2004-04-02, 23:56
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Prs Custom 24's
iv been reading up on these latly and out of the 30 reviews or so only two people said they sucked everyone else gave them killer reviews but most of them didnt play metal. iv been trying to find one at a music store to try out but cant find any. anyone played one here if so what did you think? im not sure but i think opeth uses them. they look stunning but dont know who they really are so what do you guys think? are they worth it or are they just another plank of wood? 
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
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2004-04-03, 01:12
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PRS are awesome guitars. Its just sad as over the past few years the medium to low class models (Including the Custom 24, 22, ect.) see less and less of the human hand, most parts being CNCed. If you notice no non-"private stock" (you know the $10,000 level private forest wood guitars) have Ebony fret board. This is because Ebony is very hard to work with and wil crack easy if a fret is inserted wrong. Because of this, Ebony fret boards have to be done by hand (except in the case of Jackson they have developed some sort of machine which does it at high quality.)
If you buy a PRS, you have one fine guitar, but you can get better for that price. I would shop around for awhile if you are looking into spending $2000+ for a guitar. There are plenty of small boutique guitar shops where you could get 2 times the guitar for the price. I would say your best bet if you wanted a guitar that is a basicly a PRS rip but better is Quicksilver. Yes I've heard stories of Ed Roman being an ass but atleast youl get one fine guitar.
and in my opinon, the best money can buy that are not full custom...
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2004-04-03, 02:18
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PRS's are fucking awesome, but they are expensive as shit. the guys from opeth play custom 24's. there ya go a metal band that plays custom 24's
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2004-04-03, 02:38
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Originally Posted by guitar_demon
im gay
yes i know
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2004-04-03, 02:40
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Ok im sorry about above, I was just trying something haha 
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2004-04-03, 05:18
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PRS' are rip off's yes there good guitars, but the prices are rediculous. Even the guitars are buffed by a fuckin machine! And now they have those "heels from hell" as edroman likes to call them. You can definetly get better for the price. But if you really want one and have the money you wont be disapointed.
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2004-04-03, 15:29
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although i absolutely love my buddies' PRS, i could think of alot of other things i could buy for that $2-3,000.
if i were to spend over 3 grand on a guitar i would have one custom build exactly how i wanted it.
none the less, prs guitars are great.
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2004-04-03, 15:35
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
yes i know
real cute jackass
anyway thanks for the input guys its definitally something to contemplate
@dead whats CNCed?
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
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2004-04-03, 15:37
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I think they're expensive but gorgeous guitars.
I would like one for at home. but for on stage I wouldn't dare to take it with me. I saw one of those custom dragon things in germany, crazy shit, crazy prices 

2004-04-03, 21:06
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CNC means a big machine basicly take a pig of wood, routes its out (shape, cavity's) and route the contours also. There is no human hand that touches it.
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-04-15, 04:46
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Posts: 57
I play a couple PRS Custom 24's and I love them. I do agree they are overpriced but they work for me and I really liked them enough to pay the price.I have one loaded with Emg's in solid black with chrome hardware and an unfinished solid rosewood neck that just burn's the other one is flame top in Grey Black/chrome loaded with stock PRS HFS/Vintage Bass pickup's which I really like as much as the EMG's. I also plan on maybe getting a Custom 22 is solid black /chrome soon as well with the same Rosewood neck.
Last edited by Spinesplitter : 2004-04-15 at 22:37.

2004-04-15, 06:02
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Putting emg's in a PRS is just wrong imo.. I think the HFS pickups are badass
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-04-15, 11:40
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Posts: 57
Originally Posted by BLS
Putting emg's in a PRS is just wrong imo.. I think the HFS pickups are badass
Well I'm a fan of both pickups and my next one will have the Dragon II's in it.

2004-04-15, 22:26
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Yeah, EMGs shouldnt even be within 10 feet of a PRS.
Thats one thing, regardless of price I hate about PRS, rosewood fretboards, yuck.
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2004-04-15, 22:37
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Originally Posted by DEAD
Yeah, EMGs shouldnt even be within 10 feet of a PRS.
Thats one thing, regardless of price I hate about PRS, rosewood fretboards, yuck.
 What stupid comment.Care to give a reason why?
Last edited by Spinesplitter : 2004-04-15 at 22:43.

2004-04-15, 22:43
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active pickups will defeat the point in having such a sweetly built guitar imo. you put a passive pickup in a squire and then put it in a les paul, it wont even sound like the same pickup. you put an 81 in a squire and then in a les paul it will still sound like an 81.
i still think emgs are bad ass and i'm sure a prs with emgs would be nothing less than bad ass, it just seems kinda pointless to spend so much money on such an amazing peice of wood, and then loading it with active pickups.
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2004-04-15, 22:46
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Originally Posted by xdislexicx
active pickups will defeat the point in having such a sweetly built guitar imo. you put a passive pickup in a squire and then put it in a les paul, it wont even sound like the same pickup. you put an 81 in a squire and then in a les paul it will still sound like an 81.
i still think emgs are bad ass and i'm sure a prs with emgs would be nothing less than bad ass, it just seems kinda pointless to spend so much money on such an amazing peice of wood, and then loading it with active pickups.
Ya of course Emg's will sound like Emg's just like Dimarzio's will sound like dimarzio's etc. I have owned ton's of guitars with Emg's and they absolutely do not sound the same in all guitars. My Jackson SL2h loaded with the same sound's completely different than my PRS and the Beast I had sounded much different as well.

2004-04-15, 23:06
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Originally Posted by Spinesplitter
 What stupid comment.Care to give a reason why?
http://edroman.com/rant/ebonyfretboards.htm why have a beutiful inlay on a poo poo brown board that dopsent accent the inlay at all.
"Believe the word
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2004-04-15, 23:16
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Originally Posted by Spinesplitter
Ya of course Emg's will sound like Emg's just like Dimarzio's will sound like dimarzio's etc. I have owned ton's of guitars with Emg's and they absolutely do not sound the same in all guitars. My Jackson SL2h loaded with the same sound's completely different than my PRS and the Beast I had sounded much different as well.
active pickups don't rely on the guitar's tonal quality(woods n such) as much as passive pickups, which is why an 81 in two completely different guitars will usually sound more like each other than if you were using passive pickups. thats all i was saying.
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2004-04-15, 23:19
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I wouldnt listen to what that lying leprechaun has to say at all. Ed Roman's credibility is terrible and he's known for selling fakes of many guitars.

2004-04-15, 23:23
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This guy is a fucking moron. Ebony has different tonal properties than rosewood and it plays much nicer.
And yes, an EMG will sound just about the same in any guitar. You will get that horrible active sound out of a $50 guitar or a $3000 guitar. I agree if you are going to send that much on high quality wood and workmenship, get pickups that will accent the quality build and bring out the tonal properies of teh guitar, not teh tonal propertie sof the pick-ups.
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2004-04-15, 23:55
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Posts: 57
Originally Posted by DEAD
This guy is a fucking moron. Ebony has different tonal properties than rosewood and it plays much nicer.
And yes, an EMG will sound just about the same in any guitar. You will get that horrible active sound out of a $50 guitar or a $3000 guitar. I agree if you are going to send that much on high quality wood and workmenship, get pickups that will accent the quality build and bring out the tonal properies of teh guitar, not teh tonal propertie sof the pick-ups.
Hey retard what your stating about tone wood is merely your opinion which I don't agree with so quit crying  .
And if you think EMG's sound the same in all guitars you havent played them in many different ones. Your talking out your ass.So anyway,My EMG's bring out the tonal qualities that I like from my PRS as do the stock pickups in my others.
Last edited by Spinesplitter : 2004-04-16 at 00:36.

2004-04-16, 03:37
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Originally Posted by DEAD
This guy is a fucking moron. Ebony has different tonal properties than rosewood and it plays much nicer.
And yes, an EMG will sound just about the same in any guitar. You will get that horrible active sound out of a $50 guitar or a $3000 guitar. I agree if you are going to send that much on high quality wood and workmenship, get pickups that will accent the quality build and bring out the tonal properies of teh guitar, not teh tonal propertie sof the pick-ups.
settle down kiddies...
i wouldnt go so far as to say he's a moron. just because of the way his guitars are set up.....i was just stating about how active pickups don't compliment the tonal quality of the woods the same way passive pickups do. emgs sound great, and prs guitars are great, i just think i would have made a different choice of replacement pu's... but to each his own.
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2004-04-16, 17:54
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 57
Originally Posted by xdislexicx
settle down kiddies...
i wouldnt go so far as to say he's a moron. just because of the way his guitars are set up.....i was just stating about how active pickups don't compliment the tonal quality of the woods the same way passive pickups do. emgs sound great, and prs guitars are great, i just think i would have made a different choice of replacement pu's... but to each his own.
I own 3 Prs's with different kinds of pickups in each. They each have their own flavor and have tones I like for the music I play. My favorite is the one loaded with EMG's these comments from the peanut gallery stating "Emg's should not be within 10 feet of a PRS" etc. are just plain dumb comments. Speak for yourself Dead I didnt ask or care to hear your opinion on what I use for gear.

2004-04-17, 15:10
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By posting ANYTHING on a message board you are asking for an opinion. Thats the whole pioint of a message board. If you dont want opinions, don't post.
I called him a moron because he couldnt figure out why I dislike rosewood fretboards. And of course its my opinion, I FUCKING SAID IT. Sorry I don't place 'imo' after every sentence in order to not offend anyone.
Tip: Don't come on a FOURM, a place where its very nature is to state opinions and discuss them, and then bitch at people when they state thier opinion.
Oh, and please elaborate on how my comments are just plain dumb?
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2004-04-17, 17:28
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 57
Originally Posted by DEAD
By posting ANYTHING on a message board you are asking for an opinion. Thats the whole pioint of a message board. If you dont want opinions, don't post.
I called him a moron because he couldnt figure out why I dislike rosewood fretboards. And of course its my opinion, I FUCKING SAID IT. Sorry I don't place 'imo' after every sentence in order to not offend anyone.
Tip: Don't come on a FOURM, a place where its very nature is to state opinions and discuss them, and then bitch at people when they state thier opinion.
Oh, and please elaborate on how my comments are just plain dumb?
I don't care why you don't like rosewood I really don't and I did not and would not waste my time trying to figure out why you don't either. If you can't figure out why the comment "Emg's shouldnt be within 10 feet of a PRS" is dumb well I guess thats your problem.
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