2004-04-06, 02:59
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 7
Keep going out of tune..
I just recently got a guitar with a Licensed Floyd Rose, and shit is the first FR i have ever owned.. I heard they were supposed to keep in tune forever, but mine is out of tune everyday... Is there one of these screws on it or something that would fix it? Thanks.

2004-04-06, 03:26
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New strings do that. Depending on what model, hitting the wammy hard enough or bending far enough will bring it out of tune as well.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
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2004-04-06, 03:34
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 7
I am pretty sure I am past the new string phase. I do use the whammy, but just a little bit, not a huge amount. I really know it should stay in tune.. Am i doing something wrong?

2004-04-06, 03:38
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i hear that Licensed Floyd Rose's are bad quality. you want an Original Floyd Rose

2004-04-06, 03:43
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my Jackson has a Licensed Floyd Rose (im fairly sure) and it stayed in tune for about 9 months when i was too cheap t buy new strings
i suggest that if you havent already done so, you take it to a store and get them to set it up/show you how to do it, just make sure that you tell them if you want it in any tuning other than standard and you always put the sme gauge strings on it (otherwise it would fuck up)
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2004-04-06, 04:00
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well just make sure the strings are streched out and lock it down again. if it don't stay in tune then i don't know what the problem would be. as long as it is locked good it should be fine.

2004-04-06, 05:21
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look at the bridge thread up top in the gear talk forum, i posted a link to a very good site that should help you with any floyd rose problems you have.
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-04-06, 05:24
New Blood
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 7
Yeah, i think i am going to bring it to a shop and get them to show me it all. I just realised when it comes to changeing strings im going to have to do that anyway...

2004-04-06, 05:40
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umm did you look at that link? If you cant use a screwdriver and turn a few screws wel then.... i feel sorry for you.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-04-06, 07:29
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try to figure out if it changes the position after using it. is the floyd in a diagonal position to the body when u used it?
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2004-04-06, 07:52
New Blood
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Posts: 28
Everyone's first guitar with a floyd rose styled trem system is a big pain in the ass. The first one I had I was fed up with but the next one was much easier since I gained a lot of experience. Its all about setting up the proper spring tension so it all balances out and everything stays in tune properly.
This can be accomplished by wedging something in under your floyd to balance it out flat and then tuning it to your favored tuning.. Then from there you adjust the spring tension until when you remove the wedge the floyd stays in place and the tuning doesn't change... You do that once and you won't have to worry about tuning your guitar (other than fine tuning) until you restring pretty much.
Be careful where you bring your guitar in to get it set up for you though. Sometimes people at Guitar Center or other big stores don't know what the hell they're talking about. I just did this for a friend who had a Licensed Floyd Rose and set it up properly and the guys at guitar center told him to adjust the neck until he got his guitar in the proper tuning and showed him how to adjust it... Wtf!?

2004-04-06, 17:51
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All i can say is follow the instructions which the dudes above have given and if it still aint stayin in tune, get rid of the licensed floyd and buy an original floyd
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2004-04-06, 17:57
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haha! dumb assed guitar center workers.
well my first 'floyd rose' (actually it's an ibanez edge pro 2, but same diff) wasnt a pain in the ass. i love this bridge! oh well i guess thats just me.

2004-04-06, 21:35
Join Date: Mar 2004
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When you have new strings, tune, then bend the hell out of each string just by pulling it up with your picking hand so that its far off the fretboard. Do this to each string then tune it again. Keep doing this until you can bend the hell out of it and it still stays in tune. This is what i do every time i change strings and my guitar never goes out of tune.

2004-04-07, 22:45
New Blood
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 28
If you don't know how to properly set up your trem system even if you get a brand new one it won't make much of a difference since you'll have the same problems.
If you get really sick of your trem system then you can always just block it off and tighten down the springs a bit more and you'll only be able to dive with your trem (won't be able to pull up on it).
Originally Posted by freek666
haha! dumb assed guitar center workers.
well my first 'floyd rose' (actually it's an ibanez edge pro 2, but same diff) wasnt a pain in the ass. i love this bridge! oh well i guess thats just me.
Those floating trems are really nice.

2004-05-05, 00:12
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I dont think anyone said this but...Well this may be a stupid suggestion but is your nut locked?? If it isn't then thats why your guitar isn't staying in tune! 
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2004-05-07, 12:18
New Blood
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 25
tighten the two screws in back by the springs a little bit to lock it down. That worked for me, but the whammy gets kinda disabled.
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