2004-06-25, 22:56
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New COB song
anyone hear the new COB song? thrashed lost & strungout, im a little worried cuz it sounds kinda punkish
If you look down on me you will see a fool, If you look up at me you will see your lord, but if you Look straight at me you will see yourself-Charles Manson
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2004-06-25, 23:02
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oh no, where can i find it?

2004-06-25, 23:17
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if i knew where you could find i would go listen and never have started the thread 
If you look down on me you will see a fool, If you look up at me you will see your lord, but if you Look straight at me you will see yourself-Charles Manson
They mostly come out at night...well...mostly
Keep it simple stupid

2004-06-26, 00:19
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What? Provide a link.
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2004-06-26, 00:21
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wtf? either link or shut the hell up

2004-06-26, 00:55
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Now that new COB is the subject id just like to say that i was worried when heard Hatecrew. I think its terrible. I dont even care about them anymore but i still wonder how much more alexi will dissapoint me

2004-06-26, 01:09
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haha sorry i realize why there was a confusion, i meant the title sounds kind of punkish, i havent heard the song yet. man im dumb. i was wondering if anyone has heard it so they could tell me what they thought, and timedragon, yes hate crew was a disapointment comapred to the other albums. i was expecting a little more
If you look down on me you will see a fool, If you look up at me you will see your lord, but if you Look straight at me you will see yourself-Charles Manson
They mostly come out at night...well...mostly
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2004-06-26, 01:14
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agreed, it just felt lacking
although angels dont kill is probably my 3rd fave CoB song
so heavy

2004-06-26, 01:52
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they played the new song at the sauna open air festival, and according to www.scythes-of-bodom.com its downtuned like angels and sixpounder and they already got a video for it.
If you look down on me you will see a fool, If you look up at me you will see your lord, but if you Look straight at me you will see yourself-Charles Manson
They mostly come out at night...well...mostly
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2004-06-26, 02:40
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i dont think cob would ever go punk...nothing they could ever do would make me hate them after hatebreeder was released...hate crew was an amazing cd and bed of razors is one of the best songs ive ever heard
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2004-06-26, 03:40
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I hate to burst some bubbles here, but speaking of Bodom, changing their style, here comes a news tidbit:
On the new e.p., they cover "She is Beautiful" from Andrew W.K..
Besides, Impaled Nazerene has punk feels for some songs. (I know Laiho's not with them anymore, but it's true.)
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2004-06-26, 03:49
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they did a good job with aces high, rebel yell was pretty good, shows he can do the clean vocals, silent scream.... meh i hate slayer solos. but she is beutiful, when i first heard that news last week i downloaded the song. i dotn see how the hell they can make that sound good. Something Wild, Hatebreeder and follow were all awesome albums. Hate crew was great for what it was worth, but it doesnt compare to its predocessors (sp). its too bad. heas a kickass guitarist. but i dontk now, anyone else see passage to the reaper? it was really nothing spectacular. arpeggios from hell, now that was a video. i was expecting something like that from Alexi.
If you look down on me you will see a fool, If you look up at me you will see your lord, but if you Look straight at me you will see yourself-Charles Manson
They mostly come out at night...well...mostly
Keep it simple stupid

2004-06-26, 03:52
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come to think of it he also did a side project with the singer of klamydia, werent they like a finnish punk band?
back to the new song... the site said it had heavy riffing and stuff so im a little reassured that it wont be too punkish. but im really not expecting this next album/ep thing to be very good
If you look down on me you will see a fool, If you look up at me you will see your lord, but if you Look straight at me you will see yourself-Charles Manson
They mostly come out at night...well...mostly
Keep it simple stupid

2004-06-26, 04:35
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by Anubis
On the new e.p., they cover "She is Beautiful" from Andrew W.K..
Ok, thats fuckin stupid  I really hate Andrew wk, i dont believe this shit. That news fades about 15% more of the respect points i had for COB. I think they should've stopped while they were ahead, this newer shit is somehow forcing me to not even listen to the great old stuff.

2004-06-26, 12:09
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The songwriting and track names on HCDR sucked enormous fat bovine testicles.
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2004-06-26, 16:09
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Originally Posted by timedragon
Now that new COB is the subject id just like to say that i was worried when heard Hatecrew. I think its terrible. I dont even care about them anymore but i still wonder how much more alexi will dissapoint me
totally agree with you there dude......i didnt like hatecrew deathroll at all exept for probably the song hatecrew.....which was probably coz it sounded like bodom in their previous albums.....ive also heard that Ale has quit the band????
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2004-06-26, 17:13
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wow, you guys don't like HCDR? i love that album, i think it's better than their stuff before. I think they tried to put more metal riffs, and i like it. Their last albums had more cheesy moments in it, and that's why i like this album better.
Last edited by atifman : 2004-06-26 at 17:16.

2004-06-26, 17:14
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how can you not like andrew wk, go to his website. hes the most upbeat person ive ever seen, hes like a puppy
and they did an AWESOME job with shot in the dark
dont hate something before you hear it

2004-06-26, 17:41
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Originally Posted by MetalMilitiant
anyone hear the new COB song? thrashed lost & strungout, im a little worried cuz it sounds kinda punkish
Judging a song by its title...
fucking retard
"Believe the word
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"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-06-26, 20:13
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by Transient
hes the most upbeat person ive ever seen, hes like a puppy
Thats a good thing??!! Maybe I shouldnt judge COB until i hear the cover but I have heard and, unfortunately, seen Andrew all that i needed to in order to decide that I fuckin hate his crappy band. Look at the fuckin album cover,(the one with him and some fake blood), how queer is that? And i can judge the fact that i think its completely stupid of COB to cover such a crappy band, regardless of how much they improved it. Shit, why dont they just cover slipknot, after all, they'll probably "do an awesome job"  Im not trying to be a dick to you, but this is how i see this situation.
Last edited by timedragon : 2004-06-26 at 20:15.

2004-06-26, 20:18
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What andrew wk song did they cover?? Hell if its anything like their other covers is should kick ass.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-06-27, 06:38
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I'm don't hate Andrew W.K. for who he is, but to make the same goddamn song over and over gets old really fucking fast. He's got the drummer (It may be someone else, but I think that's right) from Obituary and he still can't seem to amke anything that stands out.
Not my cup of tea, but then again, neither was the new Bodom album. It's alright, but I personally liked Hatebreeder about ten thousand times more. Besides, lyrically in the very least, Hate Crew Death Roll sucked ass like fucking Slipknot. Seriously, some of the worst lyrics I've ever heard.
Stand your ground behind the times
And refuse to follow fashion
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2004-06-27, 16:11
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Yeah all they play is party songs, shitty party songs.
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2004-06-27, 17:14
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yeah its don tardy from obituary

2004-06-27, 19:06
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Really??? Thats pretty cool. Ive only heard that Party Hard song, it kinda sucked 
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-06-27, 22:49
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by Anubis
to make the same goddamn song over and over gets old really fucking fast.
Everything ive heard from him/them sounded like the same shit repeating. And yes, they lyrics are so fuckin pathetic

2004-06-28, 13:45
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lets get a party goin lets get a party goin lets get a party goin lets get a party goin

2004-06-28, 15:11
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i can dig andrew W.K., his TV show is pretty good too, his musci is really upbeat, i think thats cool for someone to be doing that today, most groups are constantly bitching about stuf, or whining in emo's case, to have a band singing about partying and how great life is and shit, that impresses me.
back to the subject, i do like CoB's cover tunes, HCDR wasnt a standout album, but their old stuff is a tadger cheesy at times. i am intrigued to hear this song you speak of.
Too grim to function

2004-06-28, 20:18
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by Transient
lets get a party goin lets get a party goin lets get a party goin lets get a party goin
hahaha. yes, that. You guys dont find that rediculous??? Now that i think about it, I guess it can be pretty tough to write such in-depth lyrics 

2004-06-28, 20:38
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I like his TV show too. I like how he answers the peoples questions and stuff. It can be adequatly amusing.
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2004-06-29, 01:14
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ive never seen it...but i like the guy
how could you hate such a happy guy

2004-06-29, 23:14
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by Transient
how could you hate such a happy guy
I hate his music and lyrics. Lots of people are happy, that doesnt keep me from hating them.
Id like to ask a question for Atifman and Moonraven. What cheesy moments???!!! I have never found a second on follow the reaper to be cheesy. So please would identify a specific point of a song that you found cheesy. maybe then i could understand where youre coming from. If i had to guess ahead of time, id say its probably one of the parts i like. But theres no telling, yet. so please, explain

2004-06-29, 23:25
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Originally Posted by timedragon
I hate his music and lyrics. Lots of people are happy, that doesnt keep me from hating them.
Id like to ask a question for Atifman and Moonraven. What cheesy moments???!!! I have never found a second on follow the reaper to be cheesy. So please would identify a specific point of a song that you found cheesy. maybe then i could understand where youre coming from. If i had to guess ahead of time, id say its probably one of the parts i like. But theres no telling, yet. so please, explain
Hate Me, its so corny
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-06-29, 23:37
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by BLS
Hate Me, its so corny
yeah, the lyrics+title. But i think that song has some really nice parts: keyboards at 0:42, riffs 1:35 + 1:45..., and the solo at 3:38. When they say cheesy moments it makes it sounds as though certain riffs or keyboard lines are actually crappy. I really dont know, which is why i ask.

2004-06-30, 00:09
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ah come on guys, does all metal have to be cranky?

2004-06-30, 01:47
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Originally Posted by Transient
ah come on guys, does all metal have to be cranky?
Consider the fact that there is no genre called "flower metal" or "puppy metal".
Q.E.D., microbe!
far_beyond_sane - contributing to the moral decay of your children since 1982
"It was some kind of evolutionary glitch, she figured; no different than the other unreasonable side effects of consciousness and emotion, like religion and rap music."

2004-06-30, 07:53
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Will I get killed if I say that I actually like their newer stuff better than their older works?
Will I get killed if I say that CoB is actually one of my favourite bands?
Will I get killed if I say that I will probably buy their new EP?
Who cares about the lyrics anyway, the music is great, and they are Finnish, so english is not their best language.

2004-06-30, 14:38
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some of the keyboard and guitar work just sounds kinda cheesy to me, not that its bad, its just cheesy
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2004-06-30, 14:55
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Originally Posted by BrokenCrimson
Will I get killed if I say that I actually like their newer stuff better than their older works?
Will I get killed if I say that CoB is actually one of my favourite bands?
Will I get killed if I say that I will probably buy their new EP?
Who cares about the lyrics anyway, the music is great, and they are Finnish, so english is not their best language.
Not at all, i think we can all agree that CoB is one of the best bands to come out within the past 8 or so years.
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-06-30, 15:37
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i LOVE all of CoB. thats it

2004-06-30, 17:15
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Originally Posted by timedragon
yeah, the lyrics+title. But i think that song has some really nice parts: keyboards at 0:42, riffs 1:35 + 1:45..., and the solo at 3:38. When they say cheesy moments it makes it sounds as though certain riffs or keyboard lines are actually crappy. I really dont know, which is why i ask.
well not crappy, but corny
but yeah, COB has 2 good parts for each cheesy part
here's what i found:
Bodom after midnight: Verse part...that beat.
mask of sanity: chorus.
northern comfort: intro
i guess there' more i just don't feel like finding them. Alot of bands have cheesy riffs here and there. I like Cob alot though, but i happen to like HCDR better than follow the reaper.

2004-06-30, 17:21
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Originally Posted by atifman
well not crappy, but corny
but yeah, COB has 2 good parts for each cheesy part
here's what i found:
Bodom after midnight: Verse part...that beat.
mask of sanity: chorus.
northern comfort: intro
but i happen to like HCDR better than follow the reaper.
HCDR is alright...
The keyboard solos are alright for a while but quickly get very annoying, and you just crave a nice guitar solo. There isn't one solo on the cd that is very memorable for me, too much keyboards to distract from it.
Quite a few good songs though

2004-06-30, 17:27
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You telling me that the solo from Needled 24/7 isent memorable?? Or the solo from sixpounder??
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04
Last edited by BLS : 2004-06-30 at 17:30.

2004-06-30, 17:31
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you heard me

2004-06-30, 17:34
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Or the solo is Bodom Beach Terror?!!?!?
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-06-30, 17:44
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Originally Posted by ShredIsNotDead
you heard me
You can't win BLS. It can be memorable to you, but no matter how hard you try you can't MAKE it memorable for me, nor should you really care

2004-06-30, 17:46
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oh... but ive already won
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-06-30, 17:50
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go tell your friends

2004-06-30, 18:09
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bodom beach terror is a great name

2004-06-30, 19:51
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by atifman
Bodom after midnight: Verse part...that beat.
mask of sanity: chorus.
northern comfort: intro
yeah, i know what youre talking about. But i still dont agree fully. Except for the northern comfort one. Meh, we all got opinions. Speaking of mask of sanity, i think i love every part of that song, the solo is insane!
The sweetest solo ive ever heard is found on Kissing the shadows, its like the last two minutes or so, guitar and keyboards back and fourth, you know what im talking about. thats definately my favorite song for them.

2004-07-06, 03:39
Lo, they do call to me...
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i think its kinda cheesy also how they work bodom into half their fuckin song titles, that kinda pisses me off, like how they take an existing name, like living after midnight, put bodom in their in place of another word, and BAM, an instant song title, not very creative.
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2004-07-06, 13:21
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no way, its funny

2004-07-12, 07:03
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I would think some of their song names are cheesy, like a lot of them, especially on the new album, except for the fact that alexi isnt trying to be serious...Its not like his lyrics are heartfelt and he even says in interviews that they are definitely not his priority. Personally, I like the first 3 albums better than HCDR just because it seems like theyve made things less complex on HCDR. I'm not saying thats bad to make ur music easier cuz i listen to korn and musically, they couldnt suck more, but for Bodom, to me how hard their songs were made the music more intense for me.
Anyway, I still love HCDR, im just sayin its definitely my least fav of theirs...

2004-12-06, 06:10
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When I first heard HCDR it was nothing special to me. But the demo music video for their next studio release was AWESOME. It sounded like he went thrash deathmetal, which rules because that video was awesome.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2004-12-08, 15:45
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I like the Hate Crew DeathRoll, but i dont like the new song 

2004-12-08, 23:08
The Stings of Conscience
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Originally Posted by MetalMilitiant
come to think of it he also did a side project with the singer of klamydia
lol, who the fuck names their band Klamydia?

2004-12-08, 23:53
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A guy from Finland apparently.
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2004-12-09, 00:20
The Stings of Conscience
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Originally Posted by Anubis
A faggot from Finland apparently.


2004-12-09, 00:24
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COB is good. they may be cheesy at times but hey, to all effects, they are power metal and what would be of power metal without "cheesyness"?

2004-12-09, 00:54
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Originally Posted by timedragon
yeah, i know what youre talking about. But i still dont agree fully. Except for the northern comfort one. Meh, we all got opinions. Speaking of mask of sanity, i think i love every part of that song, the solo is insane!
The sweetest solo ive ever heard is found on Kissing the shadows, its like the last two minutes or so, guitar and keyboards back and fourth, you know what im talking about. thats definately my favorite song for them.
Fuck yeah that song rules, after listening to it 50 billion times i finaly had to learn it.

2004-12-10, 08:01
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the cover is actually better than the real song
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