2004-03-31, 17:57
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 7
Jackson Kelly
I recently just bought a Jackson Kelly KE-3 for $450 USD brand new at a local music shop. I really like its body shape, look and feel. I am reletively new to the guitar world. I am at the point where you start to notice that your pickups and all are alot more important that you think when you first pick up a guitar. The question i have is about taking out the Duncan Designed from my new axe and replacing they with a good set. I am pretty sure I want to get a set of 81/85 EMG's if they fit, if not maybe an X2N or some real Seymours. This guitar doesn't have a tone control. so my question is, How expensive would it be to get a tone control added, and the pickups installed. I didn't clarify if this guitar has enough room to fit the battery for the EMG's, if anyone knows this that would help too. I am not going to do this myself. So how much do you think it would cost to add the tone knob and possibly the battery slot?