2005-02-06, 04:59
Join Date: Oct 2002
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you know what i fucking hate...LONG ASS POSTS
so fuck you all 
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2005-02-06, 05:21
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Originally Posted by Dissection
That blubbering Vagina Bill O'Riley.
Way to rip off Maddox. 

2005-02-06, 05:57
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by Dissection
Things that can't stand:
That blubbering Vagina Bill O'Riley. That two faced sack of shit wouldn't know fair and balanced if it bit him in the ass. Speaking of which, I hate the entire Fox News Channel, minus Neal Cavuto, because he isn't an Extreme Right Wing cock ass like the rest of his co-workers. Especially Sean Hannity. What a douche.
i hate that fat, useless old sack of shit. his cutting off of other people, interrupting, pushing his own views, hypocritical....i did laugh at outfoxed:
B O'R: "i have only said shut up once in 6 years..." then a whole clip of him saying shut up at different times. and yes, the whole fucking fox news channel is more one sided and more right wing, than an afghanistani fighter jet.
Originally Posted by Dissection
Tampon Commercials. The next time I'm enjoying a nice family get together, and have to hear my 4 year old cousin ask my grandfather very loudly "WHATS UH TAMEPON?" I swear to you, I'll kill myself.
a while ago, me and my girlfriend were trying to have an intimate moment in her room when two straight fucking tampon ads came on on the tv. argh, what a fucking mood killer!!!! i don't care if it's in chicks shows that guys won't normally watch, like the O.C. or charmed or whatever, but it's been shown during even the simpsons and becker recently. NOBODY CARES ABOUT PERIODS. IT SCARES US.
now for some of my own hatings. aside from the usual mall goths:
4WD drivers that think they're above the law!! i saw an incident recently where at a 6-way intersection, a 4WD just ran a red-light. hadn't been red for long, but there was plenty of time for them to slow down. in a similar 5 way, my girlfriend was nearly run over by one. that was unforgettably scary because she had just kicked me in the balls by accident and walked off. both drivers were asian, simply for the record.
people who say "ATM machine" and "PIN number". get it the fuck right!!!! either just say PIN/ATM, or PI number/AT machine. anyone who has seen that episode of fat pizza will know what i'm on about.
gangster wogs that think they're niggers. don't get me wrong, i don't mind people coming over here for a new life or to escape a cruel government or whatever the reason, but when they turn into dole bludgers and gangsters, they should fucking be deported. it's sad that there is such a stereotype that all wogs are like that, but most of them actually are, rough-arses that go around in huge gangs attacking and robbing people (but only if there's less than two of them.) fucking cowards, every last one of them.
to put something to rest: "niggers" and "wogs" has traditionally been an unacceptable term, so here's why i use it: they use the terms themselves. you hear it in every rap song "i'm the number 1 pimpin' nigger" or on the street "bro i'm the sickest most fully hectic wog", therefore i will use it. notice i will almost never call them jungle babies, you don't hear them saying "i'm the sickest gangsta jungle baby" and such, hope that all clears everything up.

2005-02-06, 06:00
The Stings of Conscience
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i live with 3 women. its like one big tampon commercial.

2005-02-06, 06:05
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Originally Posted by andrewc
4WD drivers that think they're above the law!! i saw an incident recently where at a 6-way intersection, a 4WD just ran a red-light. hadn't been red for long, but there was plenty of time for them to slow down. in a similar 5 way, my girlfriend was nearly run over by one. that was unforgettably scary because she had just kicked me in the balls by accident and walked off. both drivers were asian, simply for the record.
Aye, laddy.
But I say 'PIN Number', wanna fight about it? 

2005-02-06, 06:05
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
jesus man!! 

2005-02-06, 06:38
Attorney at Bird Law
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Originally Posted by andrewc
i hate that fat, useless old sack of shit. his cutting off of other people, interrupting, pushing his own views, hypocritical....i did laugh at outfoxed:
B O'R: "i have only said shut up once in 6 years..." then a whole clip of him saying shut up at different times. and yes, the whole fucking fox news channel is more one sided and more right wing, than an afghanistani fighter jet.
Bill O'Reilly really does suck. I was going to clip this part of the post, but, really, it does deserve emphasis. He is a stupid fucking loser.
Originally Posted by andrewc
a while ago, me and my girlfriend were trying to have an intimate moment in her room when two straight fucking tampon ads came on on the tv. argh, what a fucking mood killer!!!! i don't care if it's in chicks shows that guys won't normally watch, like the O.C. or charmed or whatever, but it's been shown during even the simpsons and becker recently. NOBODY CARES ABOUT PERIODS. IT SCARES US.
It doesn't scare all of us. I've never been bothered by that stuff. Herpes commercials usually make me uncomfortable, but not tampon commercials. I've bought tampons before, once for my mum and twice for a girlfriend. For the record, they were not Christmas presents. To me, it's not any more embarrasing than buying toilet paper.
Originally Posted by andrewc
people who say "ATM machine" and "PIN number". get it the fuck right!!!! either just say PIN/ATM, or PI number/AT machine. anyone who has seen that episode of fat pizza will know what i'm on about.
I can't argue with that. I find it terribly annoying. I find it similarly annoying when fellow Sox fans refer to a Korean born pitcher of ours are BK Kim. His name is Byung-Hyun Kim. Now, I can understand if you can't pronounce that, but either call him BK or BH Kim, dumbasses.
Originally Posted by andrewc
gangster wogs that think they're niggers. don't get me wrong, i don't mind people coming over here for a new life or to escape a cruel government or whatever the reason, but when they turn into dole bludgers and gangsters, they should fucking be deported. it's sad that there is such a stereotype that all wogs are like that, but most of them actually are, rough-arses that go around in huge gangs attacking and robbing people (but only if there's less than two of them.) fucking cowards, every last one of them.
to put something to rest: "niggers" and "wogs" has traditionally been an unacceptable term, so here's why i use it: they use the terms themselves. you hear it in every rap song "i'm the number 1 pimpin' nigger" or on the street "bro i'm the sickest most fully hectic wog", therefore i will use it. notice i will almost never call them jungle babies, you don't hear them saying "i'm the sickest gangsta jungle baby" and such, hope that all clears everything up.
I've always liked you, so I'm not going to make a big deal out of this, but I've noticed this for a while and it's been bothering me a bit. You have tendencies toward racial biases, and no matter what manner in which you try to rationalize or justify it, it's wrong. It really should matter to you what race a person is if they rob somebody else or attack people 3-1 or 5-2. It's always wrong, and if somebody happens to be of African, Asian, Hispanic, or Australian Aboriginal descent, it doesn't make it any better or worse and does not deserve to be pointed out specifically by ethnic background.
Also, if people are ignorant and refer to themselves or other people of their ethnic background as racial slurs, it doesn't justify other people being ignorant and doing the same. Ignorance doesn't know any colors (and definitely doesn't know any nationalities, rememeber like I said before, 98% idiocy rate everywhere, haha). There are also legitimate reasons for some people to try to use these words, if you would like a detailed and rational explanation for this, feel free to PM me and I'll elaborate.
I'd also have no problem dispelling the mythical existence of a wigger, which can be simplified into once sentence- there is no such thing as a white person trying to be a black person (unless they spend too much time in a tanning booth, and then, really they're either trying to be orange or Hulk Hogan) because there is no way a black person is supposed to act. It's easy to conform to stereotypes that would allow a person to view a white person as trying to act like a black person based on one's limited view of black people, but no one entire broad category of people like that act alike, nor should they.
Now, like I said, I'm not trying to be rude or belittle you, I'm simply trying to explain these things to you in a way you can understand. Like I said before, I like you personally, so I'd rather just explain this to you than be a dick about it.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-02-06, 06:57
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Normally I'd agree with you about the last part Chris, but seriously: There are so many people of Meditterranean descent in this city that are in gangs who start shit for no reason, its ridiculous. I can't state this enough, there are shitloads. On a saturday night, they come out of the fucking woodwork. It really doesn't seem to be the other races that do it as much.
However, about the dole bludging, everyone does that. It's the Aussie way 

2005-02-06, 07:20
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by Chris Rezendes
I've always liked you, so I'm not going to make a big deal out of this, but I've noticed this for a while and it's been bothering me a bit. You have tendencies toward racial biases, and no matter what manner in which you try to rationalize or justify it, it's wrong. It really should matter to you what race a person is if they rob somebody else or attack people 3-1 or 5-2. It's always wrong, and if somebody happens to be of African, Asian, Hispanic, or Australian Aboriginal descent, it doesn't make it any better or worse and does not deserve to be pointed out specifically by ethnic background.
Also, if people are ignorant and refer to themselves or other people of their ethnic background as racial slurs, it doesn't justify other people being ignorant and doing the same. Ignorance doesn't know any colors (and definitely doesn't know any nationalities, rememeber like I said before, 98% idiocy rate everywhere, haha). There are also legitimate reasons for some people to try to use these words, if you would like a detailed and rational explanation for this, feel free to PM me and I'll elaborate.
I'd also have no problem dispelling the mythical existence of a wigger, which can be simplified into once sentence- there is no such thing as a white person trying to be a black person (unless they spend too much time in a tanning booth, and then, really they're either trying to be orange or Hulk Hogan) because there is no way a black person is supposed to act. It's easy to conform to stereotypes that would allow a person to view a white person as trying to act like a black person based on one's limited view of black people, but no one entire broad category of people like that act alike, nor should they.
Now, like I said, I'm not trying to be rude or belittle you, I'm simply trying to explain these things to you in a way you can understand. Like I said before, I like you personally, so I'd rather just explain this to you than be a dick about it.
first off, thanks for not being an arse about it.
the reason i am biased of hatred towards ethnic criminals, is not on that criminal basis, or even on a stereotypical basis as i perhaps have made it out to be. it is because of two-way racism.
it is so horrendously easy to be a finger-pointing, calling everything hatred or racism towards "those poor boat people" or those "poor sons of slaves" and stuff, and then there are those people who watch the evening news that shout "go back to the fucking jungle you greasy ethnic bastards", which is plain moronic as it is basing the hatred on skin colour/appearance, basing hatred on appearance is something i definitely do not do, but something that has to be realised is that a lot of these people actually hate us more than we hate them.
you mentioned the aboriginal community in your above post so i will start off with them. a lot of aboriginal people have married into white families and lost their skin colour and what-have-you, these are the main offenders. true aboriginals who have always remained within black families are normally very hard-working people. i don't know how much of australian history you know, so i'll tell you. if you know about the "stolen generation" of the mid-20th century you can skip this next part. the stolen generation was when the white influence on australia was growing hugely, and aboriginal communities were dying out. children in tribal aboriginal camps would have been growing up with no clue as to how they could survive in the white man's world, so they took all the children and raised them in orphanages to learn the ways of the white man, learn english, white man's laws and such. they never got to see their families again so they were released from the orphanages at age 18, and were full of hatred and anger towards white people for taking their families away, which i suppose is understandable. anyway, this anger and hatred has passed through the generations and so the children of these people have been taught to hate white people and to single them out. sorry for the big history lesson but that is my example of two-way racism.
as for arabic "two way hatred," this comes obviously from australia's support for the US bombing of iraq, and helping of muslim-hating israel. again, easy to understand why they don't like white people, but that doesn't make it acceptable. also admittedly, this one is slightly out of fear. maybe that's bad, but something i worry about is the taking over. it is common to see arabic families having 5 to 7 children compared with 1 to 3 children for white families. of course this is fine in theory, but something to watch out for is that they may one day take over australia. and before you say "oh that's ridiculous," look at the views of muslim extremists today. extremists will stop at NOTHING in their hurry to get everybody to become islamic.
it has happened before. look at egypt, thousands of years ago, egyptians worshipped the pharaohs, communicated in hieroglyphs and made history with pyramids. and yet, by the 1400's, the arabic people had invaded them to the point where most egyptians were now islamic and spoke arabic. i do not want this to happen to australia. and yes, technically with so many lebanese immigrants, it is possible.
i suppose i single people out because it's physically easier to stereotype them as a group. i've said i don't like wogs and yet one of my closest friends is from greece, we go to rugby games sometimes, get on at school, play jokes on each other, all that stuff, because he doesn't act like them, he hangs with those sorts of people, yes, but he doesn't steal cars and take drugs and shit, he's even stopped me from taking drugs myself.
as for oriental asians, there are so many good asians that run stores, drive public transport and do these things, that it is much easier to overlook the minority that get into the gang shit, and even they keep it between rival asian groups and don't go out attacking white people and that. yes i also have two friends from vietnam. as a matter of fact, i don't even notice them in some areas of my suburb, i dont think "there is an asian person," but when you go to an area that's 3 towns over, my fear of our country losing it's identity kicks in again.
however you're right about the acting, look at homosexual people. there is no way ANYONE is supposed to act. homosexuality is written into a person's genes, what is NOT written into their genes is the way to act (flapping hands, dressing in pink, calling people honey and so on).
well anyway i'm gonna head off now, since you said there's no hope of justifying my views i've pretty much wasted my time, but it's good to get that of my chest anyway. cheers 

2005-02-06, 07:26
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by Cloaca
Normally I'd agree with you about the last part Chris, but seriously: There are so many people of Meditterranean descent in this city that are in gangs who start shit for no reason, its ridiculous. I can't state this enough, there are shitloads. On a saturday night, they come out of the fucking woodwork. It really doesn't seem to be the other races that do it as much.
However, about the dole bludging, everyone does that. It's the Aussie way 
it depends on what area you go to, if you go to the west side somewhere like st. albans or broadmeadows, you might as well jump under a freight train, same outcome except you would keep your wallet. seriously chris, in an area like broadmeadows, if you go walking or on public transport at night, you need two baseball bats, one for each hand.
but if you head to the south and east sides, you'll be jumped by the asians but like i said in my previous post, they're far less likely to jump you.

2005-02-08, 03:52
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by Chris Rezendes
Like I said before, I like you personally, so I'd rather just explain this to you than be a dick about it.
wait a sec....what is it that you like about me? 

2005-02-08, 03:58
Lo, they do call to me...
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: virginia beach, VA
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i hate teletubbies, the little fuckers, and that baby sun is just fuckin freaky, what kind of acid trip were the creators on when they thought that shit up, and who the hell told them that it would be a good idea, GOD DAMMIT!!!!!!!!!!
Too grim to function

2005-02-08, 05:41
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It was a good idea, they're probably loaded now. Best batch of acid they ever had I bet.

2005-02-08, 08:20
Forum Daemon
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So ... that was interesting. Everybody dislikes something. Thanks for the update. When you get your own site, let us know.
Oh, and Transient's an idiot. I read that entire post and now I'm ashamed that I know how to read. Some people's hatred is amusing. Yours is tedious. A few points:
Rap is, ostensibly, poetry. Poetry has always worked around one sound. Being able to do it well is part of having a good style and control of language. There are entire novels constructed around one sound. It's the level of skill involved that matters. Don't mistake symptoms with their roots.
Correct spelling is a prerequisite for condescension and foreign languages 'like French or Spanish' include your stupid, juvenile fascination with Norsk.
Burzum incorporates religion into music. Like with the above point, realize what the fuck you're saying before you say it.
'The people that walk down the hallways and rap to themselves.' These are sometimes the people who actually do it right. Not in Saratoga Springs, maybe, but it happens. You might as well criticize people who practice guitar in high school hallways. Everyone who's good at something sucked majorly at some point.
Most of your problems with Kill Bill (vol. 1, apparently) wouldn't exist if you had even the slightest sense of irony. Many good films have layers and folds. Tarantino doesn't even have difficult ones.
You have emotions. I can't check into an RTT without seeing you complain about being unable to land a decent date. Emotions will come up when you find someone you can open yourself to. When you're a sexually frustrated lil' Upstate New Yorker, it's easy to believe you don't have them. However, once you've lived beyond adoloscentia, if that ever happens, you might realize that claiming people don't have genuine emotions is like claiming you don't have testicles. Except it's a lie.
Okay, I'll stop. You're a teenager. I understand. All your fun little 'points' and 'rants' are annoyed teenager rants. Virtually everybody here has experienced the same moods and emotions and, and here's the important part, shut the fuck up about them. That's right: not everyone's contribution is equal, and not everyone's contribution matters. Most people will go through this life annoyed and frustrated. Very few will be fulfilled and happy, like we should be once we pick the right cereal or detergent. However, just as we shouldn't exult in our cereal celection, thereby crowding the cereal isle with out ejaculations of joyous triumph, we shouldn't exult in the mere ability to notice that 99%, if not much, much more, of life is crammed to the brim with unfathomable and barely tolerable bullshit, thereby crowding the internet with inane 'observations.' Some people manage to verbally depict their annoyances in the brilliant tones of writers of competence, intelligence, wit, and maybe, if we're lucky, a touch of inspiration or genius. If you can't, try to spend some time honing your skill before subjecting us to the half-sterile spurtings of your mind's contempt. And before you attempt to compare my chastisement here with yours of hallway rappers, remember that people who try to learn to rap, at least, haven't arrogated some position of superiority because they consider themselves 'observer(s).'
andrewc: you're very likable. I don't even like you and I like you. It's best not to question it.

2005-02-08, 10:27
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Damn that was good.

2005-02-08, 19:05
El Diablo sin pantalones
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Yggdrassyl
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Seems FBS isn't the only one ranting here..
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-02-08, 19:22
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 4,723
Meh, you bunch of pussies. Get a life. 

2005-02-08, 19:26
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
Originally Posted by PST 88
So ... that was interesting. Everybody dislikes something. Thanks for the update. When you get your own site, let us know.
Oh, and Transient's an idiot. I read that entire post and now I'm ashamed that I know how to read. Some people's hatred is amusing. Yours is tedious. A few points:
Rap is, ostensibly, poetry. Poetry has always worked around one sound. Being able to do it well is part of having a good style and control of language. There are entire novels constructed around one sound. It's the level of skill involved that matters. Don't mistake symptoms with their roots.
Correct spelling is a prerequisite for condescension and foreign languages 'like French or Spanish' include your stupid, juvenile fascination with Norsk.
Burzum incorporates religion into music. Like with the above point, realize what the fuck you're saying before you say it.
'The people that walk down the hallways and rap to themselves.' These are sometimes the people who actually do it right. Not in Saratoga Springs, maybe, but it happens. You might as well criticize people who practice guitar in high school hallways. Everyone who's good at something sucked majorly at some point.
Most of your problems with Kill Bill (vol. 1, apparently) wouldn't exist if you had even the slightest sense of irony. Many good films have layers and folds. Tarantino doesn't even have difficult ones.
You have emotions. I can't check into an RTT without seeing you complain about being unable to land a decent date. Emotions will come up when you find someone you can open yourself to. When you're a sexually frustrated lil' Upstate New Yorker, it's easy to believe you don't have them. However, once you've lived beyond adoloscentia, if that ever happens, you might realize that claiming people don't have genuine emotions is like claiming you don't have testicles. Except it's a lie.
Okay, I'll stop. You're a teenager. I understand. All your fun little 'points' and 'rants' are annoyed teenager rants. Virtually everybody here has experienced the same moods and emotions and, and here's the important part, shut the fuck up about them. That's right: not everyone's contribution is equal, and not everyone's contribution matters. Most people will go through this life annoyed and frustrated. Very few will be fulfilled and happy, like we should be once we pick the right cereal or detergent. However, just as we shouldn't exult in our cereal celection, thereby crowding the cereal isle with out ejaculations of joyous triumph, we shouldn't exult in the mere ability to notice that 99%, if not much, much more, of life is crammed to the brim with unfathomable and barely tolerable bullshit, thereby crowding the internet with inane 'observations.' Some people manage to verbally depict their annoyances in the brilliant tones of writers of competence, intelligence, wit, and maybe, if we're lucky, a touch of inspiration or genius. If you can't, try to spend some time honing your skill before subjecting us to the half-sterile spurtings of your mind's contempt. And before you attempt to compare my chastisement here with yours of hallway rappers, remember that people who try to learn to rap, at least, haven't arrogated some position of superiority because they consider themselves 'observer(s).'
andrewc: you're very likable. I don't even like you and I like you. It's best not to question it.
haha, you go so out of your way to start trouble with me because i like burzum, and he hates jews. you ALWAYS mention that i like burzum.
im not even going to respond to everything you said, because there is no point and i stand by my observations anyways. its just not worth it

2005-02-08, 19:30
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 4,723
The hypocrisy in this place...

2005-02-08, 19:31
Join Date: Apr 2004
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want to elaborate on that a little more?

2005-02-08, 19:35
Join Date: Aug 2004
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It's just PST 88's criticism of you ranting

2005-02-08, 19:36
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yeah, but thats just a one time thing. in his defense i update mine probably once every two months, his was just a one time deal
but hes still stupid

2005-02-08, 19:41
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 4,723
Eh? Update what? You have a website where you express your teen angst?

2005-02-08, 19:53
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just a sub profile
what i posted is four seperate pages of it. some of that stuff is at least 2 years old, hence the change in writing style and topic

2005-02-08, 19:57
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 4,723
Ah ok, where is the sub profile?

2005-02-08, 20:12
Join Date: Apr 2004
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under my AIM name
everyone here in the us uses AIM. theres no reason for me to get MSN other than to talk to you europeans,and i doubt my computer could handle many more programs

2005-02-08, 21:30
El Diablo sin pantalones
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Yggdrassyl
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Originally Posted by Transient
i doubt my computer could handle many more programs
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-02-09, 05:24
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by brainsforbreakfast
too many programs bro! 

2005-02-09, 06:11
Forum Daemon
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I always mention Burzum in general, but it has nothing to do with Jews. I don't care about Jews. You're the one who always brings up Jews whenever I post. Jews play a very small part in my thinking. I just don't like you. You make statements that blatantly contradict what little I can know about you from the brief contact we've had on an internet board. Think about that for a while. If you stand by your observations, explain why the things you like are excepted. Explain why the objections I brought up about them were responded to by 'he's cranky because Burzum' - a band which, incidentally, incorporates Asatru, a religion, into its music, you unreflective little cunt - 'doesn't like Jews.' That's not 'standing by your observations.' That's hiding from any criticism.
Your cute little 'observations' would reveal your youth and correspondingly childlike Welltanschauung - oh my god! He knows German! - even if I wasn't aware of it. They're juvenile and trite. That's what I object to. I understand that the internet has given you a wonderful forum in which to post your juvenile, trite observations, I just don't think that the fact that it exists means it should be exploited. But I'm sure that you're trite and uninteresting because I don't like anti-semites. That's a perfectly rational explanation.

2005-02-09, 10:51
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Originally Posted by PST 88
Damn, nigga. All for the want of some lebensraum, you drop your rancid-buttocked weltschmerz on this poor benighted child.
I'd say more, but that's all the Nerd German I remember. Except for gestalt. And ubermensch. Oh, and leitmotif.
(Is there any more? Be nice, I'm not a linguist.)
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2005-02-09, 11:38
El Diablo sin pantalones
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Yggdrassyl
Posts: 4,321
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-02-09, 20:21
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
Explain why the objections I brought up about them were responded to by 'he's cranky because Burzum' - a band which, incidentally, incorporates Asatru, a religion, into its music, you unreflective little cunt - 'doesn't like Jews.' That's not 'standing by your observations.' That's hiding from any criticism.
the only religion i dont want to hear sung about in my music is christianity. in fact, if you could drum up a jew band id be happy to hear it.
i dont want to defend all 40,000+ characaters there, but if you want to point some out, i would be happy to stand by what ive said, or even better, if i said something really stupid (i guarantee i have somewhere in there) id like to acknowledge that as well
i dont know any german, so i dont know what youre saying there. i do however, know what lebensraum and ubermensch means. oh well, you probably just called me a "cunt" or something else childish
you said trite and uninteresting three times in one post. i can see how you would see complaining about good charlotte fans trite, but it feels good to type that kind of thing out and show everyone. whereas, a good deal of that stuff is original and im pretty happy with it. the newer stuff (gumball choices,cuckoo clocks) has never been said before. thats the kind of thing ill be writing about from now on. everyone starts somewhere, and when i read back on some of that i just laugh, but a good deal of it does still really, really annoy me.
it feels good to write about how the morons running around at your school, and im sure it feels good to you to type posts that would make the guy who writes for ANUS cry with joy
and i dont know how you could defend "thoia thoia thoia thoing thoing thoing" as poetry, which is the song i was referring to
movies are personal preference, and i get a hard time about my not liking kill bill from everyone.i thought it sucked, plain and simple
and the people who rap in the hallways are not true poets or artists or anything of the sort, theyre rapping about things they dont have, often getting in fights with innocent people, picking on janitors, etc. i didnt say the people the rap in washington dc all suck, im talking about small town white kids trying to intimidate everyone
the reason this post is kind of meandering is because i hadnt intended to defend that entire post, but i got carried away
look forward to your reply
one more thing, as for the "childish" learning of norsk, i can see why youd think that. however, im not learning it to be kvlt or tr00. im learning it because i have a general appreciation for language and am interested in it. you wouldnt have said that to guitar demon, who is also learning it
i genuinely like language, but you didnt know that

2005-02-09, 20:26
Muffin Ass
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Sugar Britches
Posts: 2,340
The only German I know is from Sgt. Shultz from TBS reruns of Hogans Heros.
"I know nusssing"
Derrrr me. 

2005-02-09, 20:27
The Stings of Conscience
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Lutz, FL
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Originally Posted by Transient
in fact, if you could drum up a jew band id be happy to hear it.
Orphaned Land. they're quite good.

2005-02-09, 20:28
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
hahaha alright

2005-02-10, 00:33
Forum Daemon
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Weltanschauung means 'world outlook.' It's a philosophical term. It's about as childish as Methuselah. It's not very hard to look up. It's in English-speaking dictionaries, which are available online. Put some effort into these things. You'll become a better person for it.
If you mean 'christianity,' specify it. It's easy enough to do and won't leave you looking like you can't bother to review what you say to make sure it isn't downing your own tastes. This is basically the jist of the majority of my criticisms. The topics you choose aren't the problem, it's your method of argument. I don't find this a surprise, since you've backed out of virtually every argument I've ever seen you in here and wouldn't really be practiced at rhetoric, which is important. Pointing out things that suck in society is useless; we all know what sucks. It's how they're pointed out. You point out the obvious in the laziest manner possible. Even if you come up with something we've all missed, it's still done lazily. That's why 'uninteresting' had to toddle along with 'trite' every time I brought it out, and could without being redundant.
Actually, I just re-read your original post, and your defense of what you said isn't even true. You said 'either for or against.' So unless you want to retract that and re-write it so that you don't exclude music you like, I don't see any change made by your defense just now.
A Super-Jew band would be as annoying as any Christian band. Trust me. More annoying than most, probably.
Again, if you meant that song, specify it. I wouldn't defend that particular example of it, but I will defend people structuring a lyric around one syllable or sound. Since you attacked the latter without qualification, I told you why that's a dumbass statement to make. It still is.
Again, if your problem is with their other behavior more than their rapping, why only mention the rap? Among your other criticism was 'you aren't a professional.' Like I said, a lot of people aren't without it being a problem. Criticize their behavior if you don't want to look like the angry neighbor who calls the cops on the party.
I don't care that you don't like Kill Bill. I just said that your criticisms of it showed an inability to perceive irony or participate in a discerning audience. Nothing else you've written shows that you're capable of more than the shallowest of engagements in an art form. Like I said, you're more than welcome to dislike it. You should just try to become a better filmgoer to legitimize your dislike. Also reader and listener.
Spinoza Ray Prozak would only cry with joy if I had asked you to perform a, as he puts it, 'hollow-point lobotomy' upon yourself. He really seems to like hollow-point bullets. But even then, the fact that I asked a Northern European to kill himself would probably shock and dismay him. I'm sure he'd be much happier to see the posts in which you talk about identifying nations by race and keeping your bloodline pure. Or have you not actually read his site? You've got more in common with him than I do. I don't even come close to his levels of self-obfuscation through vocabulary, though. I can, but I've stopped.
You're shockingly uncritical of yourself and your views. That's why I don't like you and probably never will. It's no big deal how I feel, I know, but being incapable of anything but the shallowest observations and refusing to apply any critical intelligence you may have - assuming you do have it and haven't let it waste away for want of exercise - is not a good way to go through life. It's a good idea to polish this shit before posting it, and, once it's posted, to be prepared to defend it rather than to back out saying 'well, we disagree. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree' like a hippy who just spit an organically grown watermelon's seed on a Hell's Angel's boot. Now, I figure rants should be in the RTT with the rest of the random crap I couldn't be bothered to read if you paid me and not here, but if you're going to throw them in a thread I'm going to read, take some time with the shit. Yours were bad, and large, enough for me to ignore Dissection in favor of only a few points from you. If I went through them point by point, I'd go blind and probably crash the server.
Final note: While it's true that I have more respect for guitar demon than for you, I don't have any more respect for his decision to learn Norsk or get in touch with his ancestral roots. However, I've yet to see him down anybody else for learning a language, and, taking that into consideration, I guess you could say I do have more respect for it.

2005-02-10, 00:51
Muffin Ass
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Sugar Britches
Posts: 2,340
Originally Posted by PST 88
A Super-Jew band would be as annoying as any Christian band. Trust me. More annoying than most, probably.
OMG! That's fucking funny.


2005-02-10, 00:51
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
Originally Posted by PST 88
Weltanschauung means 'world outlook.' It's a philosophical term. It's about as childish as Methuselah. It's not very hard to look up. It's in English-speaking dictionaries, which are available online. Put some effort into these things. You'll become a better person for it.
i dont care. and looking up the german word for world outlook will not make me a better person
If you mean 'christianity,' specify it. It's easy enough to do and won't leave you looking like you can't bother to review what you say to make sure it isn't downing your own tastes. This is basically the jist of the majority of my criticisms. The topics you choose aren't the problem, it's your method of argument. I don't find this a surprise, since you've backed out of virtually every argument I've ever seen you in here and wouldn't really be practiced at rhetoric, which is important. Pointing out things that suck in society is useless; we all know what sucks. It's how they're pointed out. You point out the obvious in the laziest manner possible. Even if you come up with something we've all missed, it's still done lazily. That's why 'uninteresting' had to toddle along with 'trite' every time I brought it out, and could without being redundant.
what arguments have i backed out of
its not useless to point out what sucks in society. you can change things, relax yourself, amuse others, and simply have fun. that was a stupid point you just tried to make.
i dont know how you say i point these things out in the laziest manner. maybe in comparison to your long-winded verbal masturbation fests.
if it was so uninteresting, you could have simply not read it. but no, you insisted on reading the whole thing, then bitching to me about how my bitching about society sucked. think about that for a while. if you say to me all my complaining about society wont change it, then why are you complaining to me. im not the only person who does this kind of thing, and you wont stop me or anybody else.
Actually, I just re-read your original post, and your defense of what you said isn't even true. You said 'either for or against.' So unless you want to retract that and re-write it so that you don't exclude music you like, I don't see any change made by your defense just now.
i dont even know what youre talking about here, and frankly dont care as it doesnt seem particularly important
A Super-Jew band would be as annoying as any Christian band. Trust me. More annoying than most, probably.
i looked up some old jewish music, started with k. kabzam or some such thing, and boy, was it obnoxious.
Again, if you meant that song, specify it. I wouldn't defend that particular example of it, but I will defend people structuring a lyric around one syllable or sound. Since you attacked the latter without qualification, I told you why that's a dumbass statement to make. It still is.
that song isnt the only song that does the same kind of noise based garbage. i dont know why youre defending rap on a metal forum anyways, but ill leave that up to you. rap is simply and inferior kind of music in all forms and all respects. its that simple, dont even try to attack this , because this is personal belief. you can go bump your nwa tunes all you want, but its utter garbage
Again, if your problem is with their other behavior more than their rapping, why only mention the rap? Among your other criticism was 'you aren't a professional.' Like I said, a lot of people aren't without it being a problem. Criticize their behavior if you don't want to look like the angry neighbor who calls the cops on the party.
actually, on the inside im an 80 year old man. cant you tell?
I don't care that you don't like Kill Bill. I just said that your criticisms of it showed an inability to perceive irony or participate in a discerning audience. Nothing else you've written shows that you're capable of more than the shallowest of engagements in an art form. Like I said, you're more than welcome to dislike it. You should just try to become a better filmgoer to legitimize your dislike. Also reader and listener.
movies suck. kill bill sucked. you can try and defend his masterful camerawork or ironic dialogue, but i wont be having any of it. i dont like movies and i never have. only uptight snobs like yourself who like to escape their own lives enjoy movies and rave about how wonderful the acting was.
Spinoza Ray Prozak would only cry with joy if I had asked you to perform a, as he puts it, 'hollow-point lobotomy' upon yourself. He really seems to like hollow-point bullets. But even then, the fact that I asked a Northern European to kill himself would probably shock and dismay him. I'm sure he'd be much happier to see the posts in which you talk about identifying nations by race and keeping your bloodline pure. Or have you not actually read his site? You've got more in common with him than I do. I don't even come close to his levels of self-obfuscation through vocabulary, though. I can, but I've stopped.
yeah, ive read his postings. kind of ridiculous, and doesnt he have AIDS?
oh well
anyways, hes a pompous bastard much like yourself
You're shockingly uncritical of yourself and your views. That's why I don't like you and probably never will...babbling.....Yours were bad, and large, enough for me to ignore Dissection in favor of only a few points from you. If I went through them point by point, I'd go blind and probably crash the server.
entirely unfunny and boring to read, not to mention pretty hard to follow. try again, and im not trying to win your respect, unlike many of the pst88 whores around here
Final note: While it's true that I have more respect for guitar demon than for you, I don't have any more respect for his decision to learn Norsk or get in touch with his ancestral roots. However, I've yet to see him down anybody else for learning a language, and, taking that into consideration, I guess you could say I do have more respect for it.
what the hell are you even saying here?
Last edited by Transient : 2005-02-10 at 00:58.

2005-02-10, 01:08
bugfucker strikes back.
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: 19713, Delaware
Posts: 5,739
Originally Posted by Chris Rezendes
I've always liked you, so I'm not going to make a big deal out of this, but I've noticed this for a while and it's been bothering me a bit. You have tendencies toward racial biases, and no matter what manner in which you try to rationalize or justify it, it's wrong. It really should matter to you what race a person is if they rob somebody else or attack people 3-1 or 5-2. It's always wrong, and if somebody happens to be of African, Asian, Hispanic, or Australian Aboriginal descent, it doesn't make it any better or worse and does not deserve to be pointed out specifically by ethnic background.
See, if you can't joke about your race, then you don't have a sense of humor. There is a difference between joking with my black friend (who claims that he is white; swear to god) and calling him a nigger (which he calls himself, and me even), and the type of blantant moronic hick speech you see in the American south. If someone jokes around and calls me a cracker, I don't get offended. What am I supposed to say? "Fuck you, you can't call me that." Why? Because its what should be expected? You point out my race and I'm obligated to feel offended?
No, see, racial stereotypes are funny. When a black man says something deemed "racist" by the morons who consider themselves politically correct, I laugh, for the sole reason that anyone who is dumb enough to believe racial stereotypes deserves to hung and fucking bled.
I understand you point, Chris, and I respect it because of how intelligent you are. I don't want you to take any of this as an attack on what you said.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-02-10, 01:39
bugfucker strikes back.
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: 19713, Delaware
Posts: 5,739
Originally Posted by PST 88
Unless it's Dissection saying it. Then he should be suspended.
That is from the Jewish Deathmatch thread.
FUCK you, PST. You are the morons who took it to be a racist comment. If I was going to say something racist against asians, I would've made it a little funnier, not to mention more imaginative than "...tiny oriental penis..."
Unless you know all the facts, you wannabe elitist cunt, shut your pompous fucking mouth.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-02-10, 01:42
Forum Daemon
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 4,982
'i dont care. and looking up the german word for world outlook will not make me a better person.'
Well, we've basically hit upon everything I don't like about you, and why we can't communicate. You're incurious. Curiosity would make you a better person. You make no effort to understand anything and then complain from the position of your lack of understanding as though it's some kind of virtue. You discount everything you've been too lazy to comprehend. 'Verbal masturbation' is not making an effort to write decently. Verbal masturbation is typing up 4,000 some-odd words of your banal observations and listless criticisms because you somehow believe they're worth being read. Do you even understand what you write yourself? Look at some of the shit coming off your fingertips.
Just a second to clarify on 'pompous bastard': I'm not that pompous, since I don't really look down on anyone, which is more or less a pre-requisite. On the other hand, your list of things that annoy you was certainly an 'exaggerated display of self-importance,' and did leave you looking down on the majority of kids your age. Which, like I said, is a fairly typical teenage phenomenon. I just don't want to have to read about it, you pompous twat.
You've managed to steer well clear of my point thus far, so I don't expect to see any comprehension forthcoming and would prefer to stop trying now, as I do have other and more important things to write for. But I'll keep arguing if you want.

2005-02-10, 01:49
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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what is your main point then, it seems to be swaying back and forth.
i simply dont care about the german word for world outlook is. youre an idiot for thinking that one statement i made simply sums up my entire personality. its like me saying you must pester every person you work with in the same way you step on everyones toes here. youre the same kind of liberal, hell bent for equality and love kind of person i hate.you do too possess some arrogance, or you wouldnt have started by commenting on my rants in the first place. clearly you think youre teaching me some kind of lesson
what the hell did you do when you were a teenager anyways? i cant see you doing anything other than harassing other messageboard posters with one hand on your dick and the other hand on the keyboard.
so to bring this back to where we started, what is your main point?
i look down on just about everyone in my age group. i agree with you there. and you would to if you had to go to school with these mindless idiots everyday as well.

2005-02-10, 01:54
bugfucker strikes back.
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: 19713, Delaware
Posts: 5,739
I'll leave this debate between the two of you, but your asinine comments against me prove his point.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.
Last edited by Dissection : 2005-02-10 at 01:56.

2005-02-10, 01:59
Pirate Lawd
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Hanger 18
Posts: 6,520
Damn, it just got all hateful up in this piece!

2005-02-10, 02:01
The Mountie From Hell
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and i start to walk in hahahaha....
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2005-02-10, 02:31
Forum Daemon
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My point is not swaying back and forth. You're reading shallowly and jumping on examples as though they're the underlying structure, which is why I feel we won't be able to communicate. I've just been asking for you to try to get over your obvious mental laziness and state of incuriosity. Or, failing that, to shut the fuck up.
I'm not taking one statement as running to your entire personality. Your personality is on display. You have 3,102 posts of personality for me to go on. I was just saying that this one statement serves as a good, if small, example of what I object to.
I'm not arrogant, or pompous. I am somewhat proud of myself, but not as much as you'd think. And I do have a lesson, but it's not that everyone is equal or should be loved. Read my first post in response to you and you'll see something of my thoughts on the matter. But appreciating inequalities is not the same as looking down on everyone and believing you're special. You're the kind of person - regardless of political beliefs -who believes he's somehow special and superior with nothing more to show for himself than a few years of high school and some half-assed ideas, who I hate. Glad to meet you.
When I was a teenager I was, with some differences, the same kind of immature little shit as you. Though I got out more, read a lot, would bother to look up a word when I didn't understand it, and tried to use my then-mediocre critical skills to reflect on my own arguments. I went to high school in Upstate New York too. What makes you think you're different or special? Just deal with it and be happy that it only lasts for a few more years.
Dissection: if anything I did got you suspended for a few days, I just want to say: that's hilarious. It is hilarious. Just think about it and you'll be laughing. Especially as I sure as hell didn't ask Jarrod to suspend you, and can't remember ever posting something even remotely resembling genuine offense at your comment on weijia's penis. I, personally, was surprised to see you got suspended for that, but it was at least funny. You want to blame somebody for your brief break from the green screen? Blame yourself for making such a repugnant online persona that the mods here will jump at an excuse to ban you. I'm just glad you finally got over brown-nosing me whenever I show up. And feel free to insert yourself into the argument. I don't mind.
Anyway, chums, I've got some other shit to do at the moment, but I'll try to check in on your responses tomorrow or in the next few days and keep this up for however long it needs to go. Cheers.
Last edited by PST 88 : 2005-02-10 at 02:53.

2005-02-10, 03:05
Attorney at Bird Law
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Originally Posted by Dissection
See, if you can't joke about your race, then you don't have a sense of humor. There is a difference between joking with my black friend (who claims that he is white; swear to god) and calling him a nigger (which he calls himself, and me even), and the type of blantant moronic hick speech you see in the American south. If someone jokes around and calls me a cracker, I don't get offended. What am I supposed to say? "Fuck you, you can't call me that." Why? Because its what should be expected? You point out my race and I'm obligated to feel offended?
No, see, racial stereotypes are funny. When a black man says something deemed "racist" by the morons who consider themselves politically correct, I laugh, for the sole reason that anyone who is dumb enough to believe racial stereotypes deserves to hung and fucking bled.
I understand you point, Chris, and I respect it because of how intelligent you are. I don't want you to take any of this as an attack on what you said.
Now, not as an asshole, but just as a guy who knows what he's talking about, the word 'race' as used to describe people of certain colors is nothing more than erroneous logically and nothing less than extremely annoying for me. The reason for this is that race is indicative of an animal on the specific or, occasionally, at the very smallest level, subspecifically. Now, as I may or may not have explained here before, there is only one human species, Homo sapiens, with no surviving subspecies. Now, this seems strange. If that's what the word race means, and it's inapplicable, how exactly did the word race come into popular use in regard with human beings?
Well, several hundred years ago, the world was a much different place. Science, which had remained dormant for quite a while in favor of false all-powerful beings, started to make a rebound. Meanwhile, in North America, where the slave trade was a powerful entity, there were many Christians who moral values didn't allow for them to accept slavery and the extreme cruelty involved in all aspects of it. Now, these objectors would make a big fuss over all this (despite the fact that many of them viewed themselves as superior to other ethnicities). The people who wanted to continue this needed a way to justify this, but how?! In comes science, in it's infancy, and they realized they could capitalize on this similarly to the way people had abused the concepts of religion over the years.
Now, science that is abused for the political (or other) purposes is generally refered to as pseudo-scientists. Basically, what these people did was (without the employment of legitimate testing) conclude that Africans were of a completely different species, a race perfectly intermediate between apes and white men. No less an authority than Thomas Jefferson claimed that scientific observation had proven the theory that Africans and their American descendents were "inferior to whites in the endowments of both body and mind". This despite the fact that many blacks (even slaves!) were actually scientists during this period of scientific rebirth in which we learned so much as a people. Unfortunately, the only specific name of a prominent black scientist that comes to mind is that of one Benjamin Banneker, who actually sent Jefferson a copy of an almanac published (and financed by the US government, I believe) just to prove him wrong.
In a nutshell, the word race has been misused over the years simply as a way of contending that people of African descent are physically and intellectually inferior to white people. Over the years, having grown in popular use, it was used in reference to pretty much any group of people who arbitrarily had similarly colored skin or came from the same general region. For example, notice how Native Americans, Africans, and Asians are frequently considered races, despite the fact that there are hundreds of seperate ethnicities within those relatively irrelevant groups. On the other hand, in Europe, it has been known for millenia that there are countless ethnic groups.
So, I'm hoping you'll forgive me if I nitpick too much about a word whose popularity only grew out of a desperate attemp to prove that I and my mother are inferior both intellectually and physically to my father or you. Keep in mind these problems were still prevalent not 50 years ago, and still continue in a less overt form to this day.
Joking about ethnic background differs in the form under which it takes place. Personally, I think when people joke to frequently about ethnic background, that means ethnic background is important to them and something they are proud of. Nobody should be proud of their ethnic background. This opinion of mine is extremely unpopular, especially among people of recently oppressed ethnic backgrounds.
These people believe that being proud of their ethnic background helps to erase any damage done by the ethnic group oppressing them, or to put it bluntly, white people, since it would help to be more specific. Not only does it not erase the damage done, it continues to drive a wedge between people of different ethnic backgrounds, including people of similarly oppressed ethnic backgrounds (lets say blacks and Jews as a random, specific example). Why it this? It's because ethnic pride commonly and quickly leads to delusions of ethnic superiority, which has plagued mankind for millenia before American slavery ever happened. I'll elaborate on this later.
So, what reasons are there to be proud of your ethnic background? None whatsoever. Everybody has an ethnic background. Being proud of your ethnic background is the exact same thing as being proud that you were born. Don't be proud that you were born. Be proud of your life's acheivements and accomplished goals.
Now, I'll admit freely that I make ethnically related jokes. For example, my cousin Sean, who (along with his brother), like me (and my brothers) is half white. However, he is kind of dark and you would never be able to tell he is half white. Now, he is also a HUGE hockey fan, for reasons I'll never know. Sometimes I joke around with him and tell him that if he ever tried to attend a Bruins game he'd get thrown out for being too many shades higher than tan. We also make stupid, throw-away jokes where we pretend like we've never seen a black person before and tease each other for being black, you know, like if we're eating we might say something like "are you sure you don't want fried chicken? I thought that's what you people ate". It's even better if you pick out something that you know the person doesn't like, for example, I hate fried chicken, and my cousin Tory hates watermelon, so we might bring up something specifically as a two-headed joke.
We are all black, and we understand these are just stupid ethnic stereotypes, so we have fun with them. My youngest brother and I are quite tanned and thusly resemble hispanics, so my cousins often refer to me as that "Puerto Rican kid" and my brother as "the Guatemalan". This is just stupid joking and nothing serious. Similar jokes don't bother me, so long as it's obvious it's really just a stupid, throw-away joke. The problem lies in the fact that many people buy into these ethnic stereotypes as being legitimate.
Now, earlier on, I told you I'd elaborate on false delusions of ethnic superiority and it's existence for millenia before the American slavery boom. Well, for thousands of years, people felt arbitrarily superior to other peoples based on ethnic differences. These differences were never based on color, however. Superiority based on color only came with the advent of North American slavery. There were rivalries between Native American ethnicities, African ethnicities, western, central, and eastern Asian ethnicities, and, as I'm sure you're quite aware, between European ethnicities as well. For example, there were rivalries between local Austrian and Italian ethnicities where they bordered. See also, Spanish vs. French, or English vs. every other European (or foreign) ethnicities.
Similarly, slavery had existed for thousands and thousands of years before American slavery came into existence. The differences were huge, however. For example, slaves of times past were generally people of conquered lands, prisoners of war, criminals, and those who owed debts. These people could, in almost every example, earn their freedom. Certainly, it was not an enviable position to be in, but they also had legal rights never afforded to the slaves of America. They were never considered to be property (or animals), and any children born of a slave was usually considered free at a certain age. You certainly could not rape or murder these slaves. The slaves of the Americas were very different. They were slaves for life, as were their children in most cases. They had no rights as human being, for they were considered animals, except, unlike animals, they were held 100% accountable for any perceived transgressions.
Now, maybe you are curious how American slavery came to be responsible for a new type of 'racism' based on color rather than ethnicity. Well, I might have trouble trying to articulate this, but, basically, when the Europeans imported slaves from Africa, many of the European settlers and colonists had never seen them. Thusly, their only view of blacks were as slaves. Because of this, all blacks were seen to them as inferior. These views later became justified by such pseudo-scientists as Thomas Jefferson, in their explanations that those of African descent were inherently inferior to whites in all quantifiable manners.
Unlike your post, which you explained was not an attack on my post, the first paragraphy of my post is intended to attack your misuse (or, really, all misuse) of the word 'race'. However, this isn't meant to attack you as a person or to make you look or feel stupid, so don't feel slighted in any way by it. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask, as I have no problem explaining to you anything that I myself understand.
This is Chris Rezendes saying 'good night', good night.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-02-10, 03:57
Lo, they do call to me...
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: virginia beach, VA
Posts: 2,209
thats to all of you, BTW, Chris, tranny, dissection, and whoever else has posted in this thread, including myself and FBS...
but mostly dissection
Too grim to function

2005-02-10, 04:00
I am a tax on the world..
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I know some really cool dudes that are shall we say "different" than my body features, and I must say I have never used a ethnic slang other than adding a "ian" or "an" on the end of their country. Hence, Brazilian, American, Asian, European, so on and so forth. I see no reason why someone would make up a word to call a person except for the cool generic ones like asshole and shithead. Although I don't like many things and some people, I can't understand it. hehehe PST, I think I am a very pompous person, but not really arrogant...
oh, and I hate the way pizza sauce drips off onto my shirt while I'm eating it.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page
Last edited by powersofterror : 2005-02-10 at 04:02.

2005-02-10, 19:52
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
Originally Posted by PST 88
My point is not swaying back and forth. You're reading shallowly and jumping on examples as though they're the underlying structure, which is why I feel we won't be able to communicate. I've just been asking for you to try to get over your obvious mental laziness and state of incuriosity. Or, failing that, to shut the fuck up.
I'm not taking one statement as running to your entire personality. Your personality is on display. You have 3,102 posts of personality for me to go on. I was just saying that this one statement serves as a good, if small, example of what I object to.
I'm not arrogant, or pompous. I am somewhat proud of myself, but not as much as you'd think. And I do have a lesson, but it's not that everyone is equal or should be loved. Read my first post in response to you and you'll see something of my thoughts on the matter. But appreciating inequalities is not the same as looking down on everyone and believing you're special. You're the kind of person - regardless of political beliefs -who believes he's somehow special and superior with nothing more to show for himself than a few years of high school and some half-assed ideas, who I hate. Glad to meet you.
When I was a teenager I was, with some differences, the same kind of immature little shit as you. Though I got out more, read a lot, would bother to look up a word when I didn't understand it, and tried to use my then-mediocre critical skills to reflect on my own arguments. I went to high school in Upstate New York too. What makes you think you're different or special? Just deal with it and be happy that it only lasts for a few more years.
Dissection: if anything I did got you suspended for a few days, I just want to say: that's hilarious. It is hilarious. Just think about it and you'll be laughing. Especially as I sure as hell didn't ask Jarrod to suspend you, and can't remember ever posting something even remotely resembling genuine offense at your comment on weijia's penis. I, personally, was surprised to see you got suspended for that, but it was at least funny. You want to blame somebody for your brief break from the green screen? Blame yourself for making such a repugnant online persona that the mods here will jump at an excuse to ban you. I'm just glad you finally got over brown-nosing me whenever I show up. And feel free to insert yourself into the argument. I don't mind.
Anyway, chums, I've got some other shit to do at the moment, but I'll try to check in on your responses tomorrow or in the next few days and keep this up for however long it needs to go. Cheers.
lets not drag this shit out anyfurther ,its just lame and we arent getting anywhere. this isnt a "you win" , this is a simple "i dont care"
by the way, where in upstate ny

2005-02-10, 23:50
Forum Daemon
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 4,982
I would have assumed it was an 'I don't care' even if you hadn't specified. But thanks.
I lived in the city with the brilliant plan for the fast ferry to Toronto. Home of Kodak, the Rhinos, and one of three minor airports within a two hour's drive of each other. Now I live in Chicago. It's colder, but has less snow and a bigger, more useful airport. It's a step up.

2005-02-11, 03:24
Attorney at Bird Law
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Location: Alone here, with emptiness, eagles, and snow...
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Originally Posted by Trendkill 420
lol i'm drunk and being a prick. but an honest prick
i only saw race.
so i'm gonna remark on race
My best friend is native. (thats' equal to "black" {if i use any other it may offend someone} in most of canada)
I'm white, long hair, anti christian (or was for a long time)
My first cousin is an african american
I have friends who are gay
i've wanted to kill people
I've met, been, seen ...different
From what i've gathered. Anyone who treats it different is childish
be it the white, anglo-american prick. the chief, spike lee, or fucking hitler
You are you. I've got the intelligence to gather that I is me (though i lack the grammer  )
I treat a person like that
But you've got your black man sayin that they deserver reparations (Yeah you do, but i deserve tax cuts ...i know that's a lame excuse. but thats' life) every ones got something to bitch about now a days
bitches about womens lib. I agree 100@ with womens rights. I respect women equally as humans. No MORE. so don't expect fucking dinner. cuz you picked it bitch. it's equal. lol
black people. I'm sorry. MY ancestors (well mine didn't. mine never saw a black person. (i'm scottish) ) enslaved you. Kill america, kill em all.
But i can't accept Your extreme ideas. If you want to go back to the motherland, like so many of you state. Start a fuckign charity. Many kkk will donate.
Stop hating me for my skin color. I'm me.
I don't even fuckin know you.
and every one else. fuck off with the bullshiit
stop your whining
and bitching
you're not gonna get it
so start taking it
You are your own government
you choose your reality
You read your own books and deduce that you lie above us all and degrade me or you for liking a different tune, book or ideals?
we all live
but i'll not hid behind my booze
we all live
and all lie
stop the cynicism
the arrogance
that's why metal has become a scar upon music
for a genre based on such beauty
(rebellion, truth,)
it's delved into such shit.
rant ended.
You offerred. sane.
Here's a little number test, all these problems have the same answer. Let's see who can find the secret number, gang!
4 - 4 = ?
-10 + 10 =?
? people live on Antarctica.
? people enjoy listening to Bjork.
Richard Simmons has nailed ? women.
George W. Bush has an IQ of ?
Canada has ? balls.
? percent of the post I quoted makes sense.
What's the secret answer? Why, 0 (zero), of course! Everybody who ever comes here to post shitfaced should be forced to read Trendy's post 10 times after they sober up.
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-02-11, 05:04
I am a tax on the world..
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Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: pizza with a shit on it!
Posts: 7,994
Dude.....that's sarcasm at its best.. 
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2005-02-11, 05:09
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
definitely  i always, always, always, enjoy reading chris's posts. 

2005-02-11, 05:16
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Location: Melbourne, AUS
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Originally Posted by Chris Rezendes
Now, as I may or may not have explained here before, there is only one human species, Homo sapiens, with no surviving subspecies.
I might be wrong, but isn't it Homo sapiens sapiens?

2005-02-11, 05:20
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
i don't know, but homo erectus is not only a magnificent theory of evolution in latin, but a complete blunder of evolution in english that's all i know.

2005-02-11, 05:23
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Location: Melbourne, AUS
Posts: 2,637
Originally Posted by andrewc
i don't know, but homo erectus is not only a magnificent theory of evolution in latin, but a complete blunder of evolution in english that's all i know.
Oh, I thought is was a poofter with a hard-on. 

2005-02-11, 05:26
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
that was the point sir 

2005-02-11, 07:16
Attorney at Bird Law
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Location: Alone here, with emptiness, eagles, and snow...
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Originally Posted by Cloaca
I might be wrong, but isn't it Homo sapiens sapiens?
All known living things are broken down into categories. There are many categories, but the main categories are, in order from the most inclusive to the most specific-
Now, there are other recognized categories that are used to show closer relationships. For examply, within Class there are Subclass and Superorder. Within Order there is Suborder and Superfamily. Within Family there is subfamily. Within Genus there are occasionally seperate clades of the species most closely related to each other, this is only used for large genera that harbor many species, some of which are far more closely related to a couple species of the genus than they are to any other species.
Then, of course, there are subspecies. Species is the most specific way of identifying any form of life, and subspecies are only used to indicate animals of the same species that are distinctly different to the point where they are clearly going to branch off into seperate species somewhere down the line.
The important thing to remember is that there need to be at least two distinctly evolving lineages within a species in order for there to be valid subspecies. Modern humans are far to closely related to each other to be considered even seperate subspecies. This is supported by our almost identical anatomies, with very minor difference (for example, a slightly larger nasal apature in those of distinctly African descent). It is also supported by DNA, as genetically we are all very closely related.
Now, here's the good news- you are right. The reason for this is that there once existed two subspecies of H. sapiens- H. s. sapiens, and H. s. idaltu. However, H. s. idaltu is extinct now, and the only surviving subspecies is H. s. sapiens, which means that while my failure to acknowledge subspecific status within H. sapiens is technically wrong, for all intents and purposes, one could argue that, since H. sapiens does not presently have any distinct, seperately evolving lineages, suspecific recognition is entirely invalid.
That argument would probably be pretty weak, however, so I'll just admit I made a mistake.
Some also would like to argue that H. neanderthalis is conspecific with H. sapiens, and, thusly, a junior synonym thereof, making it H. s. neanderthalis. This theory is not supported by mtDNA testing, which clearly supports the validity of the two as seperate species.
For more details on the taxonomy regarding living and extinct humanoids, I refer you to the following-
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-02-11, 11:20
bugfucker strikes back.
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: 19713, Delaware
Posts: 5,739
Originally Posted by PST 88
Dissection: if anything I did got you suspended for a few days, I just want to say: that's hilarious. It is hilarious. Just think about it and you'll be laughing. Especially as I sure as hell didn't ask Jarrod to suspend you, and can't remember ever posting something even remotely resembling genuine offense at your comment on weijia's penis. I, personally, was surprised to see you got suspended for that, but it was at least funny. You want to blame somebody for your brief break from the green screen? Blame yourself for making such a repugnant online persona that the mods here will jump at an excuse to ban you. I'm just glad you finally got over brown-nosing me whenever I show up. And feel free to insert yourself into the argument. I don't mind.
I used my other s/n for one, to clear up any bullshit surrounding my suspension. Brown nosing? Why the hell would I brown nose online? Seriously, thats fucking pointless.
Chris: I don't feel like getting into it with you, considering you are one of the few people on here who don't find it necessary to make a pitiful attempt to flame me because its "cool." I'll leave the race thing alone, because of the fact that I probably don't have as much knowledge on the subject you've brought up.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-02-11, 14:43
El Diablo sin pantalones
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Yggdrassyl
Posts: 4,321
Racism and dividing humans in species is silly. Why?
There is more genetic difference between 2 chimpanzees in the same group, than the genetic difference between any human being and any other human being.
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-02-11, 19:25
Forum Daemon
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 4,982
I saw The True Dissection, though that doesn't actually affect anything I said. You're an oversensitive, whiney little twat, or, if you'd prefer, brat. Jesus, man, you can't take a few jokes about your, admittedly unfair, suspension? You give everyone shit for everything but are too fragile to be made fun of? Grow some thicker e-skin. If I recall correctly, BLS made more jokes about his than anybody. I never thought I'd say this: be more like BLS. I always thought I'd say this: be less like Dissection.
The reason people flame you isn't simply because it's cool (or wasn't originally and isn't always, since obviously sometimes it is); it's because you're an unpleasant person. Or maybe that's not true; maybe I'm the only one to insult you because I find you to be a repugnant waste, and everyone else does it because it's cool. But I doubt it.
And I never understood why you'd brown nose somebody online either. It is fucking pointless, I agree. I'm just happy to see that, now that I made those terrible, insensitive jokes about your tragic suspension from an online forum, I've made your shit list and won't have to puzzle over that shit anymore.

2005-02-11, 19:50
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
Posts: 9,967
i think pretty much everyone that posted in this thread put too much thought into their posts

2005-02-11, 23:13
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Sydney.
Posts: 4,674
Holy fucking Jebus. This thread used to be a place where I wrote cranky stuff and pimped my shit.
Why is it that everything that bears my name turns hostile and unpleasant?
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2005-02-11, 23:32
Lo, they do call to me...
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: virginia beach, VA
Posts: 2,209
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
Holy fucking Jebus. This thread used to be a place where I wrote cranky stuff and pimped my shit.
Why is it that everything that bears my name turns hostile and unpleasant?
because you are hostile and unpleasant?
Too grim to function

2005-02-12, 00:16
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
yes. you are hostile, unpleasant, rude, vulgar and nasty.
and we bloody love you for it 

2005-02-12, 11:08
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Sydney.
Posts: 4,674
Originally Posted by MoonRaven
because you are hostile and unpleasant?
Man's got a point.
I've noticed recently that the quality and efforts of flamage in general have gone up quite markedly. It's rather tremendous.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2005-02-13, 00:58
bugfucker strikes back.
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: 19713, Delaware
Posts: 5,739
Originally Posted by PST 88
I saw The True Dissection, though that doesn't actually affect anything I said. You're an oversensitive, whiney little twat, or, if you'd prefer, brat. Jesus, man, you can't take a few jokes about your, admittedly unfair, suspension? You give everyone shit for everything but are too fragile to be made fun of? Grow some thicker e-skin. If I recall correctly, BLS made more jokes about his than anybody. I never thought I'd say this: be more like BLS. I always thought I'd say this: be less like Dissection.
The reason people flame you isn't simply because it's cool (or wasn't originally and isn't always, since obviously sometimes it is); it's because you're an unpleasant person. Or maybe that's not true; maybe I'm the only one to insult you because I find you to be a repugnant waste, and everyone else does it because it's cool. But I doubt it.
And I never understood why you'd brown nose somebody online either. It is fucking pointless, I agree. I'm just happy to see that, now that I made those terrible, insensitive jokes about your tragic suspension from an online forum, I've made your shit list and won't have to puzzle over that shit anymore.
No, see, joking around is one thing. All I ever do is fuck around with people. I just get tired of idiots who go around saying shit about me because its the norm around here. At least you have a reason for not liking me.
Thicker e-skin? Jesus Christ, I'm not that much of a bitch.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2005-02-13, 01:01
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Chicago
Posts: 8,705
Originally Posted by PST 88
be more like BLS. I always thought I'd say this: be less like Dissection.
Dissy will NEVER be as cool as me..
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-02-13, 08:00
Forum Daemon
Forum Leader
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 4,982
Yes, you are.
And no, he won't. Incidentally, I'll be at Suffocation/Behemoth/BDM tomorrow. If you want to be cool like Def, PM me. If not, I'll catch you at Cryptopsy. Or not.

2005-02-13, 18:57
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Chicago
Posts: 8,705
Shit its already tommorrow?
God dammit.. Guess I wont be going  I am going to the Dime Benifit though
Are you going to King Diamond/Nile/BDM? http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/0...&minorcatid=200
Oh, what about ATREYU!!! http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/4...8274E?brand=hob
Ill be there to see Unearth.. then Im leaving.
The only Chicago Cryptopsy show I can find is in Sauget.. and I wont be going there.. I could have swore they were playing at the HOB.
And dont expect any PM's.. ever. I wont be deleting anything in my PM box.. its a pain in the ass and Im lazy.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-02-13, 21:54
Forum Daemon
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Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 4,982
Yeah, I'm about to leave, actually. Just need a change.
I'm pretty sure Cryptopsy's at the House of Blues, but I don't know. I think it popped up as a 'related link' when I was searching for the Suffocation start time.
I'll probably be there for King Diamond, but I don't know about Atreyu. If I do, I'll probably be leaving at about the same time you are.
Re-post your email address, then. It takes about one click to empty your mailbox, though.

2005-02-13, 21:55
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Chicago
Posts: 8,705
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2005-02-24, 10:29
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
obese people
fucking hell. i can keep my mouth shut no longer.
before you jump to conclusions, this is not going to be a rant about office blokes who manage to keep in shape with only a small tummy, or about girls who have a bit of puppy fat, or any little tiny weight problem which is fine in this day and age of anorexia and bulimia nervosa. (and of which i actually prefer the latter, as it gives me more to love  )
this is about fucking fat-arsed obese people. the kind that you see (struggling to) walking down the street with their incredibly huge amounts of flab wobbling every which way. the kind that take up an entire footpath so you have to walk on the road to avoid bumping into them (putting yourself in danger of cars, trucks and STRAY DOG SHIT ON THE WAY THERE).
every time an employer tells someone they are "a tad overweight" (they're being a tad too pleasant mind you), somebody smells "SCANDAL" and 2 days later, that person will be on today tonight, crying blüppy tears that run down to their 5,000 chins, saying how this discrimination has fucked them up for life. well i'll tell you something matey. it's your unstoppable lust for lard, and your unrelenting fetish for fat that's fucked up your life, not the fault of the kind person who's just protected all the people in her restaurant from your man-tits knocking the food off the table, or from your chin hairs reaching low enough to pierce a hairdressing customers neck, or whatever place you just took 3 hours to waddle your gigantic rear end up the street to.
and everytime i, very politely may i add, ask an obese man to shift one seat over on the bus or the tram, i get this unrelenting display of how i'm being offensive, it's people like me who's stereotyping makes the world a worse place. well. I MIGHT JUST TELL YOU SOMETHING I FIND OFFENSIVE.
i am offended by the fact that i have to stare at your impossible-to-notice whale etiquette for 45 minutes on a tram journey to the city. i am offended by the stench of you, sweating with the effort of just sitting there, penetrating my nostrils like a surface-piercing tactical nuclear bomb on a house made of straw. i am offended by your heat-waves as a result of your sweat again, which by sitting down, results in enough sweat to give the entire population of indonesia drinking water for a fortnight. i am offended by your colossal cheeks taking up two seats. perhaps national bus company or yarra trams might like to charge double for these people, as the result is less passengers for them, resulting in a loss of profit? hmmm?
oh dear, i'm being stereotyped! you're not actually fat, you have large bones! well perhaps if darwin's theory of evolution from ape to man was proved wrong for any reason, you could claim that your father was a dinosaur. there is no other explanation for this appalling display of excess. i do beg your pardon, it's not your fault because it's glandular. again, no family would be in that much excess of obesity, yet you've grown up thinking that it is fine to stuff your face with 10kg of food at afternoon-tea time, twice this rate for breakfast, lunch and dinner. you grow up thinking it's acceptable to look like this because all your relatives do. WELL IT AIN'T BUDDY. FOR US NORMAL FOLK THAT HAVE TO TOLERATE THE MORBIDLY FLABTACULAR BLOCKING THE ROAD WITH A GREAT WALL OF BLUBBER.
might i add to this: fuck you john howard and steve bracks, in each others crusty and ancient arseholes, for attempting to eliminate physical education in schools to make way for more educational classes. you heard me correctly.
we are discussing australia's obesity problem which WILL NOT be solved by forcing kids to listen to some dribbling centigenarian droning on like a european wasp about advanced algebraic equations. but i'm straying from the topic.
which i really have nothing else to add on apart from: go on a fucking diet. call weight-watchers and they will be GLAD to help you rid of that unsightly excess.

2005-02-24, 14:29
Vaginal Warts
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: I live in a giant bucket.
Posts: 2,289
Originally Posted by andrewc
fucking hell. i can keep my mouth shut no longer.
before you jump to conclusions, this is not going to be a rant about office blokes who manage to keep in shape with only a small tummy, or about girls who have a bit of puppy fat, or any little tiny weight problem which is fine in this day and age of anorexia and bulimia nervosa. (and of which i actually prefer the latter, as it gives me more to love  )
this is about fucking fat-arsed obese people. the kind that you see (struggling to) walking down the street with their incredibly huge amounts of flab wobbling every which way. the kind that take up an entire footpath so you have to walk on the road to avoid bumping into them (putting yourself in danger of cars, trucks and STRAY DOG SHIT ON THE WAY THERE).
every time an employer tells someone they are "a tad overweight" (they're being a tad too pleasant mind you), somebody smells "SCANDAL" and 2 days later, that person will be on today tonight, crying blüppy tears that run down to their 5,000 chins, saying how this discrimination has fucked them up for life. well i'll tell you something matey. it's your unstoppable lust for lard, and your unrelenting fetish for fat that's fucked up your life, not the fault of the kind person who's just protected all the people in her restaurant from your man-tits knocking the food off the table, or from your chin hairs reaching low enough to pierce a hairdressing customers neck, or whatever place you just took 3 hours to waddle your gigantic rear end up the street to.
and everytime i, very politely may i add, ask an obese man to shift one seat over on the bus or the tram, i get this unrelenting display of how i'm being offensive, it's people like me who's stereotyping makes the world a worse place. well. I MIGHT JUST TELL YOU SOMETHING I FIND OFFENSIVE.
i am offended by the fact that i have to stare at your impossible-to-notice whale etiquette for 45 minutes on a tram journey to the city. i am offended by the stench of you, sweating with the effort of just sitting there, penetrating my nostrils like a surface-piercing tactical nuclear bomb on a house made of straw. i am offended by your heat-waves as a result of your sweat again, which by sitting down, results in enough sweat to give the entire population of indonesia drinking water for a fortnight. i am offended by your colossal cheeks taking up two seats. perhaps national bus company or yarra trams might like to charge double for these people, as the result is less passengers for them, resulting in a loss of profit? hmmm?
oh dear, i'm being stereotyped! you're not actually fat, you have large bones! well perhaps if darwin's theory of evolution from ape to man was proved wrong for any reason, you could claim that your father was a dinosaur. there is no other explanation for this appalling display of excess. i do beg your pardon, it's not your fault because it's glandular. again, no family would be in that much excess of obesity, yet you've grown up thinking that it is fine to stuff your face with 10kg of food at afternoon-tea time, twice this rate for breakfast, lunch and dinner. you grow up thinking it's acceptable to look like this because all your relatives do. WELL IT AIN'T BUDDY. FOR US NORMAL FOLK THAT HAVE TO TOLERATE THE MORBIDLY FLABTACULAR BLOCKING THE ROAD WITH A GREAT WALL OF BLUBBER.
might i add to this: fuck you john howard and steve bracks, in each others crusty and ancient arseholes, for attempting to eliminate physical education in schools to make way for more educational classes. you heard me correctly.
we are discussing australia's obesity problem which WILL NOT be solved by forcing kids to listen to some dribbling centigenarian droning on like a european wasp about advanced algebraic equations. but i'm straying from the topic.
which i really have nothing else to add on apart from: go on a fucking diet. call weight-watchers and they will be GLAD to help you rid of that unsightly excess.
I'll admit, there are many people with obesity problems in America. Has anybody else seen the lady that can clap without her hands? That movie upsets me... I am willing to post a link later, but I can only stand to see her happy-looking face for so long.
EDIT: Well, here it is: http://kontraband.com/show/show.asp...es&NSFW=&page=2
2nd EDIT: She GIGGLES at the end?!!!!
Originally Posted by PST 88
The bottom of that 'Don't Click' picture is one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. 'No, I really DO have a vagina! It's right here!'
Blackwater (Friend's Metal Band)
R.I.P Paddy. My dear and loving father will never be forgotten.
Last edited by JoeYngVai : 2005-02-24 at 14:32.

2005-02-24, 16:49
Lo, they do call to me...
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: virginia beach, VA
Posts: 2,209
fat people suck!!!!11!1!
Too grim to function

2005-02-24, 21:14
I am a tax on the world..
Forum Leader
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: pizza with a shit on it!
Posts: 7,994
Haha. You should go to illwillpress.com. That hilarious squirrel does a nice rant about obesity.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2005-02-25, 01:12
You gamma-minus fucktards
Forum Leader
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Sydney.
Posts: 4,674
I heartily approve of this thread's return to complaining about things instead of conducting pissing matches. And the denigration of fat people is necessary and right.
I'm updating today.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2005-02-25, 02:50
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
I heartily approve of this thread's return to complaining about things instead of conducting pissing matches. And the denigration of fat people is necessary and right.
I'm updating today.
thanks all, i thought it was about time somebody spoke up about this horrendous fucking problem.

2005-02-25, 04:43
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: providence
Posts: 1,863
andrewc, a milion posts ago you refered to greek people as "wogs", do people actually call them that and do they refer to each other as that in australia?, what does the word wog come from?
i only ask cause im greek and i never heard that term before,that post about wogs and jungle babies and greeks going back to the jungle in general is totally bizzare, i just have to ask

2005-02-25, 06:12
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by low-tech
andrewc, a milion posts ago you refered to greek people as "wogs", do people actually call them that and do they refer to each other as that in australia?, what does the word wog come from?
i only ask cause im greek and i never heard that term before,that post about wogs and jungle babies and greeks going back to the jungle in general is totally bizzare, i just have to ask
a million posts, i wish tee hee hee
yeah they do get called that, it used to be an offensive term like "nigger," but which has gotten considerably less offensive and more mainstream in conjunction with the rise of rap music.
i'm not too sure on the origin of it, but i think i remember a greek friend of mine saying it stands for "west originating gentleman." however, don't quote me on it.
and greeks aren't the ones in the jungle mate, i think my post about racism, you may have misinterpreted just a little bit 

2005-02-25, 10:52
Schrodinger's Cat
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Location: Liverpool, England
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Originally Posted by andrewc
we are discussing australia's obesity problem which WILL NOT be solved by forcing kids to listen to some dribbling centigenarian droning on like a european wasp about advanced algebraic equations. but i'm straying from the topic.
Seriously, if a kid can't grasp Pythagoras' Theorem after 20 minutes then the kid needs to give up and try something else. Like physical education.
Kids are fed so many myths about trigonometry and algebra that they go into classes thinking that it's hard when it really isn't. There's half the battle lost right there. It's easy. Easy. I could teach trigonometry and algebra to a mentally retarded monkey, it's that easy. Even basic calculus is simple and could be taught quite easily at 11 and 12 instead of 16+. Integrating the exponential of a squared function in 3-dimensional cartesian coordinates is hard, not trig and algebra.
Mathematics in general is given the tag of being a difficult subject. Don't get me wrong, it is difficult when you get into the more complex equations and rigorous theorems, but it's not if you go into it knowing that you can grasp it - especially at high school level. If you start studying it thinking that you're going to fail because your dad said it's hard then you will fail in due course. The whole mental approach to it is wrong.
To illustrate, here's a typical conversation that I could have with somebody:
Person: "So what did you study at university?"
Me: "Mathematics."
Person: *Eyes widen, eyebrows raise* "Woah, you must be insane or something."
This is typical of everybody who has found out about my degree and it is indicative of the misconception of the difficulty appropriated to mathematics by people who give up at the first hurdle. This brings up the issue of intelligence. I'm not particularly intelligent, if I was I could have done absolutely no work and still passed with 1st class honours anyway but as it is I had to work my socks off to gain an upper second class degree.
However, the majority of people would say that I was intelligent for the simple fact that I can calculate even the most simple of integrands (most people I know would be dumbfounded by me integrating x between 0 and 1, even though I could teach them to do it in, literally, 2 minutes). There is a popular daytime programme here in the UK called Countdown. It's basically a words and numbers game. The numbers aspect revolves around selecting at random 6 unknown numbers and then using these numbers to calculated a random figure. For example, you could have 1, 4, 7, 8, 25, 100 and then have to use these numbers to calculate 676.
You'd have to see it to get the jist but anyway, there is a woman by the name of Carol Vorderman who does the numbers part in double quick time. Invariably, she gets it and considering that they only have 30 seconds to do it, it is quite impressive. But the general public rate Ms Vorderman as being intelligent, even though she only obtained a 3rd class degree in engineering. Is adding up quick all it takes for people to be regarded as intelligent?
Anyway, my point is that you don't need to be intelligent to be good at mathematics and, as a caviat, just because you excel at mathematics doesn't mean you should be automatically considered intelligent. In the majority of cases, it is simply hard work that is the predominant factor. There lies the key: put the hard work in and it becomes easy. This links back nicely to Andrew's point of laziness: you don't get anywhere by being lazy. You won't lose weight by being lazy and you certainly won't be good at maths if you are lazy unless you possess a propensity for mathematics like Guass or Newton.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2005-02-25, 11:05
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 2,471
Originally Posted by johnmansley
Seriously, if a kid can't grasp Pythagoras' Theorem after 20 minutes then the kid needs to give up and try something else. Like physical education.
Kids are fed so many myths about trigonometry and algebra that they go into classes thinking that it's hard when it really isn't. There's half the battle lost right there. It's easy. Easy. I could teach trigonometry and algebra to a mentally retarded monkey, it's that easy. Even basic calculus is simple and could be taught quite easily at 11 and 12 instead of 16+. Integrating the exponential of a squared function in 3-dimensional cartesian coordinates is hard, not trig and algebra.
Mathematics in general is given the tag of being a difficult subject. Don't get me wrong, it is difficult when you get into the more complex equations and rigorous theorems, but it's not if you go into it knowing that you can grasp it - especially at high school level. If you start studying it thinking that you're going to fail because your dad said it's hard then you will fail in due course. The whole mental approach to it is wrong.
To illustrate, here's a typical conversation that I could have with somebody:
Person: "So what did you study at university?"
Me: "Mathematics."
Person: *Eyes widen, eyebrows raise* "Woah, you must be insane or something."
This is typical of everybody who has found out about my degree and it is indicative of the misconception of the difficulty appropriated to mathematics by people who give up at the first hurdle. This brings up the issue of intelligence. I'm not particularly intelligent, if I was I could have done absolutely no work and still passed with 1st class honours anyway but as it is I had to work my socks off to gain an upper second class degree.
However, the majority of people would say that I was intelligent for the simple fact that I can calculate even the most simple of integrands (most people I know would be dumbfounded by me integrating x between 0 and 1, even though I could teach them to do it in, literally, 2 minutes). There is a popular daytime programme here in the UK called Countdown. It's basically a words and numbers game. The numbers aspect revolves around selecting at random 6 unknown numbers and then using these numbers to calculated a random figure. For example, you could have 1, 4, 7, 8, 25, 100 and then have to use these numbers to calculate 676.
You'd have to see it to get the jist but anyway, there is a woman by the name of Carol Vorderman who does the numbers part in double quick time. Invariably, she gets it and considering that they only have 30 seconds to do it, it is quite impressive. But the general public rate Ms Vorderman as being intelligent, even though she only obtained a 3rd class degree in engineering. Is adding up quick all it takes for people to be regarded as intelligent?
Anyway, my point is that you don't need to be intelligent to be good at mathematics and, as a caviat, just because you excel at mathematics doesn't mean you should be automatically considered intelligent. In the majority of cases, it is simply hard work that is the predominant factor. There lies the key: put the hard work in and it becomes easy. This links back nicely to Andrew's point of laziness: you don't get anywhere by being lazy. You won't lose weight by being lazy and you certainly won't be good at maths if you are lazy unless you possess a propensity for mathematics like Guass or Newton.
hehehe....yeh. well actually i was only using the mathematics to illustrate my point, but i was quite impressed with that little speech there, john. i would regard you as being highly intelligent, because mathematics is completely beyond me. everyone says i'm a "bright kid," and i am good at a lot of other subjects like english, music, drama, geography, history to name a few, but mathematics and science are two subjects that are completely beyond me, and i have some trouble understanding fairly common mathematical rules, like pythagorus (a2 + b2 = c2 is about as far as i get), and 2piR as well.
and i wouldn't call you insane, i am just quite impressed. now for my next rambling, i want to ramble about bands who release songs by the name of "shut up," but i don't think it's broad enough.

2005-02-25, 14:10
I am a tax on the world..
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Location: pizza with a shit on it!
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I was never good in the math class. However, Astronomy/Physics were somwhow better for me-maybe it is because my Astronomy class now is based more on concept with only few equations to remember.
now for my next rambling, i want to ramble about bands who release songs by the name of "shut up," but i don't think it's broad enough.
Ya know what's funny? I've always wanted to do some nameless rant here, but that's almost the sole reason I have't yet-because I don't have the patience to broaden my statements with fireballs.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page
Last edited by powersofterror : 2005-02-25 at 14:17.

2005-02-25, 16:08
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 4,723
Listen to John Mansley kids! It's all down to either laziness or total retardness. If you can't pick up a book and practice some exercises for you exams for an hour, then you don't deserve to be in school.
I got 10% for my algebra test once, so before the retake, I just sat down and studied for an hour. Next day I got 85%.

2005-02-25, 16:55
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: NYC
Posts: 1,199
He's right. Mansley is a very sharp gentleman indeed.

2005-02-25, 20:41
Lo, they do call to me...
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: virginia beach, VA
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i hate bad smells, there is a hall at my highschool that always smells like week old shit, and i hate it, becuase it is a fairly long hall, and it is also the fastest way to get across the school.
Too grim to function

2005-02-25, 21:30
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Location: Melbourne, AUS
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Originally Posted by MoonRaven
i hate bad smells, there is a hall at my highschool that always smells like week old shit, and i hate it, becuase it is a fairly long hall, and it is also the fastest way to get across the school.
It's not so bad when the smells come from you though.

2005-02-26, 05:48
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: providence
Posts: 1,863
andrewc. well, it was, i guess, the "greasy bastard" reference to the "go back to the jungle comment" was what i misunderstood, greeks also have been living in the middle east, india and africa for about 2300 years or so now too, egypt mostly<desert not jungle>,but yeah, many people dont know about that or much care, alot of greek migrants are from somewhere else besides greece,speak arabic and so on,anyways, im not offended or anything
today i ate a gyro, watched the movie troy.......horribly inaccurate,embarrasing to watch
1>meneleus does not die in the iliad, he gets helen back
2>argomenmon does not not die in the iliad
3>hector didnt kill ajax
4>priam never had a sword heirloom for paris
5>phallanxes rarely broke line and charged indiscriminately into other phallanx lines, they slowly manuvered trying to flank,surround,divide thier opponents
6>what the fuck are egyptians statues doing at a temple of apollo
7>those statues are also way too big
8>columns are way too big, and they taper and are way too stylized in a way the greeks never made them
9>fight scenes seem more like kung fu,jet li lite
10>troy is the size of manhattan, and is UNPAINTED, house paint did exist then
11>triremes were also painted, the eyes werent noticable enough
12>the greeks were never united then and argomenmon was not thier ruler. he just had the most clout
13>where are the gods anyway? mt olympus anyone?
14>the iliad was written 600 years after a series of wars that happened on the anatolian penninsula, the story itself is obviously an oral history that is mythological in nature, its as if they tried to recreate a realistic version of events to one war that was a collage' of many different myths and wars and long winded tales
15>the film was shot in mexico
16>everyones either british or american, who would make better vikings than greeks
17>the siege took 9 years and it was actually a siege, not a beach party
18>none's wearing a toga and what the fuck is that tie-dye shit
19>i saw some purple cloths there in some shots.......that dye was rare and was a phoenician monopoly for a couple of millenium
20>whatever happened to catapults and balistas or siege towers, a well supplied army would bring materials and would actually try to "dig in" fortify the camp, if they can build a big horse they can build at least ladders and towers to breach walls the nine years prior to the horse idea
sorry if this is a little boring,but the iliad was a religious text to my ancestors. and would of been a cool movie had not some assholes made it into a mindless power violence movie filled with human hamburger and ultra stoic dudeness. i hear now that they are gonna make hannibal of carthage starring vin diesel, they'll probably fuck that one up too
Last edited by low-tech : 2005-02-26 at 06:03.

2005-02-26, 12:04
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Location: Melbourne, AUS
Posts: 2,637
wasn't agamemnon killed by his jealous wife?

2005-02-26, 14:25
Schrodinger's Cat
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Liverpool, England
Posts: 5,975
Originally Posted by DameFraMorkum
There's a first time for everything!
Originally Posted by low-tech
today i ate a gyro, watched the movie troy.......horribly inaccurate,embarrasing to watch
1>meneleus does not die in the iliad, he gets helen back
2>argomenmon does not not die in the iliad
3>hector didnt kill ajax
4>priam never had a sword heirloom for paris
5>phallanxes rarely broke line and charged indiscriminately into other phallanx lines, they slowly manuvered trying to flank,surround,divide thier opponents
6>what the fuck are egyptians statues doing at a temple of apollo
7>those statues are also way too big
8>columns are way too big, and they taper and are way too stylized in a way the greeks never made them
9>fight scenes seem more like kung fu,jet li lite
10>troy is the size of manhattan, and is UNPAINTED, house paint did exist then
11>triremes were also painted, the eyes werent noticable enough
12>the greeks were never united then and argomenmon was not thier ruler. he just had the most clout
13>where are the gods anyway? mt olympus anyone?
14>the iliad was written 600 years after a series of wars that happened on the anatolian penninsula, the story itself is obviously an oral history that is mythological in nature, its as if they tried to recreate a realistic version of events to one war that was a collage' of many different myths and wars and long winded tales
15>the film was shot in mexico
16>everyones either british or american, who would make better vikings than greeks
17>the siege took 9 years and it was actually a siege, not a beach party
18>none's wearing a toga and what the fuck is that tie-dye shit
19>i saw some purple cloths there in some shots.......that dye was rare and was a phoenician monopoly for a couple of millenium
20>whatever happened to catapults and balistas or siege towers, a well supplied army would bring materials and would actually try to "dig in" fortify the camp, if they can build a big horse they can build at least ladders and towers to breach walls the nine years prior to the horse idea
sorry if this is a little boring,but the iliad was a religious text to my ancestors. and would of been a cool movie had not some assholes made it into a mindless power violence movie filled with human hamburger and ultra stoic dudeness. i hear now that they are gonna make hannibal of carthage starring vin diesel, they'll probably fuck that one up too
But don't let all this get in the way of Hollwood's mission to bastardise history. Such facts (if the Illiad can be considered fact, that is) are generally overlooked by production big-wigs and have been since Burbank saw it's first studio. According to Tinsel Town, an American single-handedly won the Battle Of Britain even though in reality the dozen or so Americans who flew in the sortee didn't record a single kill between them.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2005-02-26, 14:32
Attorney at Bird Law
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Originally Posted by johnmansley
Seriously, if a kid can't grasp Pythagoras' Theorem after 20 minutes then the kid needs to give up and try something else. Like physical education.
Kids are fed so many myths about trigonometry and algebra that they go into classes thinking that it's hard when it really isn't. There's half the battle lost right there. It's easy. Easy. I could teach trigonometry and algebra to a mentally retarded monkey, it's that easy. Even basic calculus is simple and could be taught quite easily at 11 and 12 instead of 16+. Integrating the exponential of a squared function in 3-dimensional cartesian coordinates is hard, not trig and algebra.
Mathematics in general is given the tag of being a difficult subject. Don't get me wrong, it is difficult when you get into the more complex equations and rigorous theorems, but it's not if you go into it knowing that you can grasp it - especially at high school level. If you start studying it thinking that you're going to fail because your dad said it's hard then you will fail in due course. The whole mental approach to it is wrong.
To illustrate, here's a typical conversation that I could have with somebody:
Person: "So what did you study at university?"
Me: "Mathematics."
Person: *Eyes widen, eyebrows raise* "Woah, you must be insane or something."
This is typical of everybody who has found out about my degree and it is indicative of the misconception of the difficulty appropriated to mathematics by people who give up at the first hurdle. This brings up the issue of intelligence. I'm not particularly intelligent, if I was I could have done absolutely no work and still passed with 1st class honours anyway but as it is I had to work my socks off to gain an upper second class degree.
However, the majority of people would say that I was intelligent for the simple fact that I can calculate even the most simple of integrands (most people I know would be dumbfounded by me integrating x between 0 and 1, even though I could teach them to do it in, literally, 2 minutes). There is a popular daytime programme here in the UK called Countdown. It's basically a words and numbers game. The numbers aspect revolves around selecting at random 6 unknown numbers and then using these numbers to calculated a random figure. For example, you could have 1, 4, 7, 8, 25, 100 and then have to use these numbers to calculate 676.
You'd have to see it to get the jist but anyway, there is a woman by the name of Carol Vorderman who does the numbers part in double quick time. Invariably, she gets it and considering that they only have 30 seconds to do it, it is quite impressive. But the general public rate Ms Vorderman as being intelligent, even though she only obtained a 3rd class degree in engineering. Is adding up quick all it takes for people to be regarded as intelligent?
Anyway, my point is that you don't need to be intelligent to be good at mathematics and, as a caviat, just because you excel at mathematics doesn't mean you should be automatically considered intelligent. In the majority of cases, it is simply hard work that is the predominant factor. There lies the key: put the hard work in and it becomes easy. This links back nicely to Andrew's point of laziness: you don't get anywhere by being lazy. You won't lose weight by being lazy and you certainly won't be good at maths if you are lazy unless you possess a propensity for mathematics like Guass or Newton.
It seems so easy to you because you are likely a mathematical genius. I am quite strong in math myself, although I definitely haven't gone out of my to study it (I find it incredibly boring and time consuming, and I always get writer's cramp because I can't write down the answers as fast as I can calculate them, a problem I also have with English classes). Most people are not that strong in math. Oddly, modern IQ tests are geared strongly toward Mathematical IQ's, and people who score especially high in IQ tests are usually exceptionally good at math. There are other forms of genius that can't really be discerned from such a test, such as musical genius. I could only hope I'd be considered one of those as well!
Trust in god, he'll give you shoes!

2005-02-26, 14:43
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by Chris Rezendes
It seems so easy to you because you are likely a mathematical genius. I am quite strong in math myself, although I definitely haven't gone out of my to study it (I find it incredibly boring and time consuming, and I always get writer's cramp because I can't write down the answers as fast as I can calculate them, a problem I also have with English classes). Most people are not that strong in math. Oddly, modern IQ tests are geared strongly toward Mathematical IQ's, and people who score especially high in IQ tests are usually exceptionally good at math. There are other forms of genius that can't really be discerned from such a test, such as musical genius. I could only hope I'd be considered one of those as well!
IQ tests are very strongly targeted towards testing one's ability to detect patterns and relationships between different quantities and as a result this translates almost seemlessly to mathematical ability. I scored decently on an IQ test (around 120) but as you hinted, IQ tests are certainly not something that I would guage intelligence by.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2005-02-26, 14:53
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Location: Yggdrassyl
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Originally Posted by low-tech
it was actually a siege, not a beach party
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2005-02-26, 15:21
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: NYC
Posts: 1,199
Well someone with a really high IQ isn't going to be a moron, and a moron isn't going to have a really high IQ. IQs are more of a range. They're not a "dead on" type of thing.

2005-02-26, 16:44
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Posts: 1,863
i took an IQ test in high school, i remember the name of the test,woodcock-johnson, they broke it down in catagories of academics like math and spelling, so on, then memory and then visual and hearing comprehension, i dont remember if i scored a 113 or 118 at it and that was considered average, above 120 was considered exceptional and above 140 was genius, the thing about the test i didnt like was the hearing test, my hearing is really bad, always has been, didnt help that i had been playing drums for years at that time, i scored a romper room number at the hearing and math, but i did score a genius level at the visual comprehension stuff, the final score was averaged between each catagory
so my conclusion on IQ tests is that its only something that is relevent to the world of schooling,learning as far as academics are concerned, and if english was not my first language id score alot lower, theres no common-sense test and anything that may understand that you may be a total OCD everythingphobic who washed his hands 50 times a day and only opens doors with napkins for fear of germs. and memory lumped together with cognitive ability really stretches the definition on IQ, i know plenty of brilliant stoners who forget whos drag on the joint is it as its being passed around, they first forget who's turn, then forget in what direction was it being passed, since i dont smoke weed anymore i love watching this happen.
i think argomenmon dies in the odyssey,i havent gotten to how yet, im reading it on and off, as with the iliad, i cant sit down and read that shit in a linear fashion, its really dense,verbatim filled stuff and in old greek i believe its in rhyme scheme poetry, like an epic rap song, i forget all the names and stuff, they all sound like obscure diseases. hepititus,son of gingivitus,son of eczema,from the city of scabies in the land of psyriasis etc.

2005-02-27, 01:27
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Y'all stop bashing intelligence testing.
Sure, it's the least scientific thing in the world, but there's stilll a buttocks-load worth of difference between the crappy 70s-era 'reasoning-based' assessments thing they make you do at school and any decent modern intelligence battery.
John, that gameshow sounds rather fun. Can you do something like 7*100 - 25 +1 or do you have to use all the numbers?
To the guy who did the reaming of Troy TEH MOVIEZZ HOLYWOOD!!1 - that was fucking sweet. I absolutely hated that fucking travesty of a movie, and I didn't watch more than 6 minutes of it.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2005-02-27, 02:02
I am a tax on the world..
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Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: pizza with a shit on it!
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I was always led to believe that official IQ tests are only administered by practicing psychiatrists. But I could be wrong....  more than likely...
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2005-02-27, 09:32
Schrodinger's Cat
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Location: Liverpool, England
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Originally Posted by far_beyond_sane
John, that gameshow sounds rather fun. Can you do something like 7*100 - 25 +1 or do you have to use all the numbers?
You don't have to use all the numbers, so your answer would be fine.
Here's a link that explains the show in more detail than my post:
It's quite good - I used to watch it during my university days. I very rarely get to see it these days now that I'm a grown up.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2005-02-27, 09:46
Pokémon Master
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Originally Posted by powersofterror
I was always led to believe that official IQ tests are only administered by practicing psychiatrists. But I could be wrong....  more than likely...
i spose it depends on how accurate you want them to be.
i did one on a computer when I was rather young, and got 138, does that mean i am the smartest person here?
Nope, there is lots of stuff i don't know, the only thing that it could refer to is my general ability to get correct answers to simple questions fast, ON THAT TEST. They are subjective both in relation to the person and to the test. Do not reguard them as the end of discussion, if you score below average, so what? People are all good at one thing or another. Weather that be strength, agility, inteligence or charisma. If there was some kind of universal way we could test people in ALL areas in which they can achieve in, then I am confident that we would find everybody to be rather close to similar.
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?
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