2003-09-17, 13:47
You gamma-minus fucktards
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New FTP thread
1) No excessive leeching, please.
2) Contributions are expected, swap 'em here. You'd be surprised what other people have.
3) Be nice to Nihilist. We're impinging on his sense of charity here.
Post achieved!
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2003-09-18, 12:33
Dog farts
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Oh, haha. Yeah, it's good shit still. People should download it. I'll try get my hands on the 'really' early stuff, and upload it.

2003-09-18, 12:48
You gamma-minus fucktards
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This is from Metal Blade...
"In summer 1993 they entered Lagret Studio to record the never released demo "Thor Arise". The band continued to rehearse and writing stronger material and again entered the studio. The result was the second demo "The Arrival Of The Fimbul Winter". This time the band was much more satisfied with the sound and songs and launched it to an unsuspecting underground. The response was overwhelming, quickly selling out of the first pressing and secured them a one off deal with Singapore's Pulverized Records.
This time they decided to use Abyss Studio, owned by Peter Tägtgren of Hypocrisy, and during five days in November 1995 the MCD "Sorrow Throughout The Nine Worlds" was recorded. "
So, that stuff.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2003-09-18, 13:14
Dog farts
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Join Date: Jun 2003
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Oh, that stuff. I have 'Thor Arise'. I think each track exceeds 10 MB, but I'll upload it anyhow.
Edit: You can upload them then, haha. I'm on 56k.
Last edited by Nihilist : 2003-09-18 at 13:16.

2003-09-18, 13:15
Master Killer
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Originally posted by far_beyond_sane
Def, I uploaded Earth Crisis for you.
Thanks man
Nihilist, I'll upload Caliban's 'Vent' album for ya today.

2003-09-18, 13:38
Master Killer
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I'm ripping the cd now, I'll upload it asap,
I'm looking for some cds too, which are a rare find over here
Arkangel - Dead Man Walking
Aftershock - through the looking glass
yeh, thats about it for the moment
I've got some more caliban if you want more Nihilist, their oldest cd 'A Small Boy and a Grey Heaven' is a bit more raw and agressive with less tight production. their new one 'Shadow Hearts' is a bit cliché'd I dunno, the oldest two are definetly best, so check out 'Vent' first. (their 2nd.)
I guess I'm not much help when it comes to metal, since I got more metalcore and hardcore on my puter, but anyways, if theres some request, I might have it.
oh, I gotta say the server is working fine now with PASV out, fast too.

2003-09-18, 13:40
You gamma-minus fucktards
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If anyone has any more Psycroptic, that band is absolutely brilliant.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2003-09-18, 13:45
Dog farts
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Fuck. I write a reply, and there are 2 more!
Okay, I have both Psycroptic CD's. I'll upload the rest.

2003-09-18, 23:04
Senior Metalhead
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Not really sure what everyone has and doesn't have, I've got a lot so we should start making requests.
(some) of mine:
Behemoth - Some live stuff
Venom - Resurrection, various other single mp3s
Decapitated - Nihility
Bloodbath - 3 Song EP
All In Flames
All Cannibal Corpse
Most Iced Earth
Newest Nile
Too much to list in one post by memory
I'm lookin for:
1st Shadows Fall CD
Vempire or whatever the from CoF
Hatebreeder - CoB
1st Decapitated CD
Dying Fetus' most recent
Kalmah's most recent

Jesus saves because he shops at Walmart

2003-09-19, 00:26
Dog farts
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Okay, I'll start with a few of mine that I have recently "acquired".
Dying Fetus - Stop at Nothing
Aborted - Goremageddon
Both Origin albums
Both Lamb of God
Morbid Angel - Heretic
Krisiun - Works of Carnage (advance)
Arch Enemy - Anthems of Rebellion
Severe Torture - Misanthropic Carnage
Yattering - Genocide + Human's Pain
The Red Chord - Fused Together in Revolving Doors
Enter My Silence - Remote Controlled Scythe
Cryptopsy - None So Live
Yeah, that'll do. I could go on for awhile. I'll upload 'Stop at Nothing' for you, after these Psycroptic tracks. Fucking 56k.
Edit: I should read posts more thoroughly, instead of just skipping over them. I have 'Hatebreeder' and the first Decapitated CD, so I'll upload those 2 when I have time also.
Last edited by Nihilist : 2003-09-19 at 01:45.

2003-09-19, 07:01
Master Killer
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Originally posted by far_beyond_sane
Putting what I have of it up. God bless cable.
Woah, sweet
Alothrysis, I think I've got that first Shadows Fall cd, but its at my friends place, I'll see what I can do for ya!
Damn Nihilist, your on 56k? I just got ADSL a couple of months ago, it rocks...

2003-09-19, 07:06
Dog farts
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Originally posted by Def
Damn Nihilist, your on 56k? I just got ADSL a couple of months ago, it rocks...
Yeah, it fucking blows. I can't get any type of broadband connection, except satellite. Which still uploads at 56k speed I believe. That's what I get for being an islander.
I just downloaded the advance release of Machine Head's new one. Good to hear it's more "metal". I can upload that, if anyone is interested. Probably not.

2003-09-19, 07:44
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Good it's now working i'm uploading Spawn Of Possession
I also have some request so here it goes I'm searching for
- Infernal Torment (band) - Man's True Nature (album)
- Ritual Carnage - the five bonus songs that were on the early pressings of Every Nerves Alive
- The Haunted - Bonus songs of their self titled album and the song ritual from the japanese bonus track for one kill wonder
Obliveon - Nemesis & from this Day Forward
"Those who know don't speak
Those who speak don't know"

2003-09-19, 14:19
Dog farts
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OK, fuck it. I'll post my entire list of albums. Sorry for such a long list. People can choose whatever they want from it.
Aborted - Goremageddon
Aborted - The Purity of Perversion
Aborted - Engineering the Dead
Agiel - Dark Pantheons Again Will Reign
Amoebic Dysentry - Mongloid Metal
Amon Amarth - Sorrow Throughout The Nine Worlds
Amon Amarth - Thor Arise
Arch Enemy - Anthems of Rebellion
Arch Enemy - Black Earth
Arch Enemy - Burning Bridges
Arch Enemy - Stigmata
Arch Enemy - Wages of Sin
At The Gates - Slaughter of the Soul
At The Gates - Terminal Spirit Disease
Atheretic - Adhesion, Aversion..
Blood Duster - Drink, Fight, Fuck
Blood Duster - Cunt
Blood Duster - Str8 Outta Northcote
Blood Duster - Yeest
Bloodbath - Resurrection Through Carnage
Bloodbath - Breeding Death
Burnt By The Sun - Soundtrack to the Personal Revolution
Cannibal Corpse - Bloodthirst
Cannibal Corpse - Gallery of Suicide
Cannibal Corpse - Gore Obsessed
Cannibal Corpse - Live Cannibalism
Cannibal Corpse - The Bleeding
Cannibal Corpse - Tomb of the Mutilated
Cannibal Corpse - Vile
Cannibal Corpse - Worm Infested
Carcass - Heartwork
Carcass - Swansong
Carcass - Necroticism
Carnal Forge - Please... Die!
Carnal Forge - Firedemon
Carnal Forge - Who's Gonna Burn?
Cattle Decapitation - To Serve Man
Cephalic Carnage - Conforming To Abnormality
Cephalic Carnage - Exploiting Dysfunction
Cephalic Carnage - Lucid Interval
Cephalic Carnage - Perversions and the Guilt After
Children of Bodom - Hatebreeder
Children of Bodom - Follow the Reaper
Chimaira - Pass of out Existence
Chimaira - This Present Darkness
Chimaira - The Impossibility of Reason
Cinerary - Rituals of Desecration
Construcdead - Repent
Corporation 187 - Perfection In Pain
Council of the Fallen - Revealing Damnation
Cryptopsy - ...And Then You'll Beg
Cryptopsy - Blasphemy Made Flesh
Cryptopsy - None So Live
Cryptopsy - None So Vile
Cryptopsy - Whisper Supremacy
Damaged - Do Not Spit
Dark Tranquillity - Damage Done
Dark Tranquillity - Projector
Dark Tranquillity - Haven
Death - The Sound of Perseverance
Decapitated - Nihility
Decapitated - The First Damned
Decapitated - Winds of Creation
Decrepit Birth - ...And Time Begins
Deeds of Flesh - Reduced To Ashes
Defleshed - Royal Straight Flesh
Deicide - Deicide
Deicide - Once Upon The Cross
Deicide - Serpents of the Light
Deranged - Plainfield Cemetary
Devolved - Technologies
Devolved - Automation EP 001
Dimension Zero - Silent Night Fever
Disavowed - Perceptive Deception
Disgorge - She Lay Gutted
Disincarnate - Dreams of the Carrion Kind
Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane
Dissection - Somberlain
Dying Fetus - Killing on Adrenaline
Dying Fetus - Stop at Nothing
Enter My Silence - Remote Controlled Scythe
Exhumed - Anatomy is Destiny
Exhumed - Gore Metal
Exhumed - Slaughtercult
Fuck.. I'm Dead - Bring on the Dead
Gardenian - Sindustries
Gardenian - Soulburner
God Dethroned - Ravenous
Gorgasm - Bleeding Profusely
Gorguts - Obscura
Gorguts - The Erosion of Sanity
Gruesome Stuff Relish - Teenage Giallo Grind
Hate Eternal - Conquering The Throne
Hate Eternal - King of all Kings
Hateplow - The Only Law is Survival
Hatesphere - Bloodred Hatred
Immolation - Dawn of Possession
Immolation - Unholy Cult
In Flames - Black Ash Inheritance + Subterranean
In Flames - Clayman
In Flames - Colony
In Flames - Lunar Strain
In Flames - Reroute to Remain
In Flames - The Jester Race
In Flames - Whoracle
Incantation - The Infernal Storm
Indwelling - ...And My Eye Shall Weep
Infernal Torment - Man's True Nature
Internal Bleeding - Driven to Conquer
Internal Suffering - Supreme Knowledge Domain
Internecine - The Book of Lambs
Kataklysm - Epic (The Poetry of War)
Kataklysm - Shadows and Dust
Killswitch Engage - Alive or Just Breathing
Krisiun - Works of Carnage
Lamb of God - As The Palaces Burn
Lamb of God - New American Gospel
Lock Up - Hate Breeds Suffering
Lock Up - Pleasures Pave Sewers
Machine Head - Burn My Eyes
Machine Head - Through the Ashes of Empires
Martyr - Warp Zone
Meshuggah - Chaosphere
Meshuggah - Contradictions Collapse
Meshuggah - Destroy Erase Improve
Meshuggah - None
Meshuggah - Nothing
Misery Index - Retaliate
Monstrosity - In Dark Purity
Morbid Angel - Blessed are the Sick
Morbid Angel - Covenant
Morbid Angel - Domination
Morbid Angel - Entangled in Chaos
Morbid Angel - Formulas Fatal to the Flesh
Morbid Angel - Gateways to Annihilation
Morbid Angel - Heretic
Necrophagist - Onset of Putrefaction
Nevermore - Dead Heart in a Dead World
Nevermore - Enemies of Reality
Nile - Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka
Nile - Black Seeds of Vengeance
Nile - In The Beginning
Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines
NonExist - Deus Deceptor
Omnium Gatherum (Aus) - Rectifying Human Rejection
Opeth - Blackwater Park
Opeth - Damnation
Opeth - Deliverance
Opeth - Morningrise
Opeth - My Arms, Your Hearse
Opeth - Still Life
Origin - Informis Infinitas Inhumanitas
Origin - Origin
Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
Pantera - Far Beyond Driven
Pantera - Reinventing the Steel
Pantera - The Great Southern Trendkill
Pantera - Vulgar Display of Power
Paracoccidioidomicosisprostitissarcomucosis - Satyriasis and Nymphomania
Passenger - Passenger
Pissing Razors - Where We Come From
Psycroptic - The Isle of Disenchantment
Psycroptic - The Scepter of the Ancients
Pyaemia - Cerebral Cereal
Pyrexia - System of the Animal
Sanctification - Demo
Sepsism - To Prevail in Disgust
Severe Torture - Misanthropic Carnage
Severed Savior - Brutality is Law
Severed Savior - Forced to Bleed
Skinless - From Sacrifice to Survival
Soilent Green - A Deleted Symphony For The Beaten Down
Soils of Fate - Sandstorm
Soilwork - A Predators Portrait
Soilwork - Figure Number Five
Soilwork - Natural Born Chaos
Soilwork - Steelbath Suicide
Soilwork - The Chainheart Machine
Spawn of Possession - Cabinet
Spinecast - Go Forth and Mutilate
Spinecast - Disease of Worthlessness
Strapping Young Lad - City
Strapping Young Lad - Heavy as a really heavy thing
Strapping Young Lad - No Sleep 'Til Bedtime
Strapping Young Lad - S/T
Suffocation - Despise the Sun
Suffocation - Pierced From Within
Testament - Demonic
Testament - Low
Testament - The Gathering
The Berzerker - Dissimulate
The Berzerker - S/T
The Black Dahlia Murder - Unhallowed
The Duskfall - Frailty
The Red Chord - Fused Together In Revolving Doors
Uphill Battle - S/T
Vader - De Profundis
Vader - Litany
Vehemence - God Was Created
Vehemence - The Thoughts From Which I Hide
Vile - Depopulate
Vile - Stench of the Deceased
Vital Remains - Dawn of the Apocalypse
Vital Remains - Dechristianize
Vital Remains - Forever Underground
Vomitory - Blood Rapture
Vomitory - Redemption
Vomitory - Revelation Nausea
Yattering - Genocide
Yattering - Human's Pain
Zimmers Hole - Legion of Flames.
That's what I have through mp3's. I will rip some CD's that I have.

2003-09-19, 16:19
Master Killer
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well, that helped.
but I'm not typing out 300 albums, lol, lets say I've got every metalcore/hardcore album from Agnostic Front to Backfire, from Brothers Keeper to Caliban, from Congress to Downset, from Death Before Disco to Fear My Thoughts, from
ah fuck it, you get the picture.
I just got the new Day Of Contempt (featuring the Bloodshed vocalist) and if you like a raw mix of hardcore and metalcore, I can upload it for ya, it kinda reminds me of old hatebreed mixed with the haunted.

2003-09-19, 16:24
Dog farts
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Haha, I just copied and pasted those. Fuck typing them out. And yes, upload that album if you want. I'd like it hear it.
Also - uploaded some more Psycroptic, if anyone hadn't noticed. I have one last track to upload from that album.

2003-09-19, 16:28
Master Killer
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Sweet, thanks!
if you're ever around in holland, come taste the beer, PST's been here and he found it quite satisfying  plus, I owe you one.
I'll rip Day Of Contempt this evening, I might upload it this evening too, depends on what my g/f wants to do this evening..

2003-09-19, 19:20
Master Killer
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CDex, its free and does everything, cd to mp3, cd to wav and mp3 to other shit, been using it for ages.
I just ripped Day of Contempt but I'm gonna grab a movie with my girl now, so I'll upload it later this weekend.

2003-09-20, 18:23
Throbbing Member
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I've got shit loads of CDs that I would be more than happy to upload on request.
Agoraphobic Nosebleed - Altered States of America
Amorphis - Greatest
Cephalic Carnage - all
Children of Bodom - Hatebreeder
Circle of Dead Children - Human Harvest
Death - all
Decapitated - Nihility
Dark Tranquility - all
Dream Theater - Image and words
Dying Fetus- Killing on Adrenaline + Destroy the Opposition
Halo - all
Goatwhore - all
Immolation- Unholy Cult :[
In Flames - Jester Race
Iron Madien -
Kataklysm - Sorcery
Marytr - Warp Zone
Megadeth - Rust in Piece
Misery Index - Retaliate
October Tide - all
Opeth - all
Shining - 1st album, I forget the title and im to lazy to go find it.
Solient Green - Swen Mouth Secrets
Suffocation - all
Today is the Day - all
Vinterland - Welcome my final chapter.
None Metal Cds:
Bjork - all
Dead Kennedys - Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegstables + Plastoc Surgery Disasters + In God we Trust Inc.
Mr. Bungle - The raging wrath of the easter bunny + Self Titled + Disco Valenta
Radiohead - all
Rage Against the Machine - all
Tool - all (also a rare string tribute to Tool)
Steve Vai - Passion and Warfare
I have more that i probably left out, these are just coming off the top of my head.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2003-09-21, 22:21
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Log in is successful, but i can't see the list?
STATUS:> Connecting data socket...
ERROR:> Failed to establish data socket
425 Can't open data connection.
ERROR:> File error
what's going on with that? what does it mean? i'm using CuteFtp
i even tried the Dos Ftp:
ftp> cd "Dying fetus"
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> dir
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
09-21-03 11:53AM <DIR> [2003] Stop At Nothing
226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 63 bytes received in 0.00Seconds 63000.00Kbytes/sec.
ftp> cd "[2003] Stop At Nothing"
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> dir
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
09-21-03 11:20AM 5746073 01 - Schematics.mp3
09-21-03 11:24AM 4435968 02 - One Shoot, One Kill.mp3
09-21-03 11:30AM 5265211 03 - Institutions Of Deceit.mp3
09-21-03 11:37AM 7245824 04 - Abandon All Hope.mp3
09-21-03 11:40AM 3420160 05 - Forced elimination.mp3
09-21-03 11:42AM 1830912 06 - Stop At Nothing.mp3
09-21-03 11:48AM 5607424 07 - Onslaught Of Malice.mp3
09-21-03 11:53AM 4087808 08 - Vengeance Unleashed.mp3
09-21-03 11:53AM 2194 Stop At Nothing playlist.b4s
226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 607 bytes received in 0.02Seconds 30.35Kbytes/sec.
ftp> get
Remote file "01 - Schematics.mp3"
Local file "01 - Schematics.mp3"
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for 01 - Schematics.mp3(5746073 bytes).
426 Connection closed; transfer aborted.
that didn't work either. what's going on here??
Last edited by atifman : 2003-09-21 at 22:52.

2003-09-21, 22:42
Forum Leader
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can i upload Thrice to this thing? some of you nutheads might like it.

2003-09-21, 22:49
Senior Metalhead
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Location: NeverWhere
Posts: 171
Originally posted by atifman
Log in is successful, but i can't see the list?
STATUS:> Connecting data socket...
ERROR:> Failed to establish data socket
425 Can't open data connection.
ERROR:> File error
what's going on with that? what does it mean?
Are you behind a firewall or trying to connect in PASV?
"Those who know don't speak
Those who speak don't know"

2003-09-21, 23:03
Dog farts
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 5,008
You can either turn off PASV mode in CuteFTP (In the site manager thing, click on "edit" and it'll be on the right), or:
ftp ://username: password@servername.net - Needed spaces there, it fucked up otherwise. Obviously, you'll know what to do.
And yeah, upload Thrice if you want.

2003-09-21, 23:20
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ok i got it now, thanks

2003-09-21, 23:29
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i'll upload Cannibal Corse - Gallery of Suicide right now, and Death - Sound of Perseverance.
btw, this might be a dumb question, but how scared should we be of the RIAA for this thing? 

2003-09-21, 23:33
Dog farts
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Originally posted by atifman
btw, this might be a dumb question, but how scared should we be of the RIAA for this thing?
I guess there is always that infinitesimal possibility that we would get sued. 

2003-09-21, 23:47
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hey delete the folder "Cannibal Corpse - Gallery Of Suicide"
i thought i'd label it the way you have it set up right now, with Band, then album name, then songs
so that's what i uploaded , the "Cannibal Corpse" folder.
get rid of the folder labeled "Cannibal Corpse - Gallery of Suicide", it was never meant to be
(damn i'm clumsy today)
Last edited by atifman : 2003-09-22 at 00:01.

2003-09-22, 00:25
Senior Metalhead
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Everytime I try to d/l something I get anywhere from 30 to 39 seconds into the transfer and I get the error "426 Connection closed, transfer aborted"? I'm using SmartFTP and have never had this problem in the previous days. Is this a server overload or something? It's Sunday, about 6:30pm mountain standard time here, maybe that will help...
UPDATE: As of three minutes later I can't even begin a d/l now
Jesus saves because he shops at Walmart

2003-09-22, 01:21
Senior Metalhead
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I don't know what happened but I ended using Download Accelerator and it worked
Jesus saves because he shops at Walmart

2003-09-22, 01:52
Dog farts
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Posts: 5,008
No fucking clue as to what happened there. I have the occasional problem with it, but it's nothing major. At college at the moment, can't connect to port 21 (FTP port). But, I will upload more shit when I get home.
The art of procrastination, my friends. 

2003-09-22, 08:41
Master Killer
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Yeah, same here.
I just got back from my weekend stuff, gotta go to school now.
anyways, I promised you Day of Contempt,
but I also bought some other new stuff, 2 Course of Action cd's, the last Dark Day Rising, 2 Deadlock cd's (including the split) , Darkest Hour (Hidden Hands of a Sadist Nation), the new Faust Again and Aclys.
its all metalcore kinda stuff, I've allready ripped all those cds as mp3, so when I get home this evening I'll upload a bunch of cds.

2003-09-22, 10:11
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: The Netherlands
Posts: 1,596
Sorry for being a major idiot.... but what is the adres and pass?
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2003-09-22, 17:42
Master Killer
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uploading Deadlock and Course of Action now!
its gonna take a while, so check up a while later and they should be up.
Last edited by Def : 2003-09-22 at 18:13.

2003-09-22, 20:09
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Posts: 1,596
Thanks Nihilist! I´ll upload at school... got a better upload than at home
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2003-09-22, 20:11
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Any requests? I´m your black/viking/folk/death metal man!
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2003-09-22, 20:28
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Well perhaps I'll learn from this before I burn a cd next time; The Dying Fetus that I believe Nihilist uploaded, all of the tracks except for 1 and 3 cut off the end of the song. I'm not sure by how much though...
Jesus saves because he shops at Walmart

2003-09-22, 20:51
Master Killer
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Deadlock and Course of Action are both up.
I uploaded the Deadlock split and a bunch of COA songs for you guys to check out, lemme know whatcha think.

2003-09-22, 23:14
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Originally posted by Nihilist
@sanderinos, I'll PM you one.
please do the same for me.

2003-09-23, 04:00
Senior Metalhead
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Is there any other Corpse that anyone wants? I've got them all and I figure I'd ask since Gallery is already up.
I'm uploading Destruction - The Antichrist a little bit later
Jesus saves because he shops at Walmart

2003-09-23, 04:54
Throbbing Member
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Originally posted by Alothrysis
Does the cd disappoint you or is it because it's the only one you have? If so, I have Close to a World Below if you'd like
The "smilie" wasn't indended to represent satisfaction or dissapointment. It was an unholy smilie to make your spine shiver with evil.
Actually the CD isn't blasphemous at all which may be antithetical to the album's name.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2003-09-23, 05:39
Dog farts
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Join Date: Jun 2003
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Originally posted by Alothrysis
Well perhaps I'll learn from this before I burn a cd next time; The Dying Fetus that I believe Nihilist uploaded, all of the tracks except for 1 and 3 cut off the end of the song. I'm not sure by how much though...
Nah, I didn't upload that.
Oh, by the way. I can turn on directory browsing so you guys can just goto www.servername.com/folder and download the shit, instead of logging into the FTP all the time. Yes?
Last edited by Nihilist : 2003-09-23 at 08:03.

2003-09-23, 11:08
Master Killer
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Originally posted by powersofterror
Hey Def, I now have CDex...and I [think] I ripped the tracks into .wav's...But I don't know where the tracks went to convert to mp3...please explain the process.
uhm, they go to program files/cdex/my music/ and a folder in there. but you can convert to mp3 from a cd straight away too!

2003-09-23, 11:22
Dog farts
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Originally posted by BeastOfCarrion
Sorry to all that it is taking so long to upload the Fuck Im Dead tracks ... they SHOULD be up by this friday ... if everything goes to plan
Not a problem, no rush. Upload whenever you want.

2003-09-23, 12:10
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Originally posted by sanderinos
I'm your black/viking/folk/death metal man!
Folk metal must be had. I have Waylander, Ram-Zet, Cruachan... got anything I can't live without? 
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2003-09-23, 12:32
Dog farts
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Have you heard Dust From Misery? They are folk/groove metal, it's really quite interesting. I heard a song on Triple J once, but I don't have any tracks.

2003-09-23, 13:21
Master Killer
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If my memory serves me right, theres a bunch of folks here who appreciate darkest hour, dunno anymore, but hell they're good anyways,
uploading Darkest Hour - Hidden hands of a Sadist Nation cd now.

2003-09-23, 15:21
I am a tax on the world..
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Kalmah's Swampsong uploaded!
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2003-09-23, 15:25
Dog farts
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Darkest Hour, fuck yeah. Only heard a few songs ages ago, good shit.

2003-09-23, 15:32
Master Killer
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It's nearly done uploading, it'll be done in 5 minutes, threw on the whole album.
if you like Darkest Hour, you'll probably like Deadlock too, its less fast but still seriously kickass.
I'll upload Fear My Thoughts in a minute, they're a metal band with melodical/math influences and have incredible guitar skills (saw them live once, crazy crazy shit.) I got their cd '23' it has like 8 songs, they'll be up this evening. be sure to check out 'Failure' even if you don't like the music, the intro, its the best, ever.

2003-09-23, 15:36
Dog farts
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Check them out, I surely will.

2003-09-23, 16:02
I am a tax on the world..
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Does anyone have Malmsteen's album Seventh Sign?
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2003-09-23, 17:37
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Fuck! sorry for the crappy upload of dissection... but my connection sucks so much donkey balls....
Jeg er en stolt sønn av Óðinn

2003-09-23, 18:47
Master Killer
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they got a whole bunch of shit up on their ftp... maybe something interesting, didnt take the trouble to look.
maybe someone can use it here.
anyways, Fear My Thoughts is up.
Last edited by Def : 2003-09-23 at 18:49.

2003-09-23, 19:23
Senior Metalhead
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Wow, thank you Def 
Jesus saves because he shops at Walmart

2003-09-23, 19:38
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Connecting to (ftp.immolated.net).
No such host is known.
Connection closed.
Hmmm... it's 1:40pm mtn time and I'm getting this message when I try to log in...
Even trying to get to it through IE and it says the same.
Jesus saves because he shops at Walmart

2003-09-23, 21:37
I am a tax on the world..
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Originally posted by Def
they got a whole bunch of shit up on their ftp... maybe something interesting, didnt take the trouble to look.
Meh, all that shit pop/rock/rap, and they have no zztop, and only 1 Van Halen.
No metal at all...

Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2003-09-24, 08:50
Master Killer
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Originally posted by Alothrysis
True, but now I can complete my beatles and pink floyd collection
and they got all new movies too....
Nihilist, I think thats a good idea, for everyone that doesn't use an ftp program, I guess!

2003-09-24, 11:51
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Originally posted by sanderinos
what about Falkenbach, Finntroll, Otyg etc?
Finntroll I have. The others I would like.
Uploaded the rest of the Arkangel album yesterday. Enjo.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2003-09-24, 15:05
Dog farts
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I will upload a Devolved track, to see if anyone likes them. If so, I'll upload more. Fellow Aussies would probably know this band.
Also, I created a "Covers" folder. Chuck miscellaneous covers (by metal bands, of course) and junk in there. I'll upload a few tonight, or early tomorrow.
Last edited by Nihilist : 2003-09-24 at 15:26.

2003-09-24, 16:42
Senior Metalhead
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Monstrosity's Angel of Death isn't a complete upload, stops at 3:02...argh
Jesus saves because he shops at Walmart

2003-09-25, 03:34
Dog farts
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Oh. I'll re-upload it right now, I left it running when I went out. Probably got disconnected.
Edit: It IS the complete file. Sure you're downloading all of it?
Last edited by Nihilist : 2003-09-25 at 03:39.

2003-09-25, 03:37
Dog farts
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Originally posted by PantericA
See that command? That is CuteFTP telling the server to enter Passive Mode. Probably turned it on by accident or something, I don't know.

2003-09-25, 04:41
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Well that is interesting, first it was most of Dying Fetus not d/l'ing completely, now this... I checked all my file sizes to the server and they all match so I don't know what the problem is
Jesus saves because he shops at Walmart

2003-09-25, 07:57
Dog farts
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Uploading some Monstrosity now. I'll wait on some feedback from the mp3's that are up, like Devolved, before I upload any more. They are just a straight-forward death metal band, for those unfamiliar with them.

2003-09-25, 14:01
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all Fuck...Im Dead tracks are now up
next ill wack up some Earth ..... an Australian sweedish death metal band

2003-09-25, 14:25
Master Killer
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Devolved is okay, but a bit too much 13 in a dozen (a dutch saying, lol)
I like Monstrosity better, brutal as fuck vocals and heavy riffing, gotta love it!

2003-09-25, 14:35
Dog farts
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Monstrosity - 1
Devolved - 0


2003-09-25, 14:47
Dog farts
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Originally posted by BeastOfCarrion
all Fuck...Im Dead tracks are now up
next ill wack up some Earth ..... an Australian sweedish death metal band
Thanks for that. Earth are good, looking forward to it.

2003-09-25, 15:15
I am a tax on the world..
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Sombody upload OldMan'sChild's latest for me.
Thanks in advance.
edit: I added some covers...
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page
Last edited by powersofterror : 2003-09-25 at 15:38.

2003-09-25, 15:54
Dog farts
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I'll download it tonight, like the little music pirate I am, and upload in the morning.

2003-09-25, 16:18
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ok now my cuteFTP thing says my free trial is over and i need to buy it. is there anyway to get hacked serial numbers?

2003-09-25, 16:21
Dog farts
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Download SmartFTP, it's free. Or, if you just want to stick with CuteFTP..
www.andr.net - Just keep click 'no' on the popups, you'll get there some day.

2003-09-25, 16:25
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thanks man. i'll try that out. 

2003-09-26, 01:12
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Who has some Nightwish unreleased/B-sides/covers/anything rare?
If so, I'D DO TEH L15T3N!!!!!!!!1111111 L0LLLLLLL!
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2003-09-26, 03:17
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first 3 earth tracks are up (of 12)

2003-09-26, 14:07
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Originally posted by far_beyond_sane
Who has some Nightwish unreleased/B-sides/covers/anything rare?
If so, I'D DO TEH L15T3N!!!!!!!!1111111 L0LLLLLLL!
check my bootleg list out, i have 6 or 7 whole shows.

2003-09-26, 17:06
Master Killer
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got some more monstrosity for me Nihilist?

2003-09-26, 21:05
Senior Metalhead
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It's good to know that there is so much good music uploaded, but where can i get it? 
Alles kan stuk..... skål!

2003-09-27, 00:03
I am a tax on the world..
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PM the N man.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2003-09-27, 01:08
Dog farts
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Originally posted by Def
got some more monstrosity for me Nihilist?
Sure Def, I'll get onto powers' request first though.

2003-09-27, 06:05
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Originally posted by powersofterror
PM the N man.
ok.... who is that?
Alles kan stuk..... skål!

2003-09-27, 06:49
Dog farts
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PM me, you two.

2003-09-27, 14:59
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2003-09-27, 18:40
Master Killer
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Originally posted by mrweijia
Shut the fuck up, weijia.

2003-09-28, 07:38
Pokémon Master
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is it just me or have most of the songs of the FTP dissapeared?

2003-09-28, 07:48
Dog farts
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Yes, a few have disappeared. Someone has deleted them.

2003-09-28, 09:04
Master Killer
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what the hell, can you see who?

2003-09-28, 09:35
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Deleted? thats not good 
Alles kan stuk..... skål!

2003-09-28, 10:41
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Originally posted by powersofterror
Sombody upload OldMan'sChild's latest for me.
Thanks in advance.
you mean "in defiance of existance"?
i'll upload it for you
I have oploaded it 
Alles kan stuk..... skål!
Last edited by Cynatica : 2003-09-28 at 11:52.

2003-09-28, 13:18
Dog farts
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Originally posted by Def
what the hell, can you see who?
Nah. You guys have as much permission as me when it comes to that folder. If it continues to happen, I'll just make a new account, transfer the remaining files in the folder, and pass that out.

2003-09-28, 15:58
Master Killer
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yeah, but it must be someone with acces, so whoever the hell is deleting files
''fuck off and die''

2003-09-28, 19:07
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hmmm... i'm sorry to hear that we have a -someone who is deleting files- among us.... please fuck off....
can anyone upload something from Hypocrisy?
have to see them live next week, but I only have the album into the abyss....
Alles kan stuk..... skål!

2003-09-28, 19:46
Master Killer
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I have some random Hypocrisy songs, most from the album Maximum Abduction

2003-09-28, 19:57
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that 'll be good 
Alles kan stuk..... skål!

2003-09-28, 20:25
I am a tax on the world..
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The dick took off my Kalmah  !!!!!
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2003-09-28, 20:43
Master Killer
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goddamn, a lot of stuff is gone
you sure someone deleted it nihilist? theres no datalimit or some shit like that?
I'm uploading some random Hypocrisy for Cynatica now.

2003-09-28, 22:50
Dog farts
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Yeah Def, it's the only way shit could disappear.
No limit, trust me. Well, by "no limit" I mean about 120 GB.

2003-09-28, 23:38
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Nihilist, I typed the whole URL and it just said "Action Canceled"
Sorry I didn't PM you with this, I ried but I got a message saying your PM thing was full or something.
Anyway, the SmartFTP thing, how long does it take to d/l and how much does it cost?
Is your head up your ass for the fucking warmth?
Silly faggot, dicks are for chicks.

2003-09-28, 23:48
Dog farts
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2003-09-29, 01:08
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i would like to see Arch Enemy's new album on it, anybody?
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