2004-04-30, 14:56
New Blood
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 5
If you're into symphonic black metal check out Limbonic Art, probably my favorite symphonic black metal band.
Xasthur is my favorite black metal band. It's depressive/suicidal black metal, with droning guitars and haunting keyboards. Good stuff.
Anything from the French Black Legions is great too. .
The best scenes these days are probably the US and France, in my opinion.

2004-04-30, 15:26
New Blood
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Location: Germany
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By the way has anyone already listend to Chimera ?
In all the German Metal Magazines they say it's awsome....
Never had time to listen

2004-04-30, 19:15
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Posts: 279
Originally Posted by Ithaqua
The best scenes these days are probably the US and France, in my opinion.
In my opinion Finland is the leading scene these days, but other very close are Sweden, France and USA. Also Germany has finally got footstep in best black metal scenes nowadays.

2004-05-02, 00:42
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by Lord_Angrist
By the way has anyone already listend to Chimera ?
If youre talking about the one I heard, they suck bad.

2004-05-02, 11:36
New Blood
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Location: Germany
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Not the Band Chimera...
The new Mayhem CD
How is it ?
I just own older stuf from them like Deathcrush and Live in Leipzig, so I want to buy me the new one, but I reallly don't have time to listen to it

2004-05-09, 11:27
New Blood
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 20
have any of you guys heard of ArchestrY ?? there prettey sick go to ( www.mp3.com.au/archestry) im gonna put my band on that site soon be sure to check it out

2004-05-11, 03:25
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Darkthrone, Burzum (before Varg got into that ambiant stuff), and a select few others are the only true and "good" black metal ("good" = it's not supposed to be good).
power violence and grind are the best tho.

2004-10-01, 11:30
New Blood
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old black metal or new..
Originally Posted by MoonRaven
i am a newb to black metal, and id like to know a few bands, other than immortal, Old Man's Child, Rotting Christ, and the more mainstream CoF and dimmu borgir.
go ahead, laugh at my ignorance, but thats why i ask questions, to learn, that i dont listen to shitty music and get turned away from the genre.
well if I were you Ill try to be more specific, because from Inmortal to Cof theres a big, no, huge difference...
Theres a lot of bands that started doing classical black metal and now...well their doing crazy things...
If you whant noisy/dirty/black metal you could try with the first Behemoth albums...
But if you want to experiment with your tolerance boundries I recomend Troll, Tartaros,Susperia, Arcuturs...any of their albums, Solefald, Catamenia is like Cof but no so barroc, Enslaved...is a cult band often disscused if it is Viking or black, Ulver but the older things, Anorexia Nervosa is very good like CoF too but from France and more death brutal than gothic... well if you want some mp3 or a extended list you can mail me I cannot ,tell you what is the best but I can offer what I have
well good luck! your going to find that BM isnt what it used to be, now theres no fixed boundaries
AH! by the way there are two bands that I kow of that mixed electronic music with black (besides Covenant)
And Oceans (black electronic, but the cd IMGOD) and Diablerie, more industrial black metal...AH! the last Forlorn album is quite industrial too...
well have funn and I hope your ears bleed with joy for hearing black metal!! 
All you people move so slow
We can tell you what you're thinking
So you played along
Last edited by Keket : 2004-10-01 at 11:35.
Reason: spelling mistakes

2004-10-01, 12:59
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 279
Originally Posted by Keket
If you whant noisy/dirty/black metal you could try with the first Behemoth albums...
Behemoth's old albums are damn good. Like Sventevith or Grom, whose music is very dirty and raw black metal with, monotonous drumming, great riffing and vocals. From the Pagan Vastlands album is bit different, it is more harsh and raw than these other, but is more melodic (with Graveland-esque synthparts and the first song's acoustic parts), and is definitely Behemoth's finest work. However I have only heard this album from MP3s because From Pagan Vastlands is only released on CD (Wild Rags), and there is no re-release ever made, and therefore it is a bit rare thing.

2004-10-01, 13:21
New Blood
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Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina ( South America)
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pagan vastlnds...
yea i know how hard it to grab it... so i never heard it, but if you can send it some mp3 or something i will be more than happy to trade it for other mp3 or something....
what about susperias unlimited do you have it?
All you people move so slow
We can tell you what you're thinking
So you played along

2004-10-01, 16:15
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Originally Posted by Decrepify
Behemoth's old albums are damn good. Like Sventevith or Grom, whose music is very dirty and raw black metal with, monotonous drumming, great riffing and vocals. From the Pagan Vastlands album is bit different, it is more harsh and raw than these other, but is more melodic (with Graveland-esque synthparts and the first song's acoustic parts), and is definitely Behemoth's finest work. However I have only heard this album from MP3s because From Pagan Vastlands is only released on CD (Wild Rags), and there is no re-release ever made, and therefore it is a bit rare thing.
You are in the right way, but i prefer when starts to play inferno the drums, i love "pandemonic incantation", "antichristyian phenomenom", "satanica" and "thelema 6" and i´ll see them with krisium, incantation and ragnarok in early November.
BEHEMOTH (heheheh)
Kult of azazel
Zyklon-B (not zyklon)
impaled nazarene
mayhem (of course)
satyricon (Nemesis divina)
And a black/daeth band: Blind Agony

2004-10-01, 17:47
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Posts: 279
Originally Posted by Keket
yea i know how hard it to grab it... so i never heard it, but if you can send it some mp3 or something i will be more than happy to trade it for other mp3 or something....
I uploaded "From the Hornedlands to Lindesfarne" song at MP3 format to: http://decrepify.zidev.com/behemoth...lindesfarne.mp3
I mixed the song into low-quality, because my server allows only 1,5 meg sized files max. Also there misses about 1 minute from the end of the song, so the total time is 5 minutes, but you'll get the clue from their music.
Isn't Susperia the project of members from Dimmu Borgir, Satyricon etc.?

2004-10-01, 18:10
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There is no good Black Metal, IMO.
When faced with a difficult situation, Jesus asks himself, "What would Chuck Norris do?"

2004-10-01, 21:57
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by Slabbefusk
There is no good Black Metal, IMO.
then dont visit a black metal thread

2004-10-03, 19:14
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Originally Posted by MoonRaven
i am a newb to black metal, and id like to know a few bands, other than immortal, Old Man's Child, Rotting Christ, and the more mainstream CoF and dimmu borgir.
go ahead, laugh at my ignorance, but thats why i ask questions, to learn, that i dont listen to shitty music and get turned away from the genre.
someone's insecure.

2004-10-03, 19:21
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Originally Posted by daggerfall
There was asked for black metal and Opeth are not BM. They are not good either.

2004-10-03, 19:22
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Originally Posted by Ithaqua
If you're into symphonic black metal check out Limbonic Art, probably my favorite symphonic black metal band.
Xasthur is my favorite black metal band. It's depressive/suicidal black metal, with droning guitars and haunting keyboards. Good stuff.
Anything from the French Black Legions is great too. .
The best scenes these days are probably the US and France, in my opinion.
Xasthur is great. Malefic is a genius. Very good BM.

2004-10-03, 23:08
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Is Grom a good album? I only heard stuff from Behemoth's new album, but I heard Grom is one of their best works. I also heard it has some female vocals, is this true?
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2004-10-04, 19:04
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Originally Posted by DameFraMorkum
Xasthur is great. Malefic is a genius. Very good BM.
You get the new one? TFOB was big let down for me.

2004-10-04, 19:11
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Originally Posted by MoonRaven
i am a newb to black metal, and id like to know a few bands, other than immortal, Old Man's Child, Rotting Christ, and the more mainstream CoF and dimmu borgir.
go ahead, laugh at my ignorance, but thats why i ask questions, to learn, that i dont listen to shitty music and get turned away from the genre.
Stiny Plamenu

2004-10-05, 13:33
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Originally Posted by MyOwnSavior
Is Grom a good album? I only heard stuff from Behemoth's new album, but I heard Grom is one of their best works. I also heard it has some female vocals, is this true?
Grom differences much from Behemoth's new material, because it is more primitive and harsh (and very monotonic), and style is much closer to Black Metal than Death. It do have some female vocal parts, and those fits quite fine to the music. The album is good, and definitely worth to try.

2004-10-12, 03:36
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Originally Posted by Nihilist
The only one I can stand is Absu.
twas exactly what i was gonna say, till i scrolled down and read that.

2004-10-12, 04:01
Lo, they do call to me...
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Originally Posted by DameFraMorkum
blashpemy, opeth is the BEST band on the fucking planet, period.
god, this thread feels old now.
Too grim to function

2004-10-15, 14:16
New Blood
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anyone sed cradle of filth yet?
Little people kill people.
(Joey Jordison likes to wear it on his t-shirt. )

2004-10-16, 01:28
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Originally Posted by caffeine_junkie
anyone sed cradle of filth yet?
re-do my list
anorexia nervosa is fucking fantastic.
carpathian forest
amon amarth
sadistik exekution
immortal hammer
and thatll about do for now.

2004-10-16, 06:13
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Dimmu Borgir
If your looking for something along the lines of the more non traditional ( Dimmu borgir) then I would recommend Extol. I think these guys are excellent.

2004-10-17, 19:18
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Vlad Tepes

2004-10-17, 19:31
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Originally Posted by Jittery Sniper
Vlad Tepes
You've got a very good taste of music.

2004-10-17, 20:36
Lo, they do call to me...
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Originally Posted by Black_Star
If your looking for something along the lines of the more non traditional ( Dimmu borgir) then I would recommend Extol. I think these guys are excellent.
yeah, except they aren't remotely black metal, just ask the elitist pricks in the forum, extol are tech death, well, thats the best label i can pin on them
Too grim to function

2004-10-18, 18:52
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Originally Posted by Decrepify
You've got a very good taste of music.
Thank you. I don't know how I forgot to add Sargeist, definatley a great black metal band.

2004-10-19, 15:07
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Originally Posted by Jittery Sniper
Thank you. I don't know how I forgot to add Sargeist, definatley a great black metal band.
Yes, Sargeist's Satanic Black Devotion was really good album, very melancholic and dark. From there you can see that good Black Metal is still kicking and alive, even though many band's have failed to make good anymore.

2004-10-19, 15:11
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This is the band, that made the only true black metal!
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there's no War
and without War
there's no Victory
My Dear!"
- by Devil Doll (The Girl who was... Death)
"In an Insane World,
an Insane Man,
MUST appear Insane,"
- Alien 3

2004-10-20, 10:52
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Originally Posted by Brutur
This is the band, that made the only true black metal!
That album is great and actually is the only album from Covenant (or The Kovenant) which is worth to listen. Melodic and slow Black Metal with an epic atmosphere works very fine.

2004-10-20, 21:52
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im suprised no one mentioned krohm ...

2004-10-21, 12:35
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I have heard from Krohm their "Crown of the Ancients" MCD, which was also great. Cold and depressive Burzum influenced music, which worked fine.

2004-10-21, 18:52
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A World Through Dead Eyes is also very good.
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