2004-04-21, 00:17
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: PEI, Canada
Posts: 1,103
New neck
ill cut right to point
i have an old ibanez rx 20L(not made any more)
it has a great sound
but the neck fell is kind of week
i was thinking woulnt it be swank if a got super a fast neck on it
so im wondering A-it is possible?(its a bolt on neck)
B-if so what neck should i get
C-how much would it cost
also remember how im lefthanded so i guess id need a left handed neck...i think

2004-04-21, 02:40
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 94
you could order a replacement neck directly from ibanez. you could put some money into it and upgrade it to a nicer model as well. there's no such thing as a left handed or right handed neck, all that really matters is the way the headstock is oriented, so if u don't mind it being upside down it should be fine (assuming ur bolt joint isn't the smaller rounded kind, then you'd need to get a neck that would fit into that joint)
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2004-04-22, 18:47
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seemin that u've got an ibanez , i'd say ure best bet would to obviously go with another neck by them. So if i were u i'd get a wizard neck, but it might be a little pricey
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2004-04-22, 19:00
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Any idea how much
like over 100 bucks?

2004-04-22, 19:07
Join Date: Apr 2004
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Posts: 94
yeah most definitely over 100 bucks. A fender replacement neck is over 300.
Just contact Ibanez, you can even check out their replacement stuff on their website.
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2004-04-22, 19:23
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: PEI, Canada
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hmmm i can get an Ibanez wizard for 89 ameircan on ebay

2004-04-22, 19:26
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www.warmoth.com it will be a little over $100 and you can get it cut to be a wizard or whatever. Just make sure your neck joint is the right size.
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2004-04-22, 19:48
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 94
My friend got a warmoth neck and I hate the way it plays. I wouldn't recommend that (but for some reason they get great reviews). Yeah you can get some necks on ebay, if you trust getting them that way. Does anyone know if Ibanez and Fender necks are compatible?
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2004-05-12, 03:53
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Originally Posted by metalprep6969
there's no such thing as a left handed or right handed neck, all that really matters is the way the headstock is oriented, so if u don't mind it being upside down it should be fine (assuming ur bolt joint isn't the smaller rounded kind, then you'd need to get a neck that would fit into that joint)
not true. take a close look at a wizard and notice how the bottom is thinner than the top

2004-05-13, 03:07
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 94
Yeah you're right, i totally wasn't thinking straight. Plus the Peavey Wolfgang necks are asymmetrical too.
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2004-05-13, 12:42
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Originally Posted by metalprep6969
My friend got a warmoth neck and I hate the way it plays. I wouldn't recommend that (but for some reason they get great reviews). Yeah you can get some necks on ebay, if you trust getting them that way. Does anyone know if Ibanez and Fender necks are compatible?
warmoth's stuff is way nice, your friend probably just has his shit poorly set up.
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