2004-04-11, 20:24
Alumni Staff
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: The West.
Posts: 4,433
i'm not to sure what you're talking about, but i know a peavey 50/50 tube poweramp pushing any decent 4x12 should work great provide your preamp is good, and a pod should work just fine even with a rat.
just try not to layer distortions over each other, it might sound cool at low volumes, but when you start to turn it up you will get a mess of noise, try using one distortion source at a time,like, set the amp/dist mode on the pod just direct so you can be using just the rat for distortion, or turn bypass the rat and use the pod's dist... you might also try putting the rat in front of the pod instead and see how that works.
i personally think the only time two layered sources of o.d. are good is during solos.
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