2004-05-02, 23:27
Senior Metalhead
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one more question about pick ups
alright, ive decided which pick ups i want. but theyre pretty expensive but i know some guitars have different pick ups at the same time rather than just having two of everything. I want to mix two different types of pick ups but the problem is that you have to decide where to put each pick up (neck or bridge)
How does this effect the sound and what pick up should i put where?
Im going to get the Duncan Live Wire Metal pick up and i havent quite decided which otehr one yet, i obviously want something cheaper than 94 bucks so im probably going to get a passive. do active and passive's mix good? thanks in advance
nørthern dragon

2004-05-02, 23:40
El Diablo sin pantalones
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well, as far as mixing passive and actives, thats not possible
the position of the pickup does make a huge difference in what kind tone you get. The bridge possition is quite trebly and crunchy relative to the other positions and goes well with pickups suited for rythm playing.
The neck position is more suited for leads and clean playing, so you should put pickups you want for those sounds there.
Offcoarse this is just my oppinion, it all comes down to your taste and what sounds you want.
And if you don't want to spend more than 95 bucks, you can get realy good pickups second hand on ebay.
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
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2004-05-03, 00:48
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Originally Posted by Spikyhairz
The bridge possition is quite trebly and crunchy relative to the other positions and goes well with pickups suited for rythm playing.
Actualy because the bridge position provides more treble it is usaly the prefered position for leads and not rythm guitar.
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2004-05-03, 02:45
Join Date: Apr 2004
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It is absolutely possible to mix active and passive!!! The only thing is that the passive pickup has less gain so there will be a noticable volume difference between the two pickups.
If you are playing hard rock or metal, you play rhythms with the bridge. You only really play them with the neck pickup if you're playing all clean stuff. But yeah in general, the neck sounds better for clean, plus really smooth buttery leads (very lil crunch with the neck pickup).
BTW...I'd really recommend EMGS over the Duncan Live Wires, i didn't like them very much at all, brittle and nasty
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Last edited by metalprep6969 : 2004-05-03 at 02:47.

2004-05-03, 02:51
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Originally Posted by Viking_power
Actualy because the bridge position provides more treble it is usaly the prefered position for leads and not rythm guitar.
Your wrong, the neck pickup is much cleaner and is better suited for Leads. Where as a bridge pickups has a lot of crunch so it suits rythm better.
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2004-05-03, 07:49
El Diablo sin pantalones
Join Date: Oct 2003
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Originally Posted by metalprep6969
It is absolutely possible to mix active and passive!!! The only thing is that the passive pickup has less gain so there will be a noticable volume difference between the two pickups.
that is not what i heard... but i haven't ever installed an active pickup, so i couldn't realy know
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2004-05-03, 12:50
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Bridge pickups are for leads, thats my opinion.

2004-05-03, 13:14
Join Date: Jan 2004
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bridge pickup for lead, neck for rhythm.......
it says that right on my LP's toggle switch
it is possible the some companies make them the opposite way.
it's also possible to hook a pass/active together, but why would you want to? Its almost like hooking yourself into 2 different amps.... your gonna get 2 different sounds.

2004-05-03, 23:48
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Maryland D.C. border, U.S.
Posts: 63
I was just trying not to confuse the boy by placing one bridge as lead and one as rythm. I said the bridge is usally preffered, and it is; however some bands like Opeth often use the neck for melodies and some solos.
Eat a third and drink a third and leave the remaining third of your stomach empty. Then, when you get angry, there will be sufficient room for your rage.
-Babylonian Talmud, tractate Gittin

2004-05-04, 01:21
New Blood
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Well Chuck S from the mighty Death only had 1 pickup, a dimarzio x2n set at the bridge and he played the lot through it. I hardly ever use the neck pickup unless its for clean sounds. Prefer to just switch eq settings on the pedal for leads, add some compression, reverb or small delay etc. A good general rule - bridge = crunchy, more treble
neck = more mids, less attack, smoother sounding (think Carcass - Necroticism leads)

2004-05-04, 01:55
i think the neck has better sounds for lead, i dunno why just cuz. the bribde is good for chugging and most riffs

2004-05-04, 04:49
Join Date: Jul 2002
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fuck i only have one pickup. an EMG 81 in the bridge position!\m/

2004-05-04, 17:36
Join Date: Apr 2003
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i usually use my neck pickup for melodic leads and bridge for rythm and slayer solos 
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2004-05-04, 22:59
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On my main guitar the pickup configuration is H/S/S so I'm pretty much always using the bridge pickup. When I solo, I usualy don't change anything but I ocasionally will turn the tone knob down to get a different sound.
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