2004-05-17, 03:47
New Blood
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 3
I've decided on getting a Peavey 5150 as my first true head. I only have a small practice amp right now. As far as cabinets go, what do you guys recommend. I've been looking into the Marshall 1960's cabs.

2004-05-17, 04:13
Join Date: Jul 2003
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1960's are great cabs, in flames uses 5150's with 1960 cabs. The acualy 5150 cabs arent that bad either, their voiced to sound great with a 5150 head... but with any other heads they just sound average.
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2004-05-17, 04:28
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Heh, I'm in the excact same situation. I'm not sure what cab to get with my future 5150.
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2004-05-17, 06:29
New Blood
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i was lucky enough to get a 1960 a and its awesome. i just have to get a head.

2004-05-17, 10:11
Master Killer
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I have a 1960B and I'm satisfied with it.
I really like those cabs mesa makes, but they're really expensive and the difference isn't that bad really, marshall is just the industry standard I guess. I bought mine used, which isn't a problem since they're build like a tank

2004-05-17, 11:56
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somethin between the marshalls and the mesas as far as the price is concereed
would be the engl vintage 4x12ers. awesome punch and very tight lows even at very high volume. i was really impressed of those.
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2004-05-17, 12:03
Master Killer
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Same here, but they're pretty hard to get and the cloth coating is pretty shit IMO, I've used one for a while (not V30's but V60's) and it looked battered and broken, still sounded like a powerhouse though, but its not really road-worthy, whereas a marshall cabinet is, mine has been on the road for a while and its a used one, still looks like new, only a few rock'n'roll spots on it.

2004-05-17, 12:49
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2004-05-17, 16:23
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Originally Posted by Def
Same here, but they're pretty hard to get and the cloth coating is pretty shit IMO, I've used one for a while (not V30's but V60's) and it looked battered and broken, still sounded like a powerhouse though, but its not really road-worthy, whereas a marshall cabinet is, mine has been on the road for a while and its a used one, still looks like new, only a few rock'n'roll spots on it.
well maybe u got a really abused one ... i got the v30s cab and its very well built and btw sounds better like the mesas with an savage for example imo 
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2004-05-17, 17:04
New Blood
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 3
Yeah thanks for the thoughts guys. I was probably going to stick with the Marshall either way, but you guys just added to the list of nothing but great things I've heard about them.
I've played on them, but only through Marshall heads in the stores. Marshall is pretty good, but to me its not really for a metal sound. At least the heads aren't. The Peavey looks to be just what I'm looking for.
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