2004-05-10, 17:25
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I know that in death metal you need a good technique and high speed. I am very slow with the right hand, so my qestion is at what speed (bpm) can you play downstroke pal muting??
I am very slow so, for example in the song "unleashed bloodthirst" ( cannibal corpse) i have to play it up and down. What speed can you play?
P.d i know i´m very slow ( with right hand) and that my english is very poor. THANKS

2004-05-10, 17:50
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Master of Puppets, 220 bpm.
I do occasionally mess it up though, it's pretty fast for downstrokes, but a good song to practice to get your speed up.

2004-05-10, 18:27
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I can play pretty fast, down palm muting. I find Master of puppets is fairly easy, so i'd say i could prob play faster than 220bpm. The way i practiced was, just playin deicide stuff like biblebasher etc.
If your havin problems, just put in 10 mins of playin down palm muting in each practice u have and within a short space of time, u'll notice a difference 
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2004-05-10, 18:55
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Master of Puppets cant be in 220 bpm!?

2004-05-10, 18:59
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220 bpm is what it was recorded at for the album.

2004-05-10, 19:30
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deicide-christ denied is a great song to practice to
im not really sure about my bpm, not very fast but im trying

2004-05-10, 19:31
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it doesnt sound like 220 bpm, btw at the moment i can only p.m in 80 bpm cuz i get lost at higher speeds.

2004-05-11, 02:35
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80 bpm??? DAMN thats really slow..
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2004-05-11, 05:00
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about 180 with all downstrokes
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2004-05-11, 06:47
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I'm assuming we're talking about 16th notes.

2004-05-11, 06:57
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isnt 8th the standard?
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2004-05-11, 08:22
Schrodinger's Cat
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Master Of Puppets is in 8ths so in 16ths it would be 110 bpm. MOP is one of the best songs to practise your downpicking with. I'm not sure about my downpicking speed in bpm but I can play MOP a lot faster than what it is on the record.
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2004-05-11, 08:57
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im 180 in 8ths, you all get to work it out for anything else
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2004-05-11, 11:10
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try downpikking the intro to eye of the beholder. sounds like 16ths at around 120bpm.
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2004-05-11, 12:12
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wtf is there something wrong with my metronome?! i can keep pace in Master of Puppets easily! AND ITS IN 220 bpm u say! wtf.....

2004-05-11, 14:59
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Originally Posted by BeastOfCarrion
isnt 8th the standard?
Yeah I was talking to the guy who said he could only do 80bpm.

2004-05-11, 15:22
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80 in 8th is pretty poor don't think ure that slow.... 160 bpm are reachable without practising alot. master of puppets isn't hard to manage at all becuz u got alot of pauses between the 8th ...
im able to play 8th without any pauses on 210 bpm .... but i guess there will be some guys who can top this.
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2004-05-11, 15:27
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MOP is pretty tough. I've met alot of people who said they could play it, then I hand em a guitar and they butcher it.

2004-05-11, 15:37
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it was one of the first fast metal songs i played ...even the introriff of eye of the beholder is much harder ... try to repeat it without any pauses ....
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2004-05-11, 19:01
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i've never been excellent with my downstrokes either.
i've been doin a whole lot of chromatic alt picking stuff with the 'nome and that's helped just my downstrokes too, but i think i'll start doin MoP in downstrokes finally, lol.

2004-05-11, 19:32
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I can play Mop with no problem. I learned it back in 92,93'. Slayer has some good down picking that I learned as well, I guess my down picking speed can defintely be measured at 220 bpm. Though I know when I shred, as some people have said when they see me play live, they say my hand is sometimes blurry!..
I'll also add that the Aborted tune I tabbed..Sanguine Verses of Extirpation is pretty fast down picking as well. Try it out! I know it's at least 180-200 bpm, somewhere in that range. I didn't test it out the speed, but it's gotta be close.


2004-05-11, 20:10
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could someone post an audio file of them playing in like 180 bpm or something, id like to hear it.

2004-05-11, 23:14
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2004-05-12, 02:17
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I dunno y ppl say MOP is a tough song.i think its a easy song. 

2004-05-12, 02:19
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You play it with all downstrokes and say it's easy? I'm impressed.

2004-05-12, 02:40
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yeah and im 13

2004-05-12, 02:53
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can anyone accurately play dyers eve?

2004-05-12, 03:17
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MOP is easy, and I play it faster thna recorded. Downpicking is easy as fuck for me, I never even think about it.
Try the begining of "Holy Wars" downpicked as fast as they play it live, which is like twice as fast as recorded.
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2004-05-12, 03:49
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u gotta be joking me MOP is a piece of piss try alternate picking and playing it 6x faster than the original i can play it faster than my metronome goes and thats prolly over 220, how about try some death or iced earth triplets own^^

2004-05-12, 11:07
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Originally Posted by AnubisXy
Either its me that doesnt know how to play with a metronome or its the metronome thats fucked up, cuz i can play the mp3 file AnubisXy posted quite easily.

2004-05-12, 11:44
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when i measured i just made a power tab of 4 0's played over and over, and changed the tempo
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2004-05-12, 22:23
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by freek666
can anyone accurately play dyers eve?
Man, I haven't played that for about 5 years because I'm never in standard tuning anymore! I always used to fuck up on the solo but these days I'm pretty sure I'd rip through it with not too much bother. Great song!
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Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-05-13, 01:12
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Originally Posted by younguitarist
yeah and im 13
Wow. Why did you feel the need to say that ?

2004-05-13, 02:36
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bcuz a lot of guys in here r older and they can play MOP.lol

2004-05-13, 02:39
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MOP is easy, easier when you get some caffeine/adrenaline in ya. I could prolly play it at 240bpm+ the whole thing. The Haunted (self titled album) has mostly 240-250bpm 8ths downpicking, but there are some breaks.
I've heard stuff with 16th notes at 270bpm and 8ths at the same speed. That's almost 20 notes per second; there's no way I'm that fast; even using my arm (as opposed to wrist picking).
I can play Dyer's Eve and Blackened accurately, pretty much note for note, except my soloing has become a bit rusty (for Dyer's Eve, but Blackened solo I'm pretty much note for note). So I play the DE solo fairly roughly; the sweep picking at the start sounds close enough, even though I can't hear exactly what I'm playing. I can play Dyer's Eve almost 1.5 times faster than the album.
So at what speed do we draw the line between switching over to alternate picking? Try Slayer some songs off Divine Interbention, e.g. Sex Murder Art.
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2004-05-13, 02:54
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Suppose it depends on what I'm doing, alot of rhythem gallops I'll use alternate picking even at slow speeds cause it's comfortable. I use some unconventional techniques from time to time, combining alternate picking and downstrokes depending on the rhythm types.
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2004-05-13, 03:08
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Originally Posted by younguitarist
bcuz a lot of guys in here r older and they can play MOP.lol
o den ay supoz its a goode reeson for braggin smartass.lol

2004-05-13, 15:05
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I was asking about down palm muting, because alternate is very easy (for me, in my opinion is harder to play down palm muting that alternate, because you´ve got to stop your hand and take it up once and once again. But the question was: Is the theme "unleashing bloodthirsty", played only downstroke and muted all the time of the "principal" riff?
I think i can play at 180 easily, but the song "dyers eve" ( i think is this one) or "unleashing" ( wich has a lot of string jumps) is pretty difficult to me. I think i can more easily play songs like Vader, death, ( i mean some parts of them), because my alternate picking is quite good.
I think my left hand is five (winged star) times better than the right ( with the pick, because i can play flamenco a little bit too)
Wich one is the fastest song you canplay downstroke palm muted-ing?
p.d: sorry my "crap" (heheheh, this is one thing that i learnt here) english.

2004-05-13, 23:09
Join Date: Mar 2004
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Originally Posted by younguitarist
yeah and im 13
Im 13 too, maybe i should start bragging a little more
I think i will put my signature to "im 13 and i can play serrana" or maybe i just wont and keep it to myself and just NOT BRAG like everybody else on the forum.

2004-05-13, 23:13
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Originally Posted by BestialWarrior
Though I know when I shred, as some people have said when they see me play live, they say my hand is sometimes blurry!..

Dude, i hate to say it but my main critisizm on your album "hell on earth" was the guitar solos. The rhythm was great, but your solos were out of key. When you went fast, you missed almost every note it seemed. Maybe you have gotten better since then, i don't know but you should probably work on your accuracy, and being in the right key

2004-05-14, 12:47
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my pain in the ass is i dont know what to practice to get speed, is it just play songs with lots of palm muting or what?

2004-05-15, 05:50
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Play scales, using sweeping patterns. Lots of scales...
I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous....
Liberals ate my baby. 

2004-05-23, 18:27
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I can play at 220bpm (8ths) but if i'm rele warmed i can get to 230bpm (8ths)
which is gd considering i only been playing just over 2 yrs...
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