2004-06-16, 15:45
Senior Metalhead
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my problem is that i donīt know very well how, or which key changes are pretty good to play.
I can play the classic things like:
or something like that, it seems very fine, but the problem cames in the "0" (E in the first string). and it means that i need to use a scale that has that E.
So if you know something to change or to help?

2004-06-16, 16:25
The Mountie From Hell
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My knowlage is not to great, but if you want to play "by the book" then yes you would need to have an E in the scale, but if you want to make something that sounds cool or whatever, then no... Now wach someone correct me 
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-06-16, 16:41
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To make it "sound cool" you gotta play in key. Which means either using notes directly related to the chords (arpeggiation) being played in the rhythm, OR, using a scale with a corresponding root to the key that the progression is being played in. Ideally you'll arpeggiate the chords being played, most of the time you'll even be ok if you use just the pentatonic scales. As far as tapping, experiment, try different patterns, try string skipping. Move the patterns to as many different keys as you can, remember the intervals will stay the same, so you just need to shift positions. The Em pentatonic is special because it is made up of the notes of the open strings. It's a great place to start, interval structure is 1,b3,4,5,b7, notes are E, G, A, B, D. Have fun
I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous....
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Last edited by AnubisXy : 2004-06-16 at 16:46.

2004-06-16, 18:08
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to get some cool tapping ideas check out Steve Vai's song Juice. or alot of other Steve Vai songs.
what you can also do is tap pentatonic shapes. pentatonics work just about everywhere. so try that.(if you need an example, i 'll give you one)

2004-06-16, 19:31
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Originally Posted by AnubisXy
To make it "sound cool" you gotta play in key.
that aint completely true as you can create a riff lets say in e minor but have discordant chords playing in the background which are totally out of key. Sometimes it sounds extremely weird but good depending on what style ure creating
"many a time newcastle brown hath cometh to my rescue" blizzard beast
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2004-06-16, 19:41
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by Mordor
that aint completely true as you can create a riff lets say in e minor but have discordant chords playing in the background which are totally out of key. Sometimes it sounds extremely weird but good depending on what style ure creating
Yeah, I agree. You can create and build up musical tension by using notes that aren't in key. I'd place playing the open note (no matter what the key) in the same category as chromaticism - not part of a specific scale but useful to employ none-the-less.
Dischordance can be a very useful tool to utilize so I wouldn't worry too much about playing in key in this sort of situation (tapping and open notes). Just play what sounds good to your own ear and you can't go wrong.
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2004-06-16, 19:53
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There are exceptions to every rule. 
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2004-06-16, 20:17
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Tapping is hard! 
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2004-06-16, 21:12
Schrodinger's Cat
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Left and right hand coordination is the key to tapping well. So as with everything, you've got to start slowly and gradually build your speed up before you can shred away.
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2004-06-16, 21:24
The Mountie From Hell
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A big thing I notice mt friends doing when tapping is they don't make the tapping sound right Eg. they would hit: -0-5-7-12(t)-7-5-0- or whatever, but on the 12th note where you use your picking hand they don't pull off on it, the trick to do is when hitting that note almost make 2 notes out of it, one on the note, and a second when releasing it.
Pointless rant... hehe.
Originally Posted by Timedragon
i clicked on time... cause im timedragon

2004-06-16, 21:32
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by FearFrost
A big thing I notice mt friends doing when tapping is they don't make the tapping sound right Eg. they would hit: -0-5-7-12(t)-7-5-0- or whatever, but on the 12th note where you use your picking hand they don't pull off on it, the trick to do is when hitting that note almost make 2 notes out of it, one on the note, and a second when releasing it.
Yeah, I know what you're getting at. You've got to leave you tapping finger down for a split-second longer than it seems natural to do so in order to allow the note to ring properly before you pull-off back to the -7-5-0-. Sort of... kind of hard to explain!
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2004-06-16, 23:04
Wasted Custom User title
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If I make up a cool little tapping lick in a certain key but I think it would sound better in a song which is in a different key then I would just move it around.
Remember, have your tapping fingure be your middle fingure. It just works out better that way.
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2004-06-16, 23:42
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
have your tapping fingure be your middle fingure. It just works out better that way.
Till you start tapping across multiple strings, then that becomes a bit unrealistic, especially tapping arpeggios. I use index, middle and ring, and sometimes the edge of the pick for tapping. For one string tapping, middle is easiest though.
I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous....
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2004-06-17, 00:20
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I use my index to tap...
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2004-06-17, 16:05
Senior Metalhead
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My problem starts when y use 12-0-5-8 tapping and then
I want to know some variations of this tapping
Like this one
That is the problem, if you know something more. please SAVE me!!!!

2004-06-17, 16:07
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I love fast tapping, and it can be death metal style

2004-06-17, 16:22
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Paul gibert has a shot Tapping demostration. its on kazza.
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2004-06-18, 14:45
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I.ve got another problem. I donīt have internet at home. And here i canīt download anything, and the other one is that i donīt underSATANd speaked english very well, so if you can make as resume.
THANK you all.

2004-06-18, 19:12
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Originally Posted by AnubisXy
To make it "sound cool" you gotta play in key. Which means either using notes directly related to the chords (arpeggiation) being played in the rhythm, OR, using a scale with a corresponding root to the key that the progression is being played in. Ideally you'll arpeggiate the chords being played, most of the time you'll even be ok if you use just the pentatonic scales. As far as tapping, experiment, try different patterns, try string skipping. Move the patterns to as many different keys as you can, remember the intervals will stay the same, so you just need to shift positions. The Em pentatonic is special because it is made up of the notes of the open strings. It's a great place to start, interval structure is 1,b3,4,5,b7, notes are E, G, A, B, D. Have fun
Right on.
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2004-07-01, 02:46
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Easy, just learn some scales up 1 string. Then just experiment.

2004-07-14, 17:54
New Blood
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Well i think this easy kinds of tapping are pretty useless, beacause you can always play the tapped note on a higher string as well.
For example instead of playing:
you can as well play
Of course this doesnt work if you play
-12(t)-8-5-0- on the high e-String.
But usually you donīt need these tappings. I really think that nobody will hear a difference when you play the normal picking technic.
I donīt even think that you are faster when you tap this lick !
But tappings can be really cool though when you play triplets.
The best example is the solo from Metallica - One at 5:44
I think everybody knows it:
and so on...
Tappings can also be very cool when you mix them with some hammer-on and pull-off effects.
Mr. Blackfire is playing a very cool lick on the guitar solo (no other instruments) on the Sodom - Mortal way of live Cd
It goes like this:
This is a very cool one because itīs not very hard and even played slowly it sounds good!

2004-07-14, 20:59
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by till_pact
But usually you donīt need these tappings. I really think that nobody will hear a difference when you play the normal picking technic.
Of course you can tell the difference! It's like comparing the sound of a hammer-on with the sound of two individually picked notes. They are two distinct types of sound - the hammer-on is a 'slur' whereas the picked notes are more abrupt.
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2004-07-14, 22:03
Wasted Custom User title
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Yeah, plus you look cooler when you tap.
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2004-07-15, 12:43
New Blood
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Well, i didnīt say that Tappings are useless! But in some Cases they are useless. For example in this lick i isnīt usefull (-12(t)-8-5-0-). Think of it in a realistic way! And i donīt mind if i look cooler if it tap it. I donīt play guitar to impress people!

2004-07-15, 13:33
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Learn That song
"The Philosopher" by Death,
listen carefully and practice man, thats easy...
Keep In Brutal... 

2004-07-15, 18:13
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Listen to No Boundaries by Michael Angelo. Listen for the tapping arpeggios near the end. THAT IS WHY WE TAP

2004-07-16, 16:30
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One good use about tapping is the large interval leaps that you can accomplish fairly easily because your using two hands. It's fairly easy to recognize a tapping part in a song because of the jumps in the pitch.
Like tapping the 12 on high E and pulling the open e. Ex. t12p0
Stick some left handed legatos (hammers and pulloffs) in there, allowing you to blaze through an octave quite rapidly.
For multiple string tapping, I've been trying to barre the lowest common fret with my index and using the rest of my fingers to do the work. Requires a good stretch at times and also the ability to mute unwanted string vibration. Tough stuff.
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