Korrozia Metalla Tabs

1.966 - 1995
# |
Type |
Tab |
Visits |
Rating |
Author |
1 |
Apocalypse Time |
2 |
Punk Not Dead |
3 |
Nicht Kapituliren |
GP |
12083 |
1796 |
4 |
Don't Break My Skin |
5 |
Tell Me Why? |
6 |
Digital Exciter |
7 |
Ритуал Сожжения Трупов (Corpse Burning Ritual) |
8 |
Сторож (Guard) |
9 |
Ночной Кошмар (Nightmare) |
10 |
Broken Angel |
11 |
White Power |
12 |
If You Think I'm So Crazy |

Cannibal - 1990
# |
Type |
Tab |
Visits |
Rating |
Author |
1 |
Motorocker |
2 |
I'm President |
3 |
Russian Vodka |
4 |
Cannibal |
5 |
God Father |
6 |
The Vampire's Tank |
7 |
God Save the Tsar (instrumental) |
8 |
Let's Go Shake, Shake |
9 |
Bad Girl's Train |
GP |
12082 |
2126 |
10 |
Fucking Militia |
11 |
Eat Alive |
12 |
Phantom |
13 |
Crazy House |
14 |
The Devil is Here |

Orden Satani - 1988
# |
Type |
Tab |
Visits |
Rating |
Author |
1 |
2 |
Героин (Heroin) |
GP |
12721 |
1616 |
3 |
В Шторме Викинг и Меч (Viking and a Sword in Storm) |
GP |
12234 |
2040 |
4 |
Моторокер (Motorocker) |
5 |
Черный Террор (Black Terror) |
6 |
Фантом (Phantom) |
7 |
Аббадон (Abaddon) |
8 |
Люцифер (Lucifer) live |
9 |
Седьмые Ворота Ада (Seventh Gate of Hell) |