2004-05-29, 05:56
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Suggestion on Pickups
I've recently obtained some money and I was thinking of getting some new humbucker pickups for my guitar. Any suggestions? Please be specific...

2004-05-29, 06:06
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Neck - Ducan jazz or 59
Bridge - Bill lawrence xl500, duncan invader, JB, Dimarzio X2N
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2004-05-29, 09:38
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Those that BLS posted, EMG 81/85 or 81/81 set is kinda popular too.

2004-05-29, 10:42
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Originally Posted by Slabbefusk
Those that BLS posted, EMG 81/85 or 81/81 set is kinda popular too.
But since everybody is using it, it won't give you a very original tone
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
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2004-05-29, 12:26
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There are MANY threads around here discussing pickups, go find one!
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2004-05-29, 12:58
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yeah, maybe there should be a sticky pickup thread, discussing types, tones,installation, passive/active and opinions?

2004-05-29, 16:28
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yeah I'd like to see a sticky on discussion of pickups. Doesn't amp also have to do with tone a bit?

2004-05-29, 17:56
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Uh yeah, the amp has the most effect on your tone.
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2004-05-30, 04:03
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Originally Posted by Spikyhairz
But since everybody is using it, it won't give you a very original tone
who cares if everyone else uses it. are people suppose to design their own fukin pickups so they can have an original tone?

2004-05-30, 04:30
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Thing is... EMG's only have one tone. Whereas a passive pickups will never sound the same in too different guitars. That why when you hear a EMG... you know its and EMG.
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-05-30, 08:01
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emg makes passive and active pickups...

2004-05-30, 10:38
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but the passive emgs suck
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2004-05-30, 11:53
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Originally Posted by Panda
but the passive emgs suck

2004-05-30, 17:57
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EMG passive pickups arent worth mentioning.
Just pretend they dont exist
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-05-30, 18:05
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You just mentioned them.

2004-05-30, 19:07
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mentioned what?
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-05-30, 20:44
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The emg passive pickups.

2004-05-31, 00:41
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what are those?
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2004-05-31, 01:13
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2004-05-31, 04:39
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2004-05-31, 04:44
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Whatever, the H4 rocks. Alexi has good tone and he uses em. I'm not gonna go out and buy them for all of my guitars, but I might try them some day.
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2004-05-31, 04:50
Wasted Custom User title
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If your gonna have a passive pickup then get a seymour duncan Invader pickup. I guess thats just what I prefer. I'm pretty sure Nile (I saw one of their videos and they looked like invaders) uses them. I like their tone.
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2004-05-31, 06:07
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-05-31, 12:11
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Samshin Stock Pickups is the fucking shit....*irony*

2004-05-31, 19:08
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2004-05-31, 19:18
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jb's are boss, so are the invaders, and the screamin demons are pretty good, for the neck a jazz or a 59
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2004-05-31, 19:30
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i agree
"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-06-15, 21:27
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i'd get dimarzios over duncan any day. so many of the older shredders (i'm not a huge death/black metal fiend.. mostly regular metal lol) like satch, vai, petrucci, gilbert, morse, malmsteen, eric johnson, etc use them.. they're freakin awesome for heavy sounds. they have enough to get any sound that you want, and they're versatile enough to switch over to jazz or neo classical or whatever if you like anything else. some disagree, but emgs seem like a one trick pony to me.
my rg 570 has a tone zone in the bridge and air norton in the neck.. it's a pretty classic metal combo, and it sounds very fuckin heavy. also the x2n or super distortion is good for the bridge, and evolution or fred is good for the neck.
Last edited by mctriple : 2004-06-16 at 00:42.

2004-06-15, 21:53
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i never really liked any of those virtuoso guys, vai is ok, so is johnson,but satch and malmsteen and thos other guys just never clicked with me, dimarzios are ok, but id rather have a duncan.
they make a jb for tele bridges dont they, cus i got a little 59 in there right now, and i wanna move that to the neck position and get a new stacked humbucker for the bridge.
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2004-06-15, 22:03
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jb's and invaders are good. i dont really like the screaming demons.

2004-06-16, 00:41
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hmm your taste is odd  most of us 'virtuoso' liking people don't like vai at all. malmsteen is my current obsession as far as learning songs goes. i'm not a huge fan of their tones, but they're all so diverse that it's hard to say you don't like them, so you don't like dimarzios. they have some pretty dark stuff out there, and dimarzios give them an awesome sound. i'm also big into megadeth, and my dimarzios into my yamaha dg amp create a killer sound.
my fav pickups are an rg with tone zone and air norton, possibly hs2 in the middle if it's a x70. this combo (but remember passives sound different on other guitars) is bone crushing with distortion.. seriously heavy tones.

2004-06-16, 19:10
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Originally Posted by MoonRaven
i never really liked any of those virtuoso guys, vai is ok, so is johnson,but satch and malmsteen and thos other guys just never clicked with me, dimarzios are ok, but id rather have a duncan.
Are man, how can u not like Satriaini and Malmsteen but like Vai and Johnson. Satriani's a master on guitar and his stuff is so good to play, on the other hand Vai and Johnson are boring and so not as good. Vai's stuff just reminds me of really boring serialism.
Anyways Dimarzio make some pretty decent pickups. I used to think they were shit but then i played an ibanez s with a PAF in the neck and a Fred in the bridge and they rocked. For pickups i'd prob get a SD custom custom for the bridge mainly because it gives me my signature tone and a 59 in the neck or a dimarzio X2N in the bridge.
Anyways has anyone tryed Tony Iommi's custom gibson pickup, i was just wondering whether its any good?
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2004-06-16, 20:54
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yeah the paf pro/fred combo is also killer for metal, and will give a very nice creamy clean sound if you ever want that heh. i agree totally about vai.. i don't like him much at all, except for his 'a prayer to god'. satch is good with his surfish rhythms and chops.. i dont know, seems like everybody that doesn't like them lumps them all into one. malmsteen is my favorite 'virtuoso' but that's because i'm big into playing classical music in a metal style. michael romeo is also killer.. he uses emgs though 

2004-06-16, 20:55
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my friend has iommi's pickup at the bridge of his SG, and it sounds pretty badass. much better than the 490 that comes on them.

2004-06-17, 04:55
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