ok, so im ready to self produce a few tracks.
so ive downloaded an equalising program for distortion/reverb and all that shit. and its great! its kalled 'Guitar FX'
So ive set up everything, and it should be ready to tear into. ive set up my guitar straigt into my pc through tme mic port with a special connexion, ive set up guitar FX to my liking of distortion, ive opened NGwave [a very very good rocording/editing/anythingyouwanting program] and ive hit record button. im ripping into this track when, lo and behold, its noy recording! damn - so i try again. nope.
i check all the connexions, i check my sound card options, i check both the programmes options, and again it wont record. so i get witty

and decide to open up the simplest recording device ever - Sound Recorder [it comes with windows, so you have it]. and guess what... It didnt record.
So ive reasoned that while guitar FX is open, i cannot record. it would seem that it locks the mic port so as to stay dedicated only to guitar fx.
Someone please tell me what to use/download/fix/change to get Something recorded with distortion!!