2004-07-02, 19:56
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Shouldn't age limits for shows be on posters?
Me and my boyfriend picked up a flyer a month ago and literally drooled. It was for a "semi-underground" gig, Deeds Of Flesh, Astriaal, and 4 other, smaller bands were going to perform.6 hours of godless black/death metal. The price was great too. We inspected the flyer and then the bigger poster for an age limit notice, and there wasn't one. We assumed it was all ages, so we told a lot of people to come along to the gig because it would definitely be awesome and there is safety in numbers.
On the day, my boyfriend couldn't go, and he was pretty disapointed. Anyway, I waited for awhile, got in, paid, and THEN they ask me for ID. You see, I'm not 18. I'm 16 and a half. I hate age limits, but I'm not angry at that. I'm angry that I've spent a month anticipating this gig.I'm angry that I've wasted 3 hours of my life traveling. I'm angry that I had to go into an unsafe part of town and had to wait around people who were smoking and drinking(the bar was open). I'm angry they didn't want just to put a cross on my hand. Seriously, aren't they required to put age limits on posters by law or something?

2004-07-02, 19:59
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thats a great idea. sorry to hear you couldnt get in, my age hasnt stopped me yet though

2004-07-02, 20:02
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that sucks, you should really talk to the owner of the place or whoever made the poster. get some sort of justice or apology. 'cause 3 hours, that's a lot of gas money too.

2004-07-02, 20:04
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Its called giving fellatio to the bouncer. We've all had to do it one time or another.
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i'm so bonery

2004-07-02, 20:05
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yea that should be mandatory...maybe all their shows (the venue) have age limits in which case maybe it was posted on the doors of the place or something?
I have never ran into this problem thankfully and now i never will
age limits are for the young 
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
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2004-07-02, 20:10
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your ticket says the age limit one it.
"Believe the word
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And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-07-02, 20:14
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In my state they just passed a law saying that underaged people could work at overage places. Haha my vocab sucks but it's nice to know 18 year old strippers can work at a 21+ bar.

2004-07-02, 20:59
Master Killer
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eh. age limits are gay, we don't have them
it doesn't matter for me anyways.

2004-07-02, 21:07
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Well, I'm too honest (and broke) to slip money to the bouncer. It was pay at the door and I got stamped. Small venue. Underground gig.There's nothing posted at the doors about any age limits either.
Personally, I despise age limits ( stupid generalised standard yadda yadda how is a 17 and 354 day old any different from an 18 year old yadda yadda responcibility is not gained overnight blah blah most people are never old enough to drink, or drive or vote whine whine) but I live with them. I cried because I couldn't see Killswitch Engage and Soilwork because of the age limits but there is very little I can do about them, however, I didn't waste my time trying to buy a ticket because there was plenty of notice given that the gig was 18+.
I doubt I will get to talk to the people who designed the poster. They'll probably redirect me all over the place in circles until I give up and torch the place.
 ::::: Everything.

2004-07-03, 00:17
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place was probably a fucking dive in the first place.
Sounds like they didn't have good organization.
Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

2004-07-03, 00:28
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Originally Posted by BrokenCrimson
Well, I'm too honest (and broke) to slip money to the bouncer.
Who said anything about money? I said give him head dammit!
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2004-07-03, 00:30
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or punch him in the head...you pick which one
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2004-07-03, 01:33
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You have 3 choices!
A)Be an idiot,start a fight with the bouncer, die young and leave a good looking corpse.
B) Be a slut and give the bouncer head. His girlfriend was there.
C) Be like me, complain loudly, and walk away swearing so loudly sailors would blush.
I would not felate a bouncer. Why? I'm an innocent straightedge pacifist who just happens to like godless stuff.
...  .

2004-07-03, 02:03
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i ment a choice in which head, his dick head or the actual head on his shoulders
no one can tell you to turn down your amp unless they're of higher skill or in your band
Why not make shit up as we go-fox
Ok. You're literate, intelligent and funny-FBS
"Calm down, Edgar back in your cage"-far beyond sane
"you suck the cat-avatar-guy doesnt"-The Doc
Now My Legacy Shall Live Forever!!

2004-07-03, 04:36
Dog farts
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Too bad. Deeds of Flesh ruled live. NER NER.

2004-07-03, 04:45
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Originally Posted by BrokenCrimson
You have 3 choices!
A)Be an idiot,start a fight with the bouncer, die young and leave a good looking corpse.
B) Be a slut and give the bouncer head. His girlfriend was there.
C) Be like me, complain loudly, and walk away swearing so loudly sailors would blush.
I would not felate a bouncer. Why? I'm an innocent straightedge pacifist who just happens to like godless stuff.
...  .
You should be a slut, sluts are cool. 
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-07-03, 05:06
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its simple, if the gig is in a bar, you aint going to get in unless you have ID, as that is the law here in australia
you assume it is overage unless it states otherwise
there arent that many all ages gigs in Aus anyway, as the turnout from underage people is shit and pubs cant make money from beer sales
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-07-03, 05:12
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Here in Oregon there was one time at a bar where even if you were under twenty one you could go see the bands that were playing there.

2004-07-03, 05:20
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i have longish har, i have never been Ided while my hair was longer than my chin (i got IDed a couple of times last year after it was cut) which is probably just as well, as i look nothing like my ID pic anymore
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-07-03, 06:05
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2004-07-03, 18:35
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Meh, usually the official website of most bands tell you all ages or so is the "tour" section.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2004-07-03, 19:41
bugfucker strikes back.
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That fucking sucks. I would have complained, and if that failed, I would've paid off the bouncer.
And if I were a female, or M=L, i'd go for the fellatio. 
Originally Posted by Nihilist
The one time I go to check this thread, it mentions me getting fucked by a dude.

2004-07-04, 03:16
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Well, here in good ol' oshawa, if ur age ends with "teen" ur in if ur band is good...
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2004-07-04, 07:36
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I'd not felate the bouncer for a few reasons, and his GF was there. I had just enough money to get in and buy me a small piece of merch like a CD. What I had with me would never be enough to pay the bouncer off.
My boyfriend spoke to someone who got into that gig and saw me. TRANSCRIPTION OF THE CONVERSATION AS IT WAS RELAYED TO ME:
Dude: someone didn't get in, I got in before her and heard her complain. Damn the bitch was loud.
BF: Yup, that's my girlfriend.
Dude:....  Teehehee. 

2004-07-04, 08:40
Dog farts
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Off subject, but it is still a little relevant. Disgorge are CONFIRMED to be coming to Australia now. Too bad it'll be 18+ most likely.

2004-07-04, 08:49
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I fucking love the new Disgorge
And Dissection is just pissed that he can only get laid by his finger.

2004-07-04, 09:05
Dog farts
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Yeah, the new Disgorge is fucking godly.

2004-07-04, 09:18
Pirate Lawd
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Originally Posted by metal=life
And Dissection is just pissed that he can only get laid by his finger.
OMG  You didn't say that about him... Oh yes you did  I bet he could get everyone here in for free.

2004-07-04, 09:33
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Mayhem and In Flames are coming too, but it's very likely they'll be over 18 only. CRY CRY!

2004-07-04, 11:13
Dog farts
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Yeah.. and.. uh, Chimaira. :\

2004-07-05, 05:11
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Disgorge better have some decent support, im not going to be paying any amout of money just to see them
but i would rather them to Mayhem and inflames (as they are now)
"Press Ctrl+w to enter: The realm of Power Metal!" - a promise from johnmansley
Tonight on CSI: Blashyrkh -
(x.x) (> <)
Somebody has decapitated an innocent rabbit, can Abbath solve this crime before more innocent bunnies are hurt?

2004-07-05, 05:43
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Its hard to listen to Disgorge without Matty.
Check my band out:
i'm so bonery

2004-07-05, 07:01
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eh, Matti never grew on me for some reason...And I was very open minded listening to him.
Last edited by metal=life : 2004-07-05 at 07:15.

2004-07-05, 15:23
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Anybody ever heard of the unofficail band Evirus? Fuckin own, but 29th in october, in oshawa, at the dungeon, Cryptopsy,Divourment, And evirus are playin the whole fuckin night...it should own..but i still dun know if it is all ages... www.thedungeon.ca has nothin aboot ages...wtf is TBA..
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2004-07-05, 16:31
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to be announced
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-07-05, 23:15
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I'm glad I'm over 18 now  .
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2004-07-08, 14:06
Join Date: Jan 2004
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Originally Posted by BrokenCrimson
Mayhem and In Flames are coming too, but it's very likely they'll be over 18 only. CRY CRY!
dude...in flames is doing an all ages gig!!  i will be in brisbane the week that its on. AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHH
i would definitely suspect mayhem of being over 18 though. would like to see them though!

2004-07-08, 14:14
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but gettin back to the topic, we do have a very shit metal scene.
its no wonder we dont have many underage metal shows, had only 5 this year i think that ive attended.
this doesnt mean i like it  soooooo many atomizer shows being played and i aint seen one!!!!
meh, it wont get better 

2004-07-08, 17:20
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yeah by the time you're of age, atomizer will probably break up, heh

2004-07-08, 19:34
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In my town almost all the shows are all ages, It's mainly kids that support the scene.

2004-07-12, 18:48
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Ah fuck
Cant fuckin go to ozzfest this year
Fuckin sucks, judas priest and slayer have gotten back together, and now are playin at ozzfest 2004...BITCH!!
Kramer Vanguard
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2004-07-12, 19:14
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Ummm and the origanal Sabbath lineup...... but of course who cares about them.... 
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-07-12, 23:24
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Originally Posted by BLS
Ummm and the origanal Sabbath lineup...... but of course who cares about them.... 
O i fuckin hate u
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2004-07-12, 23:25
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"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-07-12, 23:27
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I wonder if they ever get sick of playing Ironman

2004-07-12, 23:28
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What do you think?? 
"Believe the word
I will unlock my door
And pass the cemetery gates"
"Dimebag" Darrell Lance Abbott
08/20/66 - 12/08/04

2004-07-12, 23:29
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i think I don't care

2004-07-13, 00:51
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I get sick of playing Ironman, and I never play it.

2004-07-13, 01:24
I am a tax on the world..
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Except when you're in orchestra or band and some prep cellist or trumpet player player it. Then I hate the song.
Man, I get real sweaty after I wack my dong. Yeah, cause I headbang while I do, and I can't really "Jump" (haha ) like VanHalen in a dorm room, so I just walk back and forth....haha a couple days ago I was jumping up and down on my bed, with my pants down and my roommate came in when I wasn't looking, hahaha.
This is my band's page

2004-07-13, 14:09
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Iunno man, teh iron man solo fuckin owns, of course there are nuch better solo's, but this one is cool, O, and the intro
1^ ^^0
always cool, but i still cant see them live!!!fack fack bitch shit cock suck fuck cunt shit ass bitch...fuck fuck mother fuck shit shit load bitch fuck.... 
Kramer Vanguard
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