2004-06-20, 05:46
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"Blah blah they're better than you!"
Earlier today I said the Sex Pistols sucked, and my friend shit himself and was like "They're better than you at their instruments you fuckhead! Have some respect!" And I kept saying "I don't give a shit" and he's just all "Exactly! It's people like you that have ruined the music industry!"
Honestly, I think anyone that's open minded enough can listen to music and decide if it sucks or not. I guess everyone is better than me, since I have been playing drums and guitar for less than a year(I play them both equally), but that doesn't stop other bands from sucking, does it? Your opinions?

2004-06-20, 05:53
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Well you can't like every single band out there. Nobody has the exact same musical tastes. You have the right not to like them. The consumer doesnt just like music because its better than what they can do

2004-06-20, 05:56
Pirate Lawd
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Sure, they may play better than you for now, but the bottom line is the Sex Pistols smoke pole  imo

2004-06-20, 06:00
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I heard they sucked live.
Praise Hail Satan

2004-06-20, 06:01
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Haha, yes but does that mean you're one of those people that "helped destroy the music industry"? According to someone who likes Sex Pistols it does.

2004-06-20, 06:11
Pirate Lawd
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To hell with the music industry, it's doing just fine. I believe that poeple blame the term "music industry" to hide the fact they suck. If you like something or not, it should only matter to you.

2004-06-20, 06:16
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Couldn't have said it better myself.

2004-06-20, 08:38
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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yeah, and all i have to add is that they arnt that good because it really doesnt take that much skill to play the style they play anyway. Its really quite simple to play something much better than them, and i think they suck anyway. i dont care if they are original or at the top of thier scene, I dont like their scene and i dont like them. Keep playing guitar for a few more months and you can probably play whatever crap they dish out in your sleep.

2004-06-20, 09:32
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its people that might hate a band but show them respect anyway that are losers. like some guy i know hates metallica's music, but if i said "i hate metallica because their music isnt even heavy, and they suck in general" he would have said "oh fuck off they ruled, i dont even listen to them but i know they ruled, because they were metal kings"
i pay no respect to ozzy, black sab, metallica, kiss, any of those fucking bands, i hated their music and it isnt fucking heavy, and it never was.
but if i said that to some guy who's a satanist and listens to death metal and crap, or a goth who listens to cradle of filth, they'll still say, fuck off they ruled.
whar im saying is people respect bands they dont even listen to or know shit about just because they started something. people say that if it wasnt for ozzy, we wouldnt have any metal altogether. as if noone in the fucking planet in the entire history of it would never ever concieve music like thet if ozzy wasnt here.

2004-06-20, 12:47
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by Infinity
i pay no respect to ozzy, black sab, metallica, kiss, any of those fucking bands, i hated their music and it isnt fucking heavy, and it never was.
They mightn't be considered heavy in terms of today's bands but back in 1969 Black Sabbath were the heaviest band around. This fact is inescapable, as is the fact that Sabbath are one of the most influential bands to have ever existed. The types of song structure, lyrics and riffs that permeated their music are still prevailent in modern metal so I personally respect them immensely for helping to shape the music that I listen to today.
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Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-06-20, 13:14
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Originally Posted by johnmansley
They mightn't be considered heavy in terms of today's bands but back in 1969 Black Sabbath were the heaviest band around. This fact is inescapable, as is the fact that Sabbath are one of the most influential bands to have ever existed. The types of song structure, lyrics and riffs that permeated their music are still prevailent in modern metal so I personally respect them immensely for helping to shape the music that I listen to today.
There you go, another perfect example of what i am against.
no disrespect to you or anything, but what you say there is exactly what i posted against.

2004-06-20, 13:30
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by Infinity
There you go, another perfect example of what i am against.
no disrespect to you or anything, but what you say there is exactly what i posted against.
Why are you against the history and origins of metal music? Allow me to draw an analogy: your hatred (if that isn't too strong a word) is akin to not respecting your favourite sporting team's past history just because the current team would beat them - not through skill but by a vastly improved fitness regime. The comparison comes into play by way of modern metal being based on Sabbath's ideas but being more 'muscular' in its construction.
Can you see what I'm getting at? You like heavy music but your don't want to acknowledge were it came from. I'm not saying that you have to like Sabbath or any of the bands you mention but surely you can see that they were influential and deserve respect?
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Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-06-20, 13:41
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aha, you have misunderstood.
i am not against the history of metal, and definately acknowledge from where it came from, [if i didnt know where it came from how could i be for or against this subject?]
i am against people who might hate a band but still stand up for lets say sabath if i tell them that lets say hate eternal crushes them in every way possible. it would be a metal discussion - Hey, you know that band? yeah i know them - but do you know this band? therye the heaviest thing in existence, theyre called black sabbath.
they just arent heavy anymore, and the fact is the hate eternal is just a better band [well better musicians anyway, depending on whther you like the music or not]. but ppl will go ou of their way to disprove it.
or these die hard old skool metal guys that say that lets say kiss is the best band in the world, when they just.... arent

2004-06-20, 13:55
Schrodinger's Cat
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I understand fully what you intended:
Originally Posted by Infinity
its people that might hate a band but show them respect anyway that are losers.
There's nothing wrong in showing respect to a band that you hate - in fact I'd say it's a sensible and grown up trait to possess. For example, being a Liverpool fan, I absolutely hate Manchester United and everything to do with the club - I can't stress enough how much I despise them - but I can still realise that they are a great team and show them due respect. I don't think affording respect should depend entirely on whether you like someone or something.
I don't particularly like Black Metal, but I still respect BM bands as musicians. I also don't like Steve Vai's music, but that doesn't stop me from respecting him as an amazing guitarist and I'm not going to say "he's shit" just because I don't like his music.
Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-06-20, 14:14
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no way in hell am i reading this entire thread. but, allow me to post my opinion
all metal > any punk

2004-06-20, 14:28
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Originally Posted by Transient
all metal > any punk
amen, brother.

2004-06-20, 20:01
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You dont have to like a band to respect them.
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2004-06-21, 00:30
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i have no respect for punk either. bunch of watered down liberal weenie nonsense from ugly teenagers with shitty attitudes

2004-06-21, 00:59
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why havent you died yet, mtv
Too grim to function

2004-06-21, 01:14
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Originally Posted by MoonRaven
why havent you died yet, mtv
Now don't tell me you like the Sex Pistols too!

2004-06-21, 01:26
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Originally Posted by mtv_is_gay
Now don't tell me you like the Sex Pistols too!
they suck on their instruments, but i do like anarchy in the uk, but why havent you died yet
Too grim to function

2004-06-21, 01:27
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i hate mtv but he seems lively yet

2004-06-21, 02:22
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The only thing it means when you don't give elder bands respect is that you don't really give a shit what the music you are listening to right now came from. I could care less if I ever heard Sabbath again or Hendrix or maybe even Led Zep. But they are still respected in my book for what they've done in the past and the doors they opened for todays musicians. Metallica can choke on a boner and die for all I care but (it hurts to say this) I have a LITTLE respect for them and what they did way back. Only a little because they've pretty much destroyed their respect all together by spitting in the face of everyone who likes metal.
Nothing I just said really matters cause everyone has their differences. I happen to appreciate the people who were pioneers in heavy music, you night not. I do not really care.

2004-06-21, 02:41
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just becasue they open the doors doesnt mean they are good. agreed. but you dont have to respect them either
when it comes down to it:
you have money. you buy cds you like. whether its the new ja rule cd or a gorguts cd is up to you

2004-06-21, 03:02
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Soooo, if I should respect Black Sabath for influencing metal today(which I do) does that mean I should hate Sex Pistols for making punk the way it is? Me thinks so.
PS) I haven't died yet because I'm not a goth kid and I have no reason to kill myself.

2004-06-21, 03:43
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Originally Posted by mtv_is_gay
I haven't died yet because I'm not a goth kid and I have no reason to kill myself.
are you trying to imply something, jockitch
Too grim to function

2004-06-21, 04:56
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Yes I'm implying that goth kids kill theirselves WAAAY too much and you're gay.

2004-06-21, 05:40
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I think that you're implying that YOU are gay LoLoLoLoLoLoLoLoLoLoLoLoLoLoLOLoLoLoLoLoLoLoLoLZ
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2004-06-21, 06:05
El Diablo sin pantalones
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Mtv: you are a tool.
And mind you, being goth is not the only reason for getting your ass kicked.
Originally Posted by Darko
Originally Posted by Requiem
Why would you sig that?
Why not? Why would you sig me saying that I hate you? I was serious there, too.
I'm in despair! The internet has left me in despair!

2004-06-21, 07:01
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Your friend's an idiot.

2004-06-21, 10:18
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the idiot's friend is an idiot

2004-06-21, 16:12
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Originally Posted by CANNIBALCORPSE
You dont have to like a band to respect them.
I'm sure many people on this board will begrudgingly respect Metallica for what they did.

2004-06-21, 19:22
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Originally Posted by mtv_is_gay
Yes I'm implying that goth kids kill theirselves WAAAY too much and you're gay.
thats not what your mom said last nite, crotch stain
Too grim to function

2004-06-21, 21:33
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Children, please....

2004-06-22, 00:16
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Originally Posted by mtv_is_gay
Soooo, if I should respect Black Sabath for influencing metal today(which I do) does that mean I should hate Sex Pistols for making punk the way it is? Me thinks so.
No. Punk is the way it is because of the musicians that choose to make it that way. And you not liking punk dosen't mean that everyone should logically hate them like in the instince that someone liking metal should logically respect their elders. Punk influence metal alot too, wether you like it or not.
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2004-06-22, 01:37
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Haha, I like punk just fine. I hate the Sex Pistols, and I hate pop punk. Metal will always be first though.

2004-06-22, 02:37
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I happen to dislike punk and I have no respect for any punk bands. I just don't like the music or the style.
As for Metallica. I like them '83-'88 or even only up to '86. I am not saying that they are my favorite band but I do enjoy listening to them every once in a while. ANY THING past '88 I can not stand listening to and should not be listened for it is shit.
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2004-06-22, 06:55
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Before black album = Good
Black album and so on = Bad

2004-06-23, 05:40
You gamma-minus fucktards
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Originally Posted by mtv_is_gay
Earlier today I said the Sex Pistols sucked, and my friend shit himself and was like "They're better than you at their instruments you fuckhead! Have some respect!"
Jesus Arse-Hammered Sunday! Of course they suck! Even The Sex Pistols thought they were a bunch of talentless fucking drunken cockheads. Because they were! What's your friend's problem???
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2004-06-23, 05:56
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Jonny Rotten peed in a tranvestit's face.
Wow I spelled that horribly wrong.
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2004-06-23, 06:06
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Im a firm beliver that if it wasent for crust punk, then grindcore bands like napalm death woulda never formed... thus influencing death metal. and i only read one post in this topic 
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
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2004-06-24, 12:42
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Sorry for this belated response [mostly to john - if i may]
but this is the way to sum up what i think.
metallica, ozzy , whoever, have done theyre thing. weve all respected them some time or another i DID, but know i dont. im just sick of hearing people bitch about how good they are. still.
but either way we are both going to be like - no youre wrong, im right - and so on.
so to draw my CONCLUSION in this debate;
i believe we have payed our dues. im quite over a band that has been around for fifty years, and im not kissing theyre ass for all eternity.
over to you

2004-06-25, 14:41
Schrodinger's Cat
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Originally Posted by Infinity
but either way we are both going to be like - no youre wrong, im right - and so on.
Therein lies the crux of our last few posts. There's nothing wrong with a good debate (it makes a change that it didn't resort to insults, haha!) but I think we've made our points already so there's no point in re-hashing old posts.

Album of the day:
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn

2004-06-25, 15:29
Life is pain.
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Well said, case closed!
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