2009-04-30, 20:29
Vaginal Warts
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: I live in a giant bucket.
Posts: 2,289
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.

2009-04-30, 20:37
Drugged Unholy
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Philadelphia Area
Posts: 2,458
Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
I don't know about you, but I deadlift because I strive to be the first human tree stump pulling machine 
Originally Posted by viewer_from_nihil
the song serial cocksucker changed my life
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Are you going to snort cheap pharmaceutical drugs with your lizard as well?

2009-05-01, 00:59
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,924
Any of you guys Biology Majors?
“Remember to live, eat, sleep and breathe music for the mind, play from your heart and never be swayed by the current trends.” ~Rusty Cooley

2009-05-01, 01:33
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 4,137
Originally Posted by JoeYngVai
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2009-05-01, 02:54
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: 昔昔
Posts: 7,547
i know better than to click on that shit
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2009-05-01, 02:55
Noob lud
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Upstate New Yaawwk
Posts: 3,499
hahaha, it's nothing bad GD. great link to send to all your friends and family 
Originally Posted by Paddy
Please excuse me for I currently have a terminal erection, and the only cure is midget-cunny.

2009-05-01, 02:56
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Monterey, CA
Posts: 3,635
Originally Posted by Pr0az
Any of you guys Biology Majors?
I wish I would've majored in bio..

2009-05-01, 03:17
Vaginal Warts
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: I live in a giant bucket.
Posts: 2,289
d00d biology is 4 pussies, music majors are teh br00tal shit we r so cool 
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.

2009-05-01, 03:36
Too _____, wouldn't fuck
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 2,542
Originally Posted by guitar_demon
i know better than to click on that shit
just click on it you puss. it cant get worse than a man masterbating with a bag full of shit that he collected from some random girl.

2009-05-01, 06:37
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 4,137
Originally Posted by drawn&quartered
just click on it you puss. it cant get worse than a man masterbating with a bag full of shit that he collected from some random girl.
Oh yes it can... trust me.
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2009-05-01, 06:48
Too _____, wouldn't fuck
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 2,542
Originally Posted by blitz906
Oh yes it can... trust me.
A dude masterbating with shit he caught from some random chick is pretty disgusting, at least in my opinion. I just can't imagine that much shit on my dick and it makes me gag. Its way worse than 2 girls 1 cup or 1 man 1 jar, bme, etc. I am on the internet about 10 hours a day and I've seen it all.

2009-05-01, 08:32
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 4,137
Originally Posted by drawn&quartered
A dude masterbating with shit he caught from some random chick is pretty disgusting, at least in my opinion. I just can't imagine that much shit on my dick and it makes me gag. Its way worse than 2 girls 1 cup or 1 man 1 jar, bme, etc. I am on the internet about 10 hours a day and I've seen it all.
I think 1 guy 1 jar is the most revolting thing I've ever seen 
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2009-05-01, 09:10
Vaginal Warts
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: I live in a giant bucket.
Posts: 2,289
yea I don't know why I ever filmed myself doing that, sorry.
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.

2009-05-01, 09:35
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 4,137
Originally Posted by JoeYngVai
yea I don't know why I ever filmed myself doing that, sorry.
You should be sorry. I've been having nightmares for the past two months you bastard. And now I can't even look at a glass jar anymore without traumatic flashbacks... I have to buy everything in plastic jars now 
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2009-05-01, 14:51
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Home is where the <3 is
Posts: 8,881
I just cut out a coupon for jars this morning. $2. 00 off. If you want it I'll donate it.
 you guys are such dumbasses
They're Ball jars, too! I just remembered that! And they have them for the freezer, too. Just trying to help. 
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2009-05-01, 14:54
Forum Daemon
Forum Leader
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 3,745
Originally Posted by blitz906
I think 1 guy 1 jar is the most revolting thing I've ever seen 
You obviously haven't seen 1Mick1SandwichToaster
Watch this space!

2009-05-01, 18:11
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Ger., North
Posts: 2,593
Any videos with the title 666 porn actors and 1 brain 
C'est le chant des vieux arbres entonné pour toi,
Pour ces bois obscurs maintenant endormis.
R.I.P moe

2009-05-02, 01:21
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 4,137
Originally Posted by Paddy
You obviously haven't seen 1Mick1SandwichToaster
Watch this space!
I got drunk and filmed my own last night. I'm going to call it 1Canuck3HockeySticks 
Originally Posted by Paddy
Chances are there have been Irish in every corner of the world, no matter how remote. Our semen is listed in the World Health Organisation's Big Book of Pestilential Materials.
Originally Posted by CompelledToLacerate
God, the Japanese are so weird. This HAS to be the long term effects of the atom bombs. No one is that weird on purpose.
Originally Posted by Gomli
The slams in that song always kill me. First time I heard that song I was like "Too much heaviness - brain collapse" but now I could murder my family to that one

2009-05-02, 10:14
Vaginal Warts
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: I live in a giant bucket.
Posts: 2,289
Mine is caled: 5 Dead Girls, 1 Guy Who Fucks Them All And Wanks One On Their Corpses.
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.

2009-05-02, 15:57
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Home is where the <3 is
Posts: 8,881
Mine's better. 1oldHag2spatulas1casserole with onions
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2009-05-02, 19:36
Guardian of Lost Souls
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: deep in my own world...........(northern ireland)
Posts: 584
Originally Posted by JoeYngVai
of my friend's hubby is responsible for that 
"I can see why the name 'bernie' suits you....I mean you're black, smell dead and are completely inane" as he looked at me with wary eyes.
"Bunny is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside a clump of smegma" one of the other inmates describing me.

2009-05-02, 19:39
Forum Daemon
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 3,745
Originally Posted by L,B'XXX
Mine's better. 1oldHag2spatulas1casserole with onions
I'm both hungry and horny. I'm not sure which I should deal with first. I do have a burger which looks kinda like a pussy if you tilt it on its side...but if I eat it first then I'll nothing to slide a sausage into...but if I fuck it, I'll have an extra salty burger which is already dripping with relish. Decisions decisions!
Originally Posted by bunny
of my friend's hubby is responsible for that 
Then you'd better tell him to stop swallowing pig spunk! He's gonna kill us all!

2009-05-02, 19:52
Guardian of Lost Souls
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: deep in my own world...........(northern ireland)
Posts: 584
Originally Posted by Paddy
I'm both hungry and horny. I'm not sure which I should deal with first. I do have a burger which looks kinda like a pussy if you tilt it on its side...but if I eat it first then I'll nothing to slide a sausage into...but if I fuck it, I'll have an extra salty burger which is already dripping with relish. Decisions decisions!
Then you'd better tell him to stop swallowing pig spunk! He's gonna kill us all!
mcdonalds then? lol
& rofl!!!
oh paddy meant to tell you but forgot, the other day i was recording a prog called "swings & roundabouts", it's a series of programmes aimed at 5-7 year olds so they can learn & appreciate the cultural differences in northern ireland. in this prog there is gaint "mr potato head" i swear that thing is freaky as fuck!!! it just moves it's eyes & occassionally it's arm. it gets people to carry it or it drives in a car.
dunno whether that would scare you or erm interest you?? lol
"I can see why the name 'bernie' suits you....I mean you're black, smell dead and are completely inane" as he looked at me with wary eyes.
"Bunny is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside a clump of smegma" one of the other inmates describing me.
Last edited by bunny : 2009-05-02 at 19:55.

2009-05-02, 20:02
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Home is where the <3 is
Posts: 8,881
Scare HIM? riiight. I think Mr. Potato Head would run from him.
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2009-05-02, 20:11
Guardian of Lost Souls
Forum Leader
Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: deep in my own world...........(northern ireland)
Posts: 584
lol lb think of a giant potato head midget sized....
....yeah okay you may have a point there lol
"I can see why the name 'bernie' suits you....I mean you're black, smell dead and are completely inane" as he looked at me with wary eyes.
"Bunny is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside a clump of smegma" one of the other inmates describing me.

2009-05-02, 20:23
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Home is where the <3 is
Posts: 8,881
Oh, the images that's conjuring!! 
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2009-05-02, 20:30
Guardian of Lost Souls
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: deep in my own world...........(northern ireland)
Posts: 584
i think the final thread of sanity you had has been cut now lol
"I can see why the name 'bernie' suits you....I mean you're black, smell dead and are completely inane" as he looked at me with wary eyes.
"Bunny is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside a clump of smegma" one of the other inmates describing me.

2009-05-02, 20:40
Forum Daemon
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 3,745
I fucked the giant potato head. He's a Protestant, so it was done in the spirit of cross community relations, although footage of the ordeal was cut from the show because apparently children can't be allowed to watch violent, passionless sex between man and tayties. Unfortunately, the fact that my cock became clogged up with little chunks of starchy mush after having fucked him in every eye has earned me the nickname "Spudgun". The good news is that I can now starch any shirt simply by pumping thick gobs of jellied-milk all over it like some sort of heaving, vomiting anaconda.
Bunny, are you allowed to distribute copies of that show to anyone? I could sure go for some 5 - 7 year old action if you can spare the cost of a jiffy bag and a box of Kleenex and a balaclava.

2009-05-02, 21:10
Guardian of Lost Souls
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Location: deep in my own world...........(northern ireland)
Posts: 584
Originally Posted by Paddy
Bunny, are you allowed to distribute copies of that show to anyone? I could sure go for some 5 - 7 year old action if you can spare the cost of a jiffy bag and a box of Kleenex and a balaclava.
 short answer "no"
"I can see why the name 'bernie' suits you....I mean you're black, smell dead and are completely inane" as he looked at me with wary eyes.
"Bunny is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside a clump of smegma" one of the other inmates describing me.

2009-05-02, 21:21
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Home is where the <3 is
Posts: 8,881
That better not be the bag of toenail clippings! You said you'd keep those forever!
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2009-05-02, 23:10
Forum Daemon
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 3,745
Originally Posted by bunny
Reminds me of a joke:
What's E.T. short for?
'Cause he's only got little legs. FUCK YOU, leave him alone! He's good peoples! Even though he kinda looks like an abstract pooh-sculpture.
Originally Posted by L,B'XXX
That better not be the bag of toenail clippings! You said you'd keep those forever!
I've already scraped the crusty cheesiness off of them with my teeth, so they're not much use now anyway, not unless you wanna glue them back on and let some more algae and toe-barnacles accumulate under them.
I think we're long overdue a new RTT thread! Who the fuck's in charge around here?? This is a shambles!
Paddy McMullan is an anagram of "Damply Land Cum".

2009-05-02, 23:18
dsnt trust ne1 < 30
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Home is where the <3 is
Posts: 8,881
You were bored, weren't you?
I think new RTT's were supposed to start at a certain post count, but I don't know if that's still so or not.
My eldest son's bipolar website: www.bipolarmanifesto.com
-wally: Mom, you shouldn't play after me because it makes you sound even worse than you already do. -wally:*grumbles and whispers quietly* I guess it's cuz I love you or something, but you're still a TURD
Grimm:I could read your mind but its in font size .5
Amadeus:Oh, and was there a cesserole (never mind spelling) involved?
Paddy:the fact that you didn't end up on a kids show makes me question my atheism
Dyldo: You evil strumpet!

2009-05-02, 23:24
Forum Daemon
Forum Leader
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 3,745
Originally Posted by L,B'XXX
You were bored, weren't you?
I think new RTT's were supposed to start at a certain post count, but I don't know if that's still so or not.
I think 300 posts, or thereabouts, is the max. At least that's what it's been for the past few.
This will not stand! But I just popped a Viagra, so any minute now.

2009-05-03, 00:00
Attorney at Bird Law
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Location: Alone here, with emptiness, eagles, and snow...
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Originally Posted by Paddy
Paddy McMullan is an anagram of "Damply Land Cum".
It also fits "Panda McMulldy" and "Dandy L. Cum Palm". It probably fits a whole lot of gross, disgusting things; you are a truly revolting creature.
P.S. - it also fits Lpdau Mlnyacdm.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2009-05-03, 00:59
Forum Daemon
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 3,745
Originally Posted by Chris Rezendes
you are a truly revolting creature.
Heaving, pulsating, bubbling, rancid lumps of toenail-yellow, clotted, partially dehydrated, stinking, blood-spotted, buttery gobs of spunk be upon you my friend 

2009-05-03, 01:59
Attorney at Bird Law
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Join Date: May 2002
Location: Alone here, with emptiness, eagles, and snow...
Posts: 3,567
Originally Posted by Paddy
Heaving, pulsating, bubbling, rancid lumps of toenail-yellow, clotted, partially dehydrated, stinking, blood-spotted, buttery gobs of spunk be upon you my friend 
Actually, I was about to, but not NOW. You ruined it.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2009-05-03, 16:09
Drugged Unholy
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Philadelphia Area
Posts: 2,458
hey guys, bar fights and broken arms don't mix well, in case anyone was wondering.
Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
I don't know about you, but I deadlift because I strive to be the first human tree stump pulling machine 
Originally Posted by viewer_from_nihil
the song serial cocksucker changed my life
Originally Posted by BassBehemoth
Are you going to snort cheap pharmaceutical drugs with your lizard as well?
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