2004-04-13, 00:35
New Blood
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Pantera guitar distortion
I have a old ibanez sg copy and a peavey classic 50. My amps distortion isnt what I want so what pedal do u guys reckomend to me for Dimebag's distortion.

2004-04-13, 01:10
New Blood
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Dime Distortion by MXR is crap. If you want real Dimebag sound you want some of the gear that he uses.
He used a Randall RG100H to record Cowbows from Hell and the Great Southern Trendkill.
He used a Randall Century 200 to record Further Beyond Driven, Vulgar Display of Power, and Reinventing the Steel.
Now he is using the Randall Warhead X2 to do Damageplan, and before then he was using the First Randall Warhead, but i'm not sure if anything was actually recorded on with it.
Personally I have a RG100SC (which is a 2x12 combo with Stereo Chorus). It doesn't sound exactly like Cowboys from Hell or Trendkill, but it is kick ass dime style distortion. Even with the same gear you won't sound exactly like him. he also used parametric EQ's and the infamous 'blue box' MXR EQ so shape his tone further.
I can't even find the Century 200's, i suppose they have been discontinued and nobody wants to sell theirs.
I haven't played on any of the Warhead's, but i'm sure they are awesome.
Also, I don't know if you are a tube person, but dime uses Solid State. I think the randall solid state amps kick ass. I mean I have one, and i love it. I have also had a Peavey XXL solid state, and the RG100SC has wayyyy more bottom end, crunch, etc. it just sounds way better. Not to mention that contour knob really helps you out.
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2004-04-13, 02:39
The Mountie From Hell
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Metal Zone, or Metal Master will do.
I Love My Randall Amp... 
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-04-13, 03:28
New Blood
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Originally Posted by FearFrost
I Love My Randall Amp... 
Which do u have?
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2004-04-13, 03:40
The Mountie From Hell
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An old school 1980's Randall rg80, but it does not destort anymore, so its all the metal zone right now, but next pay, im getting a randall head off ebay, and using the one I got as a Cab. for the head!
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-04-13, 04:17
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Originally Posted by chaoslord007
I have a old ibanez sg copy and a peavey classic 50. My amps distortion isnt what I want so what pedal do u guys reckomend to me for Dimebag's distortion.
well, one thing first... dime uses s.s. and you're already using tube. so if i were you i'd get an ibanez turbo tube screamer reissue pedal, or just about any quality o.d. pedal will work.... use it do drive your amp's distortion a little harder so you can get better high gain tones.
but if you really want to depend entirely on a pedal.... an mt2,or metal master will give you a harsh s.s. sound, out of the two though, i'd say metalzone because digital distortion pedals like the metal master sound really fake imo.
but one really underestimated pedal is the akai shred-o-matic.
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2004-04-13, 04:27
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get some sort of high gain device, crank the highs, boost the mids and cut the lows, add lots of gain and thats something like Dimes sound, setting like treble 10, mids 5-6 and bass at around 4, some minor tweaking with each pedal will help, but thats close to what he uses...
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2004-04-13, 04:48
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Originally Posted by seraphym
Personally I have a RG100SC (which is a 2x12 combo with Stereo Chorus). It doesn't sound exactly like Cowboys from Hell or Trendkill, but it is kick ass dime style distortion. Even with the same gear you won't sound exactly like him. he also used parametric EQ's and the infamous 'blue box' MXR EQ so shape his tone further.
I have that exacty amp too, I tried a peavey 5150 combo before it and chose the randall over it, price had no part to play in it even though the 5150 was twice as much money. The RG100SC is a solid body and yet it stands up to tube amps. You can get some pretty kickass distortion and yet still get a clean sound as well.

2004-04-13, 04:57
New Blood
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Originally Posted by ShredIsNotDead
I have that exacty amp too, I tried a peavey 5150 combo before it and chose the randall over it, price had no part to play in it even though the 5150 was twice as much money. The RG100SC is a solid body and yet it stands up to tube amps. You can get some pretty kickass distortion and yet still get a clean sound as well.
Yep, really kick ass distortion, i strictly just use my amp's distortion. One thing that i forgot to mention is that the RG100SC has spring reverb. I don't know how many of u guys like reverb in your clean sound, but the RG100SC sounds awesome when you crank the reverb and chorus. Plus i like spring reverb sound more than digital reverb too. I would like to get a delay pedal in the future, and maybe a chorus pedal for a more lush sound. The chorus on the RG100SC is decent, but i would like something with more voices.
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2004-04-13, 17:40
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i have a peavey classic 50, and i use a digitech metal master for all my heavily distorted sounds, and it works great for just about any sound i need to get.
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2004-04-13, 19:50
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"Believe the word
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-04-13, 23:00
New Blood
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Posts: 31
So what is the exact name of the pedal that you guys recommend. Boss Metalzone?? Also my teacher is willing to sell me 2 pedals but I dont like them that much. They are a DOD Deathmetal, and a old orange Boss Heavy Metal pedal.

2004-04-14, 02:55
New Blood
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BLS is right. Its going to be very hard to sound like him unless you have about 6 grand to spend on a rig.
I don't think there are any pedals that come even close to his tone. As you can see by his rig in the link that BLS posted, and of his distortion is from the amp.
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2004-04-14, 08:50
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Do it the trashy way by getting the best pickups money can buy, like the whole Kerry King-style doombucker set-up & a good 'ol Boss metal pedal. Then blow the whole lot through the biggest transistor amp you can find. You might get killed for being the ressurrection of Kurt Cobain, or you could just get away with it. Seriously. The guy's decked & unless you've got cash coming out of your ears, you've just gotta improvise.

2004-04-14, 12:55
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that guitargeek rig isnt very accurate.
but as far as the whole tube sound from a s.s. rig, chaoslord already has a tube amp so his sound will already have a bit of tube warmth and color no matter what pedal he uses. i still suggest the akai shred o matic for a good dist pedal.
that dod death metal is an alright pedal but its not going to put out a good dime sound at all. and i've never played that boss one before so its up to your ears to tell you if its good or not.
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2004-04-21, 02:50
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actually dime is also playing tubes now. He said himself that he's using RM100s, an all tube modular amp. Go dime, i love diversity!
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2004-04-21, 03:27
New Blood
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Originally Posted by metalprep6969
actually dime is also playing tubes now. He said himself that he's using RM100s, an all tube modular amp. Go dime, i love diversity!
Where did he say that?
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2004-04-21, 03:38
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on the damageplan site..go to the media section..then videos..then the webcast at the bottom...paul is like saying how people just won't believe it, that he's playing tubes, then dime says it
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2004-04-21, 03:49
New Blood
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There is no webcast at the bottom of the media section. The webcast at the bottom of the main page just has vinnie talking about touring stuff.
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2004-04-21, 03:54
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2004-04-21, 05:03
New Blood
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Ahh i see where you are talking. I'll have to listen to it. I actually started watching this webcast before, but never watched the whole thing.
I'll check it out.
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2004-04-21, 13:21
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yeah it's towards the end, after they've all had plenty of paper cup shots!
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2004-04-21, 19:17
New Blood
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Very interesting. Now it makes me wonder which damageplan songs were X2 and which were RM100. Personally i have never gotten a chance to play on a RM100. But the idea that you can swap in different modules is pretty attractive. However the price is not attractive. The modules aren't cheap either. Maybe someday. :-P
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2004-04-21, 19:51
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Yeah the idea of a modular amp seems pretty cool. The only thing i find the RM100 lacking in is that it doesn't have that many tubes. Each module only has two preamp tubes  . My amp has 6 preamp tubes. I'd rather run a multi-amp rig than a one-amp/multi-module rig. I wonder if dime used his old RH100s on the new album too.
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2004-04-21, 20:06
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He uses Seumour Duncan Dimebucker(his own custom humbucker) in the bridge, and the Seymour Duncan SH-1 59 in the neck acording to people I know. I have no interest in Pantera myself.
Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
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2004-04-21, 20:39
New Blood
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Originally Posted by metalprep6969
Yeah the idea of a modular amp seems pretty cool. The only thing i find the RM100 lacking in is that it doesn't have that many tubes. Each module only has two preamp tubes  . My amp has 6 preamp tubes. I'd rather run a multi-amp rig than a one-amp/multi-module rig. I wonder if dime used his old RH100s on the new album too.
Personally I doubt he used the RH100's to record this album. I know he went back to them for Trendkill, and they are kick ass amps. I love my RG100SC, which is pretty much the same thing. His tone is still pretty much 'dime' on damageplan, but I like the stuff off of the other albums more. I pretty much grew up listening to metallica and pantera, so I love the cut-mid sound. I can't stand the sound a a mid that is boosted. Sounds like garbage to me. Reminds me of punk for some reason. (yuck.... punk).
Originally Posted by daggerfall
He uses Seumour Duncan Dimebucker(his own custom humbucker) in the bridge, and the Seymour Duncan SH-1 59 in the neck acording to people I know. I have no interest in Pantera myself.
He might still be using a few Bill Lawrence 500XL's in his guitars too. Since that is what the Dimebucker was based off of anyways. The SH-1 in the bridge he has always bee using.
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2004-04-21, 20:46
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From what i've seen, Dime never uses the Dimebuckers. He uses his custom pickups in all of his guitars that i've seen.
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2004-04-21, 21:50
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Originally Posted by metalprep6969
Yeah the idea of a modular amp seems pretty cool. The only thing i find the RM100 lacking in is that it doesn't have that many tubes. Each module only has two preamp tubes  . My amp has 6 preamp tubes. I'd rather run a multi-amp rig than a one-amp/multi-module rig. I wonder if dime used his old RH100s on the new album too.
alot of preamps only use two tubes, my old mesa vtwin rack used two 12ax7s and it sounded great.
but most heads and stuff have separate tubes for different channels, like 2 for the clean and 2 for the dirty, making it a total of 4 preamp tubes. or say if you have a 3 channel-clean-rythm-lead amp it might use 6 tubes.
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2004-04-21, 22:13
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I've gotten a good Dime sound with my MT-2 once. Forgot what settings it was though 
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2004-04-21, 22:33
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Ah that makes sense about the tubes. I guess that's why they usually come in pairs eh? Yeah peavey has 3 channels (actually two channels, and one has a crunch mode), so it makes sense that it has 6 preamp tubes.
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2004-05-04, 10:02
New Blood
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are those boss ds1 pedals any good?

2004-05-04, 12:46
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i think steve vai uses keeley modded ds 1's for his dirty sounds, i personally don't dig the stock ones, but i've heard nothing but good about modded ones.
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2004-05-04, 20:21
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Dime still uses the Bill Lawrence XL-500's and now uses a Lil' 59 which is the size opf a single coil... i really dont know why. He uses the new Warhead X2 in Damage Plan which plays a huge part in his new found shitty sound.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-05-05, 17:00
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u know how he sounds live now? zakk can go home with his sound compared to dimes. and apart from that amps don't play an important role for dimes sound at all. if his main sound would come from the warhead (x2 now) he'd prolly sound worse than me. those amps are just comercial shit ...hes sponsored so he plays em but he has TONZ of digital simulation in his rack behind em such as tube simulations and a whole lotta eq stuff wich cost almost twice as much as all his x2s on stage together. all those gear shematics are shit ... u never asked ureself why he sounds 100 % tube and he's playing 100% solidstate? for the studio sound i agree with u ... there are better guitar sounds but their deffently not caused by the new amps he plays but who cares ... the sound on the road counts.................
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2004-05-05, 21:06
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alot of bands use other amps in the studio than their marshalls,mesas,peaveys,randalls..... that they're getting paid to use.
because live, the majority of the people in the crowd can't tell the difference in one because it's all so loud and chaotic, and probably going through the PA as well. all the crowd needs to see is that "marshall" decal and they think good tone.
but in the studio, they want to use better amps like brunnettis, bogners, h&ks,riveras,soldanos, ect.
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