2004-03-24, 00:59
New Blood
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Favorite V-Neck Guitars
Just wanted to take a tally on what kind of V-Necks peeps like. atm ive got an Epiphone V-Neck and like it alot. reply if any1 wants to flame/talk 

2004-03-24, 05:03
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Tried one once but it was pretty uncomfortable to play sitting down. I guess it wouldnt matter on stage though. Karl Sanders from Nile uses a V too i think.

2004-03-24, 19:09
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are you talking about v shaped guitars or like v-necks? iv never heard of v-necks but i have heard of u-necks and c-necks so im not sure. if its a v shaped guitar then i love em! most people say there uncomfortable to play but i like the way they play even if you are sitting down the only downside is if your sitting somewhere where you cant put it between your legs like the floor for example
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
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2004-03-24, 23:45
New Blood
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V shaped guitar sry 

2004-03-25, 00:52
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oh ok well my favorite would have to be the jackson king-v (cause i have one) i havent plaed the bc rich ones but i hear there good, the rhoads are also killer but i have never seen one that had 24 frets unless it was custom made
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2004-03-25, 02:45
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Originally Posted by PrinceOfDarkness
V shaped guitar sry 
I assumed thats what you meant.

2004-03-25, 03:23
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I like rhoads models. It totally fucked up the way i sit with guitar though. Because after playing on a rhoads sitting down for a few month i tried to play my friends sg and i couldnt play it sititng down  The neck on mine is a bit bigger than a wizard neck. Its acually perfect for me, and it dosent feel like im playing a flat peice of wood
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-03-25, 14:58
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i've got a rhoads and its so comfortable and kick ass to play standing up although it is a bit of a fuck if i want to sit down. I've found after playin for a couple of months standing, i cant play aswell sitting. Its kinda weird
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
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2004-03-25, 15:07
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by guitarenvy
Karl Sanders from Nile uses a V too i think.
He does indeed, as does Dallas. They recently got endorsed by Dean.
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Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-03-25, 18:37
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my Washburn Dime has a V-shape and I dont have any trouble playing it while i sit.

2004-03-25, 19:04
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Years ago I wanted a PS3 and I was in the Jackson dealer and I sat down with it and the dude was shocked that I could..... I dunno, made no big dif 2 me...

2004-03-25, 20:20
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Originally Posted by The Doctor
my Washburn Dime has a V-shape and I dont have any trouble playing it while i sit.
It play like a explorer while sitting down thats why.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-03-29, 01:23
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I got a Jackon Y2KV Dave Mustaine its awesome. Its perfectly balanced for standing up and u get used to it sitting down. It sounds great and costs $2000

2004-04-03, 12:04
New Blood
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Posts: 28
I have 3 Jackson V-type guitars, an RR1 (currently without any hardware or electronics in it - I'm fixing up the trem and getting some new parts), an RR1T, and a Y2KV. I like V-Type guitars and all of the ones I own are very metal friendly and also have the versitility of playing other styles (especially the Y2KV, the wood on this guitar combined with the pickup selection can enable you to play just about any style).
I always hear people compalain about how uncomfortable it is to play V's while sitting down, but I disagree. If anything it only takes a little bit getting used to. V-type guitars force you to play the guitar in the middle of your body (instead of on your knee/side) when sitting down, so its a much more natural position than resting a guitar on your knee ("classical" positioning vs. "Cowboy"). The best part is that when you play sitting down in this position, the transition to playing standing up is seemless.
I can't really explain the positioning too well, if I find a picture, I will post it though.

2004-04-05, 23:08
New Blood
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Posts: 20
Could anyone suggest a nice V Shaped guitar for under a k? i kinda need to upgrade mine. need a few suggestions. thx in advance

2004-04-05, 23:14
Join Date: Mar 2004
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Wow another Y2KV good stuff man. How much did you get yours for?

2004-04-06, 07:17
New Blood
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 28
Originally Posted by PrinceOfDarkness
Could anyone suggest a nice V Shaped guitar for under a k? i kinda need to upgrade mine. need a few suggestions. thx in advance
You should be able to get a USA Jackson RR1 in pretty good condition for under $1,000 with case. King V's are usually priced a bit higher and people typically don't sell them. As far as brand new V's go. Other than Jackson the only brand I can think of is either BC Rich and ESP. ESP has a bunch of V shaped guitars but I don't really liked LTD's. Also I think BC Rich's V series is a signature series.. Not sure though.
Originally Posted by ShredIsNotDead
Wow another Y2KV good stuff man. How much did you get yours for?
After case, and shipping it came out to $1300 Nat. Mahog. finish too.. Looks killer. I got it brand new after the guitars initially came out.
Last edited by Inearthed : 2004-04-06 at 07:23.
Reason: Quoting another person's post..

2004-04-06, 15:19
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Originally Posted by ShredIsNotDead
I got a Jackon Y2KV Dave Mustaine its awesome. Its perfectly balanced for standing up and u get used to it sitting down. It sounds great and costs $2000
You bastard.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-04-06, 17:28
New Blood
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Thanks Inearthed. ill Chek em out and see what i can find


2004-04-06, 21:40
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Originally Posted by Inearthed
After case, and shipping it came out to $1300 Nat. Mahog. finish too.. Looks killer. I got it brand new after the guitars initially came out.
Wow...mine was a whole 2000$ but it was also in Canadian dollars. Are all Y2KV's Dave Mustaine sigs???? Im wondering what made that price difference it was probably just the fact that here in Canada our dollar is shit.

2004-04-07, 01:14
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Jackson Randy Rhoads models are my favorite Vs. I have a Randy Rhoads model. Im not sure about the what series it is. Im assuming that its a RX10D (because of 1 knob--No tone  ) I also have the April 2003 B.C. Rich Body art flying V guitar. Thats the one with the skulls on it.
I've gotten so used to the way you have to sit down with Vs that when I play my Washburn (has a strat shaped body), I end up resting it on my left leg. That way it feels like a flying V. BTW my Washburn is my main guitar and I loooooove it.
This is my signature.

2004-04-07, 22:39
New Blood
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Posts: 28
Originally Posted by ShredIsNotDead
Wow...mine was a whole 2000$ but it was also in Canadian dollars. Are all Y2KV's Dave Mustaine sigs???? Im wondering what made that price difference it was probably just the fact that here in Canada our dollar is shit.
$2000 Canadian is about $1500 US. There might be an import tax / Jackson might charge dealers in Canada a bit more since they have to ship internationally. Typically US made brands (or brands where the majority of the stock go to the US) are more expensive in other countries because they're a lot more rare. The price you got is very reasonable. Mine was lower because the guy I bought mine from gave me a sweet deal because I knew a guy who bought a ton of instruments from him he knocked off around $100 from the original quoted price he gave me once I told him my friend sent me.

2004-04-07, 23:14
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Originally Posted by guitar_demon
are you talking about v shaped guitars or like v-necks? iv never heard of v-necks but i have heard of u-necks and c-necks so im not sure. if its a v shaped guitar then i love em! most people say there uncomfortable to play but i like the way they play even if you are sitting down the only downside is if your sitting somewhere where you cant put it between your legs like the floor for example
whats makes a neck c or u shaped?? 

2004-04-07, 23:21
New Blood
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 28
Originally Posted by freek666
whats makes a neck c or u shaped?? 
Its the backshape of the neck... A "C" Shape would be a gradual increasing neck shape that was wide, whereas a U would be a very thick neck but with the actual curve occuring quickly. V is a "V" shape, with very little curving.. Just imagine the back of the neck's shape being like the letters
Here.. This makes more sense I guess...

2004-04-20, 16:15
New Blood
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Bah i couldnt find any good V shape guitars that really caught my eye but i wanted to rate the one i got at the moment. Currently i got an Epiphone V and like it quite a bit but i hear Epipone V's are some of the lower qualities  so i just wanted to get some more opinions. Also what kind of string thickness would be best suited for downtuning to D probably in drop C sometimes. Thanks in advance.

Last edited by PrinceOfDarkness : 2004-04-20 at 16:18.

2004-04-24, 18:49
Join Date: Apr 2004
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B.C Rich has a nice V in the Platinum Pro series.
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