2010-10-23, 08:25
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I did, but sofar I noticed nothing (wacky wasteland)
Edit: ah no wait, after long pondering, I took another perk, cause I first wanted to see the game through normally, and thought I'd keep it for a second playthrough. I'm sure there'll be youtube-vids of it online soon though.
So this Georgian Olympian runs into a bar
Aosoth - New album III out now on Agonia Recs
Epoch - bass, guitars, drums, MetaStasizing out asap
Asphixa - bass, demo out asap
Adustum - bass, guitars, full length out soon on XXXXXXXXXX recs
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Tetianblood? ... Well, 'Necrosemen' to you too. Twat.
Last edited by Wolfsherz : 2010-10-23 at 17:56.

2010-10-23, 18:17
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You guys tried to get into the Nellis Air Base yet? Oh man, is that a riot trying to dodge the artillery and exploding cars.
Who are your companions? I just have Boone, but I have read that you can have multiple. I haven't come across anyone else yet.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2010-10-23, 22:02
Forum Daemon
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Just discovered this:
addspecialpoints #
Be sure to only add the number you require; if you add too many you can't proceed (it won't close the window until you've spent them all). If you fuck it up just open the console again and enter a smaller number, which will override the last one.
player.additem 000000F 99999 [will add 99999 caps]
player.additem 000000A 99999 [will add 99999 Bobby Pins]
unlock [will unlock the selected door, terminal or whatever]
Oh yeah, I completed the game today. I thought I had done pretty much every mission on offer, but it still felt quite short. Now I've started a new game and I'm seeing how far I can get by killing every single person I meet. Beheading them with the caravan shotgun seems to be the most fun. It's all the more fun with this command:
tmm 1
That command shows all map markers and lets you use the quick travel function to get to them, even if you haven't visited them yet. No more trying to find your way over unending mountains in the dark!

2010-10-23, 22:12
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Fuck codes. I refuse to use them until I've done it myself.
You did every mission already? I doubt that, that seems like it'd take a really, really long fucking time considering a lot of quests become inaccessible due to your alliance with certain factions. Also, there are three possible endings so you'd have to at least go through it three times to get them all. But, if you have, please tell me how to get into Vault 11 (I think its that vault, its the one in the South Vegas ruins). The door says its opened from elsewhere and I can't seem to find where. I'm on the quest were you have to help the Brotherhood of Steal get new parts for their worn air-system.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2010-10-23, 23:14
Forum Daemon
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I think Vault 11's door is opened using the control panel right next to it. I don't remember having any difficulty getting into it.
I didn't mean I did ALL the missions, but I did all of the available missions for the particular path I took through the game, and it was somewhat shorter than I was expecting. My ending was a bit shit/tragic, though. Kinda annoying because I tried to be a nice lad.
I don't think the developers anticipated the mindless killing of every character in the game, because I just killed The Yes Man and the quest list is still telling me to talk to him about taking over Vegas. I found a console command which automatically "completes" whatever quest you're on, so I'll still be able to continue my spree.

2010-10-24, 03:29
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I just read an article with one of the developers saying that it is both possible to kill absolutely everything in the game and complete, or kill no one.
What ending path did you choose? And what happened? I don't know which one I want to take (as long as its not with the Legions. I hate them.). I don't care about the surprise. I made a save right before I have to decide if I want to kill Mr. House or go with him. I killed house just to see what it was like and it was pretty bizarre. Poor decrepit old fucker - I shot him in the head!
My new favorite weapon is the Sniper Rifle with the silencer add-on. I can sneak around and pop heads all day without anyone knowing. I took out the entire legion base with Boone by doing that! You guys used the Anti-Material Sniper Rifle yet? Man, is that thing a beast. .50 cal awesomeness.
My new favorite thing to do is reverse pick-pocket live C4 into prostitutes on the strip and then send them flying. I've had a couple times where they fly so high they get halfway up the Lucky 38 needle.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery
Last edited by Dyldo : 2010-10-25 at 08:06.

2010-10-25, 22:05
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Some neat lil' mods up in this bitch
Taking my sweet time right now, still just mostly exploring and sidequestin'. Only just went to see Mr House.
As I level up, fighting the smaller animals is become quite the hassle though. ESPECIALLY THOSE OVERSIZED MOSQUITOES, gah I just open up the console and kill 'em that way. I ain't spending my precious rare sniper-ammo on you lil' bitches.
So this Georgian Olympian runs into a bar
Aosoth - New album III out now on Agonia Recs
Epoch - bass, guitars, drums, MetaStasizing out asap
Asphixa - bass, demo out asap
Adustum - bass, guitars, full length out soon on XXXXXXXXXX recs
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Tetianblood? ... Well, 'Necrosemen' to you too. Twat.

2010-10-25, 22:54
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Yeah, I fucking hate those things. Cadozas? I think that's what they're called. I find that the Flamer is pretty effective against them (especially with the expanded fuel tank) since they like to swarm from all sides. Cripple some wings and just back-up and shoot.
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2010-10-26, 20:51
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I hope there'll be a mod soon that decently holsters your weapons, and not just glues them to your back magically. Or more importantly, A MOD FOR SMOKING IN GAME.
Also, has one of you two already had the opportunity to kill or disable Mr. House? If yes what did you do and what did that do?
So this Georgian Olympian runs into a bar
Aosoth - New album III out now on Agonia Recs
Epoch - bass, guitars, drums, MetaStasizing out asap
Asphixa - bass, demo out asap
Adustum - bass, guitars, full length out soon on XXXXXXXXXX recs
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Tetianblood? ... Well, 'Necrosemen' to you too. Twat.

2010-10-26, 21:36
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Oh my god. I have to get the Archimedes II: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBvS...feature=related
ITS A FUCKING HIGH ORBITAL LASER CANNON. I just hope I can still get it after having finishing the quest a long time ago.
Yeah, I killed Mr. House. You then have to have Yes Man install himself into the mainframe and then its a new route for a different ending. I went back and re-did it not killing him though. I felt bad.
Also, nude mod: http://www.computerandvideogames.co...e.php?id=271983
" Someone's taken criticism suggesting that Fallout: New Vegas isn't pretty enough the wrong way - and stripped all the in-game women naked. Sorry, did we say someone? We meant a hero."
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i'm so bonery

2010-10-27, 00:19
Forum Daemon
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So, you guys like this game, is what you're saying? Right?
I want to play but am not cool enough to have video games in my life. I was before, but now I'm not. I'm not sure what happened. But I'll probably get New Vegas at some point, maybe in a year when the 'Game of the Year' edition comes out.

2010-10-31, 19:07
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PST, unless you have a fair amount of free time I'd advise you not to play this fucker, because it's one of those games where you feel as if you've only played it for half an hour and then you look at the clock and it's March!
I need some help with Fallout Vegasness:
The radar on the bottom-left of the screen is fairly useless, and I'm assuming this is because I'm just not using it correctly. When you have more than one mission objective there's no obvious way of telling them apart without centring one of them and then checking your map to see which one you're looking at, if you know what I mean. It's difficult to tell which marker is for which objective most of the time unless you have a photographic memory. Is there an easier way of knowing which is which?
My second issue with it is that it doesn't give you any indication of the altitude of your quest location. In games like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. the map marker or the radar icon will change to an upwards pointer or a downwards pointer if you're not "level" with the mission objective, which is extremely handy. In Fallout you seemingly have to just check every floor of a building until you stumble across the correct place, which is fucking tiresome business. If I'm missing something here let me know!

2010-11-01, 19:44
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From what I understand, and I hope I understand wrong, that's pretty much how it works. I'm surprised I didn't wear out my Tab key from pulling up the map so fucking much.
Yeah, that's annoying too. However, you can tell if its on another level if the map marker in the building is on a door. I really wish they did a better job with the maps of buildings and stuff.
I actually haven't played since I beat it last week.
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i'm so bonery

2010-11-23, 22:16
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Someone crack and upload Assass(hehehehehhehe)in(heheheheheheh)s Creed Brotherhood NOW
So this Georgian Olympian runs into a bar
Aosoth - New album III out now on Agonia Recs
Epoch - bass, guitars, drums, MetaStasizing out asap
Asphixa - bass, demo out asap
Adustum - bass, guitars, full length out soon on XXXXXXXXXX recs
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Tetianblood? ... Well, 'Necrosemen' to you too. Twat.

2010-11-23, 22:36
Forum Daemon
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The PC version isn't coming out until early next year
Oh yeah, Portal 2 was pushed back AGAIN! It's now not coming out until April 2011. I wouldn't be surprised if it was pushed back even further, like my turds when I was an altar boy.

2010-11-23, 22:46
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2010-11-25, 10:39
Forum Daemon
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From the 24th to the 29th Steam will be having daily sales. Some pretty good discounts from what I can see, although the current selection is a bit shit.

2010-11-25, 15:03
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Dear Treyarch,
Please stop always buzzkilling the awesome shit Infinity Ward does. You did it once with World At War, that contrary to what regular people would conclude after the succes of a Call of Duty game that WASN'T set during the squeezed out lemon that World War II is, was set once again during World War II, only a version of it where everything is really really boring without MW's WHATTHEFUCKIMGONNALOSEMYSHIT-moments.
Now you did it again.
I mean you fucking made VIETNAM (Vietnam needs MORE games, it has everything: bitches, CCR, Hendrix, black soldiers, badass setting, ...) boring.
A vegetation-based level with some Rolling Stones and CCR thrown in in a cheap, cheap way doesn't make a Vietnam-setting. Badassery does.
Please don't dicksuck/rusty trombone/reacharound/Mexican landslide Activision or whatever it is you do to make them give out the COD-franchise in your chubby, potatocrisp-crusted greasy little fat asian hands again every time Infinity Ward gives off a IM GONNA LOSE MY SHIIIIIIIIT, IT'S BEGINNIIIIIIIING-game, only for you to have to hype up your own game afterwards with massive ad-campagns and then have it suck.
Oh my god I fucking hate you guys so much. I already knew that you were gonna fuck up during World at War because it was set during World War II which is the homebase of Captain Borington McBuzzkillington the First Duke of Snoreville 2 Electric Boogaloo county, but with THIS
You bastards. Ooooh you mofuckers.
Your leveldesign sucks. And your storytelling okay Modern Warfare 2 was a bit ehm, all over the place but this shit is epileptic. Okay it's better than World at War (congratiulations on winning that hard to reach gamertrophy you lazy sons of bitches oh god I hate you I will show up on your quarters someday Treyarch, I won't return) because that story...
Okay quick question:
without googling
recall World At War's story next to kill some gooks but not in vietnam (goddamnit).
And how can you always make such big maps, only to have them rendered into corridor-levels? Yoouuuu sons of bitches, that is just not cool brah.
CORRIDOR, CORRIDOR, CORRIDOR, even the "nuke just exploded in your face enjoy your last five steps off life!"-level in Modern Warfare I was less linear.
Ah shit I hate you guys.
So this Georgian Olympian runs into a bar
Aosoth - New album III out now on Agonia Recs
Epoch - bass, guitars, drums, MetaStasizing out asap
Asphixa - bass, demo out asap
Adustum - bass, guitars, full length out soon on XXXXXXXXXX recs
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Tetianblood? ... Well, 'Necrosemen' to you too. Twat.
Last edited by Wolfsherz : 2010-11-25 at 15:11.

2010-11-25, 15:18
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d00d`s angry
You should make a thread with a title like "Long-ass letter I wrote to Treyarch". Anyway I can feel your pain. Especially about the Vietnam thing. Just think of a great shooter where traps are everywhere and funny vietnamese people shooting at you with nailguns 'n shit like that!! Orgasm man orgasm
C'est le chant des vieux arbres entonné pour toi,
Pour ces bois obscurs maintenant endormis.
R.I.P moe

2010-11-25, 15:34
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What you are looking for is VIETCONG.
Vietcong 1, NOT Vietcong 2. That game was fucked up in how much it sucked.
Same dudes who did Mafia. Good game. One of the best shooters ever afaic.
So this Georgian Olympian runs into a bar
Aosoth - New album III out now on Agonia Recs
Epoch - bass, guitars, drums, MetaStasizing out asap
Asphixa - bass, demo out asap
Adustum - bass, guitars, full length out soon on XXXXXXXXXX recs
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Tetianblood? ... Well, 'Necrosemen' to you too. Twat.

2010-11-25, 15:35
Forum Daemon
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After I finished the botched assassination attempt of Fidel Castro in Black Ops I decided that I'm not even slightly capable of ignoring the racist, jingoistic nonsense in these wretched games, and I bailed. I actually feel physical pain in my head when I play this shit. These games are like military recruitment campaigns for flag-sucking autistic chimps.
As far as the gameplay is concerned, it felt as I was trying to steer a gun-mounted shopping trolley with an unruly elephant in it. Very clunky controls, equally clunky gun-play and these controls are all you have to guide you through very confusing missions/set pieces.
Regardless, I think this style of war game has had its day. You take cover, shoot enemies, try to move forward to new cover and repeat ad nauseum. At least with games like Crysis there's a certain degree of freedom and strategy involved in how you carry out an objective. Call of Duty-style games may as well be rail shooters.
Infinity Ward, Treyarch and Activision are the Himmler, Goering and Goebbels of the video game industry.

2010-11-27, 03:33
Forum Daemon
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Call of Duty games all suck, as do most FPS's that can be described in their entirety by the genre name. Which is to say almost all of them. It'd be a wonder that they're so successful if it weren't that most people are so stupid.

2010-11-27, 12:16
Forum Daemon
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You speak the truth. I'm so bored by this shit that I don't even bother illegally downloading these games for free anymore. I actually do feel like my brain activity shifts into some lower, dumber level when I play CoD and its clones.
I love adventure games (Monkey Island, Broken Sword, etc.) but because we're in a 3D age the old 2D style has been abandoned, seemingly for no reason other than using new technology just because it's there. As such, these games have become massive fucking chores; I never get used to the controls or the POV with its irritating fixed camera angles. For these reasons I'm not looking forward to the new episodic series of Back to the Future as much as I might have been, but I'm still somewhat excited about it.
Last edited by Paddy : 2010-11-28 at 16:27.
Reason: Typo

2010-12-10, 07:54
Forum Daemon
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Last edited by Paddy : 2010-12-10 at 10:53.
Reason: Fixed UK price

2010-12-15, 15:36
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i'm so bonery

2010-12-20, 16:14
Forum Daemon
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For anyone who doesn't own Machinarium - buy it. Support those fuckers so they'll make Machinarium 2: The Machinariuming.
Steam have started their daily Christmas sales. I just got all of the F.E.A.R. games and their expansions for Ł5.74 (my lovely wee bro bought it for me, because he's a sexy fucker and I'd like to feel him in me, and - given my Irishness - I already have on numerous occasions). Check dem shits out, the selection of games changes every day.
GOG.com are also offering pretty much their entire catalogue at a discount; half price in most cases. You oldschool isometric RPG gamers would be in hog's heaven over there.

2010-12-21, 09:02
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Thanks for the info paddy.
“Remember to live, eat, sleep and breathe music for the mind, play from your heart and never be swayed by the current trends.” ~Rusty Cooley

2010-12-21, 13:55
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Don't ever thank him. Ever! Once he feels like he's done something right he'll never stop. Its like giving a Gremlin water.
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i'm so bonery

2010-12-27, 09:53
Forum Daemon
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To everyone except Dyldo:
If you use Steam, and have a legit copy of Half-Life 2 or one of its episodes, you need to check out Goldeneye: Source which recently had its "finale version" release:
I don't usually play multiplayer except with my brothers on rare occasions, but if anyone's up for a few matches of this lemme know. I had a quick play-through one of the maps, to see how it looks/feels, and it's pretty awesome.

2010-12-27, 15:29
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Oh shit. Is it free?
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i'm so bonery

2010-12-27, 15:49
Forum Daemon
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Indeed it is!

2010-12-27, 15:49
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Originally Posted by Dyldo
Oh shit. Is it free?
No, it just says it's free on the website for shits and giggles.
“Remember to live, eat, sleep and breathe music for the mind, play from your heart and never be swayed by the current trends.” ~Rusty Cooley

2010-12-29, 06:44
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C'est le chant des vieux arbres entonné pour toi,
Pour ces bois obscurs maintenant endormis.
R.I.P moe

2010-12-29, 15:24
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I'm in the mood for a good horror game. What's better: Dead Space or Amnesia? Dead Space looks more like a Doom 3 horror game that relies more on the starteling tactic while Amnesia seems to be more of a pyschological horror game. The latter sounds like it'd be the better route, but some footage seemed a bit boring. Although I did really like the reviews on Wiki:
Amnesia has received highly positive reviews with consistent praise given for the ominous atmosphere and horror elements. John Walker of Rock, Paper, Shotgun even went as far as to say that "I think it is safe to say that Amnesia is the most successfully frightening game to have been made."[33] The Escapist's Zero Punctuation, known for its criticism of most modern horror games' not being scary, also praised the game's ability to terrify the player. Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw commented in the review that, "I guess it's good to stick to what you know, and Frictional seems to be stuck, nailed and riveted to what they know, and what they know is how to make me poo my pants." However, the review did point out that the level design gets repetitive at times. Another reviewer commented, "Oh God. I’ve seen horrible things. Horrible, terrible, disgusting things. They make me cringe, they make me feel gross, they make me depressed. I’ve seen them in Amnesia: The Dark Descent."
Also, has anyone played the new Fallout expansion?
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2010-12-29, 16:15
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AMNESIA. AMNESIA AMNESIA AMNESIA. You can objectively state that Amnesia scares you, as one of the only games out there. Whereas the rest are just some startle- and BOO-moments.
Is the new expansion out yet? Didn't know, thanks for the heads up, a detailed review will follow in the coming week.
Also, DEFINATELY check the "Yahtzee" reviews mentioned in that summary. Brilliant reviewer, zero in game footage, but surprisingly you know damned well what the game is like after his reviews. And he's incredibly funny to boot.
So this Georgian Olympian runs into a bar
Aosoth - New album III out now on Agonia Recs
Epoch - bass, guitars, drums, MetaStasizing out asap
Asphixa - bass, demo out asap
Adustum - bass, guitars, full length out soon on XXXXXXXXXX recs
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Tetianblood? ... Well, 'Necrosemen' to you too. Twat.

2010-12-30, 13:12
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Originally Posted by Wolfsherz
Also, DEFINATELY check the "Yahtzee" reviews mentioned in that summary. Brilliant reviewer, zero in game footage, but surprisingly you know damned well what the game is like after his reviews. And he's incredibly funny to boot.
Ahhh cmon we all know that guy. He's a freakin genius though. Without him I'D have failed every listening task in english class ever 
C'est le chant des vieux arbres entonné pour toi,
Pour ces bois obscurs maintenant endormis.
R.I.P moe

2010-12-30, 14:23
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Looks like I'm torrenting Amnesia. Probably won't be able to get to it for awhile but its definitely next on my list when I get some free time.
I remember that Yahtzee dude from one of you cunt-faces talking about it. He was funny and is a great source for English 101, I might add!
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2011-01-03, 09:31
Forum Daemon
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I've tried playing Amnesia 3 times now, and I can't get passed the first fucking part, mainly because I can't see what the Christ is in front of me. Is that what this groundbreaking, cliché-smashing horror is based on? Lots of impenetrable darkness? Fuck, if that's what horror is you should try fisting a black midget.

2011-01-17, 09:12
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Gamma +8.
I tried playing it a couple of times too. BUT FUCK NO, NOT GOING BACK THERE HELL NO EVEN IF YOU'D GIVE ME MONEY.
Whoa this thread expanded 10+ pages in the last year.
So this Georgian Olympian runs into a bar
Aosoth - New album III out now on Agonia Recs
Epoch - bass, guitars, drums, MetaStasizing out asap
Asphixa - bass, demo out asap
Adustum - bass, guitars, full length out soon on XXXXXXXXXX recs
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Tetianblood? ... Well, 'Necrosemen' to you too. Twat.

2011-01-17, 12:02
Too _____, wouldn't fuck
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I'm torrenting it too, heard a lot about it and I'm pretty fucking sick of WoW, starcraft, or any other competitive gaming shit.
edit: The game is pretty cool, however my old image mounting software didn't work, so I tried a bunch of new freeware and it totally fucked up my computer, I can't even boot my pc right now. I literally installed Amnesia on that shit it seems. zing
Last edited by drawn&quartered : 2011-01-18 at 09:22.

2011-01-18, 11:55
Forum Daemon
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2011-01-18, 13:29
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I love you DAEMON tools. Still haven't gotten Amnesia yet.. but will when I get some free time.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2011-01-18, 13:41
Forum Daemon
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Being a cunt is a full-time job, after all.

2011-01-18, 20:56
Too _____, wouldn't fuck
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I normally use daemon tools, but I had an old version and for some reason it didn't want to uninstall/reinstall when upgrading.
I ended up just wiping my hard drive, the only thing I lost is all my progress on Amnesia
and I'm stuck with the shitty "unofficial" windows 7 again

2011-01-18, 23:00
Join Date: Oct 2006
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Originally Posted by drawn&quartered
and I'm stuck with the shitty "unofficial" windows 7 again
I dislike Windows 7 and honestly I don't know why. To a degree it seems to be ok, but I've had some issues then again I could be becoming an old man stuck in his ways. It's just too flashy, I disable everything anyway(classic look). But even then some of the stuff that pops up is still flashy. I loved Windows XP. It felt more like a work horse operating system. Sadly I'm stuck with Windows 7(Can't Downgrade) and I still don't know where half of the stuff is located like I do on XP. They have shifted so much stuff around. I hate the whole new user privileged deal with this system "user", I had to disable that with a reinstall. I've shifted more to using Linux then I ever have before. Plus information on Linux is sorta withstanding, with Windows shit it's like every time you turn around there is a new way to do this and the old ways obsolete. I had some apps that wouldn't uninstall off of Windows 7, registry error of some sort. I had to do a fresh install, sucked I was so pissed I just went ahead and lost it all without trying to back up anything.
I can say one thing though it least where not on Windows Vista. Vista was the rebirth of Windows Me, how in hell a company flops twice I'll never know.
Some guys are actually working on a free windows type operating system like windows 2000/XP. It's called ReactOS I tried to use it on a low end system but It had some issues. If they ever get that up and running where you can program on it and those same programs will work on Windows platforms I'd switch. I need a workstation not a operating system full of crapware and flash eating up my resources.
Speaking of ReactOS here's the main site and the second link is screen shots of them running it.
The screen shots are nice and all but I couldn't get it to work. I mean It would start up, but other than that if you went to click on a directory folder it would just do nothing. It was like the ReactOS GUI worked, but nothing else. Then again my hardware could have been an issue. But after my play around with it, and those screen shots of programs running on it, in the next few months it may be a big hit. I mean I love Linux, but in no way is it better or worse than Windows. Both have issues, and I've ran into MAJOR problems with both. However, that's comparing Windows XP to Linux.
I've had Linux to black screen, I've had Windows to blue screen.
I've had Linux to freeze up, I've had Windows to freeze up.
I've had major network problems with Linux, I've had major network problems with windows.
I actually had to uninstall network manager in Linux to get my network back up in running and set a static I.P. Realtek Ethernet cards and Linux don't hit it off very well. Also had to set a static I.P. on a Windows machine as well to get it back on the network..
I've had software not wanting to install on Linux.
I've had software not wanting to uninstall on Windows.
Always found the last two weird. I did however track the problem down for both. Except with the Linux machine it took some file deletions(Also could have been a tad bit of impatiens), not a fresh reinstall.
Speaking of which anyone ever tried a Unix type system? I've thought about but it seems to me ones you stream away from Windows or Linux, useful software becomes less and less because of few developers. I mean Google and Oracle have a operating system out now, I just couldn't imagine my self using either. Why anyone would want to use them I find strange. I mean you could essentially only run programs written in Java.
“Remember to live, eat, sleep and breathe music for the mind, play from your heart and never be swayed by the current trends.” ~Rusty Cooley
Last edited by Pr0az : 2011-01-18 at 23:15.

2011-01-24, 12:54
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Well, they run Unix in some of the computer labs at my uni; particularly the ones running CAD software, experimental measurements and so on. Myself, I've never had a problem with those, and I've spent a few hours with them. The labs running Windows though... there have been... trouble.
Just out of curiosity, do we have any more Silent Hill fans around here? Work tempo lately has had me so hyped up that I've had a few hours every few days for a few weeks when I was finished for the day but couldn't go to sleep, so I actually sat down to play some computer games, which haven't happened since I don't know when. Just finished SH2 and is about to start up SH3. It's great because I had actually forgotten a lot about the details, and especially about most of the endings and how to get to them. Just remembered the dog in SH2, for some weird reason.
I like Silent Hill, at least 1-3, which are the only ones I've played. Horror that actually doesn't bore me.
Listening to Cannibal Corpse and cutting trees with a chainsaw, now that's metal
"He preferred the hard truth over his dearest illusion. That, is the heart of science."
- Carl Sagan
"Imagination is more important than intelligence" - Einstein

2011-01-24, 13:05
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Originally Posted by Amadeus
I like Silent Hill, at least 1-3, which are the only ones I've played. Horror that actually doesn't bore me.
Never played them, but had a friend who loved it. About the only part I remember from it is walking outside down the road with a flash light and monsters come out on you. I think it's the part where the dogs run at you...
“Remember to live, eat, sleep and breathe music for the mind, play from your heart and never be swayed by the current trends.” ~Rusty Cooley

2011-01-24, 15:09
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I tried getting into SL1 about a year ago with a copy Paddy gave me but I couldn't get into it. I'm sure if I had played it when I was young I'd go ape-shit and nostalgia all over my pants, though.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2011-01-24, 15:25
Forum Daemon
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I played the original on the Playstation, but I didn't play the sequels, although my wee brother swears by them; they're his favourite games as far as I know. I think for its time Silent Hill was somewhat groundbreaking, if only in terms of the atmosphere. No matter how you slice it it's basically just a Resident Evil clone.
Speaking of atmosphere, Amnesia: The Dark Descent pretty much kicks ass in that department. The gameplay itself is fucking mind-numbingly pedestrian, however. A lot of running around fetching keys and items with very little guidance. I had to turn the gamma up about 2/3 just so that I could see what the fuck I was doing. I imagine it'd be more nerve racking the darker it is but fuck me they're taking the piss; I literally couldn't see anything. The writing/acting is a bit shit, too. I think this game is just a digital ghost train and the gameplay elements are afterthoughts.
I started playing Red Faction: Guerrilla [sic] again today. I'm basically just rushing through the story missions so I can unlock more explosives and the jet pack. I couldn't care less about the single player campaign (or the multiplayer, for that mater) but fuck me I loves knocking down buildings.

2011-01-24, 15:51
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So this Georgian Olympian runs into a bar
Aosoth - New album III out now on Agonia Recs
Epoch - bass, guitars, drums, MetaStasizing out asap
Asphixa - bass, demo out asap
Adustum - bass, guitars, full length out soon on XXXXXXXXXX recs
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Tetianblood? ... Well, 'Necrosemen' to you too. Twat.

2011-01-24, 15:54
Forum Daemon
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Seriously? I had an inkling that it would, but official confirmation would pretty much make my day.
Last edited by Paddy : 2011-01-25 at 05:10.
Reason: Typo

2011-01-24, 18:21
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Originally Posted by Some dude on other forum;3672703
So this Georgian Olympian runs into a bar
Aosoth - New album III out now on Agonia Recs
Epoch - bass, guitars, drums, MetaStasizing out asap
Asphixa - bass, demo out asap
Adustum - bass, guitars, full length out soon on XXXXXXXXXX recs
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Tetianblood? ... Well, 'Necrosemen' to you too. Twat.

2011-01-25, 01:33
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Originally Posted by Paddy
I played the original on the Playstation, but I didn't play the sequels, although my wee brother swears by them; they're his favourite games as far as I know. I think for its time Silent Hill was somewhat groundbreaking, if only in terms of the atmosphere. No matter how you slice it it's basically just a Resident Evil clone.
Isn't RE more of an action game? Never played it, just heard and seen a little. Viewed as action games I'd say SH aren't all that; the controls deserve at least some of the bad press it's gotten, and the auto aim can be a source of irritation. What hooked me was the psychology, back story and problem solving. Admittedly, sometimes it does get a little
"There's an object blocking the door. Would you like to perform an amazingly complex sequence of events instead of just pushing it, which really is just a medium sized box, out of the way? YES/YES."
...but hey. Run it on Action level Normal and Riddle level Hard for the best experience, I'd say.
Listening to Cannibal Corpse and cutting trees with a chainsaw, now that's metal
"He preferred the hard truth over his dearest illusion. That, is the heart of science."
- Carl Sagan
"Imagination is more important than intelligence" - Einstein

2011-01-25, 05:43
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Originally Posted by Wolfsherz
Ahhh, I think I had heard similar stuff before. I'm not saying it's not significant, but I'll reserve ejaculation until Rockstar themselves say the word.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
Isn't RE more of an action game? Never played it, just heard and seen a little. Viewed as action games I'd say SH aren't all that; the controls deserve at least some of the bad press it's gotten, and the auto aim can be a source of irritation. What hooked me was the psychology, back story and problem solving. Admittedly, sometimes it does get a little
"There's an object blocking the door. Would you like to perform an amazingly complex sequence of events instead of just pushing it, which really is just a medium sized box, out of the way? YES/YES."
...but hey. Run it on Action level Normal and Riddle level Hard for the best experience, I'd say.
Resident Evil is largely the same as Silent Hill in terms of gameplay mechanics. A lot of puzzle solving and fighting off enemies. The atmosphere and storyline is a little drab in RE though, which is probably what sets Silent Hill apart from it. The voice acting is so bad that it's nearly worth playing the game just to hear it. Examples:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVyOCssIXgQ [Probably contains spoilers]

2011-01-25, 14:41
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There you have it, then. I've never been a real gamer, as just about every aspect of a game always takes the back seat to story for me. Especially SH2 drew me in, as you increasingly began understanding the dilemma that brought James to Silent Hill. I think it's well done, because there's always the knowledge that it could very well happen to you too. Well, not the things walking around with flesh straitjackets, or the Egyptian butcher, but you get my point.
The voice acting maybe isn't top notch at every instant in SH, but high heavens, it got nothing on that clip in terms of entertainment value.
Listening to Cannibal Corpse and cutting trees with a chainsaw, now that's metal
"He preferred the hard truth over his dearest illusion. That, is the heart of science."
- Carl Sagan
"Imagination is more important than intelligence" - Einstein

2011-01-25, 15:36
Forum Daemon
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Weirdly, for me, storylines in games are the thing which gets between me and playing the game. I can't think of a storyline in even one of my favourite games that I actually cared about, and I can't remember the last time I watched a full cut-scene without forgetting about what I was watching and imagining what would happen if a monkey in a hat bungee jumped. I think it's interesting to think about why that might be. I don't think I'm unintelligent or unemotional enough to be engrossed by game stories, it just doesn't light up my brain lobes up the same way it does other people's. What simmers my brain-spunk is environmental puzzle solving (Broken Sword, Monkey island, etc.) and/or extremely graphic and ultra-realistic violence, preferably in a sandbox world, preferably a world set on modern-day Earth. I'm generally put off by aliens, paranormal, futuristic or farming (e.g. WoW) gameplay elements. I do play that sort of stuff, mainly because I have no choice outside of re-playing GTA, but if I could make my own game it would almost certainly contain very little narrative and probably no cut-scenes.
A murder simulator, that's what I'm after. Make it happen, Pr0az!

2011-01-25, 16:02
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Originally Posted by Lester Bingsly
Aaaahaha, that's great. I don't remember it being that bad at all! I liked the first couple Resident Evil games when I was younger.
I have a hard time getting into most video game stories, too. I think Half-life is the only one I'm actually aware of and can explain the plot. Kind of.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery
Last edited by Dyldo : 2011-01-25 at 16:05.

2011-01-26, 03:48
Forum Daemon
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For those of us waiting to play Portal 2 you can get a taste for how the new gel/paint mechanic might work by playing the student game which inspired it:
Just as the original Portal was inspired by a student game called Narbacular Drop and the student devs were thereafter absorbed into Valve, DigiPen have pretty much done their work for them and earned themselves jobs in the process.
I'm downloading it now, I shall report back.
EDIT: It's actually pretty fucking fantastic. It's quite short, but I can see why Valve were interested in it; it's got the same sort of feel to it as Portal. The graphics are kinda Mirror's Edge meets Gravity Ball. It's only about 55MB too, so download that biatch.
Tip: the mouse wheel cycles between the different coloured paints (after you've picked them up first). The game doesn't actually tell you that, or at least I didn't notice it telling me that haha. Other than that it's very intuitive and if you're a Portal fan you'll pretty much breeze through it.
I'm looking forward to Portal 2 even more now.
Last edited by Paddy : 2011-01-26 at 04:31.

2011-01-26, 16:16
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It was neat, but I got bored of it after the 4th level and just uninstalleded it.
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i'm so bonery

2011-01-28, 16:51
Forum Daemon
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Just completed Amnesia. It's definitely the scariest game I've played to date, out-performing Condemned: Criminal Origins which was previously top of my list. Dead Space is often cited as one of the scariest games around, but after the first 10 minutes it loses all impact. Amnesia, on the other hand, never lets up.
The soundtrack is phenomenal, and the groaning whine of the Brutes when they're nearby is fucking unnerving. When a monster sees you and starts chasing you the soundtrack changes to this screeching alarm-like siren; the guards at Guantanamo Bay need to forget blasting prisoners with Metallica and use this shit if they wanna stress a false confession out of them.
The fact that the monsters are rarely encountered - and when you do encounter them you see them for a split second before running like fuck - is an integral part of the horror, which is something the devs of Dead Space don't get. The lack of combat is equally integral, because if you had a gun and if the monsters could actually be killed you'd feel like you could stand your ground, but your only choice in this game is to pull a Dylan and run like a sissy-girl.
For an independent game made with a skeleton crew of about 15 individuals this is some damn fine gaming. The fact that no big budget commercial horror game can stand shoulder to shoulder with it is even more impressive.

2011-01-28, 18:17
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Originally Posted by Paddy
Just completed Amnesia. It's definitely the scariest game I've played to date, out-performing Condemned: Criminal Origins which was previously top of my list. Dead Space is often cited as one of the scariest games around, but after the first 10 minutes it loses all impact. Amnesia, on the other hand, never lets up.
The soundtrack is phenomenal, and the groaning whine of the Brutes when they're nearby is fucking unnerving. When a monster sees you and starts chasing you the soundtrack changes to this screeching alarm-like siren; the guards at Guantanamo Bay need to forget blasting prisoners with Metallica and use this shit if they wanna stress a false confession out of them.
The fact that the monsters are rarely encountered - and when you do encounter them you see them for a split second before running like fuck - is an integral part of the horror, which is something the devs of Dead Space don't get. The lack of combat is equally integral, because if you had a gun and if the monsters could actually be killed you'd feel like you could stand your ground, but your only choice in this game is to pull a Dylan and run like a sissy-girl.
For an independent game made with a skeleton crew of about 15 individuals this is some damn fine gaming. The fact that no big budget commercial horror game can stand shoulder to shoulder with it is even more impressive.
Agreed with all of this, it was a really good game. I liked the story and finding parts of the diary. Reminded me of a game called Mist, where you have to solve puzzles but it is not dark or scary.
I really hope more games like amnesia come out, I might try some custom stories to get my fix.
Last edited by drawn&quartered : 2011-01-28 at 19:40.

2011-02-08, 12:18
Forum Daemon
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Maybe Amnesia has done too good a job at raising my expectations about what horror games can achieve, but Dead Space 2 is literally the least scary horror game I've ever played. Not only that, but it's just fucking shite. I liked the first game, but everything I liked about the first game has been stripped away for the sequel, leaving an unscary, clunky, mindless corridor shooter spunking every clichéd, cheesy "scare" tactic it can. It's like the writers simply downloaded a "Scary Game" MS Word template and just changed the character names. And have you seen the ratings it has been getting on review sites?? Jesus Christ, I haven't seen this much unjustified hysterical cocksucking since GTA IV and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
I'm thinking of trying out the Penumbra games, which were the first games by the developers of Amnesia and share many of its horror elements, except in the earlier games you can actually fight the baddies.

2011-02-08, 15:08
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Damn, I need to play this game.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2011-02-09, 10:19
Forum Daemon
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One of the devs of Amnesia has written a review of Dead Space 2 from his perspective as a designer:
Even though it's pretty scathing I still think he held back way too much, probably out of some sort of "we're all just trying to make games after all!" mutual respect. In this case it's a bit like a pornstar complimenting a colleague's cock after he appears in a kiddie snuff movie.

2011-02-09, 13:45
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Well I'm glad I didn't spend 8 hours downloading deadspace 2 from a torrent with 3 seeders.

2011-02-09, 14:10
Forum Daemon
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The Pirate Bay has a pretty healthy torrent for DS2 if you still wanna play it; there are 3377 seeds at the moment. I'd save my bandwidth, though.

2011-02-10, 14:17
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Okay so I've just spent a couple of hours playing Test Drive Unlimited 2, and I do feel I've got enough experience under my belt to shed some light on it already,
First of all,
Okay Test Drive Unlimited 2, you are what they'd call a racing game.
Then why why why why WHY does the care handle like this?
What's wrong? Hm? What's the problem dear Test Drive Unlimited 2?
Did the developers stick more time into your "look at how facebook we can get!" and the flatass forced "social AI-experience" than in the actual racing?
I'd think so, cause everytime I want to slightly steer to the left the car jumps left like a fucking retarded dog that's just spotted that one cat that always busts his balls but it's asleep now so now's my shot!
And when I want to steer hard to, say, just take a fucking 45 degree turn, suddenly you glue my car to the fucking asphalt so it just slams into the guardrail like that same retard dog after it just woke up from a bad dream so it just decided to FUCKING RUN.
Also, why the fuck do you insist on showing us "BUT WAIT IT HAS FIRST PERSON MENU'S AND SHIT LIKE THAT"
And what exactly is the whole point of those?
They just make it so that when you enter a store to buy those 300$ regular black sunglasses, instead of entering the store and getting a niftly little menu to choose said sunglasses, it just drops us into the front of the store, only to make us walk aaaaaaall the way to the other side of the blandly decorated store (might I add, you walk like an old tart that, 2 weeks after the last snow's melted, finally exits her home but still walks like a retard/walrus offspring "cause you never know"), up to the awkwardly moving NPC, then click her and only THEN just receive the
menu. Ffffffffffffffffuck you Atari for thinking this was a good idea.
Speaking of which, who at Atari studio's actually thought the voice actors doing the radio DJ's (there's a wide range of 2 - two - radio stations to choose from) were funny?
See I don't see anyone raising hands. Maybe you should've raised those hands when that socially handicapped coked up weltfremde motherfucker of a project manager suggested them.
Okay wait let's just say "fuck you, structure!" here and randomly break into a semi-related positive point: the soundtrack.
It may scream "BUDGET fucking CUTS!", seeing as it has not a single licensed track, meaning that every track was made specifically for this game by session musicians, but the work they did was pretty damn good.
Good albeit standard electro on the one station, and really really decent danceable rock on the other station with some sweet poppy vocals here 'n there.
Of course the lyrics are insssssssssanely retarded - also known as the Green Day/U2/every punkrock band ever-effect.
So back to the radio DJ's.
Oh boy.
They tried to go GTA on us. Only GTA is, you know, funny 'n shit.
The dance-station has the generic "sha-sha-sha-ssssshake yoooooouuuuuurrrr
bootyyyyy*" jingles, but the rock station. Oh what the fffffffffffffFVKK
It has this "oh my goood I play rock music I drink beer!!!!!! brb here's some ads cause I have to go now cause I ate too much jalapenos HAHAHHAHAAH RRRRRRRROCKAAAAAAAAAAAWNEH!"-DJ, and the ads are disgusting. Trying to be humorous, even a bit satirical but jesus fuck I want to punch the team responsable for this. It's 100% simpsons humor "make sort-of-joke, then explain the joke cause are fans are rrrrrrrrretards and then to spice it up we'll end with a really really really fast spoken health and safety warning! CHA CHING!". Fuck you. I will actually check the credits of this game to find out who's responsible for this. I will find you.
I will find you.
* yeah I know, we just said BOOTY. I know!!!! Ooooh we so crazy
So yeah this game WAS supposed to be a racing game but the gamedesigners decided to go all "social experience" on us. This means you don't just drive races but
okay wait
I actually just played like, 2 and a half hours of this game and I haven't seen a single fucking race yet.
so yeah this means you won't just drive races, but you'll have to wrestle through cringe-worthy voice acting by your in-game stereotype quotum-filling "friends". Trust me. That one "Resident Evil bad voice acting" vid that was posted here earlier?
Hasn't got sssssshit on this. Because you can hear the voice actors really do think they're doing a good job and are "absolutely nailing that character, man!". Hello there voice actors!
You're not. Not at all.
For instance you'll be forced to go through this driving school OKAY FIRST YOU GIVE ME A THE CRAPPIEST RACING ENGINE EVER THAT MAKES MY CAR FEEL LIKE MARIO KART AND THEN YOU FORCE ME TO SLALOM? FUCK RRRRRIGHT OFF! and you'll constantly hear the same 3 remarks from your "chilled out, down to earth-like" driving instructor.
"WOW, seems like you're really getting the HANG of THIS", whilst making the metal-horns. I shit you fucking not.
Also, it's about this big racing competition, and they embarassingly tried to "flesh out" the experience by "giving the competition personalities, people you can relate to, and people you can't stand". This means getting pseudo-dissed ("I hope you drive better than you dress, a-hhhhhaaaa") by a bland NPC who talks like she is a 9 year old making her debut on national radio and therefore stressed as a squirrel, and also someone holds a gun at her face, and then your "chilled out, down to earth kind of" friend will warn you that "she would do aaaaanything to. [full stop] win a race dude"
What the fuck, Atari?
Test Drive Unlimited 1 is like that one game, if one my friends would go "meh that shit was boring" I'd jump up for, and explain that it wasn't a real blockbuster, nein, aber it had a really fun driving engine, some cool locales and feeling, and the long races were fucking exhilarating, thanks to the sweet mix of arcade-y and simulation-y driving and adequate AI.
But this shit? I don't even want to THINK about long-distance races, or just fucking racing AT ALL with this bullshit-driving engine. I swear, download the torrent (BUT DON'T YOU DARE GIVE THESE DEVELOPERS MONEY FOR THIS, there's no need in rewarding bad behaviour!) just to play the tutorial and see for yourself. No one that tested this would have approved this engine.
It's like you're steering with your mouse, and your mouse-sensitivity is set to 100%. You'll just be trying to line yourself up for the next turn - I do say, lining yourself up for the turn, not actually taking it yet - and BAM there you go slamming into the wall like a retard.
Atari, I sincerely, honestly hope all of you lose your jobs due to embarassing sales numbers. This merits it.
Fffffffffffffuck you.
So this Georgian Olympian runs into a bar
Aosoth - New album III out now on Agonia Recs
Epoch - bass, guitars, drums, MetaStasizing out asap
Asphixa - bass, demo out asap
Adustum - bass, guitars, full length out soon on XXXXXXXXXX recs
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Tetianblood? ... Well, 'Necrosemen' to you too. Twat.
Last edited by Wolfsherz : 2011-02-10 at 14:47.

2011-02-14, 03:56
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....Oh screw you guys
So this Georgian Olympian runs into a bar
Aosoth - New album III out now on Agonia Recs
Epoch - bass, guitars, drums, MetaStasizing out asap
Asphixa - bass, demo out asap
Adustum - bass, guitars, full length out soon on XXXXXXXXXX recs
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Tetianblood? ... Well, 'Necrosemen' to you too. Twat.

2011-02-14, 09:17
Too _____, wouldn't fuck
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sorry, that was a massive TL;DR but your rage is impressive none the less, young sith

2011-02-17, 16:36
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Holy fuck, I really cannot wait for this: Dead Island.
Basically some tourists are trapped on at a resort island when a zombie outbreak happens. No weapons. That trailer is fucking beautiful.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2011-02-17, 19:08
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damn u mad! I just had so much fun reading those first few paragraphs in a kooky Dutch accent.

2011-02-27, 21:55
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Only PC game I'm looking at right now is BF3. 

2011-02-28, 03:02
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What if BF3? I'm so busy I can't look it up. I'm actually so busy enough to ask you about it on a slow metal board and not look it up on google in, like, 3 seconds that I'm that busy. I'm, like, solving cancer n' shit. Love you!
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2011-02-28, 09:31
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Battle Field 3, it's going to be sick.

2011-03-05, 09:33
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Originally Posted by Requiem
Battle Field 3, it's going to be sick.
I saw the trailer for that, I honestly thought it was a real video of soldiers in iraq until the display popped up. looks sick as hell, but I always hated CoD type games.
I got a beta key for "darkspore." gonna play this and see if it is gay or not.

2011-03-14, 13:59
Forum Daemon
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Originally Posted by drawn&quartered
...gonna play this and see if it is gay or not.
Was it?

2011-03-14, 15:54
Too _____, wouldn't fuck
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Originally Posted by Paddy
Was it?
Maybe it was because my left-click on my mouse was worn out, but I removed the game from my computer after about 10 minutes of playing. Seems like another overly cartoonish DotA knock off.

2011-03-26, 14:59
Forum Daemon
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Crysis 2 is splendid, if you're into first person shooters that is. My wee bro bought me a legit copy when it came out, fuckin' beezer. It requires a one-time online activation, and thereafter you can play without the disc in the drive. This is copy protection I can live with.
It looks and feels significantly different than the original Crysis (and Crysis: Warhead). The graphics are arguably much better, but the game runs so much more fluidly that it's like I've upgraded my PC hardware, which I haven't. The game is much more linear than the original, too - in the first game you could do a certain amount of side-tracking and exploring, in Crysis 2 you're pretty much going one direction with few opportunities for meandering, which is a shame, but the game is so well designed and the action is so well balanced that you don't really notice.
Crysis 2 has restored my interest in FPSs after Call of Duty made me wish I had hand cancer.

2011-03-26, 15:29
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If I could only play Crysis 1 or 2, which one would you suggest?
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i'm so bonery

2011-03-27, 03:46
Forum Daemon
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Mmmm, they're both excellent in their own ways, so I guess it'd make more sense to just play the original first. It's nearly 4 years old and still looks like an orgasm, and still makes CoD feel like a mindless rail shooter.

2011-03-27, 03:57
Forum Daemon
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I can think of much older games that make CoD look like a mindless rail shooter.
It's all of them.

2011-03-27, 04:14
Forum Daemon
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Originally Posted by PST 88
I can think...
Telling lies makes the baby Jesus cry.
Originally Posted by PST 88
...of much older games that make CoD look like a mindless rail shooter.
It's all of them.
Tru dat.

2011-04-22, 12:31
Forum Daemon
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I'm currently on chapter 3 of Portal 2, and I hereby recant everything I said about hating GLaDOS and the overall comedic elements of the Portal universe. I've been laughing my ass off the entire time, and Stephen Merchant proves yet again that he needs to shake off that hack fuck Rickey Gervais sooner rather than later, because he's infinitely funnier than that cunt.
Portal 1 still irritates me in the above respects, though.

2011-04-22, 13:16
Too _____, wouldn't fuck
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I finally played portal 1, because apparently it comes free with a portal 2 preorder. So a friend gave it to me, I really liked the game. Not enough to pay whatever retail price for portal 2 though.

2011-04-22, 14:40
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Originally Posted by Paddy
I'm currently on chapter 3 of Portal 2, and I hereby recant everything I said about hating GLaDOS and the overall comedic elements of the Portal universe. I've been laughing my ass off the entire time, and Stephen Merchant proves yet again that he needs to shake off that hack fuck Rickey Gervais sooner rather than later, because he's infinitely funnier than that cunt.
Portal 1 still irritates me in the above respects, though.
Hurray! Rejoice! Glorious news! Need to pick it up still though.
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i'm so bonery

2011-04-23, 05:27
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Just Cause 2 is about one of the coolest games ever. Destroy fucking everything and shed chaos all over the island...My nipples are near to explode because of all the joy that fills them
C'est le chant des vieux arbres entonné pour toi,
Pour ces bois obscurs maintenant endormis.
R.I.P moe

2011-04-28, 06:24
Forum Daemon
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Gomers, have you played Red Faction: Guerrilla [sic]? Check that shit out if you like mindless destruction - everything in the game is destructible, pretty much. Fantastic fun with a trainer.
Portal 2 will be getting DLC this summer:
I'm loving this fuckin' game. Still haven't completed it yet though, but it's good to know I won't be waiting another 4 years for new shit.

2011-04-28, 14:32
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Apparently the co-op starts right were the single player leaves off so we'll have to get on that.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2011-04-30, 15:20
Forum Daemon
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That it does, and as I understand it the upcoming DLC will be free. Fuckin' beezertronics!

2011-05-08, 04:51
Forum Daemon
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If anyone wants to co-op on Portal 2 PM me your deets. Dylan, I'm tired of waiting for you, I'm moving on. I have my whole life ahead of me, and I need to play Portal 2 co-op ASAP in order to distract me from that harrowing reality.

2011-05-08, 11:32
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Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2011-05-10, 06:19
Forum Daemon
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Stop asphyxiating yourself, you'll end up with brain dam...actually, nevermind; this is like advising a burns victim not to smoke.

2011-05-10, 13:49
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Too horny not to.
Diablo 3 beta announced! July 1st - Sep 30th.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2011-05-10, 14:16
Too _____, wouldn't fuck
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Originally Posted by Dyldo
Too horny not to.
Diablo 3 beta announced! July 1st - Sep 30th.
omg I have to get

2011-05-10, 15:41
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Yeah, me too. And sorry, I should have specified, its aimed to be released sometime between those two dates.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2011-05-20, 10:00
Forum Daemon
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Dixon's Downloads (digital game distribution, a new offshoot of the UK Dixon's electronics store) is offering 4 free games from a selection of 8 if you sign up with them:
Kewl. Not sure what the DRM is though.

2011-05-20, 15:53
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it's cool but hard as fuck if you ask me
C'est le chant des vieux arbres entonné pour toi,
Pour ces bois obscurs maintenant endormis.
R.I.P moe

2011-05-20, 17:10
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Just looked at that. Why not just play Minecraft?
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2011-05-21, 02:21
Forum Daemon
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Because he's not a fucking rancid putrid rotting cunt-smudge?

2011-06-02, 07:22
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