2004-05-10, 19:51
New Blood
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Killswitch Engage Sound
What distortion are Killswitch Engage using or is it the way they play because it sounds so diff. As I Lay Dying has the same sound as well maybe someone would know. What I am asking is where are they getting there sound from. 

2004-05-10, 20:28
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From their amps???? 
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-05-10, 20:30
New Blood
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are u sure?  if so are they modifying it through head. I don't know because I had never used really large equipment.

2004-05-10, 23:43
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what do you mean modifying through the head?... most pros use amps for their distortion. that's why they have good tone... and beginers will swear by their cheesey little pedals that they think rule... then once they need something with "tone" and they have enough money to drop on a nice amp, it's by by metalzones and metalmasters.
everytime i've seen as i lay dying, one guy had a mesa fullstack and the other guy had a marshall.
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2004-05-11, 04:00
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I know one of the guitarist Played a strat with a hotrail pickups... i dunno if hes still in the band or not but just thought it might be some hepful advice
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04
Last edited by BLS : 2004-05-12 at 01:02.

2004-05-11, 21:26
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KsE use EMG pickups through Line 6 Amps, so there is definitely some modeling and modulation going on there. They use H/S/S pickup configuration (i saw it in the Rose for Sharyn video that you can download from their site). I'm not sure if they used EMGs or not before their newest album, The End of Heartache.
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2004-05-12, 02:05
Wasted Custom User title
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God...I hate Killswitch Engage....
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2004-05-12, 12:42
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
God...I hate Killswitch Engage....
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2004-05-12, 12:53
Senior Metalhead
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i hate people who are too retarded to copy a new metal sound .....
God...I hate Killswitch Engage....
100 % agreed
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2004-05-12, 17:49
New Blood
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I guess you would rather listen to someone with no talent like canibal corpse

2004-05-12, 17:52
New Blood
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I aprciate the help

2004-05-12, 21:30
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Originally Posted by sonsstud
I guess you would rather listen to someone with no talent like canibal corpse
you're kidding right??? cannibal corpse... no talent? don't get me wrong, as far as listening goes, i'd take as i lay dying over c.c. because thats my music preference,
but if we're talking about talent.... alex web is one of the best bassists on the planet...hands down.... he'd rival all those fools like les claypool that everybody claims is god.....
jack and pat are fucking brilliant guitarists...... it's to bad jack quit
fuck...everybody instrumentally in cannibal has way more talent than all the guys in killswitch and as i lay dying.
i say instrumentally because i don't dig death metal low growls because they sound stupid, but thats just what george does and i geuss he does it fine.
but yeah, you should probably remove your head from your ass before you say something retarded like that.
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2004-05-12, 22:32
Wasted Custom User title
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Originally Posted by sonsstud
I guess you would rather listen to someone with no talent like canibal corpse
2nd death metal is way harder to play than your little hard core bullshit
3rd Ive never heard Killswitch Engage do a solo so they lose the talent arguement right away. And if they have on a song I haven't heard of, I guarantee you its not as good as one of Pat's.
4th Finally, TECHNICALITY-- CC is way more technical than KsE.
And why are you asking how to get a tone from a band whos tone is so generic?
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2004-05-13, 01:23
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Cannibal just stfu, he asked for hlep not your opinion on his musical taste.
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2004-05-13, 02:04
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"he asked for hlep not your opinion on his musical taste."
well as far as my opinion goes hardcore is just better than death metal..... because it's my personal taste... but for somebody else, they might like death metal more... thats just how it goes.
but the reason i think he's an idiot is because he said that cannibal corpse has no talent. but, whether you dig death metal or not, they HAVE more 'talent' than the bands he's defending. if he was going to knock death metal he could have at least dissed a death metal band that actually sucked.... but i've heard/seen cannibal live, on video, and on recordings... they are amazing musicians. and i'm not even Mr. Deathmetal. so i don't really have a biased opinion.
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2004-05-13, 04:04
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If cannibal didnt decide to state his opinion on a matter that wasent asked then noone would be discussing killswitch or cannibal. Take this Bullshit to the Bands section... if it isent about gear it shouldnt be here.... makes sense huh?
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-05-13, 18:22
New Blood
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ohhh.......... growling sensless words and playing you guitar as fast as you can is talent. I guess I have been listening to the wrong music my hole life, guess I will just throw away my slipknot, from automn to ashes, poison the well, ect. away in the trash....geez give me a break!
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2004-05-13, 21:35
Wasted Custom User title
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Ahahahhahahahah Slipknot....
And I'm sorry for starting this pointless arguement 
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2004-05-13, 22:03
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Originally Posted by sonsstud
ohhh.......... growling sensless words and playing you guitar as fast as you can is talent. I guess I have been listening to the wrong music my hole life, guess I will just throw away my slipknot, from automn to ashes, poison the well, ect. away in the trash....geez give me a break!
it watches cannibal corpse play, and then it talks.....
you just need to actually know what you're talking about before you say something like that....
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2004-05-13, 23:07
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yeh this threads fucked now... and sonsstud isent helping by saying stupid shit. Good job on wrecking your own thread 
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-05-13, 23:11
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yeah, say bye bye and see the little green end of the thread flop up your own ass
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