2004-07-01, 18:51
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 137
over rated
You people seem to look towards Opeth as gods. Well I'm not denying their talent and all, but these guys are no gods.
My first complaint is that their songs are so exceedingly long that listening to them a couple of times leaves you forever bored of them. Secondly, they suck live. They tried to say jokes, all of which sucked, and their singer just sits on a stool. That is just borring in my opinion. I had more fun when i saw anal cunt live. I mean they are good, but they are no gods. Now morbid angel or slayer, or burzum can be considered gods of their genre, but opeth is not a god. In fact, I might as well come out and say it, they bore the living shit out of me, and I've hated them since seeing them live.
What else do you think is over rated?

2004-07-01, 19:08
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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ah ah ah, you seem to have mis-titled your thread. should have named it "Why i suck at music"
when i saw opeth mikael didnt sit on a stool
long songs are the only way to accomplish what they want to:set up a dense and atmospheric album. theres a lot more going on in their stuff (best example is the BWP album) than you seem to be picking up on
morbid angel sucks and are overrated as well
but what are you trying to accomplish with this thread? nobody cares what your opinion is, especially because you're new. this is gonna get locked

2004-07-01, 20:02
Join Date: Oct 2002
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when did you see them live, when they first came out? i saw them only a couple months ago and they sounded fucking amazing he didnt sit on a stool at all.
im not saying their gods either but they are fucking killer imo.
i really dont see how you can get bored of their stuff, its not like some numetal song where theres two riffs that get repeatid over and over, they almost never repeat a riff and the song structurs flow together so well
but whatever mr bloodredthrone...what a grim&necro name 
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
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2004-07-01, 20:45
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Shutup... no one asked you for your opinion.
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2004-07-01, 21:07
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: slaying all the giants
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maybe there isnt enough rapping in opeth for him

2004-07-02, 00:57
Supreme Metalhead
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Maybe he saw them supporting Damnation. Maybe they did a softer gigi or two. Either way, Bloodredthrone, I'll tell you what. When you can play like Mikael, AND sing, ALL WHILE STANDIND UP... You can start bitching.
I think Cannibal Corpse is overrated, and yeah so is Morbid Angel.
Morbid Angel had a few good albums, but then, meh...
Helloween and Cradle of Filth easily fall into the overrated column too.
Stand your ground behind the times
And refuse to follow fashion
Write your poetry in anger
And then sing it with a passion
Painted faces in a circus
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2004-07-02, 01:06
Legio Draconorum Orkian
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Originally Posted by Transient
nobody cares what your opinion is, especially because you're new
Hes not a whole lot newer than you. If you mean post-wise, youre averaging 12 posts per day. Youve been here like two months and you have 1000 posts. I still consider myself pretty new. and ive been here since January. anyway, enough bullshit talk.
I like Opeth
Overrated: six feet under, new dimmu, new satyricon, that fuckin andrew wk dammit! and just about every band on Uranium, etc.
"cannibal corpse, and morbid angel" yes.
Last edited by timedragon : 2004-07-02 at 01:09.

2004-07-02, 01:20
Senior Metalhead
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 137
They played with moonspell which disgusts me, and devil driver, coal chamber trying to be hard. I don't care if he's trying to set up an atmosphere, and I never said they were talentless. If that's the only way they can acheive music, is through boredom, then they suck in my opinion. This thread wasn't here to bash opeth but to explain why you think certain bands are over rated. By bashing Morbid Angel in order to establish your superiority over me, you have proven yourself childish.
'My band doesn't suck, yours does...na na na na.' Sorry I have different opinions than you, fanboy, but insulting me or my taste in music isn't going to prove your point.
Last edited by bloodredthrone : 2004-07-02 at 01:23.
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