2004-07-09, 05:06
Alumni Staff
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: The West.
Posts: 4,433
the way it works is in modules.... it's kinda like build-a-amp to fit your style best... you can have three fucking clean channels if you really wanted. or three all out brutal metal channels... they have origional randall modules or imitation modeling modules....
but it's actually a quality tube circut so unlike a line 6's digital recto setting, the randall recto module actually sounds somewhat like a recto.
each module is like a separate preamp... you can buy multiple modules and swap them whenever you want.
it's also midi controlable for rack geeks like myself....
and it has some thing where if a tube burns out or somthing, instead of your signal just being cut, it just excludes that tube.
i think it also allows the user to adjust the bias and everything, even allow you to change from stock el34's to 6l6's.
they also have a 50w version that allows two modules and a couple combo type ones....
then they also have a four slot preamp.... and the poweramp that is supposed to be used with it is beautiful... 6l6's on one side and el34's on the other... and youy chang change sides mid song via midi. so say you have the ultra module for a good modern gain sound with the crunch and zing of el34's then all of a sudden you switch to fender clean with 6l6 headroom.
i've always thought of randall as the guys that did decent s.s., but this shit is of the hizzook nig.
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