2004-05-02, 01:48
The Mountie From Hell
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New Bridge HELP!!!
I just got a Washburn Dime, and I want to install a bridge that has a whammy bar, but all I can think of is a Floyd Rose, but the dude at the local music store said: "To buy the locking system, and installation would be $350 (CAN.)." So my question is: Is there a better "Whammy Bridge" then the Floyd Rose, or is there a better, and how much would it cost?
Thanks All!!!
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-05-02, 02:12
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Yes its called a Kahler. You cna buy them brand new for $280 or used for around $200. And theirs no reason a floyd should cost 350.
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2004-05-02, 02:14
The Mountie From Hell
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350 WITH INSTALATION, they are going to chizle out a small part of the body and all that, so with the instalation will the it be more?
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-05-02, 10:09
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kahlers are way better than flyods ... well with the installing a kahler willl cost more than 300 i guess.... maybe u just ask they guy from the store.
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2004-05-02, 10:53
Master Killer
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I wonder how many of you actually played kahlers. its just an assumption that they're better.
doesnt mean they're better for him, hell he might like floyds better.
I like the '90's Edge trem in RG's better then the normal floyds, someone else might like OFR's better. IMO, kahlers are indeed more sturdy but I have a feeling and OFR has more feel. its just some stuff you have to cross out against each other, the Kahler is the best choice, but it doesn't mean it owns the floyd, its a whole different system

2004-05-02, 11:40
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well anyways i never played a floyed bridge that was 100 % tight.... i wonder why... i played guitars like the usa esps ( kh series) wich have OFRs and they weren't tight at all ... maybe it's just bad luck .... i haven't played enough kahler cuz there are only a few guitars out there so i haven't an opinion towards em yet ... but those kahler were better than the floyds....
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2004-05-02, 17:16
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i'm not one for floyd type systems, i have an early 90's ibanez rg570, and a 2001 pgm model... in both guitars i disabled the trems for various reasons. as far as origional floyds, much better than the licensed versions as far as feel and quality, but still have similar problems.
the only guitars i've played that had origional kahler trems, were extremely uncomfortable, a charvel and an old esp, both guitars were used and abused. so they werent the best feeling guitars but it wasnt because of the kahlers. so i don't have a fully decided opinion on them.
i totaly dig on bigsby trems though, those big fat twanger bar things have such a great feel and sound great, but they would look stupid on my guitars plus they're fucking huge and would probably get in the way for me.
my 2 cents.
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2004-05-02, 22:02
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Yes def i have played a kahler, infact i own a guitar with one. Their so much smoother than a floyd, changing strings is ALOT faster, tuning it is easier. But i stll think my Origanal Floyd stays in tune better. If your guitar already has a tremolo route then installing a non recessed floyd shouldnt be very hard. Ask around at projectguitar.ibforums.com im sure someone their can install a floyd for you for alot cheaper, or answer your questions more throughly.
"Believe the word
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2004-05-03, 09:53
Master Killer
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true, changing strings and tuning is a lot easier, its a bitch with an OFR, but once you got it down, it stays there for ages, which is good.
never broke a string on my floyd, broke heaps on other trem systems (non locking) I haven't owned a kahler guitar, but I did play a bunch of them, including the haneman thing, which did impress me, though I thing the range of a floyd is wider, or it just 'felt' like it was.
don't know about the long term use of a kahler, I'de like to have one on another guitar, alas I'm flat broke.

2004-05-03, 12:00
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i really wanna know why tremolo systems like kahlers and OFR are so godamn unreliable. u never know what happens with em if u played em for 1+ year. the saddest thing is that those are the best systems on the market so they should stay in tune for 1000 years. 
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2004-05-03, 15:06
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go with a original floyd!!! they always stay in tune for me, u just got to mess with it and get to know it
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2004-05-03, 15:29
Master Killer
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Originally Posted by Panda
i really wanna know why tremolo systems like kahlers and OFR are so godamn unreliable. u never know what happens with em if u played em for 1+ year. the saddest thing is that those are the best systems on the market so they should stay in tune for 1000 years. 
unreliable? my edge trem stays in tune for ages. but hell, ya gotta change strings every now and then 

2004-05-03, 17:15
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k maybe i just tested the highly abused guitars.... maybe
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2004-05-03, 17:49
Master Killer
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maybe just badly set up.
where those OFR's, edges or something else?
the floyds on korean rg's and everything else thats korean with a floyd is crap, all 'takeuchi' or something replica's which are total pieces of ass.

2004-05-04, 10:00
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na i played the esp kh series and some usa jacksons
they were OFRs
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2004-05-04, 23:59
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Yeah I've been thinking of upgrading to a OFR from my Licensed one. Would it cost less since I already have the licensed one and what not?
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2004-05-05, 00:33
New Blood
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I was adjusting my Floyd bridge the other day, and the hunk of cheap metal under it just broke into a bunch of tiny peices. I'm so pissed about that.

2004-05-05, 02:16
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Pics? Explanation? I doubt it just fell apart.
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2004-05-11, 10:19
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ive got them licensed floyds in my esp vs and they do the job. it stays in tune, doesnt break strings, i kan change pitch akkurately, and it kan take some punishing bends.
only prob, the trem arm is slightly loose, but ive gotten used to it, so its not a prob now.
ive also played guitars with original floyds, kahlers, strats, and some weird shit 80s elektriks. and i dont get this arguing bakk and forth about them bridges koz theyre all doing the same thing- bending fukken strings.
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2004-05-11, 12:28
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Is there any company that makes Kahlers anymore?

2004-05-11, 20:51
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Yes Kahler still makes them... along with golf clubs. They dont advertise or anything and you have to buy them direct from kahler or whatever their called now
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-05-12, 03:14
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Originally Posted by Def
maybe just badly set up.
where those OFR's, edges or something else?
the floyds on korean rg's and everything else thats korean with a floyd is crap, all 'takeuchi' or something replica's which are total pieces of ass.
hmm... i beg to differ. my rg is korean built and it has an edgepro II. that bugger stays in tune for ages, and not once has it let me down. i love my guitars bridge

2004-05-12, 03:22
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Originally Posted by andras
ive got them licensed floyds in my esp vs and they do the job. it stays in tune, doesnt break strings, i kan change pitch akkurately, and it kan take some punishing bends.
only prob, the trem arm is slightly loose, but ive gotten used to it, so its not a prob now.
ive also played guitars with original floyds, kahlers, strats, and some weird shit 80s elektriks. and i dont get this arguing bakk and forth about them bridges koz theyre all doing the same thing- bending fukken strings.
ever stop to consider:
2)material quality?
3)wether it locks or not?
the feel is important to some people, as an uncomfortable bridge would distract a bit of there playing.
material quality is also important. example? any of the ibanez edges/lo-pro/edgepro v/s an ibanez lo-TRS. the latter has shitty flimsey metal and fucks up the bridge after a while, messing up the tuning. the edges are built nicely and they do there job
and the last part.. go ahead, take a shit fender and fuck the bar all you want. just try to keep it in tune.

2004-05-12, 10:58
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where do you buy kahlers?

2004-05-13, 01:28
The Mountie From Hell
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A Store. 
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-05-13, 01:28
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"Believe the word
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-05-14, 01:52
The Mountie From Hell
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Alright heres an update on my tale for the whammy bar bridge: Im FUCKING PISSED NOW, to day on my day off work I called up all the local places to see how much it would be to get it installed and all that, all but 1 places said "we can order the floyd rose system, but we will not try to install it due to the shape of the body" (I have a washburn dime) so all the places said it would be like 200-300 JUST for the flyod, but the biggest store around the nazi's known as musicstop said the same thing for price, but to installit would be another 300-400!!!
So now im thinking of getting the locking system through Ebay (85US+shipping), but now I need to find a place to get it installed 
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon
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