2004-05-09, 11:36
New Blood
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 20
THE BEST BLACK METAL EVER(for all you newbs out there)
The best black metal bands are the following
3.Dimmu borgir
4.Cradle of filth(there old stuff eg; duskn her embrace,cruelty n the beast)
6.Borley Rectory
7.Old Mans Child
9.Beneath the dying moon
10.Moon Tower
13.And Heaven Shall Burn(check out=the only truth its sick)

2004-05-09, 12:32
Master Killer
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hahaha Heaven Shall Burn sure as HELL isn't black metal!!!!!

2004-05-09, 12:32
Senior Metalhead
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Immortal and Gorgoroth is quite good.
Everything else on your list is crap 
Originally Posted by deMANUfacture
Avril lavigne - sk8ter boi


2004-05-09, 13:26
Senior Metalhead
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Ask me if I care.
Hatred for Death/Black metal aside, anybody who tries to tell someone else what the greatest 10 or whatever bands are in any genrè is a fucking dickhead.

2004-05-09, 14:02
Pokémon Master
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Originally Posted by P§ÝÇHÕ
Ask me if I care.
Hatred for Death/Black metal aside, anybody who tries to tell someone else what the greatest 10 or whatever bands are in any genrè is a fucking dickhead.
suprisingly i agree with you
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
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2004-05-09, 15:13
Master Killer
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hey now, that shit doesn't fly, we don't agree with psycho over here now do we


2004-05-09, 16:04
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i agree with psycho. But I sure am glad the Immortal is at the top of the list.
If im not back in 15 minutes...
Wait longer

2004-05-09, 16:37
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Originally Posted by prophert of ezeikel
The best black metal bands are the following
3.Dimmu borgir
4.Cradle of filth(there old stuff eg; duskn her embrace,cruelty n the beast)
6.Borley Rectory
7.Old Mans Child
9.Beneath the dying moon
10.Moon Tower
13.And Heaven Shall Burn(check out=the only truth its sick)
Haha, you're quite obviously the NEWB here... If you want BM check out....
1. Leviathan
2. Immortal (Pure Holocaust, Blizzard Beasts, Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism)
3. Nargaroth
4. Sargeist
5. Graveland
6. Thor's Hammer
7. Sturmfuhrer
8. Temnozor
9. Beherit
10. Nokturnal Mortum
11. Lord Wind
12. Xasthur
If you want more... Ask... But Dimmu Borgir, Satyricon, Cradle Of Filth, Old Man's Child, Heaven Shall Burn, etc. Are definitely NOT good BM... You ignorant bitch.

2004-05-09, 16:46
New Blood
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 30
good black metal
i dont understand why everyone hates dimmu borgir so much.
they definately have some pretty good songs and they are great at building atmosphere. of course they have some shit music/ riffs as well but i dont think anyone on this forum hasnt written some skidmarks at some point in their life. i saw them live and i was impressed with what i heard, nick barker definately rips. as far as satyricon goes, man talk about absolutely terrible music and performance. they made a comment during the show about how "america is ready for more than just entry level black metal" well i will take entry level black metal over that poorly written shit. of course the one bonus is that satyricon has a hot keyboard player. it seems to me like the level of success or quality of production for a black metal band makes them more or less black metal. for instance.....few fans + hienous production = true black metal. large fanbase + excellent quality production = pussy black metal. this is not punk rock people.

2004-05-09, 22:01
New Blood
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BATHORY (bathory,the return,under the sign of the black) WAS THE SEED.
old immortal was amazing BUT they become trend and shitty heavy metal( a shame for a real blacker)
satyricon still have feeling
bestial warlust were the brutalest black stuff with their raw warhemic stuff
blasphemy were good for that old years too
the old darkthone lps were really blaCK stuff (specially under a funeral moon)
whats the hell someone name trend wimps bands like crade of shit...or dimmu borgir...like scum like emperor who become heavy metal light shit,at least immortal and emperor disolved ,it was the better thing they made.
the unconquerable is ones own , the comquereable is the other

2004-05-09, 22:12
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Originally Posted by prophert of ezeikel
The best black metal bands are the following
3.Dimmu borgir
4.Cradle of filth(there old stuff eg; duskn her embrace,cruelty n the beast)
6.Borley Rectory
7.Old Mans Child
9.Beneath the dying moon
10.Moon Tower
13.And Heaven Shall Burn(check out=the only truth its sick)
you missed out Darkthrone 
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
Sold my shit, now its time to PARTY!!!!! 

2004-05-09, 22:16
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i know little about black metal. but, in my opionion Emperor is the greatest black metal band. In The Nightside Eclipse is amazing in terms of atmosphere and feeling. they did get a little pompous later on
i bought satyricon-dark medieval times because everyone said it was amazing and it i truly regret it. its garbage. the keyboard player sucks at headbanging, haha.

2004-05-10, 03:01
Senior Metalhead
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my list would be like....
1.Dimmu Borgir
2.(Old) Arcturus
3.Old man's child
4.Limbonic Art
6.Children of Bodom
7.Mortician(It is blackcore don't shit on me)
10.Dark Tranquility
Osculum Obscenum
Seer blest, thou best philosopher
"Build thyself a mirror in whichSolely wanton images of thy desire appear"

2004-05-10, 03:08
Join Date: Mar 2004
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Originally Posted by cataclysm child
my list would be like....
1.Dimmu Borgir
2.(Old) Arcturus
3.Old man's child
4.Limbonic Art
6.Children of Bodom
7.Mortician(It is blackcore don't shit on me)
10.Dark Tranquility
Children of Bodom wouldn't be considered BM and there is no way in hell that Dark Tranquillity is black metal, though they play some great DM.

2004-05-10, 03:17
Join Date: Jan 2002
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Originally Posted by cataclysm child
my list would be like....
1.Dimmu Borgir
2.(Old) Arcturus
3.Old man's child
4.Limbonic Art
6.Children of Bodom
7.Mortician(It is blackcore don't shit on me)
10.Dark Tranquility
What the fuck is wrong with you. Mortician has nothing to do with back metal at all.
No fear, nor fight
Comforting silent side
So free, through flight
Comforting silence

2004-05-10, 03:32
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Originally Posted by DEAD
What the fuck is wrong with you. Mortician has nothing to do with back metal at all.
it is fucking blackcore, not bm, its diferent, the voice ios deathgrind, but the music is black, the drumming is black..... don't be fucking stupid
Osculum Obscenum
Seer blest, thou best philosopher
"Build thyself a mirror in whichSolely wanton images of thy desire appear"

2004-05-10, 05:20
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Originally Posted by Transient
i bought satyricon-dark medieval times because everyone said it was amazing and it i truly regret it. its garbage. the keyboard player sucks at headbanging, haha.
Bugger! The keyboard player is probably just a session muso, as they've not got a permanent one in the band. Also, Satyr wrote the damned thing when he was 17 years old - give him a fucking break & then listen to their other 4 albums before you judge too harshly. Yes, I'm a big fan.

2004-05-10, 13:24
Join Date: Mar 2004
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Dimmu Borgir
Cradle of Filth
Old Mans Child

2004-05-10, 13:45
Master Killer
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there is no such thing as 'good' black metal 

2004-05-10, 13:56
Senior Metalhead
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Originally Posted by DameFraMorkum
Haha, you're quite obviously the NEWB here... If you want BM check out....
1. Leviathan
2. Immortal (Pure Holocaust, Blizzard Beasts, Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism)
3. Nargaroth
4. Sargeist
5. Graveland
6. Thor's Hammer
7. Sturmfuhrer
8. Temnozor
9. Beherit
10. Nokturnal Mortum
11. Lord Wind
12. Xasthur
If you want more... Ask... But Dimmu Borgir, Satyricon, Cradle Of Filth, Old Man's Child, Heaven Shall Burn, etc. Are definitely NOT good BM... You ignorant bitch.
Eh..? Lord Wind? Leviathan? Temnozor? Xasthur? NONE of these are even close of good black metal (also none of these aren't bad either, especially Xasthur.) Where is Katharsis?, Ildjarn?? or Darkthrone?????. These bands are much better than any of these what you listed. But still I can't tell which bands you really like.
But Lord Wind? C'mon! They have released one single demo and it's very ug and badly produced and also not most best. Just TRUEUG. I usually look band's whole history of black metal and not just one demo, I could list many, MANY bands which got one VERY GOOD demo and other stuff from it are totally crap.
Satyricon's oldest ones were good stuff.
Immortal is definetly very good stuff (Pure Holocaust, Battles..) and one of the landmarks in black metal.
Yep, Graveland is one of the best black metal bands ever.
Beherit. What else could I say.
Crowds try following good ones (some newcomers):
Cantus Bestiae
Deathspell Omega
Clandestine Blaze
Satanic Warmaster
+other what I have sometimes listed (Katharsis, Darkthrone, Enslaved (actually Viking Metal))etc.

2004-05-10, 14:11
Britney Spear's Pimp
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Originally Posted by Def
there is no such thing as 'good' black metal 
there's already such threads... another one useless
die thread.... die
Get a life.... RIGHT NOW!!!!!
Last edited by DELETE79 : 2004-05-10 at 14:14.
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