2004-04-02, 14:27
New Blood
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Slipknot: Metal?
I recently posted a Slipknot tab for a song off their upcoming album, which I took time over to ensure was correct. On posting on this site, I was told that it was not a metal tab, and that Slipknot are a nu-metal band.
I find query with this though. Slipknot are a band that shot to fame during the nu-metal craze, and the singles and videos they have released have been over-melodic angsty shite. Agreed?
However, many of their songs are actually very heavy, and they can outdo a lot of "metal" bands in this. They have a lot of energy and pace on many songs, and can definitely be said to have a lot more energy than several bands listed as metal on this site. This should also be agreed on.
Many people will immediately dismiss Slipknot in order to seem more underground, while "underground metal" fans will immediately LOVE songs like Phobophile by Cryptopsy, and Spheres of Madness by Decapitated, because they have catchy melodies (Cryptopsy) and a more straightforward, less technical song structure and slower pace (Decapitated.)
Other people may also dismiss Slipknot for the fact that they often go quiet and melodic. Turning to Opeth, who are considered a metal band - reveals much melodic work also.
In addition, many Slipknot songs include blastbeating and there is a LOT of double kick drumwork. The 2 songs available from their new album also include guitar solos too, so people dismissing them as nu-metal on these grounds lose their leg to stand on.
All in all, why dismiss certain bands? It should be apparent on first listen that Slipknot are a metal band, with double-kick work, screaming vocals, blastbeating and guitar solos. It seems quite apparent that they, and other bands have been dismissed because they have been pigeonholed by people who have never cared to listen to them.
I expect to hear most people dismiss this argument, having only heard Slipknot's singles that were released.
Last edited by ilovebukkake : 2004-04-02 at 14:38.

2004-04-02, 14:42
New Blood
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Posts: 13
I hope I did, I never use this site anyway, and I'm hardly going to find people going "OMG STFU NU-METALLER" at me offensive. I just think its time to cut the crap and "I'm really underground" attitude that people have because they want to seem subversive.

2004-04-02, 14:52
Senior Metalhead
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Posts: 165
I agree with you fully.
You've got hardcore "metalheads" blasting new metal, when meanwhile, Look at the shit they're listening to. Black,death,fuck,etc. metal. Fucking most of it is garbage in my (and most people past their teen angst stage) opinion. Nu metal is metal. Metal is mostly defined by heavy electric guitars, and anger.
Heavy metal is just angry music.
Not a lifestyle.

2004-04-02, 14:54
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Originally Posted by Comfortably_Numb
You just opened a can of shit....
sorry man.
Hahaha yes.
What kind of homos dress up as clowns with masks? Isn't there on member of Slipshit who just jumps around? I will say though that one guitarist (I forget his name) has some talent he just choses to be in a shitty band.
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-04-02, 14:59
Master Killer
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oh man, slipknot metal, whats next.
they suck goat chode.

2004-04-02, 15:03
Death to all but metal!
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Originally Posted by Def
oh man, slipknot metal, whats next.
they suck goat chode.
Haha not even. They will disappear in another 2 years tops I guarentee it
Originally Posted by Amadeus
"Ja mein little poodle, I will hang you by your nipples in my garage,

2004-04-02, 15:17
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i saw a bit of their latest video and a bit of an interview.
WHAHAHA, fucking losers, couldnt hear em cos those fucking hilarious masks were in the way and they couldnt talk in it normally.
they are the reason i wont go to metallica in a couple of months

2004-04-02, 15:37
New Blood
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Posts: 13
Originally Posted by The Doctor
i saw a bit of their latest video and a bit of an interview.
WHAHAHA, fucking losers, couldnt hear em cos those fucking hilarious masks were in the way and they couldnt talk in it normally.
Originally Posted by MetalThrashingMad
Hahaha yes.
What kind of homos dress up as clowns with masks? Isn't there on member of Slipshit who just jumps around?
I also think a lot of black metal bands can be slated here, Immolation are one. If you're against dressing up, you're against a lot of black and death-metal bands.
Last edited by ilovebukkake : 2004-04-02 at 15:45.

2004-04-02, 15:45
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at least their music is better

2004-04-02, 15:52
New Blood
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Originally Posted by The Doctor
at least their music is better
Good to hear people addressing the point.

2004-04-02, 16:20
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how is immolation black metal?? or i'm just missing something?? anyways...
slipknot are nu-metal cause half thier songs have that great nu-metal riff of hitting the low string, then playing some high note, and going back and forth a million times until a wattered down chorus starts up...or there is a random noise shit verse in between.
i have thier first album, and although it is thier best work, it is still nu-metal...just because they add double bass doesn't make them un-nu-metal...look at Mudvayne, thier nu-metal AND they have double bass going at the same time.
sure Opeth goes melodic, thats thier style, they started out black metal, turned more melodic, and then releaced an accoustic album...they'll most likely releace a normal album next, but regardless, having melody is not what makes nu-metal, shit poppy down-tuned riffs, screaming verses then "melodic screaming choruses" makes nu-metal.
in conclusion, Slipknot is nu-metal, and since everyone here, and more importantly the webmaster of the site doesn't like nu-metal, and doesn't want nu-metal tabs being uplouded, Slipknot will never be a part of this site.
the patterns are everywhere...

2004-04-02, 16:52
New Blood
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Posts: 13
A quick note:
It's called English, and it totally undermines your point when you can barely even use your own language, let alone make a fair point.
And I'm very, very upset to hear that my tab wont be posted on here. I'm going to cry into my Cannibal Corpse "Butchered at Birth" shirt because I'm so brutal and underground and am really into brutality and death cos I'm so underground and anti-mainstream.

2004-04-02, 17:00
Master Killer
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thats cool, now stop bothering us and kill yourself please 

2004-04-02, 17:13
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i personally dont find anything wrong with slipknot, mind u i dont listen to there music. But when i saw them at reading 02, the energy they produced was pretty kickass and the pit was pretty fucking crazy aswell. But i do agree that the guitarist, mick is a wasted talent
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
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2004-04-02, 17:25
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What the hell is wrong with you?
Slipknot isn't metal, aggro rock maybe.

2004-04-02, 17:28
New Blood
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Originally Posted by Agent-Orange
What the hell is wrong with you?
Slipknot isn't metal, aggro rock maybe.
As I said, if you can honestly say that double kickwork, blastbeating, screaming and guitar solos arent metal, then what actually is. Get real and try listening to some Slipknot. I already stated that most people who would naysay me havent actually heard any of the band beyond mtv, and it is quite apparent you lie in that camp.

2004-04-02, 18:05
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Like said, Slipknot sucks Goat ass.
Doom what thou wilt

2004-04-02, 18:12
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by ilovebukkake
As I said, if you can honestly say that double kickwork, blastbeating, screaming and guitar solos arent metal, then what actually is. Get real and try listening to some Slipknot. I already stated that most people who would naysay me havent actually heard any of the band beyond mtv, and it is quite apparent you lie in that camp.
yeah, and don't forget about the guitars tuned in drop-Z tuning...
oh and the pentagrams on their foreheads, thats SOOO METAL!!!
having 5 drummers makes them original though, still their 5 drummers together don't match meshuggah's drumriffs.
most of us have heard them beyond mtv. I even saw a live concert of them once, well partially because it sucked so bad I decided to go out and drink beer (an no I didn't go to that show for dicksnot in the first place)
ah well. you're better off not trying to convert us to your true-elite-metal, we're better off without it, stay cool in your own world and we'll stay true in our own little world of real metal 

2004-04-02, 19:03
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well said everybody. I heard slipknot and after like 2 songs I was getting a headache it sucked so bad. Meshuggah does have some badass riffage, but I never really looked into them.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2004-04-02, 19:58
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The sad thing is, is you could easily make an idiot out of this dude by typing out a well thought out reply on how Decapitated is not simple and just because Cryptopsy understand melody in no takes away from thier heavyness. Or how a guitar solo doesnt make you metal (I guess Garth Brooks tabs shoudl be comming up soon too huh?).
Face it, playing three downtuned chords and putting the same old "My daddy didnt love me enough so now I'm going to rebel" singing style and lyrics over it sucks. And even mopre so, it isnt metal, and if it is, than its metal that doesnt belong here.
I'm sure it took such an oh so long time to tab Slipknot. Watch out for thoes arpeggios!
No fear, nor fight
Comforting silent side
So free, through flight
Comforting silence

2004-04-02, 20:13
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Slipknot is metal, Nu-Metal. The only reason that I can think of to reason with the non acceptance of their tabs here is becasue they're nu-metal, a sub genre of watered down metal in order to be more acceptible to the audience.
You're being extremely stereotypical buk. Your catagorizing all metal heads as "Slipknot hating, black metal worshiping, hypocrites". But what you'll find out probably is that alot of people like Slipknot and hate black metal, or vice versa. The reason why they are not accepted here is because of the affiliation they have with nu-metal mainstream/goth scene. The've also got alot of really, really, really, really stupid fans.
The Berserker sucks too.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery
Last edited by Darko : 2004-04-02 at 20:18.

2004-04-02, 20:24
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Originally Posted by ilovebukkake
However, many of their songs are actually very heavy, and they can outdo a lot of "metal" bands in this. They have a lot of energy and pace on many songs, and can definitely be said to have a lot more energy than several bands listed as metal on this site. This should also be agreed on.
No, its an opinion.
Originally Posted by ilovebukkake
Many people will immediately dismiss Slipknot in order to seem more underground, while "underground metal" fans will immediately LOVE songs like Phobophile by Cryptopsy, and Spheres of Madness by Decapitated, because they have catchy melodies (Cryptopsy) and a more straightforward, less technical song structure and slower pace (Decapitated.)
All metal fans love those songs? And if they do, whats wrong with that? Just becasue they hate Slipknot, they have to dislike those songs? I have never heard a Slipknot song that sounde any where CLOSE to either of those songs.
Originally Posted by ilovebukkake
In addition, many Slipknot songs include blastbeating and there is a LOT of double kick drumwork. The 2 songs available from their new album also include guitar solos too, so people dismissing them as nu-metal on these grounds lose their leg to stand on.
All in all, why dismiss certain bands? It should be apparent on first listen that Slipknot are a metal band, with double-kick work, screaming vocals, blastbeating and guitar solos. It seems quite apparent that they, and other bands have been dismissed because they have been pigeonholed by people who have never cared to listen to them.
I expect to hear most people dismiss this argument, having only heard Slipknot's singles that were released.
Stop trying to reason that they are fantasic because they have blastbeats and solos. Cher's new album could have blazing blast beats and it wouldn't make her a great metal band.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2004-04-02, 20:37
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ilovebukkake.....your name is the best...
me and 200 of my mates line up to blast you with cum you big fag..

2004-04-02, 21:05
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"many of their songs are actually very heavy, and they can outdo a lot of "metal" bands in this"
......................................... speechless
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I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-04-02, 21:54
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Slipknot solos?! 

2004-04-03, 00:57
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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slipknot? hahaha.
I just read this whole damn thread! that was halarious. Slipknot... metal. sorry guy, those words dont fit in the same sentence. unless of coarse you at the "nu" before metal. I cant believe some of the things you said here. Double pedal does not mean metal! What solos? I must have missed those. Oh, but im sure they are amazing man. and what metal bands does slipknot "take out"? Slipknot sucks ass and thats the bottom line. Mainstream for fame, shitty lyrics and riffs, threw in a few moderate drum tracks (but you can cut out the pathetic fucks in there who bang on a drum and then prace around stage like they have a purpose) throw on some gay ass clown masks or a very scary mask with a pentagram(oh so evil they are) wear red jumpsuits, and play a gay wanna be metal type of music. Im just gonna stop there. But hey, if you wanna gain about 200 pounds and wear a slipknot shirt, follow their footsteps (fagsteps) and support a terrible cause... go ahead. but first get yourself shot please. ok seriously im going to stop.
Damn, it has been a long time since i truly bitched on this forum. Guess i havnt had a reason to... until now. fuckin slipshit.
maybe i said a bit much. im drunk, but look at my nice spelling. ha

2004-04-03, 01:29
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I guess every little detail has been said about this horrible band. I must say, god damn slipknot sucks ass.
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
“I'm as firm as red clay and as constant as... drinkin'. I'm constantly drinkin'.” - Early Cuyler

2004-04-03, 02:03
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i can understand his argument that slipknot is metal, the are heavy, and while they do show many of the nu-metal traits, they dont have as much rap influence as most nu-metal bands. sure the guitar riffs are simple down-tuned power chords, yeah a beginner could learn to play them, but look at most death metal, esp. grindcore shit like CC, most of that is very simple downtuned riffing. on the new album, maybe slipknot has some solo's on it, but going by their past stuff, i wouldnt expect them to be anything exceptionally amazing. i dont mind slipknot, i enjoy some of their stuff, but i am not at all closeminded to any styles of music, except rap and country. slipknot isnt on here because the webmaster doesnt like them, and seeing as how its his site, i'd say its pretty much his fucking choice what is put on here and what isnt.
ps - slipknot is good for something, they are a good band for someone new to the metal scene to get into so they may find better music as they get deeper into the scene, kinda like cradle or dimmu borgir.
BTW - darko, slipknot has abosolutely fucking nothing to do with the goth scene.
Too grim to function
Last edited by MoonRaven : 2004-04-03 at 02:07.

2004-04-03, 02:13
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by MoonRaven
ps - slipknot is good for something, they are a good band for someone new to the metal scene to get into so they may find better music as they get deeper into the scene, kinda like cradle or dimmu borgir.
I kind of disagree. People talk of bands introducing you into better stuff. I dont really believe in that. Sure it is how a lot of people move into true metal, but there really is no point to get started off with bad stuff. And if you do start someone off with slipknot, there is a chance that they will never move on. Look at all the people stuck in the slipknot scene who are unaware that they are listening to shit. know what i mean? its hard to say though.

2004-04-03, 02:22
Lo, they do call to me...
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i dont start people off on slipknot, never have, dont plan on it. if i start someone of on anything, its usually something like Cannibal corpse, opeth, slayer, or type o negative, depending on the person and the tastes.
Too grim to function

2004-04-03, 02:25
Dog farts
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The tab you posted got closed because, as stated in the FAQ, nu-metal won't be archived here (as someone has probably already mentioned).
I'm not saying they aren't metal. They most certainly are. I can tolerate Slipknot, yes, but it doesn't mean I like them.

2004-04-03, 02:32
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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damn Nihilist. Youre such a nice guy. Its good though, i must say. I wish i could be as calm as you. and im not being sarcastic. Fuck i cant control myself sometimes! but shit, slipknot sucks!

2004-04-03, 02:36
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Slipknot does suck but i decided to see what theyre up to these days. So i downloaded their newest song called "Pulse of the Maggots" sounds pretty hardcore doesnt it? Or not. So i listened to it...
First you hear a crowd cheering for some reason (im guessing its so you dont think this shit was actually recorded in a studio)
Second a horn starts blasting in the background, you hear marching sounds, meanwhile he says in a very distorted voice:
"This is the year where hope fails you, ...*something something*.... experiment, and the bastards you know is the hero you hate. But *something* is possible if we stride. Theres no reason, Theres no lesson, No time like the present. Tell me right now, what have you got to lose, except your soul, WHO'S WITH US?"
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
NOW, 45 seconds later, the song finally starts with a pretty cool drum intro. Boring monotone guitars with the same 3 chords over and over. And of course you cant forget the effects, a croud cheering every 3 seconds and that "DJ" with his stupid-ass turntable shit which does not even fit.
AND WOW! He's singing, or talking i should say, exactly the same as all their other songs.
HAHAHAHA I just heard a "guitar solo" that i never noticed last time, probably cause i was puking too hard. Here im gonna post this one!
Thats my review. I wouldnt waste my time writing anymore about them.
Last edited by guitarenvy : 2004-04-03 at 02:41.
Reason: (by the way, this is their hit new song)

2004-04-03, 02:49
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heres the solo - mp3
and another useless clip

2004-04-03, 02:49
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Slipknot isn't a beginner band for someone who want to start listening to more advanced metal. Because when someone comes across them, they stop. Because they first started listening to Godsmack and worked their way up to them, and when they first listen too Slipknot they think there is nothing more "extreme" than Slipknot . Just look at their fans, I can't help but hate them. They are fat depressed idiots who whine because their parents don't like them (granted, I would hate them too) with oily black hair and super baggy JNCOs with chains everywhere, and they're like "Slipknot is the hardest band around, everything else sucks" I just want to hand them a gun and say "Please kill yourself like you say you want to do. I would, but I don't need murder on my record."
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus
“I'm as firm as red clay and as constant as... drinkin'. I'm constantly drinkin'.” - Early Cuyler

2004-04-03, 02:59
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What makes you think they all started listening to godsmack? And what does being fat and depressed have to do with listening to them? They just like shit music because nobody ever showed them any other good stuff. You talk like a Slipknot fan.
Your one of THEM
Listen to the mp3s i posted above. That says enough.
Last edited by guitarenvy : 2004-04-03 at 03:06.

2004-04-03, 03:22
Lo, they do call to me...
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Originally Posted by MyOwnSavior
oily black hair and super baggy JNCOs with chains everywhere
i have black hair, i wear jncos, they are fucking comfy, though mine arent that baggy, and i have a huge wallet chain. a persons look has dickfuck to do with music, my best friend is a beginner metalhead, i am teaching him, cc, slayer, and other similar bands, but he dresses kinda preppy. so before you run your newbie ass mouth, think about what the fuck you are saying.
Too grim to function

2004-04-03, 03:41
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honestly i cant be fucked one way or another, yes i own slipknot cds, yes i paid money for them, but i also paid money for cryptopsy cds. i also paid money for "the berzerker" cds, does that mean they are fantastic and the greatest band on this little grey earth ... the only thing that redeems my from ending my miserable little life? No it doesnt. Slipknot are classed as nu-metal in my book and in Nomad's book, if you want to appeal this idea then its not a good idea to name drop well known bands and pretend to be more metal than you probably are.
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-04-03, 03:53
New Blood
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Posts: 40
Whoever thinks slipknot is metal, get the fuck off of this board, go sell any true metal cds you may have, and kill yourself. Dont even put decapitated in the same thread as slipknot, as that would be a disservice to decapitated.
Thank you.

2004-04-03, 05:37
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Originally Posted by ilovebukkake
I hope I did, I never use this site anyway, and I'm hardly going to find people going "OMG STFU NU-METALLER" at me offensive. I just think its time to cut the crap and "I'm really underground" attitude that people have because they want to seem subversive.
That is perhaps the most valid fact I've ever heard on these boards. I'm sick of how some people have this "holier than thou" attitude against some bands because they believe their band is more underground and unheard of than everything else.
Here's a fucking tip you dickheads. Do you know why your band's underground? Do you know why they haven't released a mainstream CD or appeared on MTV? Do you know why your band isn't going to be on a radio station or on television, or not playing gigs in front of tens of thousands of people? I can tell you that it's not because your band "prefers" to be underground and not making money:
And here's another fucking thing. Do you know what a retarded definition of a sub-genrè is? Nu-metal. I've got to say that "nu-metal", is quite possibly the most stupid fucking sub-genrè ever created in terms of its definition. Think about it (if you're able to charge those two neurons in your dull grey matter).
Nu - what the fuck does that mean? Do you mean "new" ? In that case, what the fuck's so new about it? Does it have bass? Does it have guitars? Does it have a drummer and a bass? Yes. Congratulations you dumb motherfuckers, you've just described every other death/shit/sludge/speed metal band out there.
Metal - the people that agree that "nu-metal" exists (which I don't by the way, just in case you didn't notice), get sick and tired of having it referred to as "metal". Then why the fuck is "metal" included in its name you stupid chucklefucks? Oh, that's right. You don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about.
Anyway, where was I?
Oh yeah.
Slipknot are metal, Cannibal Corpse/Cradle of Shit/death-metal (period), can suck a horse's cock and you elitist fucks with your "underground" music can eat shit and die.

2004-04-03, 06:16
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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hah, psycho is as stupid as ilovebuttcake
Quotes by psycho
"Here's a fucking tip you dickheads. Do you know why your band's underground? Do you know why they haven't released a mainstream CD or appeared on MTV? Do you know why your band isn't going to be on a radio station or on television, or not playing gigs in front of tens of thousands of people? I can tell you that it's not because your band "prefers" to be underground and not making money:"
So a band must be mainstream or appear on mtv to be good?!!! You must play in front of 10,000s of thousands of people to be good?
"Nu - what the fuck does that mean? Do you mean "new" ? In that case, what the fuck's so new about it? Does it have bass? Does it have guitars? Does it have a drummer and a bass? Yes. Congratulations you dumb motherfuckers, you've just described every other death/shit/sludge/speed metal band out there."
what the fuck are you talking about dipshit? It is not the instruments involved you piece of shit!!! Its how you fuckin play them. How fuckin stupid can you be.
And one more thing... no matter what kind of music you like there are thousands of underground bands which play the music you listen to, therefore you could just as easily listen to underground as well. Unless of coarse you are truly an mainstreamer who will not except anything that hasnt sold thousands of copies. assfuck
Last edited by timedragon : 2004-04-03 at 06:19.

2004-04-03, 06:33
Pokémon Master
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here are a few facts for those who calim nu-metal is the best and that it plays before sellour crowds and whatever, about tours here in australia
Slayer played here a couple of years ago, they packed both melbourne and sydney (i was younger at the time so my memory might be a little fuzzy)
Korn/Statc-X/Fear Factory played this year they didn't fill the hall they played at
Opeth played last year, the filled the pub they played at - easily
The haunted filled the same pub (just later than opeth did)
the moral of the story is, although you may have shit on MTV and play to 10,000 people in the states your fan base is INSCURE, where as other metal bands (expecially power metal) has the most dedicated fan base that you could posibly have
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-04-03, 07:54
Forum Reverend
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question to fans of nu-metal:
do you still follow your bands after they passed their 15 seconds of fame on MTV, or do you just move on to the next band that hits number one on the countdown...
the patterns are everywhere...

2004-04-03, 08:17
New Blood
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Evening Boys
To be honest, most of the replies have consisted of people slating Slipknot and calling them shit. The issue in hand is whether they are metal or not, and unless a clear definition of what is metal can be agreed upon, then this discussion is never going to come to a decent conclusion (not that I expect a discussion on an internet forum to be anything decent.)
I will be the first to say that I dont often listen to Slipknot, that I think their attitude is fucking queer, and I think that they are an mtv-pleasing band with too many members. They should be a 5 piece band that doesnt wear masks and doesnt try and be melodic to get popular.
For whoever caught me out by saying that it's just an opinion that some Slipknot songs have more energy than some of the metal bands listed here, you're right. However lets compare DIO to Slipknot. I personally find Dio's relentless aural assault too much to take. The gutterals and relentless blasting with undiscernible guitars is just intolerable. hahAhahahhahA or not. Listen to Slipknot - Get This and compare it to some Dio, and you'll see that the issue here definitely isnt about Slipknot's music - it's about their attitude and appearance, and the attitude of people here on this board.

2004-04-03, 14:49
Master Killer
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do we have an attitude? hahha
fuck you cockwobbler 

2004-04-03, 15:20
New Blood
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Christ this is funny. As Bukkake said, most of the 'metallers' (  ) that have replied have constantly 'slated' Slipknot and said they arnt metal. Well fact is, they are 'metal'.
Oh and by the way, i'm not a 'nu metal fag', i listen to all types of metal...and go very extreme (goregrind, porno-grind etc.) yet i still enjoy listening to some Slipknot here and there.

2004-04-03, 15:27
Master Killer
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haha fag  you're funny 

2004-04-03, 15:57
New Blood
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Def, i took a quick look at your profile...your favourite bands section is hillarious, 'Poison The Well'? God damn you're cool...btw change your name to xDefx, that'll make you just that extra bit cool. 

2004-04-03, 16:43
Forum Reverend
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Originally Posted by ilovebukkake
not that I expect a discussion on an internet forum to be anything decent.
then why start one?
the patterns are everywhere...

2004-04-03, 18:05
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First off, when I started off listening to " metal " or what I thought it was, I was listening to Fear Factory and Slipknot, and I know a LOT about slipknot, their B-side songs, both versions of their first cd, with the two different songs, and their second. At the time I didn't think there was anything better. I knew there was harder stuff and whatnot, but I didn't think it was better.. Cut to a few years later, my tastes grew and I randomly Picked up my first metal cd. Blackwater Park, and I was in love, that was just it. I laid down slipknot and sold the records.
There are many sub-categories defining Slipknot's music and style just as there are Describing what kind of metal they are. I have a strong belief that Metal and Nu-Metal are totally seperate styles all together. Metal takes the blend of Black, Death, Melodic, Power, Thrash gore whathave you, and incorperate that " metal sound " and " metal taste " into it, thus defining its own element. Nu-metal does somewhat of the same, only it incorperates Rap, hip hop and modern rock.
To those who defended Slipknot by calling out other bands and dropping names, why bother comparing, there are millions of different bands and all are different, so whats the point of comparing?
Second. To the monstrosity of a mess who said that nothing is good unless you're on MTV...You've got the complete opposite of the right idea my friend. Bands Like Opeth, Dissection, Cryptopsy, Exhumed, At the gates, Mayhem, Death all those and MANY MANY more ( more then I can anme here ) CHOOSE to be underground, and are still GREAT, and even better, because frankly, they love the support they get from the underground fans and its not just here, hell msot of the fans come from Sweeden and europe, believe it or not. We didn't label ourselves as Underground, the Mainstreamers put us here because we didn't materialize everything like them. If I ever saw Opeth on MTV i'd shoot myself, honestly, because in order to cater to TV especially MTV, you have to follow their rules. You can't be Exhumed or Cannibal Corpse and appeal to teenagers and little kids, and put that shit on tv... " Vagitarian II " " Anatomy is Destiny"? Come the fuck on kid, what are you smoking?
Anyways, I apologize for the length, but I tell it how I see it, and from having a wide range of experience, I can say, Nu-metal is totally different and, to tell the truth, the fucking Big man doesn't want Nu-metal, so there isn't Nu-metal, and what he calls Nu-metal is whatever he wants, and thats his choice, you dont like it? Go somewhere else.
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
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2004-04-03, 18:22
Throbbing Member
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Juxtaposing Slipknot and Dio? Bahahahaaha.
And people have anwsered your question if Slipknot is metal or not. They are "Nu-Metal".
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2004-04-03, 19:33
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by Toby8686
Def, i took a quick look at your profile...your favourite bands section is hillarious, 'Poison The Well'? God damn you're cool...btw change your name to xDefx, that'll make you just that extra bit cool. 
see, I told you you're gay, this proves my point
thanks for telling me though, I know I'm goddamn cool
that aside, it seems you're totally ignorant as well, probably haven't heard half of those bands listed huh.  and no I'm not straight edge 
Last edited by Def : 2004-04-03 at 19:43.

2004-04-03, 20:36
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See thats the thing about people like Toby8686. Basically he retorted cause the vast majority of experienced " metallers " as he calls us, agree that Slipknot isn't metal. Basically Toby Is projecting what is actually introverted, hence things like attacking other bands we like and the such.
Besides, we're all just agreeing with other's opinions that Slipknot isn't metal, and thats why we defend ourselves when they try to prove us wrong. If it was more professional there wouldn't be such hostility, but it isn't this way, but go ahead and try to tell me slipknot is more metal then the actual metal out there, or they are harder then the hardest, because they not only rap/scream, but they have 5 drummers and a fucking DJ, yeah that sounds like good old fashioned metal to me.
It doesn't sound like that to me actually...Dj's, rap lyrical beats,
" people=shit " that sounds like teenage angsty...oh whats the word im looking for....oh, NU-METAL to me.
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

2004-04-03, 21:03
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I like Slipknot(I even like them more
than some metal bands).
How can you consider one band better or worse than
an other band?It's just what you like more.
Burnin' and a-lootin' tonight
burnin' all pollution tonight
burnin' all illusion tonight


2004-04-03, 21:13
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This isn't who is better or worse as much as it is what friggin category Slipknot falls under. Besides, some abnds can be better or worse. If there weren't good or bad, then every band in the world would either rule or suck. Do you like Simple Plan or Good charlotte? If no, why? Because they're music is shallow to a point and just generally not as good or in depth as some metal.
By the way, being Nu-metal still means you're metal, its just a different kind. Very different. Slipknot sometimes can be a very grey area for some people.
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

2004-04-03, 22:29
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by HELLBLASTER-666
I like Slipknot(I even like them more
than some metal bands).
How can you consider one band better or worse than
an other band?It's just what you like more.
Well then, dont you like what you like more because it is better than something else. I sure as hell know how i can consider one band better than another. That is if one band is good and the other sucks. What you like more is automatic becuase youre not gonna like the one that sucks.

2004-04-03, 22:36
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Besides Think of it this way Timedragon,
I'd prefer my bands to not be sellouts
Honestly, If I liked a band for their musical talent then they got on MTV and shit, they're gonna change, and its not gonna be a good one.
I'll stick with strictly good music, none of the fancy mtv hype thanks.
But I can't help but think to myself, to tell these kids that this is a Metal site about non-sellout music....But will it ever get through?
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

2004-04-03, 22:56
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by Crimson Thought
Besides Think of it this way Timedragon,
I'd prefer my bands to not be sellouts
Honestly, If I liked a band for their musical talent then they got on MTV and shit, they're gonna change, and its not gonna be a good one.
I'll stick with strictly good music, none of the fancy mtv hype thanks.
But I can't help but think to myself, to tell these kids that this is a Metal site about non-sellout music....But will it ever get through?
How does this apply to anything i have said. Where are you getting the idea that i would prefer my bands to be sellouts? I dont know what youre trying to say to me
EDIT: i just reread my posts and i dont see where i could have made this impression.
Last edited by timedragon : 2004-04-03 at 22:59.

2004-04-03, 23:01
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Slipknot is not metal. End of story.

2004-04-03, 23:35
I am a tax on the world..
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 *gasp* He bad-mouthed Dio?!?!?!?!?!?!? What a piece of shit. Dio is fucking hard rock. Maybe even a little bit like power metal. How the FUCK can you compare the two?!?!?!?! Dio kicks ass.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2004-04-03, 23:39
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Its shit metal, it should have its own category, Rap Metal. And limp penis should be in there too.
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2004-04-04, 01:11
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Lol sorry Timedragon, I think either you read me wrong or I wrote it wrong, but I was basically agreeing with you on what you said. I feel the same way about the issue, except that in my view, with a band like slipknot, I feel like they've sold out to appease they're fan base more then make music to impress them.
Sorry you got misplaced in my comment. The actual sellout and stuff like that was meant for the Slipknot fans, We're still all good, i'm with all you guys, I haven't defected or anything
The story still stands as we all see it, Slipknot is not genuine metal.
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

2004-04-04, 01:40
New Blood
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Posts: 40
Guys, whoever thinks slipknot is true metal, just ignore their opinions about other bands...

2004-04-04, 01:43
New Blood
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Posts: 40
I love to bukakke on slipknot fans faces by the way

2004-04-04, 04:35
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wow, i saw a lot of long replies but i'll keep mine short: they are manufactured metal. it's a new genre.
Last edited by Ten Ton Alien : 2004-04-04 at 04:54.

2004-04-04, 05:12
The Mountie From Hell
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Think im a little late, but...
Originally Posted by Def
having 5 drummers makes them original though, still their 5 drummers together don't match meshuggah's drumriffs.
A good example, but I think the better would be DAVE FUCKIN' LOMBARDO!!!
Also what Father Death said:
Originally Posted by Father Death
do you still follow your bands after they passed their 15 seconds of fame on MTV, or do you just move on to the next band that hits number one on the countdown...
Fucking sweeeeeeeeet observation!!! Dude, I wanna buy you a beer now...
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-04-04, 06:48
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Vital Remains: I love to bukakke on slipknot fans faces by the way
 lol, now thats what I call a ZINGER!
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

2004-04-04, 07:31
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by Crimson Thought
Lol sorry Timedragon, I think either you read me wrong or I wrote it wrong, but I was basically agreeing with you on what you said. I feel the same way about the issue, except that in my view, with a band like slipknot, I feel like they've sold out to appease they're fan base more then make music to impress them.
Sorry you got misplaced in my comment. The actual sellout and stuff like that was meant for the Slipknot fans, We're still all good, i'm with all you guys, I haven't defected or anything
The story still stands as we all see it, Slipknot is not genuine metal.
Oh, hah. my mistake, your mistake, whatever... slipknot sucks either way. I think the slipknot members actually sit there when writing the music thinking "yeah, i think the crowd will like that shit". They dont play from the heart, and never will. Even if they did the music sucks! and the look is worse

2004-04-04, 09:50
Master Killer
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Slipknot is shit.
I think we can all agree on this.
and if you don't. you don't belong here, bye! 

2004-04-04, 10:07
Forum Reverend
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Originally Posted by FearFrost
Think im a little late, but...
A good example, but I think the better would be DAVE FUCKIN' LOMBARDO!!!
Also what Father Death said:
Fucking sweeeeeeeeet observation!!! Dude, I wanna buy you a beer now...
lets just smoke on a nice cone joint 
the patterns are everywhere...

2004-04-04, 12:57
Senior Metalhead
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This thread went downhill after my post.
I even noticed the bullshit "sellout" word appear after my post.
What a bunch of cocks.

2004-04-04, 15:34
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* ignores Psycho's ignorance is bliss type attitude *
Timedragon: yeah I have a feeling they think about what other people will think first, and then they make the song. If i'm wrong, who gives a shit, I still hate the fucking band.
and I quote and second Def's words: I think we can all agree on this.
and if you don't. you don't belong here, bye!
Cause honestly..Its obvious Slipknot isn't around here for a reason, and even if it was, it wouldn't make a bit of difference anyways, not to most of us.
Father Death: I'll get the papers!! 
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
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2004-04-04, 16:32
The Devil
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Originally Posted by ilovebukkake
I also think a lot of black metal bands can be slated here, Immolation are one. If you're against dressing up, you're against a lot of black and death-metal bands.
Which Immolation band are you speaking of? The huge Death Metal band that just released their 5th album a year ago? Or some shit you've made up to prove a point that isn't worth proving?
I was gonna read through all x number of pages, but when i came accross this little accusation, i couldn't let it pass. Immolation = black metal?? While you're at it you might as well call Hillary Duff the queen of Death Metal!
Slipknot is nu-metal. I have their first album, and enjoyed it back in the day......but the fact that i enjoyed it doesn't mean it isn't nu-metal. BECAUSE IT IS! I heard the IOWA album and it was horrible. I don't even want to hear any NU material they might have.
The band's nu-metal, that's final. They won't ever have tabs here, just like Korn won't, Limp Bizcrap, Linkin Park, Deftones, Mudvayne.....or any other band you can think of under the genre nu-metal.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2004-04-04, 16:39
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Maybe they were thinking of immortal, Maybe theyre just dumb cuz immolation kicks ass.
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2004-04-04, 16:42
Master Killer
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we know he's dumb either way, hah 

2004-04-04, 16:53
bugfucker strikes back.
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You are all over yourself, Psycho.
Why are we arguing about this? Its not metal, and it doesnt belong here...
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-04-04, 17:12
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Besides the fact that Psycho is acting like a drama queen and I feel that simple logic will override his irratic accusations about mainstream being the gold mine of musical talent,
I like arguing here because the people who like Slipknot say stupid things and I love hearing the hilarious responses everyone comes up with to let them know they're retarded. Dio x Slipknot was one artocity.
Putting Opeth and Other bands like that in the same sentance as Slipknot made me cringe as well. Over all I find it entertaining.
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

2004-04-04, 17:15
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We could really make a list of reasons why slipknot sucks, but it would take way too long.
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2004-04-04, 17:43
Master Killer
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yeah and it would take forever to finish it

2004-04-04, 17:44
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Originally Posted by Corpsevomit98
We could really make a list of reasons why slipknot sucks, but it would take way too long.
not at all.
list of reasons why Slipknot sucks:
- because they suck

2004-04-04, 18:44
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by memnoch
I was gonna read through all x number of pages, but when i came accross this little accusation, i couldn't let it pass. Immolation = black metal?? While you're at it you might as well call Hillary Duff the queen of Death Metal!
haha, i was going to say something about that Immolation thing, but, as corpsevomit said, i figured he meant immortal or something. If not, thats funny! Hillary Duff-queen of Death Metal... ahahah. Shes fuckin hot

2004-04-05, 08:49
New Blood
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I havn't been here in ages!
Death to slipkot and other Nu-metal bands. Death to MTV. Slipknot is not metal, poser metal maybe. Just like all of the other bands signed with roadrunner(maybe not all, but atleast 99%).

2004-04-05, 09:56
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any that signed AFTER 1995 is crap
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-04-05, 11:03
Supreme Metalhead
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Originally Posted by ilovebukkake
Good to hear people addressing the point.
I guess the main reason is, because the easy riffs, further it has a hardcore sound, third those guys dressed up like idiots, fourth the concerts are most of the time combinated with NU-metal bands, fifth lots of teenagers listen to the crap, sixth most people think it's another shitty clone metal band. Seventh...they are crap in my opinion.
Join the hordes!!

2004-04-06, 00:43
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finally someone puts it into perspective
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2004-04-06, 01:50
The Devil
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Well, since cum-face boy hasn't replied yet i guess he's accepted our explanations.
Case closed.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.
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