2004-05-23, 06:12
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Phil Campbell, AL
Posts: 493
what kind of floyd rose are you using? a lot of licensed floyds really suck and get worse as time goes on. the blades get crappy and the pivot screws are terrible. replace the pivots.. that'll help. how many strings are you using, and what do you tune to? what guage strings? these all have a big effect.
an original floyd or something awesome like the edge pro ibanez uses is going to give you perfection. my edge pro 2 is pretty good, but i'm going to be selling my 370 and getting an rg 570 or 1570 before long.. basically just for the better bridge.
even with a tremsetter, it'll go out of tune if the bridge isn't good. it should help prevent it from being incredibly out of tune, but it won't fix it completely.