2004-04-14, 00:01
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Carcass sound
Any tips on getting a good carcass sound? I use an Ibanez RG370DX so i think that can cope with the B tuning or whatever 
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2004-04-14, 00:18
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Mess with your amp and or pedal for a couple hours, get the tone you're looking for.
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2004-04-14, 00:45
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carcass sound varies
tune to B, lots of bass and mids, roll back on the treble.
palmute almost all the time
(funny, im listening to Heartwork right now)
what album specifically are you interested?

2004-04-14, 01:15
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The more modern albums they did, Heartwork and Swansong, i just love the sound they get 
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2004-04-14, 02:44
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I know that Mike has been playing 5150's for awhile, not sure if he used them in carcass but he does in arch enemy.
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-04-14, 05:42
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5150's are what you need for the carcass sound. BLS is right Amott uses them now and he used them in carcass.

2004-04-14, 10:27
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Ahh thanks for the help 
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2004-04-14, 13:50
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expensive amps though
doesn't everybody use 5150s?

2004-04-14, 18:52
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they bloody are expensive!!. it's like £890 or so for the head/amp combo thing. The head alone is like £600
so whats best, a head and an amp, or the thing all in one? (generally about all amps, not the 5150)
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2004-04-14, 21:24
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Originally Posted by Perdition City
they bloody are expensive!!. it's like £890 or so for the head/amp combo thing. The head alone is like £600
so whats best, a head and an amp, or the thing all in one? (generally about all amps, not the 5150)
do you mean halfsack vs. 2x12 combo?, a half stack will cost more money and get a bit more volume/presence than a 2x12 combo version, plus halfstacks are easier to move around because a 2x12 combo is just a big amp speakers and all in one enclosure. with a half stack you'll probably have wheels on your 4x12 cab so you can just roll them around with the head on top, as for going up or down stairs you may require little help depending on how wimpy you are and or how heavy your cab is.
but a 2x12 will take up less space and cost less money so it all depends on your situation.
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2004-04-14, 23:07
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I mean like you can get the head and the amp part seperatley, but you can also get an amp and head in one amp all built together. i would imagine a built together one would be better for me (haha sorry, i really am an amp n00b so sorry if it's not clear what i said  )
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2004-04-15, 03:51
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If you think a 5150 is expensive... then dont ever check out a bogner, engl ect... and yes it seems like everyone is using the 5150 but its a versitale amp. The haunted, Exhumed, Arch Enemy, Machine Head they all use the 5150 but they all have their own unique song. The 2X12 combo is very difference from the hald stack because the bias is set hotter. Dont ask me why peavey did that..
"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-04-15, 10:50
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I think a 2x12 would be the best option for me, just need to find one i can afford...
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2004-04-15, 13:10
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About what is your price range? I'm seriously considering getting a 5150 combo used on ebay , they usually go about 500-600
The shipping on thoose things is about 70 bucks...they weigh 94 pounds.
I've always wanted to try a Laney amp. How much are they? Are they any good?

2004-04-15, 16:43
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My price range is around £500 - £600, allthough i would still need to save most of that up lol. So you would recommend getting gear from Ebay? iv'e never tried it before 
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2004-04-15, 17:45
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well, yeah, its cheap but also nerve wracking. i bought a 1200 dollar guitar on there for 500, but it was from a guy who deals in guitars
im going to get an amp on ebay just because you save so much
but you stand a risk of being ripped off
www.edromanguitars.com has a huge page on people who've gotten ripped off

2004-04-15, 18:24
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hmmm, i suppose thats a risk you just gotta' take  i found a 5150 for £500 and it's got like a day left, thats a helluva saving! but unfortunatley i can't bid for it! i just gotta' hope someone else sells one later 
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2004-04-15, 20:07
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Originally Posted by Malevolent Creation
I've always wanted to try a Laney amp. How much are they? Are they any good?
I tryed a Laney half stack a while ago (cant remember the name) but it really didn't sound to great, pretty shit if you ask me) i'm not to sure whether there expensive or not, i think there mid priced amps
I think Laney make an Iommi signature amp, but i dunno wat thats like,
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2004-04-15, 20:12
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If your stupid you will get ripped off.... just use commen sense, if you shit hasent come in 30 days file a fraud report. Ed romans one to tlaka bout ripping people off.... he sure has a lot of experience at it
"Believe the word
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-04-15, 22:19
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haha, i agree BLS, when i saw the Ed Roman site, i thought "well, he's one to talk about riping people off" you can basically tell by the look of the website that he does that shit
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2004-04-15, 22:48
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absolutley not. ed roman has THE biggest guitar selection in the world, he is not a con artist.
BLS, you seem like a prick. since when is it the buyer's fault if they get ripped off? fraud reports don't do shit on ebay, not to mention you shouldn't have to worry about getting screwed anyways.

2004-04-15, 23:03
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#1 Ed romans a fuckin liar
#2 im a prick... ok fine
#3 if a buyer does some research on the seller, like read his feedback, read the item listing ALL of the listing, and send payment rhough paypal then they should get fucked over
#4 ive been scammed 3 times in 4 years and each time got my full refund back no problems thanks to paypal.
have a nice day 
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-04-15, 23:11
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Originally Posted by BLS
#1 Ed romans a fuckin liar
#2 im a prick... ok fine
#3 if a buyer does some research on the seller, like read his feedback, read the item listing ALL of the listing, and send payment rhough paypal then they should get fucked over
#4 ive been scammed 3 times in 4 years and each time got my full refund back no problems thanks to paypal.
have a nice day 
can i get an Amen?
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2004-04-16, 01:08
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ive never been scammed, but of course you could be scammed by someone with good feedback
ed roman isnt a liar, hes opinionated but not a liar
besides, PEOPLE write into him ,it's not like he gets ripped off thousands of times and then writes about it

2004-04-16, 11:08
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i've read the scams on his site, he probably wrote them himself...
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2004-04-16, 20:49
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Its funny... now he sell's shit one ebay. His site has alot of good pic's and shit but you cant trust anyone from las vegas 
"Believe the word
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-04-17, 15:32
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