2004-04-04, 04:31
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best death (the band) album
i finally managed to listen to all their albums (i was missing Spiritual Healing and Human) and i must say, the best ones are Individual Thought Patterns and The Sound Of Perserverence.
which ones do you think are the best?

2004-04-04, 04:40
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1-Human, because of the vocals, the great solos, the drummer and the heaviness on some tracks.
2-Individual Thought Patterns, greatest solos ever.
3-Sound of Perseverance is excellent, best production ever.
4-Spiritual Healing, because of the mood of the album.
5-Scream Bloody Gore, good old death. This, along with any Obituary, reminds me of when I started listening to metal
I don't like Symbolic that much. According to me some songs are repetitive.

2004-04-04, 05:23
New Blood
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Very hard... all of their albums are excellent. Id say Human

2004-04-04, 06:53
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For me its a Tie between Symbolic and Individual thought patterns.
I mean, ITP's solos like on Trapped in a corner, or Gene Hoglan's drumming on Symbolic, plsu all the other elements...I think I'd have to go with ITP because I was raised on Symbolic and now its the one I listen to the least.
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

2004-04-04, 08:48
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Death being my favorite band, you'd think it would be hard to choose...but surprisingly It isn't.
1. The Sound of Perserverence - This album basically changed my life musically. The emotion on the solos and lyrics/vocals where something I had never heard before and made a huge impact.
2. Symbolic - I love the melody on this ablum, lyrics, and Holgan's drumming is awesome.
3. Human - Great album. Good heavy/intense/melodic riffage.
4. Individual Though Patterns - This an Human are pretty much tied for the same reasons, solos are better though.
5. Spiritual Healing - Good album over all, but not my favorite.
6. Scream Bloody Gore - Good old school Death.
I downloaded Mantas' (Death's former name) "Death By Metal" a few nights ago. Chuck had only been playing for 7 mounths on this album and it was very good work. Had some nice groove too.
Any Control Denied fans out there? I fucking love them.
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2004-04-04, 09:51
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TSOP is just 
and i love steves bass on ITP
and i think control denied is great, i hope karmageddon and the schuldiners resolve everything and the new album to be completed


2004-04-04, 15:26
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As far as I've heard they've come to some agreement and they will release what they have of control denied's last work right up to chucks death. But Its only going to be chucks guitar and some drum tracks, so far as I've been told. But still, even with just that I'd be great to see where it is and where it would have gone.
Of the once deceased bodies not through decomposure
Ending their peaces, their chances of hell
A vomit-type substance is formed from its innards
A festering slime that revels inside
The substance erupts and its stomach bursts open
Forced down your throat to regurgitate life

2004-04-04, 15:46
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Control Denied sounds like Death or is it a different sound all together?

2004-04-04, 15:52
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Im gonna have to say the sound of perserverance
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2004-04-04, 16:09
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Originally Posted by Ten Ton Alien
Control Denied sounds like Death or is it a different sound all together?
Yeah, almost the same line-up as on Sound Of Perseverance, but with clean vocals. The riffs are also a bit prog, if I can say.
It's a sad thing that Chuck S. died. I wonder what music he would be playing right now, considering the incredible evolution in only 6-7 albums. If you compare Scream Bloody Gore and SoP, it's day and night, they have nothing in common.
It reminds me of Gorguts, they also evolved like shit. It's really impressive.

2004-04-04, 16:31
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1 - Symbolic
2 - Human
3 - Leprosy
4 - Sounds of Perserverance
Those are the ones i've heard, plus a bunch of random songs.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-04-04, 16:41
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I like the song voice of the soul of TSOP. It probably is their most prog song they have.
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2004-04-04, 19:47
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Originally Posted by Ten Ton Alien
Control Denied sounds like Death or is it a different sound all together?
The riffs and time signatures are a bit experimental. Chuck mentioned that everything he wanted to do in Death, but felt digressed from Death he did in this band. The vocals are some what Robhalford meets Bruce D.
And right now, emptywords.org has the unreleased material of Control Denied's album. I don't think the album is going to be completed though. And if it was..it wouldn't be the same.
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2004-04-04, 19:53
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Originally Posted by Crimson Thought
As far as I've heard they've come to some agreement and they will release what they have of control denied's last work right up to chucks death. But Its only going to be chucks guitar and some drum tracks, so far as I've been told. But still, even with just that I'd be great to see where it is and where it would have gone.
i dont think its much of an agreement
karmageddon released it to kind of threaten the family or tell them to back off
they released it on the 20th of march i think, its called "Chuck Schuldiner - Zero Tolerance", it has the 5 recorded songs with just chucks guitar and richards drums, and it also has songs from their demos in the early 80's
chucks mom said that they will post the whole cd on the emptywords site so that the label wont make any money off of it
i dont know who's right, since the family doesnt give any information and the label always puts the blame on the family, but it looks like the family just wants it to be released as chuck intended (completed)


2004-04-04, 20:23
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Originally Posted by Darko
And right now, emptywords.org has the unreleased material of Control Denied's album. I don't think the album is going to be completed though. And if it was..it wouldn't be the same.
i just read on emptywords now, they said they have decided that putting it up will do no good, they really want it to be finished like chuck wanted


2004-04-04, 20:38
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2004-04-04, 22:26
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Symbolic is my favorite. next comes The Sound of Perserverence. Those are my top two.

2004-04-05, 00:53
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Man that is a tough one, but if I had to choose one I would go with Human...that album reminds me of so many excellent memories growing up.

2004-04-05, 04:54
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"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
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(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-04-06, 17:03
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Alot of the older die hard fans would've said that leprosy was the best album and that spiritual was his worst. I like them all. I've listened to them hundreds of times over. The one I listen to the most (and practice) is TSOP. That's one way to get some quick fingers. What's deceptive with his songs is sometimes you can't tell which one is playing until you come up to the chorus. The songs themselves hide the chorus well. I mean to say that there are plenty of changes in most of his songs. He gets shit on by 'metal purists' because of his prog style but they don't know what they are talking about.
A quick example is AC/DC. I would've killed myself by now, playing the same stuff all the time. Change is good...sometimes.

2004-04-06, 17:28
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i was just listening to Scavenger of Human Sorrow and the drumming is great.
who's the drummer and where does he plays now?

2004-04-06, 17:53
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Shit. This is kinda hard for me too..
Leprosy was the first one I heard(Back in 1989).
I was 13 back then.
But my favorite would have to be TSOP.
Followed by Leprosy, Scream Bloody Gore, Human, Individual Thought
Patterns, Symbolic, and Spiritual Healing.


2004-04-07, 00:12
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Yeah, I love prog metal too but it aint my favortie. I ocasionally pull out the Dream Theater albums.
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2004-04-07, 01:41
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Originally Posted by Ten Ton Alien
i was just listening to Scavenger of Human Sorrow and the drumming is great.
who's the drummer and where does he plays now?
Richard Christy. He has also played in Control Denied, and I think right now he's with Iced Earth, but I might be wrong.
EDIT : Also, I read somewhere he was directing short movies or something. Drumming is only a hobby for him. Fucker. It shouldn't be allowed to be that talented for a damn hobby.
Last edited by SpiritCrusher : 2004-04-07 at 01:56.

2004-04-07, 05:42
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richard is in iced earth, i saw a trailer of one of his films....was very weird


2004-04-07, 09:22
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I'd definitely say Spiritual Healing. It's got a few songs that aren't the greatest, but 'Defensive Personalities' & 'Spiritual Healing' more than make up for them. Talk about fucking heavy!
After that it's got to be Symbolic. Somone said early on that it's a bit repetitive & they're right, but the production is crazy, the lyrics are out of this world, & the drumming is just absurdly good. Not to mention the fact that most of the riffs that sound completely nuts are actually really simple, they've just got crazy drumming & bass backing it up. Just, ah, goddammit, such a good album. Changed my mind: It's Symbolic. Fucking fantastic album. Even better than Spiritual Healing.
Concerning Human. I don't know what it is about that album, but I just can't warm up to it. It seems that in every song, there's this monstrous intensity that always ends up getting broken at just the wrong time by some weird down tempo riff & then all the intensity just leaves the track. Annoying!
However, I do have to say that I'm so lazy & broke that I've still not heard Sounds of Perseverence. Not one, single song. So I may have a slightly skewed perspective.
Put death head to head (not literally obviously due to one of the heads being full of pus & well, death) with just about any other metal band in the universe & they'll come out on top. Anyone who hasn't listened to them yet: Do so, or kill yourselves immediately.

2004-04-07, 17:24
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Originally Posted by Stuff is Great
However, I do have to say that I'm so lazy & broke that I've still not heard Sounds of Perseverence. Not one, single song. So I may have a slightly skewed perspective.
What?! You must go download it then! It is literally a whole nother Death. His vocals are much more high pitched too. Dammit, go listen to it!
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2004-04-07, 17:34
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In case you guys forgot, Richard Christy also played drums
for a Death metal band called....."Burning Inside."


2004-04-07, 17:38
New Blood
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Yes, Burning inside is cool. You get to hear a lot cooler shit than in Iced earth since Jon Shaffer is a prick, and Im sure he tells richard exactly what to play.

2004-04-07, 18:09
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Originally Posted by Stuff is Great
I'd definitely say Spiritual Healing. It's got a few songs that aren't the greatest, but 'Defensive Personalities' & 'Spiritual Healing' more than make up for them. Talk about fucking heavy!
I agree, but you've forgotten "Living Monstrosity" and "Within the mind".
Originally Posted by Stuff is Great
Concerning Human. I don't know what it is about that album, but I just can't warm up to it. It seems that in every song, there's this monstrous intensity that always ends up getting broken at just the wrong time by some weird down tempo riff & then all the intensity just leaves the track. Annoying!
Well, I like the fact that it's unpredictable... Way better than if it was intense all the time, or smooth all the time. But the main technical reason why I dig this album so much is because it's the first that included some jazz and prog stuff, which is one fucking impressive improvement if you compare to the previous albums. Actually, it seems to me that they never got that near of producing a perfect album : the vocals, heavy riffs, INCREDIBLE solos, fucking good drummer and second guitarist, nice song structures, philosophic lyrics... all the ingredients were there to create a metal masterpiece, if I can say.
The following albums are still good, but a little bit more catchy maybe, and I get easily tired of catchy stuff.

2004-04-08, 01:12
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Originally Posted by SpiritCrusher
I agree, but you've forgotten "Living Monstrosity" and "Within the mind"......
...Well, I like the fact that it's unpredictable...
True. Too true. It's been a whie since I listened to the thing. Hmmm, yes 'Living Monstrosity' is indeed a fat track. And angry. Really fucking angry.
As far as Human goes, you may be right, but I just never cottoned on very well. But to each his own I say. As long as they like Death like oxygen & aren't a complete arsehole, of course.
Oh, & Darko: I shall do that. It's been far too long. Cheers.

2004-04-12, 04:10
The Mountie From Hell
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I'm Going To Go With The Only One I Own... Sounds of Perserverance.
I Would Have More Of Them, But They Cost Alot Around Here.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-04-12, 12:29
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2004-04-12, 13:08
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1. tie between human, symbolic & sound of perseverance.....
4. leprosy
5. scream bloody gore
6. spiritual healing
7. individual thought patterns...cant stand the whole album...dunno why
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2004-04-12, 13:26
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i don't think i saw one Live album in this list
i thought they sucked, too
spiritual is good but too preachy (pun intended)
the drummer sounds like he's falling asleep behind the set
low life is my favorite on there...chuck sounds pissed

2004-04-12, 23:46
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Originally Posted by Malevolent Creation
i don't think i saw one Live album in this list
i thought they sucked, too
spiritual is good but too preachy (pun intended)
the drummer sounds like he's falling asleep behind the set
low life is my favorite on there...chuck sounds pissed
He sounds pissed on the whole album. And yeah, although Death is great live (thightness and all), the sound quality is not great at all.

2004-04-13, 01:53
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Which live album are you talking about? Live in Germany, L.A., or that other one.
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2004-04-13, 03:04
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live in eindhoven has a good sound
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2004-04-13, 03:34
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Oh yeah, the only live I own is L.A.. I guess I should've mentioned it. The drums are too loud, and I'm not an expert in the subject, but I think overall the sound is way too much clear and high, not enough bass. Well it's a matter of taste.

2004-04-13, 04:52
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Your right about the bass, but over all I think it has great quality.
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2004-04-13, 05:06
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live in eindhoven has this really annoying squeek every once in a while
the live albums are good, but i generally dont like the idea best of's or live cds, live dvd's where you can actually watch the band are good though

2004-04-13, 15:09
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the drums are too loud, but it's ok because the drummer is fantastic.
his voice on eindhoven is abysmal, but i still like the album.
my favorite song "lack of comprehension" sounds terrible, theres some kind of echo (probably unintentional) on the drums, really bad sound quality.
and yeah, chuck sounds pissed on all of SH, but the line "a pathetic excuse for a human being" takes the cake
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