 06:19
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Northern Michigan
Posts: 114
Tie between Vice City and San Andreas here. I was more into Vice City when it was new though so I voted for that.
Pizzas, salads and shakes, nothing better to party for a group of teenagers! This menu will be more than enough for ten hungry young adults; including a variety of pizzas, two salads and a chocolate shake. Your kids will ask for these fabulous meals many times more.
Just what does Sweet Pizza listen to?

2007-07-21, 11:08
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Sydney, Aus
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Vice City was the game of my (earlier) teens I will cherish forever. Shit was better back then.
GTA 3 also kicked serious amounts of ass. Good memories playing that.
Never played San Andreas, I guess its too bad, but id rather be a mafioso than a black gangster. Well I played it for about 30 min at a friends place, most of the time rode around on a bike. It was ok.
Interesting, I never knew there was a GTA: London 1969. Sounds interesting.
I remember playing GTA in 1998 at a cousins house in Poland. Being 8 years old, I was awestruck. Driving around in the crazy blue Viper was possibly my first true video game euphoria.
And you douchebags, GTA4 will definantly not come out on PC. I can't even watch the fucking trailer without it lagging like a motherfucker. The amount of processing power needed to play that game on a PC would be huge, and hugely expensive. The amount of space it would need is huge too. So its not coming out on PC. And I'll lol at whoever tries to get it working on pc, cause it won't be fucking worth it.
Anyway, next year ill probably buy a PS3 for this game.

2007-07-21, 12:29
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Originally Posted by problematic
And you douchebags, GTA4 will definantly not come out on PC. I can't even watch the fucking trailer without it lagging like a motherfucker. The amount of processing power needed to play that game on a PC would be huge, and hugely expensive. The amount of space it would need is huge too. So its not coming out on PC. And I'll lol at whoever tries to get it working on pc, cause it won't be fucking worth it.
Anyway, next year ill probably buy a PS3 for this game.
Your slow internet is not a factor with how computer will be able to handle a video game.
After looking it up, it isn't coming out on PC but I will get it emulated.

2007-07-21, 13:34
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by Problematic
The amount of processing power needed to play that game on a PC would be huge, and hugely expensive. The amount of space it would need is huge too.
Yeah, right. Three years ago, San Andreas was the biggest game (three entire cities!!) ever made, blabla, and it worked. The graphics in the trailer are pretty detailed but what the fuck, Oblivion runs on my computer and it's visually as impressive. Besides, the models are (compared to the current standard) not spectacular, obviously to allow the game (or platforms) to render a couple of crowded streets at once.
And have you ever heard of Crysis? THAT is what I call graphically impressive. And it comes out on PC. So your argument is pretty irrelevant. And what do you call a huge amount of space? Medieval 2 is 7 GB to install.
Originally Posted by Requiem
After looking it up, it isn't coming out on PC
Dude, you have to give me your emulator if it works. You will save my life.
Goddamnit, first Call of Duty 3, now this.
Last edited by Exodus666 : 2007-07-21 at 13:45.

2007-07-21, 16:05
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Sydney, Aus
Posts: 2,037
Originally Posted by Requiem
Your slow internet is not a factor with how computer will be able to handle a video game.
After looking it up, it isn't coming out on PC but I will get it emulated.
I have ADSL 2+. 2.5MB/s.
The video on the site plays at 6184kb/s.
This is a new type of big. It almost looks fucking real now. You'll all see, your pcs will not handle it, thats why PS3s have fucking blu-ray, so I lol at you all.

2007-07-21, 23:17
Slayer of dumb cunts
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Originally Posted by xgrafcorex
my vote goes to gta2. it was between that and 3. i went with 2 because at school my roommates and i all had the game and would play it over the network together. if it weren't for network play, i'd have voted for 3. i haven't played the first two though.
Just like your brother... Me and him used to play network gta2 all the time.
That dumb cock would always get in a car and try to run me over. Eventually i got good at jumping over him with the rocket launcher in hand, and then turning around and blowing him up before he could get away.
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...

2007-07-21, 23:31
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Belgium
Posts: 722
Originally Posted by problematic
I have ADSL 2+. 2.5MB/s.
The video on the site plays at 6184kb/s.
This is a new type of big. It almost looks fucking real now. You'll all see, your pcs will not handle it, thats why PS3s have fucking blu-ray, so I lol at you all.
First of all, theoretic internet speed (even if that's what your connection icon shows) rarely matches the real speed.
Secondly, after not replying to my correction of your previous post, you do it again. Tell me, what does blu-ray have to do with the (pc or hardware) requirements of a game? Blu-ray is simply a DVD that has tons of storage room (50 gigs instead of 4,7). Easy for PS3 because you can't install entire games on it. Doesn't make a difference on a computer: you'll have to install them, whether it's 2 gig or 10. It has nothing to do with hardware.
You seem to have no idea what you're talking about. Sorry. 

2007-07-21, 23:59
Slayer of dumb cunts
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, va
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Originally Posted by Exodus666
First of all, theoretic internet speed (even if that's what your connection icon shows) rarely matches the real speed.
Secondly, after not replying to my correction of your previous post, you do it again. Tell me, what does blu-ray have to do with the (pc or hardware) requirements of a game? Blu-ray is simply a DVD that has tons of storage room (50 gigs instead of 4,7). Easy for PS3 because you can't install entire games on it. Doesn't make a difference on a computer: you'll have to install them, whether it's 2 gig or 10. It has nothing to do with hardware.
You seem to have no idea what you're talking about. Sorry. 
Not to mention PCs have much more capacity for video and graphics than any released system could ever dream to have so this argument is pretty lame.
Edit: And since when has blu-ray players been exclusively PS3?
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...
Last edited by tmfreak : 2007-07-22 at 00:01.

2007-07-22, 00:17
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2007-07-22, 00:29
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Monterey, CA
Posts: 3,635
Originally Posted by tmfreak
Just like your brother... Me and him used to play network gta2 all the time.
That dumb cock would always get in a car and try to run me over. Eventually i got good at jumping over him with the rocket launcher in hand, and then turning around and blowing him up before he could get away.
haha what's more fun than running over your friends with a car? well blowing up the car sounds alright. shit..i might have to fire that game up. haven't played it in a long time.

2007-07-22, 03:56
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Sydney, Aus
Posts: 2,037
Originally Posted by Exodus666
First of all, theoretic internet speed (even if that's what your connection icon shows) rarely matches the real speed.
Secondly, after not replying to my correction of your previous post, you do it again. Tell me, what does blu-ray have to do with the (pc or hardware) requirements of a game? Blu-ray is simply a DVD that has tons of storage room (50 gigs instead of 4,7). Easy for PS3 because you can't install entire games on it. Doesn't make a difference on a computer: you'll have to install them, whether it's 2 gig or 10. It has nothing to do with hardware.
You seem to have no idea what you're talking about. Sorry. 
Yes, I know it doesn't, after doing just now quickly, I got 11183kbps. That's theoretical, and I gave the realistic speed I get off Apple and Microsoft.
Yes indeed, blu-ray isn't a necessity. But a game developer is not going to release a game on pc when most pcs are running about 100gb of hard disc space, and gta4 full install would require a large percentage of this, so its not marketable. The graphics require too much processing power. So other games have great graphics, but can you play them at optimum power? I know when I would play games like BF2 and CS:S on my system which isn't the worst, it would lag like fuck. Graphics cards worth $400 would be able to handle GTA4. Ram and CPU would need to be boosted a fuck load. I have discussed this with very many of my enthused friends, I do not think I know nothing.

2007-07-22, 06:11
Slayer of dumb cunts
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, va
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Originally Posted by problematic
Yes, I know it doesn't, after doing just now quickly, I got 11183kbps. That's theoretical, and I gave the realistic speed I get off Apple and Microsoft.
Yes indeed, blu-ray isn't a necessity. But a game developer is not going to release a game on pc when most pcs are running about 100gb of hard disc space, and gta4 full install would require a large percentage of this, so its not marketable. The graphics require too much processing power. So other games have great graphics, but can you play them at optimum power? I know when I would play games like BF2 and CS:S on my system which isn't the worst, it would lag like fuck. Graphics cards worth $400 would be able to handle GTA4. Ram and CPU would need to be boosted a fuck load. I have discussed this with very many of my enthused friends, I do not think I know nothing.
You make solid points and i understand where you are coming from, but to say it won't be released is kind of ridiculous. Maybe not at first but maybe later. The same happened for every single GTA to date.
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...

2007-07-22, 06:21
6 lvl 80's sucka.
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Tallahassee Florida
Posts: 2,483
Originally Posted by problematic
Yes, I know it doesn't, after doing just now quickly, I got 11183kbps. That's theoretical, and I gave the realistic speed I get off Apple and Microsoft.
Yes indeed, blu-ray isn't a necessity. But a game developer is not going to release a game on pc when most pcs are running about 100gb of hard disc space, and gta4 full install would require a large percentage of this, so its not marketable. The graphics require too much processing power. So other games have great graphics, but can you play them at optimum power? I know when I would play games like BF2 and CS:S on my system which isn't the worst, it would lag like fuck. Graphics cards worth $400 would be able to handle GTA4. Ram and CPU would need to be boosted a fuck load. I have discussed this with very many of my enthused friends, I do not think I know nothing.
My 600 dollar stock gateway computer runs source just fine....
maybe you got ripped off?
Originally Posted by Paddy

2007-07-22, 06:47
Pirate Lawd
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Originally Posted by problematic
Yes, I know it doesn't, after doing just now quickly, I got 11183kbps. That's theoretical, and I gave the realistic speed I get off Apple and Microsoft.
Yes indeed, blu-ray isn't a necessity. But a game developer is not going to release a game on pc when most pcs are running about 100gb of hard disc space, and gta4 full install would require a large percentage of this, so its not marketable. The graphics require too much processing power. So other games have great graphics, but can you play them at optimum power? I know when I would play games like BF2 and CS:S on my system which isn't the worst, it would lag like fuck. Graphics cards worth $400 would be able to handle GTA4. Ram and CPU would need to be boosted a fuck load. I have discussed this with very many of my enthused friends, I do not think I know nothing.
You might need to clean your PC, but I'm thinking your ISP is screwing you on speed. Ping speeds sites are not accurate for all of the net.
I play online games with servers in Japan. My shit is very fast but a kid in China with a junk PC and shit ISP will ping the program micro seconds before me due to physical distance lag. I'm on the other side of the world and there is a major lag. A micro second is an eternity in the world of high traffic online gaming.

2007-07-22, 07:33
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 4,137
Originally Posted by blitz906
This may sound kinda stupid but... does anyone else think it would be cool if Rockstar games produced a GTA in the future with a female character? They have all been male so far and a female would definately make things new and interesting.
Any thoughts on that?
Also, did anyone ever notice how there were never any city buses or school buses in any of the games? Odd 
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2007-07-22, 07:40
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Monterey, CA
Posts: 3,635
que suerte! i found the cd with my file. 

2007-07-22, 08:24
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Belgium
Posts: 722
Originally Posted by problematic
Yes, I know it doesn't, after doing just now quickly, I got 11183kbps. That's theoretical, and I gave the realistic speed I get off Apple and Microsoft.
Well, if your computer lags on such a small video and you have that kind of speed: try getting a spyware cleaner.
Originally Posted by problematic
Yes indeed, blu-ray isn't a necessity. But a game developer is not going to release a game on pc when most pcs are running about 100gb of hard disc space, and gta4 full install would require a large percentage of this, so its not marketable.
O my god, you just don't get it, do you? How can a game TODAY be 100 GB? That would mean TWO BLU-RAY DVDS. That might happen in the future, but be realistic. It will be be two regular DVDs, or one Blu-ray that's perhaps a quarter full.
Originally Posted by problematic
The graphics require too much processing power. So other games have great graphics, but can you play them at optimum power? I know when I would play games like BF2 and CS:S on my system which isn't the worst, it would lag like fuck. Graphics cards worth $400 would be able to handle GTA4. Ram and CPU would need to be boosted a fuck load.
Yes, I can play Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion at full power. I have a Dell XPS worth of 2200 euro's, one year old. It lags on the überheavy scenes (a plain full of dynamically rendered grass with 4 enemies and a giant gate), which you won't get in GTA. GTA's buildings are simple blocks with texture on it, the cars spawn only near you, and half of the trailer you saw probably wasn't in-game anyways, just short sequences of mission endings.
Besides, if you would play GTA (IV) at half it's visual settings, you'll still have a great game and be able to play it on a medium-class PC.
Originally Posted by problematic
I have discussed this with very many of my enthused friends, I do not think I know nothing.
Last edited by Exodus666 : 2007-07-22 at 12:06.

2007-07-25, 15:45
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Sydney, Aus
Posts: 2,037
Originally Posted by tmfreak
You make solid points and i understand where you are coming from, but to say it won't be released is kind of ridiculous. Maybe not at first but maybe later. The same happened for every single GTA to date.
Indeed, but by the time it's beneficial and plausible for Rockstar and its users, GTA5 might be almost out.
Originally Posted by Exodus666
O my god, you just don't get it, do you? How can a game TODAY be 100 GB? That would mean TWO BLU-RAY DVDS. That might happen in the future, but be realistic. It will be be two regular DVDs, or one Blu-ray that's perhaps a quarter full.
I didn't say 100gb. I said large percentage of. I have 120gb of memory, ok you pwn me. I'm not making an estimate, im no game developer.
Originally Posted by Exodus666
Yes, I can play Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion at full power. I have a Dell XPS worth of 2200 euro's, one year old. It lags on the überheavy scenes (a plain full of dynamically rendered grass with 4 enemies and a giant gate), which you won't get in GTA. GTA's buildings are simple blocks with texture on it, the cars spawn only near you, and half of the trailer you saw probably wasn't in-game anyways, just short sequences of mission endings.
Besides, if you would play GTA (IV) at half it's visual settings, you'll still have a great game and be able to play it on a medium-class PC.
Way to bias. OK. Except that GTA4 buildings aren't blocks with textures. We've moved on from 1998.
Blitz - A female character would just get cheated and raped in every second mission. But it would be fun anyway.

2007-07-25, 20:58
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Belgium
Posts: 722
Originally Posted by problematic
Indeed, but by the time it's beneficial and plausible for Rockstar and its users, GTA5 might be almost out.
No, it won't. Games like GTA are developed over several years. If they release the PC version a year after the initial release, they'll still sell like hot pies.
Originally Posted by problematic
I didn't say 100gb. I said large percentage of. I have 120gb of memory, ok you pwn me. I'm not making an estimate, im no game developer.
I will be a game developer. That's what I'm about to study from October onwards, anyway. And a large percentage of 100 for me is 50 or more. Which is still unrealistically far above the expected 5 - 10 GB range.
Originally Posted by problematic
Way to bias. OK. Except that GTA4 buildings aren't blocks with textures. We've moved on from 1998.
Look more closely at the trailer, hun. Even the characters are basically still low-poly.

2007-07-25, 20:59
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: terra firma
Posts: 6,940
Exodus is doing some major pwning.

2007-07-25, 21:00
Slayer of dumb cunts
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, va
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Originally Posted by Exodus666
No, it won't. Games like GTA are developed over several years. If they release the PC version a year after the initial release, they'll still sell like hot pies.
Yes... just like every other GTA since 3 came out. San andreas and Vice city in my opinion were better on computer anyways.
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...

2007-07-26, 00:33
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 4,137
Originally Posted by problematic
Blitz - A female character would just get cheated and raped in every second mission. But it would be fun anyway.
Well I meant a tough hardened female character, the type that people would think twice about crossing.
...And LMAO!
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one
Last edited by blitz906 : 2007-07-26 at 00:45.

2007-07-26, 07:19
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Belgium
Posts: 722
Originally Posted by Requiem
Exodus is doing some major pwning.
Thanks. It's pretty fun to do, actually. 

2007-07-26, 08:20
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Antwerp
Posts: 1,472
Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
Vice City all the way! Best missions, best main character, best story line, plus it took place in 1986. How can you lose!?
San Andreas was immense, but I found it MAJORLY DISAPPOINTING that they barely put any work in the radio-stations (Remember VRock? VCPR!? KCHAT WITH LASLO?). And yes, 1986 all the way! I wasn't even born then but fuck it.
So this Georgian Olympian runs into a bar
Aosoth - New album III out now on Agonia Recs
Epoch - bass, guitars, drums, MetaStasizing out asap
Asphixa - bass, demo out asap
Adustum - bass, guitars, full length out soon on XXXXXXXXXX recs
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Tetianblood? ... Well, 'Necrosemen' to you too. Twat.

2007-07-26, 08:54
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Sydney, Aus
Posts: 2,037
Originally Posted by Exodus666
Thanks. It's pretty fun to do, actually. 
Your mother is fun to do.
6 games were developed over 7 years. Yes, many ran on basically the same engine, but a notable difference is that between GTA2 and 3; 2 years.
Your mother is a game developer.

2007-07-26, 09:18
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Belgium
Posts: 722
Originally Posted by problematic
Your mother is fun to do.
6 games were developed over 7 years. Yes, many ran on basically the same engine, but a notable difference is that between GTA2 and 3; 2 years.
Your mother is a game developer.
Awesome. Since you're starting to attack the person rather than the arguments, it becomes clear that I'm the undisputed victor of this discussion. Which was the only option from the start, really.
If you don't believe me, this is my education next year:
Anything else? Or are you still going to act childish just because you were wrong about GTA?

2007-07-26, 09:23
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Sydney, Aus
Posts: 2,037
Your mum's wrong.

2007-07-26, 22:32
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 4,137
Originally Posted by problematic
Your mum's wrong.
I just saw this argument trainwreck before my very eyes lol.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2007-07-27, 03:46
Crusher of Skulls
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Somewhere down the road
Posts: 2,188
How about boxing up 50 cars, blowing them up in one giant fireball, THEN going on a rampage and achieving multiple genocides?!
My Trust is in WHISKEY and WEEDand SLAYER
Long live DIMEBAG
ROGspace Cunts. Book us
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
You thought of mixing wheat flour with saturated fat, and putting it the resultant shit in a styrofoam cup. Shine on, you crazy dead yellow diamond.
Originally Posted by johnmansley
May the best cunt win.

2007-07-27, 06:20
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 840
Originally Posted by blitz906
I just saw this argument trainwreck before my very eyes lol.
HAHA, that was the best ending to what might have started as a mature argument.
I haven't seen any previews of the new GTA installment, but it'll be a long while before I own a ps3 anyway.
Hopefully they are doing a remake of FF7, which would be a great buy along with the newest GTA.

2007-07-27, 09:19
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Belgium
Posts: 722
Originally Posted by blitz906
I just saw this argument trainwreck before my very eyes lol.
Yeah well, I don't even bother to reply anymore... Awfully off-topic, and in real life I don't argue with 17-year-old frustrated lesbians who wish they had a penis either.
Back on topic: GTA rules!  And yeah, goddamnit, FF7 would be awesome, one of the best games ever. Although I preferred the magic system in VIII.

2007-07-27, 15:22
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 840
I haven't actually played FF7 yet, I just would like to see it released on a newer system. I'm going to be buying it soon though.
FF8 is my favorite installment that I have played so far, and probably is my favorite game.

2007-07-27, 15:44
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: providence
Posts: 1,863
gta 4
im more interested in how many buttons they can push than the actual gameplay.
if i was making this game id take it from NYC straight into the bagdhad, the iraq war.
that was the hunch i got from watching the trailer, looks to be set in this decade, liberty city....a middle eastern character.
they would probably make it so you could simulate a 9/11 style attack. i wouldnt be suprised if its the most offensive thing possible.
anyway, i like gta 3 and what made it fun was the ability of the game to take you into west coast style gang culture from the 90's and parody it, mock it, glorify it and immortalize it.
I fought for world titles in boxing, karate, I fought bar wars, street corners, most everything living and half the stuff dead,ain’t nobody bad, I know, I looked.......

2007-07-27, 15:52
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: St. Louis
Posts: 3,003
GTA San Andreas for me.
Keep checking for new crap.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
It's really sad, all those people who don't understand why we shouldn't act like our enemies. The real victory is not only killing and imprisoning the terrorists, but also letting civilized manners override the lust for revenge, once the battle is over.

2007-07-27, 20:14
Slayer of dumb cunts
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Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, va
Posts: 3,622
Originally Posted by estringrev
I haven't actually played FF7 yet, I just would like to see it released on a newer system. I'm going to be buying it soon though.
Not gonna happen.
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...

2007-07-27, 20:47
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Belgium
Posts: 722
Originally Posted by low-tech
they would probably make it so you could simulate a 9/11 style attack. i wouldnt be suprised if its the most offensive thing possible.
That would be like... ouch. Not good. Not fun to play.
But they won't do that, methinks. If you listen to what the main character says in the first trailer (I killed people, smuggled people, ...) my guess is it'll be a former mafioso kind of guy, trying to get out of it, but who needs to do a few more jobs to buy his freedom. Add some insane plot twists to that, though.


2007-07-27, 22:58
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 4,137
Originally Posted by Exodus666
If you listen to what the main character says in the first trailer (I killed people, smuggled people, ...) my guess is it'll be a former mafioso kind of guy, trying to get out of it, but who needs to do a few more jobs to buy his freedom. Add some insane plot twists to that, though.

My guess... he got out of Russia and escaped the Russian Mafia, looking for a fresh start and more freedom in the USA. But that's just a guess judging by what you just said, and his accent.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2007-07-31, 20:43
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Norway
Posts: 1,383
Cool thread. I am not much into games anymore, but the exceptions are Gta and Mgs, which in return I am fucking crazy about. I'd say I like Vice city and San andreas about equally, but VC definitely had the better story. I have huge expectations for IV though.

2007-07-31, 23:19
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Originally Posted by problematic
Vice City was the game of my (earlier) teens I will cherish forever. Shit was better back then.
Hmmm, maybe that's another reason I liked more, now that I think about it.
Originally Posted by problematic
Anyway, next year ill probably buy a PS3 for this game.
Ditto. I'm not gonna but GTA IV for my PS3 when I get it, but I will buy a PS3 after I pick up my copy of GTA IV 
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2007-08-01, 09:59
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Norway
Posts: 1,383
Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
Ditto. I'm not gonna but GTA IV for my PS3 when I get it, but I will buy a PS3 after I pick up my copy of GTA IV 
Same here. I was gonna buy Xbox 360 for it instead, but the fact PS3 will be getting Mgs4 and that I can play my old games on it changed my mind. Sucks that they didn't reduced the price of it over here though.

2007-08-02, 20:12
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Ballater, Scotland, UK.
Posts: 1,128
A future-based game would be cool. Enough of the past! Or even another present game would be cool. Of course, because they like to keep it fairly historically consistent, they would need to do good research to create a realistic future.
They have to fly it decently far forward into the future before I think they started getting all the crazy technology, like bionics to extend some of your stat's bars or gaining abilities like dark sight or for grafting weapons, or optional weather like Back To The Future II, or zero-dimensional compression for stashing lots of gear on you, like in Ultraviolet. And Gun Kata would have to be a martial ability you could learn. Gangs would also have to be philosophical movements, or like miners who mined the Sun.

2007-08-03, 00:26
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 4,137
Originally Posted by Unanything
A future-based game would be cool. Enough of the past! Or even another present game would be cool. Of course, because they like to keep it fairly historically consistent, they would need to do good research to create a realistic future.
They have to fly it decently far forward into the future before I think they started getting all the crazy technology, like bionics to extend some of your stat's bars or gaining abilities like dark sight or for grafting weapons, or optional weather like Back To The Future II, or zero-dimensional compression for stashing lots of gear on you, like in Ultraviolet. And Gun Kata would have to be a martial ability you could learn. Gangs would also have to be philosophical movements, or like miners who mined the Sun.
That was a very odd post...
Anyways, I think they should make a Grand Theft Auto somewhere in Europe, or maybe Canada... "Grand Theft Auto : Toronto eh!" lol
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2007-08-03, 19:08
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Norway
Posts: 1,383
Nah, Gta is funny because of the stereotypical americans in it, and the way american pop culture is mocked. Of course, they could do the same somewhere else, but I don't think it would be feel the same.

2007-08-03, 19:20
Slayer of dumb cunts
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, va
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Originally Posted by humancorpse
Nah, Gta is funny because of the stereotypical americans in it, and the way american pop culture is mocked. Of course, they could do the same somewhere else, but I don't think it would be feel the same.
It would be decient but it wouldn't have the same effect.
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...

2007-08-03, 19:57
Senior Metalhead
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Location: Northern Michigan
Posts: 114
Originally Posted by Unanything
A future-based game would be cool. Enough of the past! Or even another present game would be cool. Of course, because they like to keep it fairly historically consistent, they would need to do good research to create a realistic future.
They have to fly it decently far forward into the future before I think they started getting all the crazy technology, like bionics to extend some of your stat's bars or gaining abilities like dark sight or for grafting weapons, or optional weather like Back To The Future II, or zero-dimensional compression for stashing lots of gear on you, like in Ultraviolet. And Gun Kata would have to be a martial ability you could learn. Gangs would also have to be philosophical movements, or like miners who mined the Sun.
That'd be a different game.
Pizzas, salads and shakes, nothing better to party for a group of teenagers! This menu will be more than enough for ten hungry young adults; including a variety of pizzas, two salads and a chocolate shake. Your kids will ask for these fabulous meals many times more.
Just what does Sweet Pizza listen to?

2007-08-03, 20:18
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 4,137
Originally Posted by humancorpse
Nah, Gta is funny because of the stereotypical americans in it, and the way american pop culture is mocked. Of course, they could do the same somewhere else, but I don't think it would be feel the same.
lol yeah, especially on some of the radio stations. Those are hilarious.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2007-08-03, 21:24
Noob lud
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Location: Upstate New Yaawwk
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I remember a while back when I sprained my ankle about 4 years ago, i sat in my room listening to Slayer and played GTA 2 for days.
But I don't see how anyone could like the first few games from the time GTA 3 came out.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2007-09-04, 06:37
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 4,137
Hmm, this thread died pretty fast. But I was wondering which character was your favourite in the game? And why? (Aside from Carl, obviously)
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2007-09-04, 07:41
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 840
Jizzy(Charlie Murphy is hilarious, see boondocks and Chappelle show), and OG Loc, or whatever his name is.
Aside from that, the main GTA3 character(he never talks, which is awesome), and just about everyone in it. I loved the whole mafia story. Unfortunately, after playing GTA San Andreas, it's really hard to go backwards into GTA3

2007-09-06, 02:27
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Home is where the <3 is
Posts: 8,881
I've really had no reason to post about GTA, but a friend who knows I'm into gardening sent me several of the radio shows "Gardening with Maurice" and they're hysterical. Had I known about that when my kids were playing it I'd probably have asked them to let me hear it.
Are you blossoming???? 
My eldest son's bipolar website:
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2007-09-06, 05:50
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Antwerp
Posts: 1,472
Maurice Chavez!
So this Georgian Olympian runs into a bar
Aosoth - New album III out now on Agonia Recs
Epoch - bass, guitars, drums, MetaStasizing out asap
Asphixa - bass, demo out asap
Adustum - bass, guitars, full length out soon on XXXXXXXXXX recs
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Tetianblood? ... Well, 'Necrosemen' to you too. Twat.

2007-09-06, 12:23
bugfucker strikes back.
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: 19713, Delaware
Posts: 5,739
Originally Posted by Wolfsherz
Maurice Chavez!
Although I've gotta say, Lazlo doing KChat on GTA3 was hilarious back in the day.
FYI, all exclusive content for GTA4is going to the 360 version. M$ paid a hefty bill to keep it only on the 360 version.
Plus the PS3 is the reason the damn game got delayed, too.;title;2
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2007-09-06, 13:27
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Norway
Posts: 1,383
Best radio show has to be K-chat in Vice City, when they interview that feminist who dressed up like a guy, infiltrated the world of men and wrote a book about it. That one will always crack me up.

2007-09-06, 16:55
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Alabama
Posts: 1,942
Originally Posted by humancorpse
Best radio show has to be K-chat in Vice City, when they interview that feminist who dressed up like a guy, infiltrated the world of men and wrote a book about it. That one will always crack me up.
haha Hell yes.
I'm still getting this game on PS3. I've got a 360 to but GTA just feels better on Playstation.

2007-09-06, 20:20
bugfucker strikes back.
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: 19713, Delaware
Posts: 5,739
Originally Posted by humancorpse
Best radio show has to be K-chat in Vice City, when they interview that feminist who dressed up like a guy, infiltrated the world of men and wrote a book about it. That one will always crack me up.
Heh. I thought VCPR was funnier in Vice City though.
I think i've gotta go play some GTA tonight. Got some free time. Some San Andreas sounds fucking amazing right now.
Maybe it was just me, but did SA feel... "epic" the first time through?
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2007-09-06, 21:48
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 4,137
My favourite would have to be Mike Toreno. Smug assholes are hilarious 
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2007-09-16, 22:15
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Home is where the <3 is
Posts: 8,881
I was watching HGTV Gardening by the Yard this morning and one of the guests had a familiar voice. I figured out it sounded like Maurice. I've looked around the net and didn't get anything positive so do any of you know if his voice was done by Michael Glassman? He has a gardening business in Sacramento and does do a radio show for real.
Thanks! And if it's him he doesn't have that much of a flamer voice, but the resemblance is crazy.
My eldest son's bipolar website:
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!
Last edited by L,B'XXX : 2007-09-16 at 22:21.

2007-09-17, 17:17
Forum Daemon
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Posts: 4,982
It's Andy Dick.

2007-09-17, 17:21
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: terra firma
Posts: 6,940
Originally Posted by PST 88
It's Andy Dick.
Good 'ol dick.

2007-09-17, 20:12
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Home is where the <3 is
Posts: 8,881
Thank you! 
My eldest son's bipolar website:
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2007-09-17, 22:03
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 4,137
Yeah there are alot of celebrity voices on GTA:SA.
Faizon Love (Sweet)
Yolanda Whittaker (Kendl)
Clifton Powell (Big Smoke)
MC Eight (Ryder)
Jas Anderson (OG Loc)
The Game (B-Dup)
Big Boy (Big Bear)
Ice-T (Madd Dogg)
Samuel L. Jackson (Officer Frank Tenpenny)
James Woods!! (Mike Toreno)
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2008-03-14, 09:56
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 4,137
Just noticed a few strange things about San Andreas (I've been playing it alot lately) - No city buses, or school buses, anywhere to be seen in the game.
No animals anywhere (Stray cats, people walking dogs etc...)
No women with strollers or children walking around the streets.
Not quite realistic, I mean... children and animals do exist don't they?
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2008-03-14, 09:57
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 4,137
Just noticed a few strange things about San Andreas (I've been playing it alot lately)
- No city buses, or school buses, anywhere to be seen in the game.
- No animals anywhere (Stray cats, people walking dogs etc...)
- No women with strollers or children walking around the streets.
Not quite realistic, I mean... children and animals do exist don't they?
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2008-03-14, 10:47
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 800
Aren't there school buses around the shipyards? I haven't played in a while. For the second two: just think about it... can you imagine the controversy that would ensue if you had a broke ass black dude running around town slaughtering animals, small children, and babies in strollers? Although Postal 2 got away with way more...... in like, 4 countries. 
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Originally Posted by BOB_ZE_METALLEU
Originally Posted by CannibalXampire
Everyone is wrong.

2008-03-14, 11:46
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 4,137
Originally Posted by Me himself
Aren't there school buses around the shipyards?
I don't go around the shipyards too much.
Originally Posted by Me himself
For the second two: just think about it... can you imagine the controversy that would ensue if you had a broke ass black dude running around town slaughtering animals, small children, and babies in strollers? Although Postal 2 got away with way more...... in like, 4 countries. 
I understand that. I know GTA would never do that. But you get my point... it's not very realistic when you think about it
Postal 2 kicks ass 
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2008-03-17, 02:29
Vaginal Warts
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: I live in a giant bucket.
Posts: 2,289
I want to play postal 2! I wonder if it's for mac, I'm gonna check right now.
And I'm pretty sure GTA IV is going to ruin my fucking life  Why do these goddamn games keep coming out?! Do they think I have control over whether or not I play them?! FUKC>
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.

2008-03-17, 10:02
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 4,137
Who else thinks it would be cool if they made a new GTA London 1969 at some point? With teh modern grafix and wut not. I think it would be fucking sweet.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2008-03-31, 11:55
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 4,137
Incidentally, has anyone here played Bully?
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2008-03-31, 15:14
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 800
I did once. I never really got into it, but I haven't given it much of a chance. It's basically Rockstar's toned down GTA, for a younger age group. Not to say that you can't be older to enjoy it, but when it comes to sandbox style vg's I just stick with GTA; don't see any other way to go, really.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Originally Posted by BOB_ZE_METALLEU
Originally Posted by CannibalXampire
Everyone is wrong.

2008-03-31, 15:42
Slayer of dumb cunts
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, va
Posts: 3,622
Originally Posted by Me himself
I did once. I never really got into it, but I haven't given it much of a chance. It's basically Rockstar's toned down GTA, for a younger age group. Not to say that you can't be older to enjoy it, but when it comes to sandbox style vg's I just stick with GTA; don't see any other way to go, really.
I haven't played it, but i must admit (as you put it perfectly) the sandbox style of playing is why GTA is what GTA is. Being able to play that game a zillion different ways makes it so cool. Trying different stunts like trying to land a plane on top of a sky scraper, that was always myf avorite haha. Or jump out of a moving helicopter onto a skyscraper
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...

2008-03-31, 18:51
Vaginal Warts
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: I live in a giant bucket.
Posts: 2,289
What I saw of Bully, it looked pretty entertaining (although, yes, it is a toned down gta).
Although I didn't mark it as my favorite GTA, I don't think I'll ever be as blasted away by a game as when I first touched III. That was such a crazy introduction to sandbox games.
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.

2008-04-01, 04:43
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 800
Originally Posted by JoeYngVai
Although I didn't mark it as my favorite GTA, I don't think I'll ever be as blasted away by a game as when I first touched III. That was such a crazy introduction to sandbox games.
same here. no matter how many more they come out with it will never be like picking up III for the very first time.
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Originally Posted by BOB_ZE_METALLEU
Originally Posted by CannibalXampire
Everyone is wrong.

2008-04-02, 02:07
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 380
Blitz i dont know if you knew this but GTA4 aint coming out for the pc.Im skipping school for this and not going to prom either because of it
Im Better Than You At COD4


2008-04-02, 02:16
Slayer of dumb cunts
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, va
Posts: 3,622
Originally Posted by aFarewelltoKings
Blitz i dont know if you knew this but GTA4 aint coming out for the pc.Im skipping school for this and not going to prom either because of it
Maybe not on the first release, but it eventually will.
If they don't they'd be breaking a trend they've done since the very first game.
Originally Posted by Darko
...Its very annoying to keep having to hear some socially-disabled teen come on these boards talking about all the drugs he's started doing so that he can maybe grasp onto some kind of positive response so he feels better about himself and what he's doing.
About requiem. Aint it the truth...

2008-04-02, 02:35
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 4,137
Originally Posted by aFarewelltoKings
Blitz i dont know if you knew this but GTA4 aint coming out for the pc.Im skipping school for this and not going to prom either because of it
That's fucking great news! Where did you hear that?
I just hope the system req's aren't too steep 
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one
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