2004-04-11, 19:41
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What types of picks are better for soloing?
Medium picks or Heavy Picks? And what mm?

2004-04-11, 19:45
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I like my jim dunlop tortex .88's just fine.
most people prefer somewhat thinner picks though

2004-04-11, 20:02
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i go with peavey med picks. i think they are .78mm

2004-04-11, 20:06
The Devil
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1.14mm for me, no matter what i'm playing.
Through me you pass into the city of woe
Through me you pass into eternal pain
Through me among the people lost for ay
Justice the founder of my fabric moved
To rear me was the task of power divine
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I endure
All hope abandon, ye who enter here
Against the concert of the Immortals he cannot stand alone.

2004-04-11, 20:43
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This is an interesting subject because most people play what they are comfortable with. Most shredders use a very heavy pick like a 2.0 mm which is thick and it whacks the string alot better and harder without you putting to much arm or wrist strenght into it. They make alot of different sizes and shapes and everyone is different. The best thing for you to do is to experiment with all the different shapes and thickness and sizes. You will have to give your new pick sometime so you can get use to it. picks are really a piece of gear that is important and can affect the way you play. I have known some people that are my students that couldnt get a certain technique down say like sweep picking. But they could play everything else at a amazing rate of speed and percision. I told them to try a different size pick or a different thickness of picks. They did and they ended up with thicker picks. Like Yngwie said in one of his interviews one time He said that for faster alternate picking you want very little movement from your wrist Because if you have too much movement from your wrist you wont be as fast and accurate and you have a greater chance damaging something with too much movement. So I guess you can go with that advice.
And of course if you have a thin pick you have to pick harder to get the strings to ringout verses using a heavy pick and picking less hareder to get the strings to ring out. I uses 2.0 mm picks. And of course you have to think about the material of the pick. alot of shredders say they like a very slick glossy finish on their picks because the pick moves across the strings easier than a pick with a ruff finish to it. But if you have a glossy pick and your hands sweat alot than you have the chance of the pick slipping out of your hands easier than a ruff finish pick.
Hope that helps. 

2004-04-11, 21:16
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.78 and .88
You guys should definetely try thicker picks. I used to like thin picks but then i switched to a 2.0 mm pick and it was way better. I tried a thin one again and i didnt even find it possible to play as fast as it was with a 2.0 mm. I actually switched to a 1.88mm after that but only because it had a sharp point which was a lot better than a rounded one. It also has a grip on the top so it doesnt slip and it is just as hard as the 2.0mm. Just give the thicker ones a try guys.

2004-04-11, 23:09
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I use picks between 1 mm and 1,50 mm
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You scream my name, and now you're gone

2004-04-11, 23:22
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I use very thin picks usually dunlop orange, or fender blue. I think thinner ones are better for soloing but thats just me.

2004-04-12, 01:00
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thanks alot guys.i used to use fender mediums but right now im experimenting with thicker picks.

2004-04-12, 01:01
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You're not a real man if you don't use metal picks.  
I just have a few nylon 1mm around my room...
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
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2004-04-12, 02:23
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Dunlop JAZZ III's
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-04-12, 08:25
El Diablo sin pantalones
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^ this is definitly the best pick you can buy
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2004-04-12, 17:37
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I only ever use 2.0 mm picks, like someone said above, it's almost impposible to play with a thin pick after using a thick one, i tried tremlo picking with a thin pick a while ago and the pick just couldn't keep up with the speed. 

2004-04-12, 17:55
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Originally Posted by BLS
Dunlop JAZZ III's
I've heard a lot about those I think Michael Angelo uses them, but what is so good about them? How much do they cost?

2004-04-12, 22:52
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i use dunlop orange and green tortex. 

2004-04-12, 22:54
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1.14. I get aggressive with my guitar. Also, I tend to like the ones with grips, but that's just me.

2004-04-12, 22:59
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1.0mm Tortex (blue) Dunlops!
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2004-04-13, 05:26
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I use Jim Dunlop .60mm. Its the porridge; not too thin, not too thick. I find that thick picks catch on the strings and don't have the flexibility to bend to flick off the string. I tried some glossy Fender picks and they sucked ass - snapped two first go; brittle. Tried a piece of ice cream tub once  , stoopid limp dick floppy piece of shit....  (Well I had to improvise, I couldn't find any of my picks!)

2004-04-13, 05:34
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You have to get used to thick picks, yet they do catch on strings at first BUT thats how you learn to use the tip of the pick and not dig down so far. It WILL increase your speed by learning this.

2004-04-13, 11:18
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d'andrea formula delrex 1.14mm is the shit man, once i tried it I havent played with no other... I have been playing with it few years now...
thick enough for me.
Doom what thou wilt

2004-04-13, 15:06
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The thin Dunlap's are nice, the red ones. I always play with thin picks when I play metal, thicker picks for acoustic stuff. I dunno, I just think you get a better sound from a thinner pick, more crunch.

2004-04-13, 18:28
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Originally Posted by AnubisXy
I dunno, I just think you get a better sound from a thinner pick, more crunch.
Thats insane  i couldn't disagree more, but what ever works for you i suppose

2004-04-13, 19:52
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Originally Posted by ShredIsNotDead
I've heard a lot about those I think Michael Angelo uses them, but what is so good about them? How much do they cost?
Everything, the size, shape, thickness. There small, thick and sharp. Their no more than any other pick. Buy one, you wont be diapointed
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-04-14, 01:22
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Originally Posted by BLS
Everything, the size, shape, thickness. There small, thick and sharp. Their no more than any other pick. Buy one, you wont be diapointed
I think i will

2004-04-14, 03:32
New Blood
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Originally Posted by Darko
1.0mm Tortex (blue) Dunlops!
No shit man? Hehe I was at the local guitar shop and they have a bunch of Tortexs you can buy individually so I grapped one of every gauage and found I liked the 1.00's the best. They are really versatile and the tortex surface kicks ass when your fingers get sweaty.
*smashes his p.o.s. nylon stringed classical*

2004-04-15, 02:58
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 82
I tried alternating between a .6mm Dunlop, a .73mm dunlop and a galli (? wtf) 1mm for over an hour and I got used to them all. I went back to .6 though, and *then* my fucking E string decided to snap. (1mm must have weaken my strings)... Then again, I was tuning low and high, so that may have done it..
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Last edited by BozoNightmare : 2004-04-15 at 03:49.

2004-04-15, 17:19
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1.0mm Tortex (blue) Dunlops!
Same here, never really tried any different picks though after reading this i may try out some thicker ones.

2004-04-15, 19:06
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Originally Posted by Dyvim Tvar
Same here, never really tried any different picks though after reading this i may try out some thicker ones.
Do it NOW...you wont be dissapointed.

2004-04-15, 20:04
New Blood
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My Choice
Real happy with my dunlop 1.5 not to glossy not to slippery. Perfect grip for me. Plus there awesome for shredding.  also use some stubbies not shure the size they look like 2.5 to 3.0.

2004-04-15, 20:23
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just get a JAZZ III, to me any other pick is just shit
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-04-15, 20:29
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I cant believe some of you use thin/medium picks...Jesus Fucking Christ how the hell do you play with that shit? You CANNOT play as fast as someone who uses a thick pick because of the flex it has and wasted movement. I guarantee that all the people here that said they use thick picks are better or at least faster than those who use thin picks.
Don't flame me for this, im just trying to open your eyes and see that you guys are trying a lot harder than it has to be with thin picks. Thick picks are way easier for soloing and speed.
Last edited by ShredIsNotDead : 2004-04-19 at 21:47.
Reason: mistake

2004-04-15, 22:59
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ummm jazz III's arent thin at all, there just a small shape. But there thick, trust me. Just get one... that is unless you always wanna use poo poo picks.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-04-15, 23:48
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I use .88 picks. They got this grip on them so I have way more control. Next time I'm in a music shop, Imma get some thicker picks.
This is my signature.

2004-04-16, 00:16
bugfucker strikes back.
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.88 or 1.00 Dunlop. I also use a 2.0 and a 3.0 big stubby on occasions. gives it more balls.
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-04-16, 04:30
Join Date: Mar 2004
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Originally Posted by BLS
ummm jazz III's arent thin at all, there just a small shape. But there thick, trust me. Just get one... that is unless you always wanna use poo poo picks.
sorry man i didnt mean to quote you im not sure why i did. I was talking about everybody else sorry.

2004-04-16, 05:38
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I use 1mm Dunlops. I hold them so only 1mm shows so there is very little to no movement in the pick. I used to play with 3mm and 2mm stubbies but after I tried a 1mm pick I couldn't really play with them because I got used to holding right up on the pick and with stubbies you can't really do that.

2004-04-16, 06:07
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I like 0.46(Brian) - 0.50(Dunlop)

2004-04-16, 13:25
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Picks for Soloing, etc.
Since I like to shred a lot, I use medium picks for any guitar tuned
from E to C.
Anything tuned lower, I like to use thin picks for soloing. Though, sometimes, I like to use medium as well.
It's very rare that I'll use a heavy pick. I may only use heavy pick if I'm playing an acoustic. And rarely you'll ever see me playing an acoustic, though I can play one pretty well.lol..
As far as for rythym shredding, I like to use fender mediums,..and thats at any tuning!..Including G tuning, like on some Mortician tunes and past stuff.


2004-04-17, 04:15
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i just use w/e heavy pick i an find, though i find that jazz picks and 'big stubby' picks are great for soloing.

2004-04-17, 08:55
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I have used a teckpick ( a metal pick), but now i, m using 2mm pick from my brothers band, because my guitar pick was stronger than my woodmade ibanez.heheheh and i prefer to have a guitar to a pick. heheheh
I donīt play the guitar. i play the pick. So iīve got a lot of instruments heheheh

2004-04-17, 17:25
yeah, i agree....dunlop heavies are great-especially when they've got a grip on them-it gives great balance and manuverability.

2004-04-19, 04:49
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Originally Posted by Schweinhund88
yeah, i agree....dunlop heavies are great-especially when they've got a grip on them-it gives great balance and manuverability.
how can you tell? all you have are a bunch of ernie ball thins

2004-04-19, 09:01
New Blood
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Jim Dunlop Jazz III. At first there hard to use because of there size but you soon get used to them

2004-04-19, 17:32
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u get used to every other pick as well ... this is no argument. i like the dunlop tortex much more. hard picks for speed ... soft ones for acoustic parts
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2004-04-20, 05:48
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Originally Posted by Ghost
Jim Dunlop Jazz III. At first there hard to use because of there size but you soon get used to them
those are great for soloing..even general playing! you can get some mean pinch harmonics using those

2004-05-07, 13:07
New Blood
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I use Dunlop .60's they have just enough bend to them to help speed along

2004-05-07, 16:21
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for now i use a dunlop stubby (don't know what thickness, but very thick id say). i can't find any 2.0 mm's in the local guitar shop.

2004-05-07, 21:41
Join Date: Mar 2004
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.88 green dunlop tortex pick.or a Jim Dunlop Jazz III is wut i use
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