2008-02-05, 22:33
Registered Sex Offender
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: La Follette
Posts: 2,400
Sounds like you guys have a slight urinary tract infection. Drink some cranberry juice.
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
“I'm as firm as red clay and as constant as... drinkin'. I'm constantly drinkin'.” - Early Cuyler

2008-02-05, 22:39
Dog farts
Alumni Staff
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 5,008
I'm at work...

2008-02-05, 22:44
Registered Sex Offender
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: La Follette
Posts: 2,400
Then you'll have to wait until sensation goes away. Cranberry juice is the best thing for tract infection that I know of.
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
“I'm as firm as red clay and as constant as... drinkin'. I'm constantly drinkin'.” - Early Cuyler

2008-02-05, 22:57
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 4,137
Originally Posted by Nihilist
I'm at work...
Then you shouldn't be on here, should you? 
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2008-02-05, 22:58
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 4,137
Originally Posted by Nihilist
Hey, Dylan, do you sit when you piss? That's hot, bro.
I do when I'm drunk, beats spraying it everywhere 
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2008-02-05, 23:01
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
Originally Posted by Nihilist
I need to piss, but I already pissed recently. But it still feels like I need to piss.
Don't you hate that?
LOL i do that at night every single night
i actually complained to my doctor and she was like yeah normally only 5 year olds have that problem

2008-02-05, 23:08
Dog farts
Alumni Staff
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 5,008
Originally Posted by Transient
LOL i do that at night every single night
i actually complained to my doctor and she was like yeah normally only 5 year olds have that problem
hahaha... it generally happens when I drink a lot of orange juice.

2008-02-05, 23:10
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
yeah haha
i believe i only have one kidney... a hereditary thing in my family. never bothered to get an ultra sound done though

2008-02-06, 00:53
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: terra firma
Posts: 6,940
I'm sure the doctors doing your major back surgery would have noticed.

2008-02-06, 01:25
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 800
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Originally Posted by BOB_ZE_METALLEU
Originally Posted by CannibalXampire
Everyone is wrong.
Last edited by Me himself : 2008-02-06 at 01:28.

2008-02-06, 03:12
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: St. Louis
Posts: 3,003
I'm burning all my music to cds. Someone broke into my truck and stole my cds, cellphone, and NOT my Family Guy Blue Harvest DVD (Which I'm happy for, but it's Family Guy, dudes. Who wouldn't steal it?). Only Cd's to have survived were Nercphagist "Epitaph," Death "Human," Strapping Young Lad "Alien," and Cattle Decapitation "Karma Bloody Karma."
I felt so stupid. Really opens your eyes now, though, how pathetic some people can be, and how you have to prepare for that.
Keep checking for new crap.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
It's really sad, all those people who don't understand why we shouldn't act like our enemies. The real victory is not only killing and imprisoning the terrorists, but also letting civilized manners override the lust for revenge, once the battle is over.

2008-02-06, 03:42
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: terra firma
Posts: 6,940
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
I'm burning all my music to cds. Someone broke into my truck and stole my cds, cellphone, and NOT my Family Guy Blue Harvest DVD (Which I'm happy for, but it's Family Guy, dudes. Who wouldn't steal it?). Only Cd's to have survived were Nercphagist "Epitaph," Death "Human," Strapping Young Lad "Alien," and Cattle Decapitation "Karma Bloody Karma."
I felt so stupid. Really opens your eyes now, though, how pathetic some people can be, and how you have to prepare for that.
Sucks man.
The most I got stolen from me was my PSP(2 weeks after launch) and a graphing calculator.

2008-02-06, 04:36
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: St. Louis
Posts: 3,003
Man, that sucks. What is wrong with people? I know this sounds very naive and I shouldn't be surprised, but seriously.
Keep checking for new crap.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
It's really sad, all those people who don't understand why we shouldn't act like our enemies. The real victory is not only killing and imprisoning the terrorists, but also letting civilized manners override the lust for revenge, once the battle is over.

2008-02-06, 05:06
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 800
I've been having a minor problem with my internet (Firefox) for a couple of weeks now. Sometimes when I click on something nothing happens and I need to click a second, third, even fourth time. This mainly occurs when selecting or closing a tab. Same goes for when I hit backspace to go back one page.. sometimes it just completely doesn't go through. Got any idea why this might be?
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Originally Posted by BOB_ZE_METALLEU
Originally Posted by CannibalXampire
Everyone is wrong.

2008-02-06, 14:06
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
Originally Posted by Requiem
I'm sure the doctors doing your major back surgery would have noticed.
dunno, i would imagine so, but im not sure how wide my skin was spread
i have that problem with tabs in firefox, it stalls or doesnt open when i do tabs. i chalk it up to my mouse (i use the roller wheel click to open tabs on links)

2008-02-06, 15:51
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: terra firma
Posts: 6,940
Try clearing your cache data. I've experienced that problem numberous amounts of time, then I run CrapCleaner which seems to fix the problem.

2008-02-06, 16:16
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Monterey, CA
Posts: 3,635
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
Man, that sucks. What is wrong with people? I know this sounds very naive and I shouldn't be surprised, but seriously.
sad thing is that they probably have no interest in the music you listen to, and/or they were just gonna sell whatever they got in the first place. then upon finding out what you had in your car, no offense meant..just that it wasn't a collection of the top 100 pop albums, they may even toss it out thinking it's worthless.  one of my friends in high school had the same thing happen to him, only they didn't leave any cd's besides what was in the cd player. his were all in one of those cases. i bet the person that stole them was pissed too...mostly just punk rock.

2008-02-06, 17:57
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Location: upon raging waves
Posts: 4,499
Originally Posted by xgrafcorex
no offense meant..just that it wasn't a collection of the top 100 pop albums, they may even toss it out thinking it's worthless.
yep. in highschool i found a collection of about 100 punk cds. hardly recognized any of them. the owner had a pay check receipt (of some kind) in there, so i knew his name and where he lived. i returned the collection. ...and not because i couldn't get anything for it. imagine yourself in his situation. for me it would be even worse. my collection is well over twice his.
whoever tossed it near that dumpster, probably didnt even know what kind of music it was. the owner didn't know who took it, or even when it went missing but he gave me 20 dollars. that was more than enough because i didn't do it for pay. for example, last semester i found a Razer phone in the parking lot. i called the owner and told him he would be able to find it with my building's secretary. never even met the guy, but he was very appreciative on the phone.

2008-02-06, 18:37
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Manitoba Canada
Posts: 1,107
wow, your a real nice guy eh
fuck i love peaches!

2008-02-06, 18:56
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Originally Posted by timedragon
yep. in highschool i found a collection of about 100 punk cds. hardly recognized any of them. the owner had a pay check receipt (of some kind) in there, so i knew his name and where he lived. i returned the collection. ...and not because i couldn't get anything for it. imagine yourself in his situation. for me it would be even worse. my collection is well over twice his.
whoever tossed it near that dumpster, probably didnt even know what kind of music it was. the owner didn't know who took it, or even when it went missing but he gave me 20 dollars. that was more than enough because i didn't do it for pay. for example, last semester i found a Razer phone in the parking lot. i called the owner and told him he would be able to find it with my building's secretary. never even met the guy, but he was very appreciative on the phone.
That's why I love you so much.


2008-02-06, 21:22
Throbbing Member
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Location: Californeeway
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I've never understood why people carry tons of real CDs in their car, especially in big leather "PLEASE STEAL ME!" wallets.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2008-02-06, 22:11
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Monterey, CA
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well..i don't have any huge book..and many aren't "real" cds.. i'd say it's because on convenient case beats having a bunch of individual cd cases. also..i don't know about the rest of you, but i think i only have one or two copies of cds i bought/traded for/etc. the rest are just mp3s i put on blank discs. in the end..what's in my car is what i want to listen to.

2008-02-06, 22:17
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: 昔昔
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Originally Posted by Darko
I've never understood why people carry tons of real CDs in their car, especially in big leather "PLEASE STEAL ME!" wallets.
haha yea, i make copies of the cds i want in my truck
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2008-02-06, 22:24
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: 昔昔
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Originally Posted by Me himself
I've been having a minor problem with my internet (Firefox) for a couple of weeks now. Sometimes when I click on something nothing happens and I need to click a second, third, even fourth time. This mainly occurs when selecting or closing a tab. Same goes for when I hit backspace to go back one page.. sometimes it just completely doesn't go through. Got any idea why this might be?
never had that problem but for FUCKS SAKE i cannot get flash player to install on firefox, ive reinstalled it/updated it and still cant get it. if i ever go to youtube or something that needs flash i have to open up IE to view it
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2008-02-06, 23:20
Throbbing Member
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Location: Californeeway
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I'll either burn them or carry a few real CDs in my car, but I'd never put carry around more than six or seven.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2008-02-07, 00:21
Join Date: Apr 2004
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ive got a case full of like 70 real ones

2008-02-07, 00:44
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
Originally Posted by Transient
ive got a case full of like 70 real ones
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2008-02-07, 00:51
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 4,137
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2008-02-07, 15:36
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: your pants
Posts: 963
Originally Posted by guitar_demon
never had that problem but for FUCKS SAKE i cannot get flash player to install on firefox, ive reinstalled it/updated it and still cant get it. if i ever go to youtube or something that needs flash i have to open up IE to view it
i had that problem too, did you try reinstalling firefox?

2008-02-07, 17:53
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: 昔昔
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Originally Posted by rabbifoodslicer
i had that problem too, did you try reinstalling firefox?
would i loose all my bookmarks and shit if i did that?
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2008-02-07, 18:50
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Maastricht, Netherlands
Posts: 1,506
Originally Posted by Transient
ive got a case full of like 70 real ones
why not get a mp3 carstereo ?
I've got a usb port on my carstereo so I can connect my Ipod to it.
.+-+ .....::::: Alive to Live, Not to Believe....In a God that I cannot see :::::..... +-+

2008-02-07, 19:09
Supreme Metalhead
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Location: Jersey (CI) UK
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Originally Posted by guitar_demon
would i loose all my bookmarks and shit if i did that?
It should ask you if you want to install personal data like that.

2008-02-07, 19:47
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: terra firma
Posts: 6,940
Originally Posted by guitar_demon
would i loose all my bookmarks and shit if i did that?
Save your bookmarks to a new folder on your desktop. Then once you reinstall it, drag the bookmarks into the mozilla bookmark folder.

2008-02-07, 21:31
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
Originally Posted by Six_Feet_Under_420
why not get a mp3 carstereo ?
I've got a usb port on my carstereo so I can connect my Ipod to it.
car is from 1997 , im not putting a dime into it!!!

2008-02-07, 21:33
Dog farts
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Posts: 5,008
I have a USB port in my car

2008-02-07, 22:30
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
i have a tape and cd deck!

2008-02-07, 22:34
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: 昔昔
Posts: 7,547
Originally Posted by Transient
car is from 1997 , im not putting a dime into it!!!
mines from 78 and that was the first thing i put into it. fuck only having am/fm
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2008-02-07, 23:51
Throbbing Member
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Location: Californeeway
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I just cut my balls trying to shave with a buzzer. It hurts but at least it didn't bleed too much.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2008-02-08, 00:04
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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Originally Posted by guitar_demon
mines from 78 and that was the first thing i put into it. fuck only having am/fm
haha im looking to get a new car. i have no problem with cds

2008-02-08, 00:18
Death to all but metal!
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Originally Posted by Darko
I just cut my balls trying to shave with a buzzer. It hurts but at least it didn't bleed too much.
I usually just buzz the shaft... never shaved my balls though. I bet it tickles.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2008-02-08, 00:38
Throbbing Member
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Yeah, I usually just clip the long fuckers on my jimmyjangles but over the last few months I hadn't kept up and it was getting a little out of control. It kind of tickeled from the vibrations.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2008-02-08, 01:55
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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The key is to twist the sack hair and then shave closely to the sack with the side burn trimmer of your electric razor. 
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2008-02-08, 01:58
Throbbing Member
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Location: Californeeway
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I normally twist and cut but thought that'd be unnecessary with the buzzer that I just bought.
I should have recorded the process and sent it in to the next BME Pain Olympics.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery
Last edited by Darko : 2008-02-08 at 02:06.

2008-02-08, 02:08
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
haha. I've cut my balls many times. It's not a great time.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2008-02-08, 02:19
Throbbing Member
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Location: Californeeway
Posts: 7,909
I'm concerned for you. What kind of situations do you put yourself in to get your balls cut so much?
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2008-02-08, 02:28
Legio Draconorum Orkian
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: upon raging waves
Posts: 4,499
Originally Posted by Darko
I'm concerned for you. What kind of situations do you put yourself in to get your balls cut so much?
he has tons of pics that show exactly what kind of situations he puts himself into. loool. 

2008-02-08, 02:36
Throbbing Member
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Your face is a situation!
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2008-02-08, 03:14
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
Originally Posted by Darko
I'm concerned for you. What kind of situations do you put yourself in to get your balls cut so much?
Experience. lololol.
Well, I guess not that many times. I'M A FLIP FLOPPER, I ADMIT IT.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2008-02-08, 03:17
Legio Draconorum Orkian
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: upon raging waves
Posts: 4,499

2008-02-08, 03:19
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
How many times is a lot?
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2008-02-08, 03:31
Throbbing Member
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Location: Californeeway
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More than 3 times.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2008-02-08, 03:36
the siamese
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Location: naked in a dead teenages dump
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Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
The key is to twist the sack hair and then shave closely to the sack with the side burn trimmer of your electric razor. 
Situation: You are shaving your pube, then, your mother enters the bathroom.
thats how you cut you balls
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
I'd cum in her even if it was my own daugther.
Originally Posted by Bassbehemoth
Sick. It's an overly sugared and overly carbonated vagina drink.

2008-02-08, 03:44
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
Originally Posted by Darko
More than 3 times.
Find me guilty.
Bob: lock the door. haha.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2008-02-08, 03:56
Throbbing Member
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Location: Californeeway
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You know, BB - they sell saftey Scissors. Might want to look into that.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2008-02-08, 03:56
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Massachusetts
Posts: 800
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Originally Posted by BOB_ZE_METALLEU
Originally Posted by CannibalXampire
Everyone is wrong.

2008-02-08, 04:02
Life is pain.
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Australia
Posts: 4,510
just what the world needs, guitarist saturation.
cmon we really need more bass and drums

2008-02-08, 05:50
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
Originally Posted by Darko
You know, BB - they sell saftey Scissors. Might want to look into that.
Speaking of which, the old buzzard needs a shave.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2008-02-08, 06:39
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 840
Originally Posted by Infinity
just what the world needs, guitarist saturation.
cmon we really need more bass and drums
Hah, yeah right.
If possible, I think every band should pull a "Korn" on their bassists and drummers. 

2008-02-08, 06:42
Registered Sex Offender
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: La Follette
Posts: 2,400
Wow, talking about shaving and trimming your balls. Only until now have I realize metaltabs is a sausage festival. 
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
“I'm as firm as red clay and as constant as... drinkin'. I'm constantly drinkin'.” - Early Cuyler

2008-02-08, 06:52
Throbbing Member
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Its scary you were that far into denial.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2008-02-08, 06:59
Registered Sex Offender
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Location: La Follette
Posts: 2,400
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
“I'm as firm as red clay and as constant as... drinkin'. I'm constantly drinkin'.” - Early Cuyler

2008-02-08, 07:01
Throbbing Member
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Location: Californeeway
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It was a sausage fest until BB told us of his shaky right. Now its a blood sausage fest.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2008-02-08, 07:57
Registered Sex Offender
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Location: La Follette
Posts: 2,400
It's Trendkill 420's birthday. Today he becomes 25 and 27. 
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
“I'm as firm as red clay and as constant as... drinkin'. I'm constantly drinkin'.” - Early Cuyler

2008-02-08, 13:15
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
Originally Posted by Darko
It was a sausage fest until BB told us of his shaky right. Now its a blood sausage fest.
I miss Trendkill.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2008-02-08, 17:11
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: austin tx
Posts: 2,234
I've been earning money by watching porn. $1 an hour is the base rate and I've made 30 bucks in the past 3 days. I know someone who made 300 bucks doing this last month. The problem is that the company doesn't pay you until the first of each month so I actually haven't gotten paid yet.
No, they didn't ask for a credit card.
If it won't count as spam, I'll post the link. Otherwise, PM and I'll tell you the details. I need to be cautious after just coming back from my ban.

2008-02-08, 17:19
Registered Sex Offender
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Location: La Follette
Posts: 2,400
I bet you're sore from all that work. 
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
“I'm as firm as red clay and as constant as... drinkin'. I'm constantly drinkin'.” - Early Cuyler

2008-02-08, 19:19
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
I've been earning money by watching porn. $1 an hour is the base rate and I've made 30 bucks in the past 3 days. I know someone who made 300 bucks doing this last month. The problem is that the company doesn't pay you until the first of each month so I actually haven't gotten paid yet.
No, they didn't ask for a credit card.
If it won't count as spam, I'll post the link. Otherwise, PM and I'll tell you the details. I need to be cautious after just coming back from my ban.
haha. So much for giving Requiem girl advice..looks like the man will find his new job!
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2008-02-08, 19:21
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Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
haha. So much for giving Requiem girl advice..looks like the man will find his new job!
lolol........he already pm'd me. lololololol

2008-02-08, 19:22
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Man, tripping on robo is awesome. See you guys in two days. lol

2008-02-08, 19:28
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thats fuckin gross man.
make sure you take a big shit. it makes all the difference............seriously.

2008-02-08, 20:17
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Last night Nick and I went to Red Ash cemetery with a voice recorder. We actually got something, I think. I recorded it onto my computer but it sounds pretty rough. Listen closely at around 0:04 and tell me what you think it says.
Don't step on me.
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
“I'm as firm as red clay and as constant as... drinkin'. I'm constantly drinkin'.” - Early Cuyler

2008-02-08, 20:52
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cant make it out but it sounds like a man whispering

2008-02-08, 22:42
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Due to the high volume of PMs I've got recently, I'm just gonna post on how you can make money watching porn.
It pays you monthly on how many hours you watch and transfers teh money to a paypal account.....starts at a dollar an hour and then increases based on a couple different things. They transfer the money at the end of the month.
But here is the beauty of it all. You can just put in another tab on firefox and walk away from the computer. Go to work. Go to school and let it run.
Some perks:
for firefox users, get this:
Sometimes, the popups make sound (HQ tube). This allows you to block the video while still allowing hte website access. Also, 'uh-uhs' wont be going on in the background when you try to listen to music.
This allows you to hide the tab bar, so that if other people in your family want to use the computer, they'll have no idea what's going on in the background.
Lastly, you might need your computer's power settings. You can do this by right clicking somewhere not on an icon in your desktop. Go to PROPERTIES and click POWER.
In the POWER SCHEMES tab, set all those drop menus to NEVER.
That way you can leave it running all night.
Try this shit out. I've made 45 bucks already.

2008-02-09, 00:05
Die Young.
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Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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haha, you guys are ridiculous. Get a girlfriend for fuck sake.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2008-02-09, 00:34
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: austin tx
Posts: 2,234
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
haha, you guys are ridiculous. Get a girlfriend for fuck sake.
i dont look at the porn......however, i do make money.

2008-02-09, 00:41
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 840
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
haha, you guys are ridiculous. Get a girlfriend for fuck sake.
Or use your porn money to take your girlfriend out to a really nice dinner.
I was always told if it seems too good to be true, it usually is, and that seems way too fucking good to be true.

2008-02-09, 00:43
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2008-02-09, 01:42
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Originally Posted by moe_blunts
I've made 45 bucks already.
You watched 45 hours of porn? lol
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2008-02-09, 01:52
Life is pain.
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you get paid a dollar an hour. thats how much it costs to run your pc for that long.

2008-02-09, 01:56
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Originally Posted by Infinity
you get paid a dollar an hour. thats how much it costs to run your pc for that long.
it increases with more activity. and it's not like the program totally takes over your pc. it's just in the background.

2008-02-09, 02:15
Life is pain.
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Location: Australia
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you're an idiot.

2008-02-09, 02:43
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Originally Posted by Infinity
you're an idiot.
that's sig worthy..... 

2008-02-09, 02:49
Die Young.
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Hellifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Posts: 8,633
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
i dont look at the porn......however, i do make money.
Sorry to razz ya moe, but you're getting paid boarder-jumper wage for this shit.
Bitches, Hoes And Corn Rows.
Originally Posted by moe_blunts
you done told me lots of thangs bout beer n shit and canada. have a grand ol cunt of a good time.
RIP moe.

2008-02-09, 03:15
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: austin tx
Posts: 2,234
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Sorry to razz ya moe, but you're getting paid boarder-jumper wage for this shit.
it's not my primary source of income and it's not really 'work.' lol. i sit at the computer and listen to music way too much as it is. why not get paid for it?

2008-02-09, 19:57
Supreme Metalhead
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 840
Originally Posted by Infinity
you're an idiot.
You're a piece of shit.
Hurray for random unprovoked insults!
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Sorry to razz ya moe, but you're getting paid boarder-jumper wage for this shit.
You probably shouldn't razz on him. If he can actually get paid $3 an hour doing absolutely nothing, then it doesn't matter how crap the pay is, it's free money. That's all assuming it actually works and doesn't flood your computer with Trojans, and other nasty bugs native to porn slums, and also if he has a real job to compliment this.

2008-02-09, 20:08
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ima just see if it works this month. i still have a job, but $300 supplemental income never hurts.

2008-02-09, 20:15
Registered Sex Offender
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Location: La Follette
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What's the catch? Do you review the movies?
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
“I'm as firm as red clay and as constant as... drinkin'. I'm constantly drinkin'.” - Early Cuyler

2008-02-09, 20:46
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Monterey, CA
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Originally Posted by MyOwnSavior
What's the catch? Do you review the movies?
the catch is..he hasn't specified what type of porn it is! scat, homoerotic, and elderly porn most likely. 

2008-02-09, 21:35
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I'm wondering why he's so big on promoting it. He's got a giant link in his signature for it, too.
Sounds like some kind of scam or bullshit spam thing and I'm too lazy to look into it. Either way, even if it was true 1$ an hour isn't worth my CPU usage.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2008-02-09, 21:59
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Originally Posted by xgrafcorex
sad thing is that they probably have no interest in the music you listen to, and/or they were just gonna sell whatever they got in the first place. then upon finding out what you had in your car, no offense meant..just that it wasn't a collection of the top 100 pop albums, they may even toss it out thinking it's worthless.  one of my friends in high school had the same thing happen to him, only they didn't leave any cd's besides what was in the cd player. his were all in one of those cases. i bet the person that stole them was pissed too...mostly just punk rock.
PErfect idea for a bumper sticker. "YOU! Don't even bother stealing the Cds from my truck; There's no Tupac or Dr. Dre for you."
Keep checking for new crap.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
It's really sad, all those people who don't understand why we shouldn't act like our enemies. The real victory is not only killing and imprisoning the terrorists, but also letting civilized manners override the lust for revenge, once the battle is over.

2008-02-09, 22:23
Registered Sex Offender
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That sticker wouldn't apply to me. I own The Chronic.
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
“I'm as firm as red clay and as constant as... drinkin'. I'm constantly drinkin'.” - Early Cuyler

2008-02-09, 22:33
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: terra firma
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Originally Posted by Darko
I'm wondering why he's so big on promoting it. He's got a giant link in his signature for it, too.
Sounds like some kind of scam or bullshit spam thing and I'm too lazy to look into it. Either way, even if it was true 1$ an hour isn't worth my CPU usage.
Man, if you have a gig of RAM or more you can easily have that running in the background. I think it is legitimate but I first need to get a debit card, which won't be anytime soon.

2008-02-09, 23:22
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I know I could run it fine, but that little bit of CPU power isn't worth a dollar an hour and the entire concept is just fucking weird and shady. I'm not that desperate for money.
Why wouldn't it be any time soon? You can walk into a bank and get a Debit card in like 15 minutes.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2008-02-09, 23:25
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No job; money.

2008-02-10, 00:04
Death to all but metal!
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Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,
Last edited by MetalThrashingMad : 2008-02-10 at 00:07.

2008-02-10, 00:35
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I'm not even sure what he meant by that.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2008-02-10, 01:14
Death to all but metal!
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I have absolutely no clue as to what he meant by that.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2008-02-10, 01:29
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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steve id still like to pop over sometime, maybe tomorrow afternoon or next weekend?
stuff im dying for
think this, world circus, megadeth - so far so good reissue (ive never heard this hahaha), megadeth - rust in peace resisue (i have original mix), maybe some believer, any good exodus besides bonded...

2008-02-10, 01:30
Death to all but metal!
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Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2008-02-10, 01:30
Death to all but metal!
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Location: Highway to the Danger Zone
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I'll have the stuff copied 
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,
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