Just wandering through my yard mentally. I thought someone might like the stroll. Thanks for reading. DEFINITELY NOT A METAL SONG !!!

I'll try to get something written more to the forum's nature next time.
On another note, I gave Walpurgis(Bob) a book of a bunch of my different pieces. Maybe sometime he might read a few and comment about them or use a lyric. Maybe not.
" Lessons in My Garden "
Little faces among the flowers
A carefree breeze in my hair
A pull to a weed what's overpowering
A delicate, hidden bloom-
Old fashioned bleeding hearts
If I could thin out what's important and what isn't in life
And do some transplanting of things overpowering
To nurture them in a growing bed
Where thay can later be brought more into sight
To show off their beauty it would make me content
The pale, Cecil Brunner rose that one day couldn't contain itself any longer
And shot out arms into the air growing
A wild, red rambler that grew from it's rootstock
Bursting with red blossoms for many years
The demure pink tearose but a graft
The Tropicana vibrant orange as the summer sunset
And the white rose, beautiful, though it's name is forgotten
Like faces that appear in memories
But time has erased their names, too
At times it doesn't seem fair
A hundred year old maple sadly cut to the ground
Gives light to a peony that has grown
But never bloomed it's deep red flowers for so long
I never knew the color of the plant
The old tree's death brought more life
A patch of Sweet Williams, burgundy trimmed in white,
Springs as a surprise from where the old tree's roots
Must have hidden them
Maybe they grew there when the tree was young
And my grandmother played there
And now I have a challenge of a grapevine to contend with
Cut to the brink last year and now bigger and better than before
It's taken over the inside and outside of my barn
Growing through a gap in the window
I suppose it could be a new approach to picking wild grapes
But I'll don my long gloves
And prune the hell out of it
Since it's choking my daffoldils, peppermint, and peonies
Fruitless by the barn
More drastic measure in the works, erradication
Oh, the work involved in maintaining the plants
But the joy of seeing a tiny pink starry in the green
Or the prick of a prickly pears thorn
The soft velvet of lady's mantle
And the various fragances that bring memories
A cutting of chives onion smell
Their round lavender heads on poker straight stems
A hummingbird moth tasting bee balm beside the bird
A toad wandering through the maze of crown vetch
And worms galor invigorating the earth below
Wild ones in back producing lucious blackberries
And wild roses climbing a tree
Tearing at flesh , but lovely in smell
Joe Pye Weed and New England Aster's nodding tall
And the fruit trees' blossoms clear against bird planted pines
Never boredom in a garden
The lessons pondered,of love, the loss of life,
The rebirth of new life or invigoration of the old
All taught from those chosen and those volunteers growing
In the gardens of myself and my Creator