2004-03-17, 19:35
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guitar thrasing
any famous artist that do it on a regular basis? i have footage from chronos smashing his bass.
and on the cunning stunts dvd there's footage were kirk's guitartech explains the axe is glued togethere so that it can last for like 3 shows.
i still think its dumb, but hey, thats probably because i cant afford it

2004-03-17, 19:41
The Mountie From Hell
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I pretty sure Dime does, or did. In the home videos he breaks a few. The guys from kiss do it as well.
But if I got guitars from a company I would start breaking them on stage.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-03-17, 19:51
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Dimebag just did that so he could repaint it and make it different. Ive never seen him do it live on stage, and i dont think he has. I dont see many people do it and im glad, because i dunno how any musician can just smash their instrument. Dosent make sense ot me..
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-03-17, 20:14
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if i got guitars for free and had the liberty to smash them, id probably give it to some kid in the audience
If you look down on me you will see a fool, If you look up at me you will see your lord, but if you Look straight at me you will see yourself-Charles Manson
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2004-03-17, 20:27
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I know Nirvana smashed their instruments at their concerts and
I think the drummer from The Who used to smash his drums.
To me it doesn't seem senseless but I don't think
I would do it.
Burnin' and a-lootin' tonight
burnin' all pollution tonight
burnin' all illusion tonight


2004-03-17, 20:44
El Diablo sin pantalones
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its sensless destruction of a perfectly good (and expenisive) instrument just to look cool. If they can afford a new guitar every show, why dont they just give it to someone that could actualy use it? I sure as hell could use a good axe!
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2004-03-17, 20:50
The Mountie From Hell
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Originally Posted by BLS
Dimebag just did that so he could repaint it and make it different. Ive never seen him do it live on stage, and i dont think he has. I dont see many people do it and im glad, because i dunno how any musician can just smash their instrument. Dosent make sense ot me..
I've seen him play with the head stocks broken, and if you read some of the "updates" in guitar world for Damageplan, he said after they recorded a song they listened to the song, drank some, and broke the guitar he played it on.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-03-17, 20:58
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id smash my guitars too if i wrote an album like damageplans......id smash if for selling out and writing a piece of shit!!..haha

2004-03-17, 21:08
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Originally Posted by FearFrost
I've seen him play with the head stocks broken, and if you read some of the "updates" in guitar world for Damageplan, he said after they recorded a song they listened to the song, drank some, and broke the guitar he played it on.
Yeh the broken headstock was an accident, and he breaks his shit offstage. He dosent break shit onstage to be "Cool". If i had a instrument i didnt want id sell it or give it to a kid who would use it NOT sell it. Theirs plenty of aspriing musicians out their who cant afford a guitar.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-03-17, 21:38
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with as crazy of a stage presence i might in my band, i still would never purposely break a guitar. if it was an accident then i'd just be pissed and try to get it fixed or buy a new one. but how many times can a band smash their setup before it stops being 'cool'?
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2004-03-17, 22:09
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Well apparently forever. Nirvana was able to sell tons of records and stupid people acually thought they had talent, all because they smashed all their shit like the typical angst filled teen that there music was marketed too.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-03-17, 22:55
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it wasnt only the drummer from the who, who smashed his drums, the guitar player smashed his acoustic too

2004-03-17, 23:48
El Diablo sin pantalones
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If musicians smash their instruments, would a vocalist kick his own ass?
Probably a dumb post, but since mosts musicians see their instrument as an extension of themselves, to me that would be like thrashing yourself
on a ironic sidenote, i would like to see a "badass" band like slopknit thrash their instruments and not enough dough to buy new stuff
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!
Last edited by Spikyhairz : 2004-03-17 at 23:51.

2004-03-18, 00:04
Pokémon Master
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doesn't kirk hurl a guitar into the audience in the Cunning Stunts video?
personally i think its all well and good to give a guitar to someone, but i wouldnt want one to be thraown at me .... it might hurt
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Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
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2004-03-18, 01:08
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Posts: 165
i've always thought "why would they smash that when i'd glady take it."
But if you've ever been drunk and smashed something, you can understand.
If i was in a band, i'd throw out a coupon for a free guitar. then i'd destroy mine. make em feel better.
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2004-03-18, 01:29
New Blood
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yes id like my free guitar please  *flashes coupon* thanks a bunch

2004-03-18, 03:46
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Originally Posted by Spikyhairz
If musicians smash their instruments, would a vocalist kick his own ass?
Probably a dumb post, but since mosts musicians see their instrument as an extension of themselves, to me that would be like thrashing yourself
they would just trash their mic or mic stand, why would they kick their own ass?

2004-03-18, 13:01
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What, you guys never heard of "Honky Tonk Man" from the old WWF?
He used to smash his guitar as part of his performance. Of course, it was usually on someone's head.

2004-03-18, 13:59
Master Killer
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lol, what the hell is that? ^
I don't care about it, but I wouldn't do it myself because I get reminded of Nirvana, I don't want anything to do with those cunts.

2004-03-18, 14:13
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Originally Posted by Party Time 2000
What, you guys never heard of "Honky Tonk Man" from the old WWF?
He used to smash his guitar as part of his performance. Of course, it was usually on someone's head.
It isn't real man.

2004-03-18, 14:58
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Originally Posted by Spikyhairz
on a ironic sidenote, i would like to see a "badass" band like slapknut thrash their instruments and not enough dough to buy new stuff
that would fucking suck if Mick threw his BC into the crowd.
look in the sky! its a mockingbird, no a nj beast, no its a WARLOCK!!

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2004-03-18, 15:25
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"Honky Tonk Man" was a World Wrestling Federation (WWF = y'know, hulk hogan?)wrestler back in the 80's. He was hilarious. His wrestling personality was that he was a gifted country singer and he looked and acted like elvis. He always carried around an acoustic guitar (obviously a cheap one) when he went anywhere. In his matches, he used to smack it on peoples heads and the pieces would fly all over the place. That was good times. Now they just use folding chairs, tables, anything.
I understand that it was not real, that is why I said "performance".

2004-03-18, 17:12
Senior Metalhead
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fuckin' wrastlin'
Heavy metal is just angry music.
Not a lifestyle.

2004-03-18, 17:16
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I swear Hendrix used to set fire to his guitars and smash them up 
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
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2004-03-18, 17:25
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thats true, i saw a vid of it i believe

2004-03-19, 00:58
Wasted Custom User title
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If were to smash a guitar, it would be a peice of shit guitar like a squir. Then I would be doing a good thing by smashing it.
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2004-03-19, 19:44
New Blood
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well i think that it depends of the kind of guitar you smash, too.. I think it would be fun for me to destroy a cheap guitar i dont like so much. But guitars i like i woudlnt smash

2004-03-19, 22:20
Senior Metalhead
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I think smashing guitars is fucking disgusting!!!! Whats the point???? Dickheads..... I'd love to see one of them fuck themselves up, and then we'd see if they do it again!!!
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